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James Ohlen: "Makeb is not an expansion"


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It is fairly immoral to charge sub fee from glorified content patch. By adding an artifical lvl cap on top of it, they ensured everybody who'd like to stay involved with end game of TOR has no option to skip it. This is highly immoral. Check my signature.

Betting my account details, credit card included there was NO plans to increase lvl cap with Makeb. That thought only erntered their mind when they realized expansion itself lacks any desireable enough quality for significant majority to buy it.


I'm pretty sure the level idea was added as a paywall with the idea to sell it as an adventure pack rather than a free content patch.

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Could I have your account and credit card details please?


Level cap increase announced in same video as Makeb. What else would they have filled 5 levels with? Flashpoint dailies?


Yay for someone else paying my creditcard bills from now on!


They also annouced new op, new companion and a new wz in the same video as makeb.

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They also annouced new op, new companion and a new wz in the same video as makeb.

Well yeah, but his claim was there was no plan for a level cap increase with Makeb. The video proves differently quite clearly.

And, as I said, where else would the level cap increase come from if not a new planet? Flashpoints? Also, merely countering his claim it was never in the same plan by making clear both Makeb and level cap increase were announced at the same time. Both were being considered at the same time. So claiming it was never planned to be released the same time and being willing to bet on it, is just not very smart now is it?

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Well yeah, but his claim was there was no plan for a level cap increase with Makeb. The video proves differently quite clearly.

And, as I said, where else would the level cap increase come from if not a new planet? Flashpoints? Also, merely countering his claim it was never in the same plan by making clear both Makeb and level cap increase were announced at the same time. Both were being considered at the same time. So claiming it was never planned to be released the same time and being willing to bet on it, is just not very smart now is it?


Well tbh you could ask "what end-game content will we have with the new level cap? lvl 50 ops?"

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Trouble is I would imagine that makes it more difficult to justify getting VAs back to do class story content and /or any companion interaction because hiring someone for a day to record companion interactions for a whole chapter of class story is easy enough to justify hiring someone to voice 2 lines is significantly more difficult.


Unless of course they work really far ahead but my understanding was that F2P doesn't have that kind of long term aspect to it.


Well, I would think that voicing a chapter is probably nearly a day's work. Plus they can use the person's time to do voice for various NPC dialogues.


I think it may depend on how much money RotHC brings in. Planning future shorter chapters could be possible and voicing them in advance would not cost that much extra up front when the expectation is that they will be released and be profitable, the storylines are going to be one of the first things that get decided to scripting the dialogue should be possible.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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So they worded it wrong big deal. It is only $10.00. I like to look at it as an adventure pack which for only 10.00 is about right. A fully fledged expansion will be around $30.00 to $40.00. Why are you guys still complaining about this. You don't like it then quite simply don't buy it.


Well said, sexy avatar btw! ;)

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It's amazing how perspective on money vs. value can be pretty drastic.


Quibbling, whining, whatever over the gall of BW to charge $10 for anything extra? I don't know what it is where you are, but here the price of a regular movie ticket is $10.50. That's for a ~2 hour movie. Done. Don't see a whole lot of complaining about having to fork over $10 every time you want to see a movie, even if it ends up sucking arse.


Now think about how many hours of entertainment you get out of SWTOR, especially if you are F2P. So for the price of one single movie going experience, you are getting a whole new planet, quests, 5 more levels to advance, a new ability skill, plus more that will surely well exceed 2 hours of play time. Yup, ripoff!!! Screw BW and their greedy ways!


Frankly, I don't even go to the movies much anymore unless it is some big blockbuster IMAX affair. So IMO, my monthly TOR subscription is well spent. I enjoy playing TOR. I spend a lot of time playing TOR. I want to continue spending time playing TOR. The only way that is going to happen is if BW continues to make money to sustain and develop the game(just running servers and maintenance is quite expensive). So if that means having to make concessions(albeit pretty minor) for things like the cartel market or charging for added content, so frakking be it.

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$10 here, $10 there and soon you will have to pay $10 every time you want to login

But hey, that would still be $10:rak_03:


There not gouging ... but their charging. :rolleyes:


*sigh* ...


I see your point. Did other MMORPGs have level cap raised in "adventure packs"?


If not, EAware is sending "mixed messages" and once again shows it does not understand the language of the MMORPG industry. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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I see your point. Did other MMORPGs have level cap raised in "adventure packs"?


Not on any of the ones I played, (WoW & LoTRO being 2 long running examples that have had multiple level increases). In both those games level increases came in what were termed "Expansions" and you needed to pay to get them.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Go to 5:07


So they said it themselves - this is NOT an expansion. Looks like bioware is just trying to see if we are willing to pay for a patch, as long as it has a fancy name attached to it. Looks like we are, but hey, people are paying $18 for recolored stuff on cm, so why not


And they you wonder why people don't trust bioware :rolleyes:


inb4 ninjadelete and/or infraction


That was an old video interview, and i wonder why people think they know how business works all of the time.


Plans change, they were toying with the idea of releasing it without an expansion, and he spoke before info was final, there is nothing more to it.


This is why they dont speak on features/changes made to the game before they are final, because someone along the way is going to respond with "**** Bioware LIED to us", when in reality they didn't, someone spoke out of turn, and the plans changed.


It has a level cap increase, new features that arent announced yet, a continuation of the story, that is an expansion, whether you want to QQ about it or not. It is being sold for 1/4 the cost of a normal expansion, you should be happy, but people in today's society seem to know how to do nothing but complain, so i can't blame you personally, i blame the people who raised you, as they should have taught you better than this.


inb4 "biodrone" or "fanboy" or infraction for not agreeing with everyone that wants to bash Bioware.

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Back in July of 2012, I was at a local Chili's restaurant. I was very hungry. And I ordered a quesadilla appetizer. I proclaimed to all within earshot that Quesadillas were my absolute favorite food.


In February of 2013, I changed my mind. Hot wings are my favorite food.

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Back in July of 2012, I was at a local Chili's restaurant. I was very hungry. And I ordered a quesadilla appetizer. I proclaimed to all within earshot that Quesadillas were my absolute favorite food.


In February of 2013, I changed my mind. Hot wings are my favorite food.





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This is why they dont speak on features/changes made to the game before they are final, because someone along the way is going to respond with "**** Bioware LIED to us", when in reality they didn't, someone spoke out of turn, and the plans changed.



And the funniest part is that people still wonder why Soon™ is their usual answer. lol

I sometimes wonder what the average age of swtor's player base is. If it's close to 12 it makes perfect sense. If not...well... there are some serious issues.

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This is a blatant "shoot the messenger" statement. There is no causal linkage in your argument ( or lack there of ).



Looks at non-smoking gun in hand /shrug


I don't recall shooting anyone.


There are many people like the OP that like to jump on every little detail game developers say and hold them to it to the point that the developers are 'afraid' to say anything.


I for one say let them speak more, let them make mistakes, and in the end you will get what is coming to you

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Back in July of 2012, I was at a local Chili's restaurant. I was very hungry. And I ordered a quesadilla appetizer. I proclaimed to all within earshot that Quesadillas were my absolute favorite food.


In February of 2013, I changed my mind. Hot wings are my favorite food.


Hot Wings are our friends.Glad to see you came over to the light.:eek:

I think Shale should be added.Would make a great Tank.:eek::eek:

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It has a level cap increase, new features that arent announced yet, a continuation of the story, that is an expansion, .


New features that have not been announced? Given the history so far contet expectations have been straight forward


The continuation of story, not really. It's two stories; one rep and one imp

Not too fun when you have 8 Imps

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New features that have not been announced? Given the history so far contet expectations have been straight forward


The continuation of story, not really. It's two stories; one rep and one imp

Not too fun when you have 8 Imps


There is an overarching story to the game beyond the class stories. This continues that. Therefore "a continuation of the story" and not "a continuation of our class stories".

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There is an overarching story to the game beyond the class stories. This continues that. Therefore "a continuation of the story" and not "a continuation of our class stories".


This is why I am leaving the rest of my toons behind when the new content comes


The main story is the same as any side quest


Just my assassin

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This is why I am leaving the rest of my toons behind when the new content comes


The main story is the same as any side quest


Just my assassin


That is going to suck with alts, because you play the same story over and over. I am ok ditching the class story and adding a more "group" oriented quest line.


I don't like the solo instancing that is currently in place were I have to leave behind a friend if we are questing together, or he can join as an spectator. I don't think is in the spirit of Star Wars (movies) were we always see storylines that involve a group.


BioWare nailed the story telling with Mass Effect, but I think they have to innovate a little more with SWTOR being an MMO.


Not complaining, I have massive respect for what they did for the 8 different stories + side quests. But I wouldn't be mad if they added a little bit of more randomness while questing

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Paid more that 10 bucks for Fallout/Skyrim DLCs and played them about 10% as much as I play Swtor... No biggie for me


Yeah, but I suspect the DLC won't last that long. Think about it. How long did it take you to clear Belsavis (doing every non-Heroic)? 3 Hours? 4 Hours? I guess if you add Side Missions + Class Series + Main Series + Bonus Series + Datacrons + 100% Map you get what 5 hours? So that's 5-6 hours/toon for most of us. I guess doing it 3+ times makes it sort of worth it, but those better be some really good stories - if they are poorly written or voice acted I shall become WRATH INCARNATE.

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Yeah, but I suspect the DLC won't last that long. Think about it. How long did it take you to clear Belsavis (doing every non-Heroic)? 3 Hours? 4 Hours? I guess if you add Side Missions + Class Series + Main Series + Bonus Series + Datacrons + 100% Map you get what 5 hours? So that's 5-6 hours/toon for most of us. I guess doing it 3+ times makes it sort of worth it, but those better be some really good stories - if they are poorly written or voice acted I shall become WRATH INCARNATE.


You seriously think you are going to level from 50-55 in five hours?

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