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High Level Gear Looks Awful


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This is by far my biggest complaint with the game. I don't know who designs this stuff, but Bioware needs to make this person watch a few Star Wars movies.Not only does the gear not fit the IP, but it is some of the most butt ugly and ridiculous gear I have ever seen in a game. Is it any wonder that very few people want to be seen in it? Most everyone I knows rips the stats out to put into their favorite orange gear. When the majority of the end game population chooses not to wear the end game gear, that should tell you guys something.
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The weird thing about it is, a lot of the sets might be OK if they just removed the bizarre accessories. For example, the Tionese gear for Sorcerors has those massive shoulder wings, and the Bounty Hunter sets have those huge cylindrical things sticking out of the back.
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The weird thing about it is, a lot of the sets might be OK if they just removed the bizarre accessories. For example, the Tionese gear for Sorcerors has those massive shoulder wings, and the Bounty Hunter sets have those huge cylindrical things sticking out of the back.


http://images.mmorpg.com/images/galleries/formatted/492011/372df45a-c34e-4a8e-9fea-1f6eb6e76c91.jpg :rolleyes:

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Yeah , finishing my chapter 3 class story last night and looking like that. I actually felt self conscious , to the point I didn't want to put the armor on on the fleet and had to hide head slot real quick. Then if I saw anyone near me i would run off or speeder off. Still free armor is free armor and level 51 purple mods aren't too bad. Plus the fact removing all the mods is about 120 k and that's a lot of dough for 16 characters.





Edited by BadOrb
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I was disappointed with the look of the end game gear before it was fully moddable. Now that it is, idc. In fact if anything I like that it's ugly so that there aren't a million people wearing it and looking the same. Forces people to go get their own style and look unique.


That's my 2 cents.

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I agree, I always hide my stalker head slot because the Tionese/Columi/Rakata headgear is ridiculously over-the-top bad. I also hate the wings on the inquisor class.


The warrior garb isn't much better. Why does a kick butt warrior need to look like a re-engineered cyborg with that goofy gear?

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The chest on my Juggernaut is simply ridiculous.


I look like Starscream, post transformation, with those idiotic shoulders, and the wires connecting to my triceps. And if there's anything more highly stylized and ugly than the consular gear, I haven't seen it. The headpiece designs alone should have been summarily dropped at the drawing board. Don't even get me started on the off the shoulder Campaign look on a male body type.


The NPC's, meanwhile, got treated with some respect. Along with the troopers, for the most part. Almost no one else did.

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I just picked up my free set of Tionese for my Guardian, and it looks fine, but will I loose anything (beyond some money) if I strip out the mods and put them in my Colicoid War game gear? Because I really like the red robed jedi look more. I thought that was kind of the point of modifiable gear.
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I agree, completely. I got Tionese for my SI and realized that she was nearly as wide as she is tall, with those ridiculous wings or whatever. So, I immediately ripped out the mods and sold the chestpiece to a vendor. Put the mods in something decent looking and all is well now. The rest of the set was fine (since I always hide head slot anyway).
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I just picked up my free set of Tionese for my Guardian, and it looks fine, but will I loose anything (beyond some money) if I strip out the mods and put them in my Colicoid War game gear? Because I really like the red robed jedi look more. I thought that was kind of the point of modifiable gear.


You will lose the set bonus.

Tionese/Columni/Rakata = set bonus on shell

Campaign/DreadGuard = set bonus on the armoring.

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“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Unfortunately the designers of SWTOR seem to feel some overwhelming urge to keep adding knobs, antennas, various attachments, mud flaps, and other doo-dads to every piece of armor, thus we get the hideous crap we see in game today.

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“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Unfortunately the designers of SWTOR seem to feel some overwhelming urge to keep adding knobs, antennas, various attachments, mud flaps, and other doo-dads to every piece of armor, thus we get the hideous crap we see in game today.


Seriously, its like they take their design cues from early 1960s Chryslers.



Edited by dpwms
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This is why I've been grinding BH comms, I'd rather spend a lot of time grinding weeklies for several months before I can do the toughest level 50 FPs than spend several weeks wishing I had a "hide name, title, legacy name, and guild name + wear paper bag over head" option.
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The weird thing about it is, a lot of the sets might be OK if they just removed the bizarre accessories. For example, the Tionese gear for Sorcerors has those massive shoulder wings, and the Bounty Hunter sets have those huge cylindrical things sticking out of the back.


I have to agree with this one, there are quite a few sets that feel like just one or two embellishments exist that sort of wreck it.



Trooper-- Actually one of the least objectional when you look at the entirety of sets, but small changes would help:



1.Trooper BH+-- Shoulder disks


2.Trooper WH--- One shoulder... thingamajig


3.Trooper Tionese--> Rakata: Helmet Choice



Inquisitor-- Where they went more off-the-grid than anywhere else, just need to be de-high fantasy'd a bit:


1.Inquisitor BH+-- Remove the evil horseshoe attachments and makes the robes less form-fitting and you get an interesting still very stylized caster look that isn't as head-scratching


2.Inquisitor WH-- I'm the one weirdo who kinda likes swamp thing, though the shoulder webbing is a bridge too far. Assassin color choices also need help.


3.Inquisitor Tionese--> Rakata-- Remove the shoulders from all of them in favor of more rounded smaller shoulder pads, take the cone part from the Sorc helms and change the buffalo horns of 'sins entirely.



Consular--The least redeaming in the game. You can argue inquisitors as just being stylization overkill, but here there isn't even that much style really. While I think of full redo on many is better, this is about tweaking what is existing to make it more palatable so here goes...


1.Black Hole+-- Make it more of a shirt than an off-the-shoulder variety, cinch it less at the waist so that it doesn't try to give male characters an hourglass (does have the redeeming feature of the lone consular piece I do like, the headslot).


2.War Hero-- Take away the skirted part of the shirt and make robes instead of leggings for the bottom.


3.Tionese--> Rakata-- Take the hockey pads off and replace both helm types with a basic simple cowl or circlet



Warrior-- Another mixed bag because it is so stylized this means people's opinions will have a lot of variance, but a bit of toning down helps.


1.BH+-- De-horn the helm or replace it with a more traditional (for SW) face mask


2.War Hero-- Replace the Castle rookery shoulders with ones similar to the Black armor.


3.Tionese--> Rakata: Remove the toe-spikes, take away the shoulders and put a cape across the back




Jedi Knight-- Tough sell, like the Consular this has some of the least-redeeming sets in game, but for what you have to work with:


1.Black Hole--Take away shoulder doohickies (recurring theme it seems?) and make it a tad less form fitting to look more robe-like.


2.War Hero-- Take away shoulder twirlygig and make it symmetrical with the smaller-side shoulder, Helmet replaced with something similar to the Consular BH mask.


3.TIonese--> Rakata-- Make the bottom robe-part wrap just a bit further across the front to cover how legging-y these (and most non trooper/bounty hunter) pants tend to be.



Bounty Hunter-- You can see the baseline in place for decent looking armor sets that were hurt by over-embelishment that eschews cool/clean mandalorian lines for bulky over-the-top busy-ness. Think of how that 14 tool swiss army knife is a nice piece but that 35 tool one just looks comical.


1.BH+-- Replace the giant faceplate with one more visorlike, continue the chest and upper leg armor down the full arm and leg lengths.


2.WH+-- Remove (or drastically reduce) back tube, take the spider legs off the helmet, shoulders made conform to arm rather then be separate large plates.


3.Tionese--> Rakata-- Take away back tubes and use the fin helm for both instead of the semicricle.



Agent-- For some reason decided to play the spy instead of agent angle. Has in my opinion many of the best armors among their non set items, making the endgame stuff that much more unusual.


1.BH+-- Reverse colors so the dark trim is the primary, the 'colored' parts the trim, replace the de-trunked elephant headpiece with visor-like goggles.


2.War Hero-- Take the hat away so its just the goggles, remove the shoulder pods and the backpack.


3.Tionese--> Rakata-- Take the shirted part of the chest away and redesign the helm help it veer away from snakeeyes in space.



Smuggler-- Like the agent it has a lot of good going for it pre-endgame then derails for out of character design.


1.BH+-- Replace the Peter Pan hat with something similar to the trailblazer helm and remove the skirted backside


2.WH-- Remove wrist-cuffs and ear.... nodules?


3.Tionese--> Rakata: Take away the cape, make all helms either have the facemask or remove the jacob-marley headband from the ones that do not. Take the boots to the knee instead of the thigh.

Edited by paul_preib
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I like a lot of the gear. Bounty Hunter's have some nice sets of gear, as do Troopers. I also actually like the starter Inquisitor armor (the Stalker helm is actually cool, IMO). The Agent starter gear is also ok.


I love the Masked Smuggler hat, but the rest of the smuggler armor is ugly. Jedi gear would be cool if not for those outrageous shoulders in the BH type gear. Consular..... Uh, why does ALL of the armor only look appropriate if you're a female? Thank god for adaptive gear....


Oh and warriors? The BH gear looks ok. The starter stuff is atrocious.

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Here's the MAGIC of TOR:



You can use any orange piece of gear at endgame!!!!!!!!!




I know, right? Mind=Blown. So if you want more 'jedi robes', then pick up the level 11 jedi robes you get after leaving Tython, and just keep upgrading those!



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