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SWTOR Servers Seem Unpopulated


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Look in the left hand corner of your screen, THAT is how many people on your server. The queues arent going anywhere for a few days until the new people get started on the new servers, THE END!


I'm pretty sure that is the number of people currently in the zone you are in, not the whole server.


EDIT: BlackRifle beat me to it :).

Edited by Svelok
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True story, is incredible, legions of lettow, 1500 queue, when i finally enter, i see absolutely noone when im questing, NOONE, and im in nar shadaa still on empire side. incredible.


this sucks, some friends of mine already uninstalled the game thanks to these queues (either play with friends or dont play at all so noone will reroll, if transfers were available we would all change tho) , the minute i have no friends to play with, ill do the same, and for now the card that is in my subscription has a limit of 1 euro, i wont change it if my playing experience doesnt get better.

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lol the sharding is a joke.... the game feels empty... people play mmo's for a reason stop defending this horrible mechanic fanboys.


If you're going to troll and call someone that, at least do it in a l33t type fashion would you?


It's Fanboi's.

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Look in the left hand corner of your screen, THAT is how many people on your server. The queues arent going anywhere for a few days until the new people get started on the new servers, THE END!


Wrong. That is how many people are on your planet... on your side. Does not include any other planets or the opposite faction players.


Edit: I pretty much just repeated what 5 other people said above me. Serves me right for not reading the whole thread I suppose.

Edited by Thaonnor
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this sucks, some friends of mine already uninstalled the game thanks to these queues (either play with friends or dont play at all so noone will reroll, if transfers were available we would all change tho) , the minute i have no friends to play with, ill do the same, and for now the card that is in my subscription has a limit of 1 euro, i wont change it if my playing experience doesnt get better.


Can I have your stuff?

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True story, is incredible, legions of lettow, 1500 queue, when i finally enter, i see absolutely noone when im questing, NOONE, and im in nar shadaa still on empire side. incredible.


this sucks, some friends of mine already uninstalled the game thanks to these queues (either play with friends or dont play at all so noone will reroll, if transfers were available we would all change tho) , the minute i have no friends to play with, ill do the same, and for now the card that is in my subscription has a limit of 1 euro, i wont change it if my playing experience doesnt get better.


What does the count on the upper left actually say? These planets are huge, 130 people on Taris last night with only 3 instances and I saw about 10 people in one map segment (which was too many, cause damn those mobs are MINE).

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lol the sharding is a joke.... the game feels empty... people play mmo's for a reason stop defending this horrible mechanic fanboys.


especially in cities it's a bummer. i like running around in heavily populated cities where the crowd is running from vendor to vendor and in chats there is a lot going on, etc.


here it is so empty.

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That number in the upper left is the amount of people in the instance of the planet you are in and there can be more then 1 instance of said planet you can also join groups of other instances by pulling up the map and on the bottom right switch your instance...


Never had an issue on my server with population... Nor a que longer then 30 minutes. Completed every group quest and flashpoint from the starting world, Dromund Kaas, Balmorra, Nar shaada, Tatooine... Now after that its sparse because Ive outleveld the majority of the server. 35 Powertech.

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There zones feel like ghost towns, i dont like it. It felt just about right during beta however



while its normal to see artificial low populations on server clusters for launch, its is not normal to see this low of populations per physical server/instance.



just gonna hope they are over reacting for launch and will pack us in a little tigher in a few weeks

Edited by ZEROUMUS
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Exactly what I've been saying! Chats are sooo dead. I hardly see anyone and it's currently "Very Heavy"!


Must be the zone you're in or something. Every time I play on my server I see plenty of people running around and tons of chat spam.

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I believe players would be moaning if there was players everywhere, because of increased lag, and downtime waiting for mobs, quests etc. to spawn. So I think this solution atm is fine with the phasing.



Although. I do like personally like when I see lot's of players running around, and the game feels alive. Instead of running around by yourself with your companion. Maybe the core empathize has been put on "Single player feeling" in a MMO.

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I prefer this. nothing ruins your gaming experience more than being a powerful jedi, sitting with 20 other powerful jedi waiting for one whomp rat to spawn so you cna all jump on it to get credit


This post puts things back into perspective...

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The Force is not strong in this one. That number is NOT the number of people on the entire server. lol That's the number of people in your particular instance on any given zone you are in.


LOL you are so right, I meant how many people are in your instance. I guess I have read so many stupid people's crying flame fests that I can't process words anymore. Maybe Bioware should hire real Bounty Hunters to just take out these people, I know I would take a few families for 6 months game time. Just send me their IP's I'll do the rest!

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There is a drop-down menu on the bottom right corner of your world map.



you mean the shortcut "m" map? there is nothing at the bottom right. can someone explain this to me?



[e]maybe there is only 1 instance. i had to wait 3 hours to log in, why are there only ~70 ppl in republic fleet? the hell?[/e]

Edited by GHeissi
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