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Quitting Warzones: Working as Intended or Exploit?


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I'd just like to get some official word on this topic, so please someone from BioWare fill me (and everyone else) in: When people quit warzones because they don't want to stay on a losing team -- is that a permissible use of the Quit Warzones feature and therefore working as intended and something that BioWare supports? Or is quitting a warzone an unintended consequence of that feature and therefore an exploit of the game code since it gives players an unfair advantage over other players?


I think everyone deserves an answer. Do you at BioWare think that quitting warzones, thereby screwing over the people in the warzone because you've left them shorthanded for a time and, far worse, screwing over whoever is at the top of the warzone queue because when someone quits, the top of the warzone queue gets pulled in to that loss, if that is something you folks at BioWare have no problem with and have no intention of addressing.


Otherwise, if it is an exploit, when are you going to start penalizing people for using it?

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Ok so let me gett his straight: you think that quitting a warzone is an exploit done on purpose to screw people over and that Bioware should penalize those who quit or leave an active warzone match?


Yeah I got a buggy computer that very often kicks me from Civil War and Voidstar if I am defender first because a loading screen gets stuck on my computer and makes me blind. Do I deserve to be punished for whats not even my fault?


Or what if someone has to go away from keyboard or go offline? Should they be punished for not wanting to leave a team with a member not doing anything?


This is not an exploit, playing a warzone and leaving, even if its a losing match, means you don't get your comms, valor, credits, or experience and you think that people would purposefully want to NOT get their rewards is not something that players would want to do. What you are suggesting, no offense intended, is not good thinking. I can't possibly think of a way leaving a warzone match is an exploit. Can anyone else?

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If you prevent people from leaving, you'd quite likely end up with half your team not trying, at least now they rage quit and there's a chance someone better takes their spots. Edited by anwg
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If you prevent people from leaving, you'd quite likely end up with half your team not trying, at least now they rage quit and there's a chance someone better takes their spots.


If you prevent people from leaving they just won't queue up. Nobody is going to be happy if they're forced to "play" a game. Honestly I'm stunned that people still do queue up, especially as solo queue. Must be a lot of masochists.

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gimme a reason to stay in a wz u are not having fun


So, what you are saying is that everyone should just quit once they know they are going to lose? Or is it only you who gets to quit?


If there is nothing wrong with quitting warzones, I'd like someone who holds to that opinion to explain why everyone should not just quit and end every warzone early.

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Quitting a warzone is a feature not a exploit. People quit for many reasons if you don't like quitters find a good pvpers and que with them and you will win more. The Devs will never block people from leaving even if there was a punishment it would be as effective as wow was people still left loosing games. It was so in effective they lowered it from 30min to 15 min. Because it just slowed down ques for every one.
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Warzone Quitter Thread #89256239043



If people spent more time learning to play instead of posting Warzone quitter QQ threads, there will be a reduction in people leaving. The answers are simple


A) Gear up.

B) Learn to play


I will always leave a warzone if I seen idiots who don't call inc, don't fight on then nodes and it gets ninja capped or who don't actually come to help when you DO call inc. The game is littered with stupid people who should really stay playing the Sims.

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gimme a reason to stay in a wz u are not having fun


maybe because you are just wasting peoples time. how would you like to be on the other end of that constantly? If you arent having fun go with friends or guildmates, dont take it out on complete strangers and by all means stop queing you crybaby

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A) Gear up.

B) Learn to play


What's it mean for an under-50 to gear up? And where else are new players supposed to learn to play?


I've been keeping track on my Imperial toon since I started him. I'm now level 43. In all of the losses I've played:

  • 50% had people who quit, averaging 2.25 players per game
  • One quarter of those losses were games I got pulled into late because someone quit
  • Only 25% of the losses saw the same eight players through the whole game


That's some pretty pathetic numbers.


All the same, I don't see why people see a need to defend quitting so vehemently. We all know what is going to happen. I've asked BioWare to clarify what the company's stance is on this, and NO ONE is going to respond. BioWare is as gutless as the quitters are. So, their silence is tacit approval of quitting warzones, whatever they think within their own closed ranks. BioWare is giving the quitters carte blanche to do as they please. To me, it's rather amusing given the recent notices about how they are in the process of cracking down on exploiters. On Prophecy of the Five, I've had two different people speed hacking in warzones on my side and you know what? It did not stop them from sücking one bit. They were just terrible at a faster speed.


So I guess quitting warzones because you can't own up to how bad you sück as a team player is going to be allowed. If BioWare chooses to say nothing, fine -- I'd advocate that EVERYONE quits as soon as you feel a loss is certain. Why bother letting warzones go the fully allotted time? Besides, you'll be denying the opposite faction commendations and probably some standing in the ranking system by intentionally stopping warzones before they can build some meaningful stats.


If quitting works fine for one of us, why should we bother letting a warzone go past the first minute?


I'm sure people out there have tips on when to quit and, since it will probably be endorsed by BioWare through their silence on the issue, I'll keep a list of people who quit warzones I'm in and publish their names and guild names so people who want to learn from them know who to contact.

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This is how it goes... join wz... inspect players- if there is more than 1 that does not fit a certain profile (e.g. they are in leveling greens) insta quit. Otherwise start wz. During wz I only leave if the enemy caps a node and 2 or more players instantly drop out. I won't stay either because by the time we get a replacement the chances of winning are getting too low anyway.
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gimme a reason to stay in a wz u are not having fun



- you want to carry your responsibility to your team. Maturity. Dignity. Discipline.

- You know that when you quit the Warzone you damage the existing teams chanses to win.

- you know you bring another person in to the Warzone in your place and he/she will not be able to influence to the outcome of the game from the start and many times is brought in in a situation where his/her team is allready loosing. Which is unfair and caused by the quitter.

- you know sometimes those who come after quitter are left with no ex, comms etc.

- you know that those who came after quitter loose their place in queue which they joined to participate in a match from the very beginning.

- you acknowledge that in MMO games your behaviour can reduce other peoples "fun" factor. Quitting Warzones does that.

- And finally you don't want to crow up to be a selfish brxxk who uses other people for your "fun" and not careing jackxxxt how bad it makes other people feel.


Any of these ring a bell?

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If you prevent people from leaving, you'd quite likely end up with half your team not trying, at least now they rage quit and there's a chance someone better takes their spots.


I don't want to prevent them leaving.


I want them not to be able to que up before they have suffered the 15 min game time Deserter debuff what they should get for leaving the other players in bad situation and do this intentionally. Apologies for people with unstable computers.

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Last night Novare, got 3 capped out of the gate. 3 people quit the zone. We eventualy win with the replacements. Let them leave. Its fine.


You already get penalized for leaving a zone you get no valor comms or credits.


I wont leave while the match is underway. But if I see 3 people with 16k or less health or no expertise. Im out before it starts.

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I'd just like to get some official word on this topic, so please someone from BioWare fill me (and everyone else) in: When people quit warzones because they don't want to stay on a losing team -- is that a permissible use of the Quit Warzones feature and therefore working as intended and something that BioWare supports? Or is quitting a warzone an unintended consequence of that feature and therefore an exploit of the game code since it gives players an unfair advantage over other players?


I think everyone deserves an answer. Do you at BioWare think that quitting warzones, thereby screwing over the people in the warzone because you've left them shorthanded for a time and, far worse, screwing over whoever is at the top of the warzone queue because when someone quits, the top of the warzone queue gets pulled in to that loss, if that is something you folks at BioWare have no problem with and have no intention of addressing.


Otherwise, if it is an exploit, when are you going to start penalizing people for using it?


Question: Why would it be an exploit? What other possible reason could there be to use the "Leave Warzone" feature other than to leave the warzone? Once they do leave do you really care why?


In what way would it be an exploit? It doesn't provide the quitter with an unfair advantage in the same way that forming a premade doesn't provide an unfair advantage. You're free to leave too.


I understand you don't like quitters but trying to call it an exploit is quite a stretch.

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I don't want to prevent them leaving.


I want them not to be able to que up before they have suffered the 15 min game time Deserter debuff what they should get for leaving the other players in bad situation and do this intentionally. Apologies for people with unstable computers.


it says if they have left or disconnected when a player leaves the WZ.

so i totally agree with quiters getting a debuff.

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