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im not so sure i understand why LBGT people are obsessed by this . im a great beleaver noone can help there sexual orientation and humanity must live in peace with all its possibilities . but


but why do you allways make an issue out of something that nobody talks about till a LGBT person brings it up.

seriously half the intolarance is brought on yourselfs by trying to ram what should be a deeply personal and private matter down other peoples throats

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im not so sure i understand why LBGT people are obsessed by this . im a great beleaver noone can help there sexual orientation and humanity must live in peace with all its possibilities . but


but why do you allways make an issue out of something that nobody talks about till a LGBT person brings it up.

seriously half the intolarance is brought on yourselfs by trying to ram what should be a deeply personal and private matter down other peoples throats


Why do others make it an issue when someone wants an LGBT option/version of something that already exists? I understand why it hasn't been implicated (resources and whatnot), but someone wanting something for themselves out of something that already exists is not 'ramming a personal matter down other peoples throats". There are already character/companion relationships in this game, people just want more options.


Also, is it me or do opponents to this sort of thing have an odd fascination with things being shoved down throats...

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but why do you allways make an issue out of something that nobody talks about till a LGBT person brings it up.

seriously half the intolarance is brought on yourselfs by trying to ram what should be a deeply personal and private matter down other peoples throats


So much this^^^^^

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im not so sure i understand why LBGT people are obsessed by this . im a great beleaver noone can help there sexual orientation and humanity must live in peace with all its possibilities . but


but why do you allways make an issue out of something that nobody talks about till a LGBT person brings it up.

seriously half the intolarance is brought on yourselfs by trying to ram what should be a deeply personal and private matter down other peoples throats

Because a double standard still exists by which parts of everyday life that are culturally accepted and taken for granted as "normal" for straight people are "paraded," "flaunted," or "ramming your beliefs down my throat" when gays do the same things. For the most part, LGBT folks are just aiming for the same rights as everyone else.


Is it flaunting one's sexuality to have a picture of one's cross-gender spouse on one's work desk?

Is it forcing one's beliefs on others to invite them to a straight wedding?

Is it gross, "get a room" territory when two people of the opposite sex hold hands or kiss in public?


In my experience, people simply tend to notice far more -- and often allow far less leeway -- with same-gender relationships.

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Because a double standard still exists by which parts of everyday life that are culturally accepted and taken for granted as "normal" for straight people are "paraded," "flaunted," or "ramming your beliefs down my throat" when gays do the same things. For the most part, LGBT folks are just aiming for the same rights as everyone else.


Is it flaunting one's sexuality to have a picture of one's cross-gender spouse on one's work desk?

Is it forcing one's beliefs on others to invite them to a straight wedding?

Is it gross, "get a room" territory when two people of the opposite sex hold hands or kiss in public?


In my experience, people simply tend to notice far more -- and often allow far less leeway -- with same-gender relationships.


most people are to busy with there own lifes to notice a same sex couple .yes there are violent folks who target gays but thats not unique . nasty people are nasty

my point is you have me a person very accepting of all lifes differances not understanding why minority groups create issues that nobody but them notice and cause problems for thereselfs cause the rude and ignorant pounce on it .

as for parading your LBGT , get over yourselfs your not special snow flakes . you are entitled to respect as any human being is but stop feeling entitled to special treatment


and again your sexual preferances should be personal to you and remain private with your prefered partner . thats no brainer really

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most people are to busy with there own lifes to notice a same sex couple .yes there are violent folks who target gays but thats not unique . nasty people are nasty

my point is you have me a person very accepting of all lifes differances not understanding why minority groups create issues that nobody but them notice and cause problems for thereselfs cause the rude and ignorant pounce on it .

as for parading your LBGT , get over yourselfs your not special snow flakes . you are entitled to respect as any human being is but stop feeling entitled to special treatment


and again your sexual preferances should be personal to you and remain private with your prefered partner . thats no brainer really


*Emphasis in Quote Mine*

Okay dude, your straight privilege is showing... (and since I'm throwing the P word, I'll point out that I'm hetero myself)... LGBTs have never asked for special treatment, they just want equal treatment, and they do not have it and never have (at least not since Roman times, if even then)


Check out this video. It shows a world where most everyone is gay (and yes, it does take children into account without using Sci-Fi.) and then straight people are treated like LGBT people are in the real world. Watch it and maybe you might understand better when you see the whole situation reversed.



Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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most people are to busy with there own lifes to notice a same sex couple .yes there are violent folks who target gays but thats not unique . nasty people are nasty

my point is you have me a person very accepting of all lifes differances not understanding why minority groups create issues that nobody but them notice and cause problems for thereselfs cause the rude and ignorant pounce on it .

as for parading your LBGT , get over yourselfs your not special snow flakes . you are entitled to respect as any human being is but stop feeling entitled to special treatment


and again your sexual preferances should be personal to you and remain private with your prefered partner . thats no brainer really


I agree...as soon as the same standards are applied to straight relationships.


Why is bioware forcing straight sexuality down peoples throats by having straight romances in game?


Why can't NPC's just keep it to themselves? Why do those overbearing special snowflakes have to mention that they have husbands/wives?


Gawd, this game is practically a porno, what with all those pervy straight characters flaunting their sexuality everywhere. :rolleyes:

Edited by jovianus
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most people are to busy with there own lifes to notice a same sex couple .yes there are violent folks who target gays but thats not unique . nasty people are nasty

my point is you have me a person very accepting of all lifes differances not understanding why minority groups create issues that nobody but them notice and cause problems for thereselfs cause the rude and ignorant pounce on it .

as for parading your LBGT , get over yourselfs your not special snow flakes . you are entitled to respect as any human being is but stop feeling entitled to special treatment


and again your sexual preferances should be personal to you and remain private with your prefered partner . thats no brainer really

Well there's a textbook example of straight privilege if I ever saw one.

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as for parading your LBGT , get over yourselfs your not special snow flakes . you are entitled to respect as any human being is but stop feeling entitled to special treatment

Are you talking to me? Because I'm actually straight and cisgender -- and I don't feel entitled to special treatment that disenfranchised minorities have to fight for.

and again your sexual preferances should be personal to you and remain private with your prefered partner . thats no brainer really

I'm sure the LGBT community will be happy to comply as soon as all heterosexuals do the same.

7. Please do not discuss real world politics or social commentary. We know that this is a sensitive issue for some folks, and we ask that you do not bring in political or social commentary about this topic.

I appreciate that, but it's difficult to discuss the reasons why SGRs are scarce on the ground in TOR without a cultural frame of reference.

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Let's get off this "privilege" derail and get back on topic, please. Stop hijacking this thread to turn it into your own soapboxes, people.


Bioware, heterosexual female still waiting for same gender COMPANIONS. This "fling in every starport" thing you're pushing is all well and good, but I'd like to see some long-term options integrated into the class stories in addition. While you've got the voice actors in for expansion content just record a few lines for existing companions then add the dialogue, codex entries, and mission updates as needed. Then, give us access to a Companion Mission reset feature.


Before anyone considers affection farming exploits remember Black Talon, repeatable dailies, and most of all gifts. If it's still a concern, just make the option open up a duplicate chain of companion missions that don't award affection. :)

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Bioware, heterosexual female still waiting for same gender COMPANIONS. This "fling in every starport" thing you're pushing is all well and good, but I'd like to see some long-term options integrated into the class stories in addition. While you've got the voice actors in for expansion content just record a few lines for existing companions then add the dialogue, codex entries, and mission updates as needed. Then, give us access to a Companion Mission reset feature.

My search fu fails me. Have they said anything recently (say, within the past year or so) about adding new companions at all? There was so little class story content in the last expansion that I wonder whether new comps are even on the radar.

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My search fu fails me. Have they said anything recently (say, within the past year or so) about adding new companions at all? There was so little class story content in the last expansion that I wonder whether new comps are even on the radar.

They have not said anything about new companions at all. And I don´t think new companions would be a good solution since they are not integrated into the PC´s story for the longest part of the story, not to mention it would be a one-size-does-not-fit-everyone solution when all eight classes only get the same possible love interest (Theron and Lana as non-companion plot important NPCs work the same way planetary flings worked before him even if they have way more dialoge than your average quest giver) .


As far as changing existing companions goes Jeff Hickman´s two year old statement :

"Topic #4: Same Gender Romance: Any news on this front would be great… Answer: First of all, I want to apologize that this is taking so long to get in the game. I realize that we promised SGR to you guys and that many of you believed that this would be with a companion character. Unfortunately, this will take a lot more work than we realized at the time and it (like some other pieces of content we talked about earlier in the year) has been delayed as we focused on the changes required to take the game Free-to-Play. As we have said in the past, allowing same gender romance is something we are very supportive of."

seems to be the last word on the topic. The new recorded lines from possible romanceable companions (and some others who got regularry requested to be LIs like Zenith or Talos) for the expansion gives me a small amount of hope that at least the audio was done and that companion SGRA´s will come this year as part of a 3.x patch.

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7. Please do not discuss real world politics or social commentary. We know that this is a sensitive issue for some folks, and we ask that you do not bring in political or social commentary about this topic.

I APOLOGISE . i should have stayed away from this thread. clearly what i have to say is not welcome . kinda odd being silenced

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My search fu fails me. Have they said anything recently (say, within the past year or so) about adding new companions at all? There was so little class story content in the last expansion that I wonder whether new comps are even on the radar.


I've been under the impression that the last Bioware reply in this topic was one of the most recent replies on the matter. I wonder if EA is getting in the way somehow? "Make SGR purchasable in the cash shop." "No, that's counter-intuitive and overly clunky." "If you can't squeeze money out of it then you can't waste resources on it." It could be two very different companies at odds in how they approach game design. I doubt there are any politics involved whatsoever, as we all know EA is run by the tried and true business standard of "whatever makes the most profits and keeps the shareholders happy" and Bioware is far from shy about same gender romance companions.


Which tells me they probably face technical and financial constraints. I'm sure they have a list of priorities, and SGR would almost certainly take back seat to bug fixes, new quest content, raid tiers, things like that, and may be considered less important (read: less profitable) than new playable species.


But I'm hopeful. They said they want to be more story driven in the future, which tells me they'll have companion voice actors recording more conversation fluff. I like to think that while they're at it they'll include, say, romanceable Zenith or Theron (I'll wrassle Holiday if I have to) and some same gender romance options to existing popular companions. If they're going to be more story driven and happen to be recording more companion dialogue I can't imagine a few extra lines to existing dialogue/companion missions would be very costly at all to record, and can be implemented on an "as we have time" basis, like one or two per content update.

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I have no problems with this in any way, if people want male/male female/female or male/female in a game, it should be their own way to play SWTOR, perhaps a different choice at the create a character stage, where we choose how we play the character, that may give us different options of chat at certain times of the game for the character.


I also have seen in real life that more men would rather watch female/female and male/female than male/male but to each their own preference. The only thing i would want if BW puts this in is that no openly flashy people, i think you know the type, but beyond that , i am all for this

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I have no problems with this in any way, if people want male/male female/female or male/female in a game, it should be their own way to play SWTOR, perhaps a different choice at the create a character stage, where we choose how we play the character, that may give us different options of chat at certain times of the game for the character.


I also have seen in real life that more men would rather watch female/female and male/female than male/male but to each their own preference. The only thing i would want if BW puts this in is that no openly flashy people, i think you know the type, but beyond that , i am all for this


This may surprise you, but more than just men and more than just straight people play this game, and Bioware has repeatedly stated that there will never be a sexuality toggle option. The world did not end and massive numbers of players did not unsubscribe when male player characters received flirt prompts with Lord Cytharat and Theron, and female player characters received flirt prompts with Lana.

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Adding to my previous post here regarding making current romance options into SGRs....


Instead of resetting companion dialogue, they literally could just ADD the affection-based missions so that on patch day when you step onto your ship BOOM! Mako wants to talk to the female hunter, for example, and mentions she's always kinda sorta maybe had a thing for her. The hunter can then respond with "Wow, really?", "Yeah, I kinda knew.", or "Not interested." You can shoot her down, play stupid because somehow you didn't notice this chick that's been sharing your ship and misadventures for what is presumably several years didn't have feelings for you, or admit you knew but didn't bring it up. Make these options only appear for the conversation once you've progressed to a certain point well into her story, otherwise the generic romance dialogue slightly tailored to female instead of male player is what you get.


See? It's not hard, expensive, or unwieldy to add a handful of affection missions that can be tacked onto the end of a completed companion and still make sense AND integrate them seamlessly into the class story/companion arc for both players who have already finished the companion story and players who have not and anyone in between.


Alternatively, open up previously not-fully-romanceable or not romanceable at all companions to SGR. Make Zenith and Theran available and fully romanceable. Make Pierce romanceable. Make Jaesa romanceable light AND dark and SGR. If they don't want to turn existing love interests into SGR then at least give us Zenith, Pierce, Theran, etc.

Edited by eldefail
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The thing that saddens me most about this whole thing, is this thread is shy of 400 pages, 4000 posts, and over 400,000 views... but the last dev response that had anything to do with the topic, and not just policing the thread, was on 03.26.2013, and was entirely vague and not very helpful...


A little PR would go a long way


Just having a dev take 5 minutes out of their day to give us some sort of update would mean a lot to folks here i'm sure, but its the fact that if you take the number of replies of about 10 pages worth of this forum, it does not equal the amount of replies of this one thread, and still we get nothing but a couple "play nice" posts...


sad panda

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But they are adding SGR to swtor. That's hardly them ignoring the issue. And the play nice posts sent a sign off ignoring either, as if they were not taking notice of it, the posts that were being offensive would not have been taken down.
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Please tell me this change is retroactive. (So that even though I gave Pierce a "special assignment" I can tell Jaesa that I'm in lesbians with her.)


I don't have a source on hand but I'm 99% sure they've said that they won't be retroactively adding SGRs to current companions.

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But they are adding SGR to swtor.


And Half Life 3 is coming out soon too i'm sure


That's hardly them ignoring the issue. And the play nice posts sent a sign off ignoring either, as if they were not taking notice of it, the posts that were being offensive would not have been taken down.


all threads are policed for offensive stuff, it doesn't mean they are paying any more attention to this thread than any of the dozens of pointless threads whose sole purpose is to *****/troll/attention whore


I'm just saying 5 minute to give us SOMETHING would go a long way

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