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    Pacific Northwest, US
  • Interests
    Hiking, biking, camping, fishing, archery, and sometimes hunting.
  1. I'm playing through the story in chronological order, and was sad to find out that the breadcrumb quests to send you to certain bonus series were removed, as well as some (but not all) of the planet-side flashpoint breadcrumbs that send you back to the fleet (e.g. Athiss breadcrumb on Nar Shaddaa, and Cademimu on Alderaan). Was also sad that with the heroic quests on planets I don't have an option anymore to hand in those quests at the quest giver like you used to be able to, so all of that dialogue is just cut and missed out on. I don't mind at all giving players the option to hand them in instantly and skip all that dialogue to save time for those who want that, but what about for those of us who are just playing story/RP and only want to do each heroic once and hand it in at the quest giver? It seems odd to me that on the one hand the developers make all these decisions which cut against what many people want/expect from an MMO in order to give the story players more creative choice/freedom (e.g. unlinking combat styles and class stories), and yet with the other hand remove all these neat little story elements to make things more accessible for the more traditional MMO players who are, for example, grinding heroics. Like, why can't we have both on the few points I outlined above? There was no reason to remove the breadcrumb quests or heroic dialogue. Don't mind giving people shortcuts and allowing it to be skipped, but don't make it totally inaccessible! :( Also, one minor quality of life suggestion I have (and I don't know why this was never implemented before), but when a quest has a bonus quest associated with it either grant the bonus quest to the player immediately so they won't accidentally miss it, or otherwise put some kind of indication in the quest log what the bonus quest is so the player knows its there at least. Also - please restore a lot of the bonus quests that were removed?? A lot of them can be locked behind the 'exploration quests' so, again, not sure why they were gutted in the first place?? All I'm asking is for the developers to restore content which: (a) already exists; and (b) anyone who doesn't want to do it can completely skip. This literally will not effect anyone who doesn't care about or want to do this content, but it will be a nice thing for those of us who do want to do it but now can't because it was removed for no reason. [Posted on behalf of u/-Caesar because I am in complete agreement. ]
  2. 1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall? I find it enjoyable. It's getting better with each season, overall, with the pacing and available objectives. 2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far? I don't really have an opinion on the companions. Or most companions, for that matter. They could stand to be more unique, gameplay-wise. 3. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track? I intensely dislike the reduction in awarded cartel coins. I had planned on doing galactic seasons on 4 servers, but once I realized the coin rewards were reduced by half I lost motivation to branch out to other servers. I actually played a lot more when I thought the reward was worth the time. Since it isn't, I log in twice a week now. I get why it was done, but it doesn't change the fact that a significant motivating factor for me to log in daily for this season...isn't really there anymore. 4. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less? I think the breadth of objectives each week is pretty good. A little bit of everything. 5. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete? I've completed the prior seasons. I usually use my cartel coins from the rewards track to buy more GS levels. Question 3 already outlines my opinion on the changes here. 6. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy? Honestly, since I mostly just level alts and do story, I'd like to see more options each week for just playing missions or classes. Seems like I don't see "complete missions as X or Y origin" often enough. 7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons? Not digging the rep achievement going away when the season ends. I have 0 interest in grinding this out, but I do feel for players who tried to because they actually want it but for whatever reason didn't get it. Let people who are willing to continue grinding that rep get the achievement for doing it, imo. It seems oddly petty and spiteful to time gate it in a game that looooves to bring back old rewards all the time.
  3. I got kicked for not contributing while my repair drone were actively healing teammates and my railgun sentry drones/seeker mines were damaging enemies. It doesn't matter if you're contributing, people are abusing it or there's a bug not counting drones as contributing.
  4. Just happened to me today. I use a bomber with repair/railgun sentry drone and sentry mines. I set up a little nest, drone are healing/damaging people left and right, and I recieved a message that I was vote kicked. I had a warning that I was not contributing, my drones were damaging other players, I was absolutely contributing. I then zone out of the match and had a message that I was vote kicked.
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