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Everything posted by Ozena

  1. Ozena


    I agree. I want to go full out General Grievous.
  2. People took a day off from work to play ONE chapter? Which is how much game time? About an hour? So yeah,the guy you replied to was right.
  3. First off..you're a drama queen. Secondly,it's just a video game. To put this much thought,time,and effort into making such a ridiculously long post is sad. It's only a video game. Just ..wow....
  4. This isn't true. They have armor slots that you can use to customize their appearance.
  5. Why did you make it so that we can't toggle this annoying effect off? Seriously. Why? If I don't want to see that crap on my character I shouldn't have to. Restore the ability to toggle it off. WTH is wrong with you people?
  6. Why are you even responding to this post? It obviously doesn't pertain to you. Some of us find it annoying to have them constantly popping up all over the screen. Especially if you're playing a Concealment Operative that has absolutely no use for that cover system. I guess though,what you basically came here to tell us was that,if our opinion is not the same as yours then it is pointless and we have no business bringing it to the forums? That is what you said. Isn't it?
  7. It says "Your character will have completed all previous Story content". If that were true then my character should have his Darth and Lord titles,as those come with completing the Story content. And for those of you that are so uptight as to say "Well,you boosted,you didn't "earn" it". Ever consider that a lot of us have already played through the stories and would rather not do it a second time just to have the other AC?. It's false advertising. We should have those titles. Besides,think about it. You'd sell a lot more boosts by granting the titles with them, A lot of people refuse to use the boosts because they want their titles for RP purposes.
  8. You're not a tech. At least I hope not,after reading your post...
  9. The game doesn't have enough credit sinks imo. I'm serious. The Barber Shop should utilize in-game currency as a way of removing credits from the economy. Inflation is nuts.
  10. Or at least let us use our speeders inside them all or something. I agree,the amount of running in some of the spaceports is rediculous.
  11. I call BS. They are definately pulling in huge profit from this game. Not to mention SWTOR isn't the only game EA is making money on. lol
  12. Set your AA options on your card. You don't even need the option to be in-game in order to use AA. Geez people.
  13. We have Concussive. It is the same as Sage/Sorc CC. It could use a more noticeable effect/animation so people stop breaking it. Other than that it's fine.
  14. I've RE'd low level cannons into Blue and Purple.
  15. I dont think it really matters where the turrets are pointing. They start "ticking" when they are capped. The animations are just for eye candy.
  16. Alot of the animation differances you mentioned are an illusion. Sabo charge for instance..it looks like it takes longer because of travel time,but it lands before the global cooldown is up,so really it takes no longer than the other. Sorc also jumps in the air and lands when they do knock back. Thy actually jump up and do a flip before landing. The only one that seems iffy to me is Project. i like the spell animation tho,I think it's awesome. Someone tried to tell me the damage is applied instantly when you cast Project,but I disagree,I never see the enemy health bar move until the projectile actually hits them. Maybe give Sorc animation a slight delay to even it out? /shrug I know i'm rambling,I'm tired a nd not proof reading. =P
  17. Ozena

    This is PVP?

    The only incentive should be having fun. I don't care what "Rewards" there are,if it isn't fun I wont do it. Some of the most fun pvp I've ever experienced in an mmo gave no rewards. People did it for the sake of having fun.
  18. You CAN mark targets. Right click the mobs portrait and you can set target icons.
  19. You can already right click a name in chat to invite or ignore.
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