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Best player on shadow lands? In pvp!


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Maod this is Gage,

Try not to trash the Dark Jesters name so bad seriously. We have some good people I swear! Daemmon is my buddy back from highschool. I kicked you last week or two weeks ago because you were pissing everyone off I wasn't reading the whole thing but you weren't being a good guildie. Crystal and the rest all agreed I did the right thing and we didn't replace the 4th spot. Just wasn't fun playing with you and they got that, even got a whole bunch of the other people in on the conversation. Point being you need to start being a better guildie very hostile behavior.

I don't believe you hit 800k regularly seeing as even great players rarely do that regularly.


Most importantly, if you are hitting that hard you aren't worried about winning or losing. Hitting hard over objectives means we have a better chance of losing. I choose not to smash as many targets as I see just the healers/dps I am targetting. If there is another nearby sure I'll get him in the aoe too but there is a point where doing more damage is hurting the game. I've hit 1.4 mil once by smashing everything I can see but that won't win us the game. That 2 seconds of stunning the guy so I can get the door wins us the game. Pretty much every win or loss in SWTOR comes down to 10 seconds of gameplay. Either you are there or you aren't. If you spend the whole time doing damage in the mid you aren't playing properly no matter what the scoreboard says you weren't a key player in that game. Ask yourself, did you make a difference in winning the match. If the answer is no I just ran in the mid killin' fools you probably didn't do too much to win unless it was a really easy enemy team.

If you were essential to capping the point, turning the game in your favor, stunning the guy while your buddy caps, whatever then you are a great player. The damage/heals helps ;) Being essential to winning is always better than that guy that does so much damage hanging out at mid, even if that is a lot of damage.


Annnnyyywaaaayyyy next time you trash talk, talk about dueling me or Daemmon or whoever, actually do what you mean and say what you do. I get in this matches and people ask why I'm in Dark Jesters because some members have given the guild a bad reputation apparently. Don't give them a reason to talk bad about my new guild buddy! We have good members but some are obviously louder than others.


Don't be that guy,

-Smash guy that knows that winning the game is more important than breaking 1 mil. And yes I can and have.


That's good and all but your essay was suppose to be 12 point font, times new roman. And double space. You will be lucky if that gets you a C-.

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That's good and all but your essay was suppose to be 12 point font, times new roman. And double space. You will be lucky if that gets you a C-.


I have no idea how Crystal and them put up with you but I'm willing to bet you are on thin ice. Unless you make some attitude adjustment I doubt you'll be in Dark Jesters for long.

Edited by Gene_Kurabe
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Maod this is Gage,

Try not to trash the Dark Jesters name so bad seriously. We have some good people I swear! Daemmon is my buddy back from highschool. I kicked you last week or two weeks ago because you were pissing everyone off I wasn't reading the whole thing but you weren't being a good guildie. Crystal and the rest all agreed I did the right thing and we didn't replace the 4th spot. Just wasn't fun playing with you and they got that, even got a whole bunch of the other people in on the conversation. Point being you need to start being a better guildie very hostile behavior.

I don't believe you hit 800k regularly seeing as even great players rarely do that regularly.


Most importantly, if you are hitting that hard you aren't worried about winning or losing. Hitting hard over objectives means we have a better chance of losing. I choose not to smash as many targets as I see just the healers/dps I am targetting. If there is another nearby sure I'll get him in the aoe too but there is a point where doing more damage is hurting the game. I've hit 1.4 mil once by smashing everything I can see but that won't win us the game. That 2 seconds of stunning the guy so I can get the door wins us the game. Pretty much every win or loss in SWTOR comes down to 10 seconds of gameplay. Either you are there or you aren't. If you spend the whole time doing damage in the mid you aren't playing properly no matter what the scoreboard says you weren't a key player in that game. Ask yourself, did you make a difference in winning the match. If the answer is no I just ran in the mid killin' fools you probably didn't do too much to win unless it was a really easy enemy team.

If you were essential to capping the point, turning the game in your favor, stunning the guy while your buddy caps, whatever then you are a great player. The damage/heals helps ;) Being essential to winning is always better than that guy that does so much damage hanging out at mid, even if that is a lot of damage.


Annnnyyywaaaayyyy next time you trash talk, talk about dueling me or Daemmon or whoever, actually do what you mean and say what you do. I get in this matches and people ask why I'm in Dark Jesters because some members have given the guild a bad reputation apparently. Don't give them a reason to talk bad about my new guild buddy! We have good members but some are obviously louder than others.


Don't be that guy,

-Smash guy that knows that winning the game is more important than breaking 1 mil. And yes I can and have.


Ya, Dark Jesters are a lot nicer than people make them out to be. Its guildies like maod who give the guild a bad name. Such a shame.

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Funny enough I hopped on mumble and they said they already kicked you.


Funny thing is....I quit. But you can believe whatever the tell you. It's all good. You guys deserve each other. Nice guild. Just not the best in warzones is all. And I don't want or need that. Not my problem anymore. See ya in game...

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Most importantly, if you are hitting that hard you aren't worried about winning or losing. Hitting hard over objectives means we have a better chance of losing. I choose not to smash as many targets as I see just the healers/dps I am targetting. If there is another nearby sure I'll get him in the aoe too but there is a point where doing more damage is hurting the game. I've hit 1.4 mil once by smashing everything I can see but that won't win us the game. That 2 seconds of stunning the guy so I can get the door wins us the game. Pretty much every win or loss in SWTOR comes down to 10 seconds of gameplay. Either you are there or you aren't. If you spend the whole time doing damage in the mid you aren't playing properly no matter what the scoreboard says you weren't a key player in that game. Ask yourself, did you make a difference in winning the match. If the answer is no I just ran in the mid killin' fools you probably didn't do too much to win unless it was a really easy enemy team.

If you were essential to capping the point, turning the game in your favor, stunning the guy while your buddy caps, whatever then you are a great player. The damage/heals helps ;) Being essential to winning is always better than that guy that does so much damage hanging out at mid, even if that is a lot of damage.


Comming form the guy who tunnels me and talks smack in /say :rolleyes:

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ya but churbs actually a good player.....so its kinda different.


Too bad you really are talking out of ignorance still. "Oh everyone in game is better than Maod,, blah blah blah" bahahaha no one takes you seriously. Leave this thread. You are worse than pugs.

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To set it straight, Churb > Maod, even if their attitudes are equally as bad.

- It's also super confusing who is posting, is it Churb? Is it his lover? Is she just getting a kick? Who knows - it's a mystery, but it is so damn cute. <3


Maod you are not as good as Gegitzufsdklarwi (spelling?) either. But, you do put numbers up that show you are not a complete no name. If you would just back away into the shadows and get better you may be respectable at some point.


To matter at all, and really to even legitimately be considered as the best player, you need to make a dent in ranked. Unranked play is cool and all but ultimately the best players are those that do the best when they play in games that are designed to truly test all aspects of your game.

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Churbs a good player? Excuse while I put affliction on him to make him run across the map to hide and heal himself.


Pretty sad you cant kill me 3 v 1 with all the roots and snares in this game. Only time you got me was when your 4th guy was on me as well rofl. Inferno = Dark jesters

Edited by hobrogaming
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I do find it quite funny to read various posts from folks and then wind up in Mumble / TS / Vent and in a WZ or two with them. Most are actually a pretty cool cats (no, I don't mean cathar, lol) to chat / WZ with and all the boasting is just in fun...as in we're playin a game, ya know. I have only come across a few really mean folks, and those types tend to move on from swtor.


As for me, I proclaim Torman / Cornan as the absolute, topnotch, bestest average regular WZ player, period!


If I'm killin you in a WZ, it doesn't mean you're that bad, but it don't mean you're that good either! :rolleyes:

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I do find it quite funny to read various posts from folks and then wind up in Mumble / TS / Vent and in a WZ or two with them. Most are actually a pretty cool cats (no, I don't mean cathar, lol) to chat / WZ with and all the boasting is just in fun...as in we're playin a game, ya know. I have only come across a few really mean folks, and those types tend to move on from swtor.


As for me, I proclaim Torman / Cornan as the absolute, topnotch, bestest average regular WZ player, period!


If I'm killin you in a WZ, it doesn't mean you're that bad, but it don't mean you're that good either! :rolleyes:


I've played with you, and against you. You give yourself too much credit :p



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Alexandra is one of the better sorc healers on the shadowlands. Very excited when I get her/her on my team.


Yes. Faunt/Alexandra/Fauntleroy is one of the best healers on this server, regardless of which class he's playing.

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Always suspect when someone posts with no signature... Fauntleroy meet, Fauntleroy.


I think Fauntleroy is a good player, but could really use a chill pill. He/she raged without any provocation.

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