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Everything posted by Getzeitzuu

  1. just go to the website you usually go to
  2. I'll play if someone buys me a mouse and gives me account information for an account with a level 55 juggernaut or sorc.
  3. We only leave the fleet ~three times a month, but when we do, we know how to have a good time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16TiZ4f8uWY Shout out to the Pubs who fought back and even tried raiding the Imp base. Shout out to the one Pub who came Imp side to cry and call me names. Shout out to Vanessa Carlton. Sup girl.
  4. Aside from money, friends, and apathy, there is stability here. At least for us, we weren't stable enough in terms of players for ranked and summer schedules to risk the move right when transfers came out. Now, having seen Exitium fall to pieces and even ID lose a couple of key players, stability and having the people you want to play with in your guild seems to be > pot5.
  5. Pretty rad of you to talk **** to a group that is legit trying to get into ranked, right after they give you a real shout out. Hey, if we're all lucky, you can do this to everyone until people stop queuing!
  6. The video I promised. Ranked against Wook: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKqYVuWtVsg
  7. That's a passive aggressive way to get yourself added. Sorry, didn't know you still played on this server. Thanks for the heads up about Fuzzy. Added Roshii/Snowfox and removed Fuzzy. Added Totenkrieger ALSO, Streamers: If you want me to list what times/days you typically stream, just post in this thread.
  8. I mean, you only really only need 4 sets of gear, right? Just throw set bonuses aside and get 72's, or go 2/2 piece bonuses in pvp when you can and wear full mara gear for warriors and full assassin gear for inquisitor. You'll lose some set bonus stuff, but you can PVE WELL with full 72's and no set bonus and pvp well with full conquerer min/maxed. Just need 4 sets of pve and 4 sets of pvp gear.
  9. Shout out to KFT, Death Smile, and Woops for funnnn games tonight. AND MAINLY TO WOOK, FOR THE FUNNEST: http://i.imgur.com/UJAMmpc.jpg youtube footage coming soon.
  10. Fadera told me kft queued last night. We'll be queuing if we get the people on tonight. A lot of us had real life yesterday
  11. Shout out to Stand and Bamacare for filling in tonight for ranked when we couldn't get 8. Two great players!
  12. Stuff has been dying too fast recently.. Wtb talented healers on enemy teams in regulars
  13. Very cool. I was in Deus Vox myself. Look forward to pvping with/against you guys!
  14. Looking forward to another guild queuing ranked. And this: What top-progression wow guild are you guys from?
  15. ya'll wampas posting in a kwak thread
  16. Since the maintainer of the last thread has transferred servers, I will maintain a new list of PVP/PVE streamers and video content creators. Post in this thread with your link and I'll add it to OP. I've added the people I'm sure are still playing on this server who had info in the last thread. Alphabetically: PVP Streams and Youtube Channels Cayl: http://www.twitch.tv/cayltheamazing Charlie/Thundah: http://www.twitch.tv/charliesan Cottonheaded: www.twitch.tv/theninnymuggins/ Getz: http://www.youtube.com/user/GetzSWTOR Shadowclone: http://www.twitch.tv/tdt_shadowclone Spurs: www.twitch.tv/hando101/ PVE Streams and Youtube Channels Fargos: http://twitch.tv/darkened_fire Nibbon: www.twitchtv.com/nibbon_knobbin/ Sekket: http://www.twitch.tv/sekket/old Snutch: http://www.twitch.tv/adamezie Totenkrieger: http://www.twitch.tv/totenkrieger75 Yørk: www.twitch.tv/guy_gamer/
  17. nope. you're the first
  18. you promised you would write "-cayl" when you posted. You promised.
  19. Ahhhh I get it. This is what I get for reading forums on the drive from Indy to Peoria. And yeah, I now am remembering that we lost a huttball, won a huttball, and lost that really long civil war. They may have lost one earlier that night before I got home from work. I heard something about a disconnect vs. Penetration
  20. If you're referring to us as the ringer, we were like 3-2 against wanted the last time I was able to play ranked on Wednesday. Hardly farming the server.
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