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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What % of pre-orders do you think....


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Ah yes the herd instinct... corporations love it. :D


Oh no! That means....nothing.


You're just the beast that follows further behind. And usually those are the ones that get eaten. :p


You can have fun feeling like a special snowflake, I'll have fun playing a video game with my friends. If I could think of any logical reason not to other than being a hipster, then I wouldn't buy it.

Edited by chuixupu
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Haven't pre-ordered and won't until I know what impact the extra 5 levels has on the game. If I'm happy I'll then order, if not I'll go preferred when it is released.


I believe that 60-70% is reasonable, but if any F2P people have pre-ordered I would be surprised.

Edited by mothear
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Have no clue as to the % that pre-ordered. If the numbers are as high as some here seem to suggest maybe Hickman would like to post the percentage and show all the nay sayers the light . Really if it did that well wouldn't that be the time to brag the game up a bit ?


I did not pre-order, i did that once already with the initial realese and after a year of broken promises, ( end of summers long past, where o' where are paid transfers ) bugs from beta ignored, alowing servers to die last spring to help justify the F2P shift. This time i'm playing the "wait and see game "

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So, we who already pre-ordered are stupid? :rolleyes:


Okay, get this. Here's how I reasoned it out. It's a digital expansion that will include at the very least a new world, 5 more levels, some new FPs/OPs and a new PvP warzone. Because there is a new planet that means there will also likely be a set of new Heroics. Because there are new Heroics, FPs/Ops there will also likely be new gear.


New Gear, New Heroics, New FPs/OPs, New Warzone and 5 additional levels worth of content. IMO, all of that is well worth the $9.99 price tag. If there are any other goodies that will be icing on the cake.


Now who are the intelligent ones?




Can you provide the link where they said that FP's, OP's, & Warzones are going to be included in the expansion?

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I'm a subscriber, but I didn't pre-order and currently have no intentions of buying it at all.

I quit the game a few months back because I had maxed my Sorc & BH, and I really wasn't interested in doing all the planets ALL OVER AGAIN. So, time to distance myself. I played other things, had a great time, then started thinking about the low level Agent I had and how much I really wanted to check out her story.


Playing her now and I'm loving it, but what I love about this game is the personal character story and the companion interactions. Makeb doesn't seem likely to hold anything that'll interest me, as they've said there won't be any character story in it, just planetary story. As for the rest? I don't care about levels (they're just something I have to get to progress story), don't care about warzones (have absolutely zero interest in this game's PvP), don't care about gear (as 99% of the gear in this game is atrociously ugly to me), don't care about operations (as all of my friends and my guild quit before even I did, and so I'm solo in this game).


That puts me in the 'currently subscribing but did not pre-order' group. With all the above said, I don't think anyone is stupid for pre-ordering or not pre-ordering. It's all down to individual preferences. Heck, if I could have purchased the DLC with all the Cartel Coins I have stored up (because I foolishly never canceled the game when I quit over 6 months ago), I probably WOULD have pre-ordered, as there's nothing in the store that interests me.

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Well after seeing the number of people queue up to get their hands early on iphone, I say your faith in human is somewhat miss the mark.


What knocks my faith in humanity is seeing people publicly expressing negative feelings about an inanimate object because they think it makes them look cool.


I coughed up the £5.99 for the expansion for reason other than I was amazed how cheap it is.

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subscriber, didnt pre-order, have no intention of buying it at all at this point in time. (may change after it launches, who knows)


Im playing the wait and see game. But for now I have no intention of pre-ordering or buying for several reasons:


1) Dont like the direction this game is going


2) Getting bored of SWTOR (something I never thought possible 3 months ago)


3) Am insulted that I am expected to pay $9.99 for stuff I was originally supposed to be getting free. All the more so considering they gave the whole game away for free whereas I paid $60 + shipping to a red zone.


4) Lack of info on the final product, and absolutely no benefit to pre-ordering. 5 day EGA is meaningless nonsense considering by EAware's track record it will be totally broken and full of bugs at launch anyway.


4) Dont want to send a message of support to EAcrap that this kind of money grabbing is acceptable. (i am somewhat resolved to never pay for another game with an EA logo on it, but im still very reluctant to unsub because I still want to support this game)


Oh and I still havent finished all 8 class quests despite being here since EGA. In fact only my main char has completed the class quest.

Edited by BaronV
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On a side note, I can't wait till Early Access starts and all the crying and whining from Biodrones who pre-ordered, expecting to get a full 5 days early, but realise because they weren't the first to pre-order; they only get 2 days Early access.


Launch 2011 all over again is going to be epic lolz.

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I've not ordered it. I'll probably buy it when it comes out, but I'm really not bothered about 5 days of early access and I'd like some more information first. Had there been new class stories, I'd have been all over it.


and there's no such thing as a "pre-order" either. I hate that term. You've either put in an order to buy something or you haven't.

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