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Want to Test RotHC (and live in Austin)?


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Why? It's on-site using their machines. They don't want screenshots, movies, etc leaking out and that's gonna be a lot tougher using one of their machines than it would be sitting at home.


Because that might expose... ?


What is there to hide lol... they are only asking for our money...


Side note... Erin thanks for posting but be prepared to get roasted. The swtor UI is actually quite good (imho) since the customization update, and barring any sort of end user mods is one of my favs. But as others have said, often and loudly.. the game depends SO much on buffs/debuffs that for those icons to NOT be resizeable/movable/seperatable in any way is a freakin crime to gameplay.


Hey, I didnt even have to live in Austin to come up with that!

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****! PLS MAKE BUFFS/DEBUFFS LARGER (player frames, target frames, raid frames etc.). You just need to create new ui regions in UI editor and make it scalable by player. UI Programmer... yeah... :rak_01:


Wey've only been saying this since beta. Give the player a way to decipher which debuff/buff/ HoT is actually theirs and yet ours are still lost in the sea of SAME SHARED ICONS. If they can put CD timers on our abilities, they sure as hell should have them on the buff//debuff as well.


There is no reason that every debuff in this game shouldnt have its own Distinct icon either.

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LOL! Live IN Texas? There are a few things I'd do ON Texas long before I'd even consider that, I don't care how much a job there pays or how much fun it's supposed to be.

I'm located in Austin and it's a great city. Very laid back, accepting, and friendly. Hippies and techies had a baby, and it was Austin, lol. Plus the food and music is awesome :)


I would like to apply, but the site's saying the job has been pulled for whatever reason (too many applications maybe). :(

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Erin I saw your post in the game testing thread and would love to suggest two things for the UI


1) I would also love to have the ability to set Ground Targets with the in game icons you can use to mark characters or Mobs it would be very beneficial in raids. That way in a raid you could set the ground target before the fight and tell everyone to move to flame during a certain phase it would be of great assistance for a raid leader.


2) A easier way for a healer to see debuff's on a target that need to be removed by making the raid frame change color to indicate what type of affliction a character in the raid now suffers from as a example if it was a poison the outline of that persons raid frame could turn green, etc.


****! PLS MAKE BUFFS/DEBUFFS LARGER (player frames, target frames, raid frames etc.). You just need to create new ui regions in UI editor and make it scalable by player. UI Programmer... yeah... :rak_01:


These would be awesome!!!!!!!!!

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I have been fortunate enough to be a part of some of the on-site player tests that we've hosted here at the studio and I can honestly say it has been a tremendous help. So if you happen to be in the area and have some time to do it we would really appreciate any feedback.


As a UI Programmer, having players come on site gives me an opportunity to observe where UI may or may not be working and hear first hand what their suggestions are for what features they might want to see. It is also great to be able to ask them questions on the fly that the discussions bring up.

Are chat bubbles part of the UI in RotHC, by any chance (rumour is they are, but it hasn't been confirmed)? If so, I may be interested to travel to Austin and check them out and give you some feedback to help you ensure that this UI feature will make it live in the best quality possible. If not, I'll pass. Edited by Glzmo
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Aw too bad I'm turning 17 next week not 18 :p


I don't live in Austin but my brother does, and for all of you that say Austin is better to live in then the rest of Texas, it depends on what part of Austin your talking about. Plus to put it nicely a lot of "freaky" people live there.


And by freaky I mean just plain strange...hard to explain.

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If you are an avid PvP'er and you happen to be in the area it's your responsibility to sign up for this. The rest of us will thank you for it. Even if there's nothing related to PvP in the content there's an off chance that you might get yourself heard in one way or another.
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I lived near Houston for a year. was so hot the paint on new cars were peeling. Many dead armadillos and a butt load of churches for just about every religion you can name.


But the one thing that stood out was the severe heat, and everyone had leather skin from it. was like being on tatooine in a way, so i liked it until the lady we live with started praising David Koresh, then it was time for me to exit stage left.

Should have went to Austin :D

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****! PLS MAKE BUFFS/DEBUFFS LARGER (player frames, target frames, raid frames etc.). You just need to create new ui regions in UI editor and make it scalable by player. UI Programmer... yeah... :rak_01:


I cannot stress how much difference this would mean to me. Personally I would like to have separate buff and debuff scalable UI elementsfor both player and target that I could place in different positions. As an advanced feature it would be good to be able to filter this list by buff/debuff name and by only showing your debuffs on targets would be awesome.


I would also like to have a 'proc' notification element that simply shows the icon of any abilities that are proc based like Rift has. Think riposte and such forth.


I'm all about playing the game not the UI but with so many things needing to be tracked I personally feel the current UI isn't up to par.

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I'm sorry, but the U.I. design is one of the worst things in the game. I was going to write out a detailed essay on the reasons for such, but I might as well just copy/paste from this guy's thread:


It looks atrocious ever since the 1.2 update. I'm not against allowing player customization per se, but this new one makes a mockery of even the most basic principles of design. I'm shocked it even made it past quality control in the first place, to think it's persisted as is for this long is... i don't even know what it is...


Originally Posted by SNCommand

You do know you can change the UI whenever you want? And the original UI is one of the default settings?


No, it's not. THIS is the original U.I.


And what in that picture could you not recreate in the UI designer?

If I have to lay it out for you then you just don't get it.


Do it, if it's that different from what we can use now you should be able to list the differences and what's impossible to recreate using the UI designer, what you're doing is a cop out

*Sigh* Fine, I'll give you a clue: Notice the blue, semi-translucent thing which runs from the character portrait down to the quickbars, seamlessly tying everything together. Notice how the quickbars don't overlap on top of each other, as they do in the CURRENT "Standard U.I.", but instead are all inside a box-like structure that keeps everything neatly stored. I could go on and on. I mean, even the pop-up informing you a friend has come on-line used to look a thousand times better. See for yourself in

(starting at 0:41 secs, then again 1:57).
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They don't want testers with a "developer" mindset.


Just think about how often people complain on this forum about something the developers did that players don't like.

I'm sure that a big component of this position is "fun factor" and developers frequently have trouble stepping back from how they think things should be done and seeing whether or not what has been done is actually enjoyable.


This is one of the reasons that SOE has mandatory company-wide play test sessions... so they get input from people who aren't too close to the project.


I hope this is true, because that means they are learning.


Then again, I would hope that the devs actually fix the bugs that are reported and not just ignore them or put them in a "later fix" like they have with past content patches.

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I have been fortunate enough to be a part of some of the on-site player tests that we've hosted here at the studio and I can honestly say it has been a tremendous help. So if you happen to be in the area and have some time to do it we would really appreciate any feedback.


As a UI Programmer, having players come on site gives me an opportunity to observe where UI may or may not be working and hear first hand what their suggestions are for what features they might want to see. It is also great to be able to ask them questions on the fly that the discussions bring up.


Great idea! My husband works with programming, he has to take care of quite a bit of UI work for their product. Every now and then he gets to visit the companies that use their programs and he always mentioned how good it was to see in real life how people used the product and that different questions come up when you are talking face to face from what you hear when people would have to mail in questions. Wish I could come over and help myself, it is always interesting to discuss how programs work.


Good luck and I hope it turns out well.

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I have been fortunate enough to be a part of some of the on-site player tests that we've hosted here at the studio and I can honestly say it has been a tremendous help. So if you happen to be in the area and have some time to do it we would really appreciate any feedback.


As a UI Programmer, having players come on site gives me an opportunity to observe where UI may or may not be working and hear first hand what their suggestions are for what features they might want to see. It is also great to be able to ask them questions on the fly that the discussions bring up.


Hi, I'm sure it's been said before in this thread, and in countless others. Please, please do something with the buff bar, it's simply close impossible to see a clear indication whether or not a player has a debuff that can be cleansed. I think with the UI this should be priority number one for the moment. Thanks.

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Erin I saw your post in the game testing thread and would love to suggest two things for the UI


1) I would also love to have the ability to set Ground Targets with the in game icons you can use to mark characters or Mobs it would be very beneficial in raids. That way in a raid you could set the ground target before the fight and tell everyone to move to flame during a certain phase it would be of great assistance for a raid leader.


2) A easier way for a healer to see debuff's on a target that need to be removed by making the raid frame change color to indicate what type of affliction a character in the raid now suffers from as a example if it was a poison the outline of that persons raid frame could turn green, etc.



I would definitely support this first feature. As a guild officer and part time raid leader on World of Warcraft, there was icons/shapes of varying colors you could assign to the mobs like here, however they could also be set to a point on the ground. They would float there and a beam of sorts ran down under it to the ground as well. Very handy to describe fights and assign places for people to stand.


The UI isn't awful, but I miss the various mods you could have that allowed customization of raid frames, timers, and buffs/debuffs to name a few. Having never raided here and being pretty new, my knowledge is limited for that. I am enjoying the game so far and hope to see that stuff in time though.


(Feel free to flame WoW and/or me as seems popular and often done on these forums, but my thoughts for things).

Edited by malarissa
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I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!


Edited by JovethGonzalez
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I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!



OOoh sounds promising! Thanks! :D

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I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!


That's brilliant!


Any chance there's a way of visually differentiating the HoTs and DoTs you've cast on the target frame (or in the raid frame) , like making them larger, different background, underline... something?


Even just physically separating buffs from debuffs (as they are on the target frame) on the raid frame would be ideal.


Raid healer here hoping for more. :)

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I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!



Can I have your babies?

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I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!



This sounds promising :3 though I don't expect it to be in before Makeb drops live.

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I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!



Don't know if anyone has mentioned it already or if it's already on your list of upgrades, but I would really love if my keybinds could be saved and loaded like the Interface Editior.


I roll alts out the *** so it gets tedious to have to redo all my keybinds a billion times.

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