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Everything posted by dharh

  1. It's just another apparently badly designed move by Bioware. I wonder if whoever came up with this decision has ever worked on an MMO before this one before. Seriously just create a vendor and let us buy companion outfit packs for 0 or whatever small amounts of credits if they want a credit sink and be done with it. Seriously, those of us that logged in had to wade through not only our inventories being clogged with the first round of this crap but then had to wade through the mails and both of those I believe still had stuff missing. Like I seriously just do not understand their decision making on half of this stuff.
  2. I played EverQuest for pretty much a solid 15 years. Finally I just got burned out on the game and got really hyped on EverQuest Next. When EQNext pretty much died after SOE became Daybreak I just could't do it anymore. The game is still alive and well though. If more MMOs modeled some of their practices against how SOE did EQ maybe most MMOs wouldn't be so crappy. Nobody can keep playing the same game forever, but SWTOR is only like 4 years old. I'm not even sure I would rate as an Adult yet in MMO lifespans.
  3. It's not really meant to be a message to players, although sometimes people want to talk to other players about it. More often than not they want to let the Developers know why they are quiting possibly in a last ditch effort that maybe the Developers will change and do stuff that would cause the player to come back. People are emotionally invested in a game they play for years on end, don't begrudge them their outbursts of frustration just because you may disagree with them.
  4. That was probably the best argument I've seen on why the SWTOR reward program is so stupid. Also, almost everyone I've talked to pretty much says they are not staying subbed for months of zero content. Only 1/3rd of my gaming time is spent playing FFXIV yet I remain 100% subbed to them because: A) We get constant updates with actual content so I don't mind supporting them B) The reward program is locked behind days subbed and I like collecting those things Up till now I was 100% subbed with SWTOR since launch. I'm not going to do that anymore. I will play though the content and then in 1 or 2 years if the game is still around ill sub again to burn though what I assume with be content I can complete in like 1 or 2 months.
  5. Just got a 'Insensate Resistance D-Shield Generator' from a non crit. Yet another archive item that is useless, though at least this one was learnable.
  6. It was a crit, as yes it drop a purple. I guess regardless. Why the hell is such completely useless stuff dropping from crew skills? We are even getting wrong grade materials from missions. Seriously.
  7. I just got a Investigation crit. From that crit I got [schematic: Memory Combat D-Package]. Now obviously this an old schematic im sure some are familiar with pre-4.0. Now you might think that, it's an old crew skill so it will end up in archive, but at least it's learnable. However, Nope, this schematic is not learnable anymore at all. My character does not know this schematic already, is well above the required skill cap, yet is getting You Have Insufficient Skill Level. Your first thought might be, oh Dharh, you should double check your skill level. I have, it requires 200, I have 311 on that char. It is unlearnable. I don't even care if it's been removed and we should no longer be using it. My question is, WHY did my crit get wasted on not one but TWO completely outdated unusable schematics? Yes on that crit I got two unlearnable schematics.
  8. There should be challenging content every step of the way, if you want it. Not that it should necessarily interfere with those who 'just want to play' but those that don't want to have to grind from 1 to 65 just to finally have a challenge that they can't just brute force win.
  9. I think most sane people would like to see HM and maybe even NiM Heroic 2+. Perhaps even bring back 4 mans that don't even allow companions. Each with slightly better rewards. Some people might even settle for just a small extra bit of CDCs and greater change for the custom gear to drop. This of course would only work with Heroic 2+'s that are instanced, but I imagine that would be good enough.
  10. What is with this attitude? Are you some developer who's gotten burned by users yelling at you? Because as a fellow developer I don't like this attitude of telling users to the shut up and sit down while we high and mighty developers do real important work. He isn't asking them for minute details on code and processes. He's asking for _any_ kind of real communication. Even as simple as hey guys we know such and such is an issue, we hear you, we are working on it or this is working as intended, period. I doubt he would even care if it came from of an actual dev, and instead came via community reps. It's don't get what the fuss is with not saying a single substantial thing given all the issues going on, _except_ with the level 60 tokens which I agree was a must fix now deal.
  11. Really nothing would get me to PVP. PVP in MMORPGs have been always bad, horribly bad, always. I have never really enjoyed them because they are just not fun. If they could somehow make PVP like Destiny PVP or more like a League of Legends game then _maybe_ it could be fun, otherwise it's all just a serious waste of time that I won't partake in.
  12. Just give us the ability to set how difficult we want things. We have NM/HM flashpoints. Now give us HM heroics, give us HM story. Additionally give us the ability customize how good or bad our companion is, outside of just telling us not to increase their influence. I certainly understand if they want or feel the need to tweak companions for balance but I don't think they necessarily need to nerf them. I would rather they give us all the tools so we can experience the game the way we want to.
  13. Looks like the server is up now. So we _might_ be good for the night...
  14. Read this before saying 60% is too high a win rate. http://www.gamblersbookcase.com/Slots-Math.htm Whats more important than a high win rate to a casino is the % of the various types of wins. Even a 90% win rate for a casino is valuable to a casino because the jackpot is so rare.
  15. The flawed design of the original slot ratios aside, I think the real issue here is that Crew Skill Missions _suck_. Such a high time sink it turns players away who just want to play the game. The resulting high costs of the mats from players who are willing to spend the time and effort for profit make it hard for players with modest amounts of credits to afford much. It's just flawed design imo all around.
  16. Yes. The slot machine is now a useless vanity item. To give you some numbers. About half the time you get nothing, you have 0.1% chance at jawa junk, 0.05% chance at the certificate, 0.0001% chance at a mount. You could spend millions of credits and get near nothing of value and a minor amount of rep.
  17. I think this whole thing brings about the true thing that is broken with crafting. Crew Missions are massively broken and way too time consuming. Before the slot machine I had explicitly decided I would not waste my time on this massive time and credit sink. After the slot machine suddenly getting these before unobtainable items was possible. After this fix, again it will be a complete waste of time spending my credits on these items. Just to be clear, I don't believe people selling stuff at the previous highs on GTN were fleecing the market. Stuff was selling that high was because that is what the market will bear. Getting purple crafting materials is a massive pain. Its stupid how much time and credit you have to spend to get these things. The time and effort minus the undercutting is the price because that is the price. IMO the only valid point here is that Crew Skills _suck_ hard and are no fun whatsoever.
  18. Madden doesn't have a monthly/weekly patch that fixes bugs. Features and content don't get added monthly, you have to wait a year. Madden is also teeny tiny compared to WoW. WoW has better 'gameplay' but SWTOR has better story. WoW has more responsive PvP, I guess, but its still terrible. EQ didn't get stale so much as Gates of Discord/Omens of War drove everyone off. I still submit that WoW will be the only thing to kill WoW and the new expansion seems to be doing the trick.
  19. *** blue color. Anyway. 1) I think they meant to make it this way. An entirely new concept that we as players will either like or dislike. I eagerly await to see how it all goes because I for one really LOVE the fact that I actually for the first time ever have an actual indepth, in game, backstory to my character. But maybe that's just not enough for others. 2) There are alot of bugs it seems. but personally I've not run into any debilitating ones. Ability delay is certainly not debilitating for PVE. Also, im not anything more than a casual PVPer, though I must say, it seems to me im better than average for most any PVP warzones i've played thus far. I certainly do not care about open world PVP (I don't even want to play a game with such a thing). 3) /roll is in fact probably the only missing feature that really made me go, ***. I chalk it up to bioware just simply having zero experience in MMORPGs. Otherwise, LFG/D, the GTN aka AH, the UI, etc are all pretty much peripheral to everything else. Is the single player story good? Yes? Well then, I'm not sure why i should care about anything else. 4) PVP is going to take them a long time to get correct, if they ever do. It's not an easy thing IMO. And its niche. I can only really say that I've yet to hear about an MMORPG that does not have HUGE major complaints _all_ the time about its PVP. This is where we start to agree. This game has huge potential. Then again, so did SWG and it died horribly. So this STO, now its a mediocre mess. Rift? Now in the dustbin of MMORPG history. AION? lolwut? The history of MMORPGs is littered with the corpses of many.
  20. I kinda agree. LS/DS shouldn't have influence on freaking clothing/weapons. It should have influence on dialog, disposition of NPCs toward you, and possibly the ability to _buy_ LS/DS gear. But not to actually _wear_ it. They already have class/faction restricted clothing, *** else is necessary? That said, there are interviews already that have mentioned them adding stuff for neutral characters. So in the end, despite the fact that ultimately the restriction mechanic is kinda dumb you _will_ get neutral equivalent gear.
  21. First of all. The way in which MMOs work isn't even remotely the same as a console game such as madden. You can make a comparison on competition, sure, but you can't make a comparison on completeness. There is not a single MMO that has been released as in the same manner as a madden game. Madden may be the king of console football and WoW may be the king of MMORPGs but after that neither have much to do with each other. To compete with Madden is not the same as to compete with WoW. For one thing, Madden IS ALL ABOUT ITS FEATURES. It's realism to real football, its teams, its physics, etc. It's all about making it feel like you're playing/coaching a football season. MMORPGs on the other hand are about _many_ different things. Gameplay. PVP. Story. Features from one MMO to the other are almost trivial. Second, I daresay if Backbreaker made a game with the exact same features and everything as the latest Madden, they might actually be a success. But time and time again, MMOs that are as polished and having the same features as WoW fail to make any headway. Rift Failed. Aion Failed. You know whats going to kill WoW? WoW itself. Nothing else will do the trick. What killed EQ? CLUE: it wasn't WoW. Finally, SWTOR is not after WoW players. It's after Star Wars lovers, however many that may be. So far, its a huge success. Will SWTOR be a success in 6 months to a year? I don't know and neither does anyone else. What I do know is that I wont be going back to WoW because I never played that crap game for more than 3 months.
  22. ToT as far as im concerned is a meaningless feature that caters to people who want to look at _windows_ instead of mobs to figure stuff out, the same people that want combat info to show up in chat, AND the same people that want a bloody combat meter. I don't consider it a standard I find important. Focus Frame. Why.jpg? We can already see the entire bloody raid force in a window. Why do you need a focus? I play EQ, we don't have either of these and I am perfectly satisfied with that. Though we do have a ToT window, that I do not use. It would be nice if the UI was re-sizable yes. Do I consider it a make or break for release? Hell No. The Auction House AKA the GTN is pretty much the _only_ thing I actually agree with. One guy, with a decent amount of forethought (ME) could have come up with something better. As it is, not only is not efficient, it is actually broken in the features it _does_ have. PVP seems fine to me. I don't give two craps about open world PVP or open world PVP rewards. Sometimes, late at night, I despise people actually grow a ***** over being on leader boards. TL;DR: pretty much no, I do not think your list is a good standard feature set all new MMOs should have out of the gate.
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