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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Change 6 sec cap to 8 sec cap in Ancient Hypergates


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Agreed. I solo guard this all the time as dps and its not terribly hard. Don't stand anywhere near the point, you want to be far enough away where you cant get sapped and capped. Always have your location and inc ready in your chat for when you do get sapped I always assume there will be another one trying. I see most of the attempts close to the 30 sec left and if your team will win and the only way to lose is to get double capped usually someone will hang back for the extra defense.


This is really all that needs to be done. Just don't stand next to the node and you'll be fine. I've lost count of how many times I've capped at the end of a round because of a lone guard standing right next to the pylon (or in the pylon, do they think I can't see them?). Stealth mezz, start capping, they cc break, flash bang, cap, or stealth mezz, cap.


Neither of these are options if you sit out of stealth mezz range.


I'd like to add for pugs: if your team has mid under control, send a second guard for the last 40 seconds (or if you return an orb with under a minute remaining) and you avoid this whole problem.

Edited by ebado
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I think 6 seconds is fine because of how open it is on hypergate, to be honest I am not sure that you should ever leave one person guarding a node., I endjoy the different midnset it requires when attacking or defending.


One guard in any map is often an easy win for the other team if they know what they are doing. That includes the non stealth player just carefully walking to the node and capping while the defender, or defenders aren't watching all directions.


Though not as easy when your team decides that no one will defend and everyone leaves the node they hold.


If I am attacking the node and eveyone one has left well, the other team has made my day.


If I am on the team that holds that node, well then it depends what toon I am playing, if it is a healer and we have no other healers, do I stay and heal the players who deserted our node or do I give up healing and attempt to defend??

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I think the cap time on AH is fine. Peeps need to adapt to dealing with it.


What I don't like in AH is that we have the same 20s respawn door timer as every other WZ. Unlike the other WZs, the duration of each round in AH is very short and sweet. Just two focus-fired deaths in a round could easily take a player out of a match for nearly half the duration of the round, between getting stuck behind the door and running to an objective.

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Stand further away from the node so that it takes them time to walk over and cap. Should give you plenty of time to interrupt, assuming there's only one attacker.


What's stopping the capper from hitting Force Cloak or Cloak Screen to exit combat, mezzing you, amd to resume capping. At that point if you break stun, they can hit you with another 8 second CC from out of combat.

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What's stopping the capper from hitting Force Cloak or Cloak Screen to exit combat, mezzing you, amd to resume capping. At that point if you break stun, they can hit you with another 8 second CC from out of combat.


Well just about every AC has a 30m ability so I recommend not getting into melee range when defending. Anyways if you call out the inc right away when you get sapped or see someone starting to cap and unless your team is engaged in TDM usually you get back up.

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learn to guard properly perhaps?


had a guy in hypergates last night, guarding the pylon by standing between it and mid. he apparently forgot to either zoom out his camera, or to actually watch the pylon he was guarding, as i watched someone run all the way from the spawn to the pylon and cap it, without the guy even noticing. very annoying, even tho we still ended up winning

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Cycao told you foolz all that needs to be said


Mods, just close this thread now! /thread.


truth! People make the stupidest arguments like "BW should change X" rather than asking "how can I defend against Y?".


Also, some classes are better at node guarding than others.

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Now, now, I am sure the OP was stun-locked :D and could do nothing while it was being capped, even typing "stealther at pylon" or some such. :rolleyes: Besides, it it much easier to cry to Bioware to change the timer, than to learn to use the tools of his class to combat the stealther.
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People who play rateds know that sending people to sap cap against a good team usually equals a loss. Some tool said that if you have 2 people guarding node that mid is at a disadvantage is totally wrong. The 2 stealths go to your node you have 2 people guarding. So that even's itself out plus you have to assume that they have atleast one guarding there node so that leaves the team with 5 people who go mid. But my team who has 2 people guarding have 6 people mid so really speaking the team that tries to sap cap is at a disadvantage.


On a side note a sorc is an awesome node guarder on hypergate!!! Stand in the middle of node then keep your bubble on. He mezz's you pop bubble. He mezz's again and bubble is probably back up if you time it right and bam pop bubble again.

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No! I love the fact that my In-Stealth stun is the same length as what it takes to cap the Node! And my instant flashbang! Either way they're gonna have to use their CC Breaker at some point, but regardless when I see only 1 Guard that node is about to become ours.
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No! I love the fact that my In-Stealth stun is the same length as what it takes to cap the Node! And my instant flashbang! Either way they're gonna have to use their CC Breaker at some point, but regardless when I see only 1 Guard that node is about to become ours.

againts any defender with a brain a solo stealther WILL NOT take the node from a solo guard but most ppl are bad

Edited by iDraxter
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againts any defender with a brain a solo stealther WILL NOT take the node from a solo guard but most ppl are bad


Doesn't matter wether the Solo Defender is smart. It depends on the Class. The in-stealth stun is long enough to cap the Pylon, and if they break it my instant Flashbang is all that is needed. Either way the Pylon is gonna get capped.


But like I said, it's all dependent on the class. Say the Solo defender was a Sniper, they get stunned with the in-stealth stun. They can break the stun, go into cover and activate 'Entrench' (it's an in-cover ability that makes the Sniper immune to all stuns). So when the Stealther uses their 8-second stun it doesn't affect the Sniper at all, meaning the Stun-Cap has completely failed.


Granted it may take a smart defender to know to stand some distance away but regardless.

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Doesn't matter wether the Solo Defender is smart. It depends on the Class. The in-stealth stun is long enough to cap the Pylon, and if they break it my instant Flashbang is all that is needed. Either way the Pylon is gonna get capped.


But like I said, it's all dependent on the class. Say the Solo defender was a Sniper, they get stunned with the in-stealth stun. They can break the stun, go into cover and activate 'Entrench' (it's an in-cover ability that makes the Sniper immune to all stuns). So when the Stealther uses their 8-second stun it doesn't affect the Sniper at all, meaning the Stun-Cap has completely failed.


Granted it may take a smart defender to know to stand some distance away but regardless.


1)the smart guys-> will stay at 30-35 meters away from the pylon + behind or next to cover if i get sleep darted i don t even need to break because that guy has to walk shtloads till the pylon and by the time he s 3 seconds into capping i`ll be free at this point a flashbang = sht cuz CC breaker is still available, day is saved

2)the average->if u where around 11-20 meters u could break the CC but be sure u don`t get into 10 meters of the stealther so he can t flashbang u and instant try to cap, also he is tied up to the pylon he has to be close to it when he wants to use he s flashbang so staying out of his reach really fcks him up just don`t be stupid and get urself in a position to get flashbanged while keeping him close to the pylon, day is saved

3)the bads->sit on top of the pylon or within 10 meters of it.....yes this is a free cap to any stealther but not because the stealther is smart but because the guard is an idiot for positioning himself so retardedly then come on the pvp forum and post OMG 6 sec cap a stealth will cap againts a solo guard always!.....just no! thats not true a defender has the advantage in 1 v 1 scenario by the simple fact that the guy trying to cap has 0 COVER while capping


P.S. since u said it mattered what class the defender is i`ll say that only the marauder sentinel are most vulnerable because its the only class without a single 30 meters attack(leave leap out of this cuz u just put urself in the perfect position to eat a flashbang...then again....if ur at 30-35 meters it doesn`t matter because u will not need to break sleep dart just after ur free make 2 steps and leap cuz u still have ur CC breaker any other class can in fact use a 30 m range attack and not even have to eat a flashbang although it would be pointless for the attacker to still use it at this point

Edited by iDraxter
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Doesn't matter wether the Solo Defender is smart. It depends on the Class. The in-stealth stun is long enough to cap the Pylon, and if they break it my instant Flashbang is all that is needed. Either way the Pylon is gonna get capped.


But like I said, it's all dependent on the class. Say the Solo defender was a Sniper, they get stunned with the in-stealth stun. They can break the stun, go into cover and activate 'Entrench' (it's an in-cover ability that makes the Sniper immune to all stuns). So when the Stealther uses their 8-second stun it doesn't affect the Sniper at all, meaning the Stun-Cap has completely failed.


Granted it may take a smart defender to know to stand some distance away but regardless.


you are wrong on so many levels I won't even go into details, someone above me already done it anyway.

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1)the smart guys-> will stay at 30-35 meters away from the pylon + behind or next to cover if i get sleep darted i don t even need to break because that guy has to walk shtloads till the pylon and by the time he s 3 seconds into capping i`ll be free at this point a flashbang = sht cuz CC breaker is still available, day is saved

2)the average->if u where around 11-20 meters u could break the CC but be sure u don`t get into 10 meters of the stealther so he can t flashbang u and instant try to cap, also he is tied up to the pylon he has to be close to it when he wants to use he s flashbang so staying out of his reach really fcks him up just don`t be stupid and get urself in a position to get flashbanged while keeping him close to the pylon, day is saved

3)the bads->sit on top of the pylon or within 10 meters of it.....yes this is a free cap to any stealther but not because the stealther is smart but because the guard is an idiot for positioning himself so retardedly then come on the pvp forum and post OMG 6 sec cap a stealth will cap againts a solo guard always!.....just no! thats not true a defender has the advantage in 1 v 1 scenario by the simple fact that the guy trying to cap has 0 COVER while capping


P.S. since u said it mattered what class the defender is i`ll say that only the marauder sentinel are most vulnerable because its the only class without a single 30 meters attack(leave leap out of this cuz u just put urself in the perfect position to eat a flashbang...then again....if ur at 30-35 meters it doesn`t matter because u will not need to break sleep dart just after ur free make 2 steps and leap cuz u still have ur CC breaker any other class can in fact use a 30 m range attack and not even have to eat a flashbang although it would be pointless for the attacker to still use it at this point


you left out one thing though, the imba concealment OP. If he sees he can't cap smartly he'll just take down an average defender in a rotation and cap before backup arrives :D Fortunately they are rare. They can really make a solo guards day bad- but then again, ideal is to not have solo guards.

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you left out one thing though, the imba concealment OP. If he sees he can't cap smartly he'll just take down an average defender in a rotation and cap before backup arrives :D Fortunately they are rare. They can really make a solo guards day bad- but then again, ideal is to not have solo guards.


I thought about trying this yesterday on my scrapper in sub-50. Saw a low level sorc guarding, but scouted the area and for some reason, I was standing still about 25m away and I suddenly could see a stealth assassin standing about 10m to the left of him. I don't know why I was able to see them.


So; I just ran up, sleep darted the assassin, shoot first on the sage, then disappeared and went on to fight elsewhere, looking back as I went to see them scurrying around and dropping AOEs. I don't know why I was entertained by that.

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you left out one thing though, the imba concealment OP. If he sees he can't cap smartly he'll just take down an average defender in a rotation and cap before backup arrives :D Fortunately they are rare. They can really make a solo guards day bad- but then again, ideal is to not have solo guards.
if he tries to burn u down the only thing u can do is use ur cooldowns/medpack/CC and lure him even further away from the pylon this way u buy lots of time even if u die u we re never ment to win the duel Edited by iDraxter
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