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Cathar: Rise of the Hutt Cartel? Fact or Myth?


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There was a big shake-up in Bioware last year that have delayed ALOT of things. These include:


World PvP


Guild Capital Ships



Ranked Warzones (Season 1)




The list goes on. Imo, if they haven't explicitly said Cathars WILL be included, they won't be.


They have said it, but they added a couple months ago that it would be many months away due to delays like you posted.

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Awww I never understand people that want to blow stuff up that they do not like. I guess most of worlds problems come from people with that kind of attitude. :rolleyes:


I can think of several reasons why people are hostel to Cathar as playable race:

1. They're not a well known race even in Star Wars literature. They were in KOTOR and SWTOR and not a whole lot else (I could be wrong).

2. If the devs are spending time making Cathar and they have limited time/staff then that means they aren't making other stuff/other races while that happens. People selfishly want stuff they want and when stuff is made that they didn't want it means time was (in their opinion) wasted where it could have been making cool things for them.

3. They are being used as the guine pig for other races. Meaning if Cathar flops because it's an unpopular race then it could kill the chance of other more popular races being made (and if you don't believe me about popularity there's a huge post that polls people on what they want, Cathar is not in the top 3).


I'm not a fan mainly for 1 & 3. There are plenty of races that I don't necessarily want to play as, but I would love to see in the game (Wookie for example).

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I don't understand the big urge to play a new species... aren't there enough already? Everyone keeps freaking out about a new species, but after a year, why not just enjoy the species you have? I am the type that would much rather get a new class(which i know will never happen) than a new species... all species play their class the same, I just don't understand the fuss for the Cathar...


It just give a player or a new players more options. I think (and I'm just guessing) the Cathar were chosen to bring in more female players

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I can think of several reasons why people are hostel to Cathar as playable race:

1. They're not a well known race even in Star Wars literature. They were in KOTOR and SWTOR and not a whole lot else (I could be wrong).

2. If the devs are spending time making Cathar and they have limited time/staff then that means they aren't making other stuff/other races while that happens. People selfishly want stuff they want and when stuff is made that they didn't want it means time was (in their opinion) wasted where it could have been making cool things for them.

3. They are being used as the guine pig for other races. Meaning if Cathar flops because it's an unpopular race then it could kill the chance of other more popular races being made (and if you don't believe me about popularity there's a huge post that polls people on what they want, Cathar is not in the top 3).


I'm not a fan mainly for 1 & 3. There are plenty of races that I don't necessarily want to play as, but I would love to see in the game (Wookie for example).


I only think they did it because of KOTOR franchise. When Juhani came out in the first game everyone who played wanted to know what she was and why we couldn't play that as a race in the game. But do to the forums I think they should have done a survey.


With the amount of voice over work that needs to be done on this game I'm sure it will be a while until they release any new races.

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I only think they did it because of KOTOR franchise. When Juhani came out in the first game everyone who played wanted to know what she was and why we couldn't play that as a race in the game. But do to the forums I think they should have done a survey.


With the amount of voice over work that needs to be done on this game I'm sure it will be a while until they release any new races.


What voice work? They don't change any dialogue for new races the only dialogue changes for NPCs are human or alien which is already recorded and the PC dialogue won't change for a new race.

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They've promised alot of things that were never delivered.....but as long as people keep taking the bait, keep feeding the bank, they'll keep shoveling it out.


If one were to imagine a marketing department who's mission statement it is to relieve you of as much money as possible while granting you as little service, and product as is possible so as to farm this game until its dead, it will all begin to make sense.


If one continues to have faith, it never will.


Let me ask you one question concerning claims like this: What promise made since the announcement of F2P and the 6 week patch delivery model has not been delivered on? This means since end August.

Yes, you can list a ton of stuff promised in the first 6 months that hasn't been delivered on, and yes that was a huge **** up from all of Bioware and EA's communication department. But if there is one improvement I've seen the last 6 months from this development team it is that they have been more clear and specific in their promises, and have kept each and every one of them so far. So nobody is "shoveling out" false promises anymore.


Sorry if I sound like a biodrone here. But it is provable false statements like this that I feel ruin the community, or any discussion on any subject, more than anything.


Back on subject. As others have said: The current status on Cathar is that they will be delivered on the Cartel Store in the future. Will it be a part of Makeb? I doubt it, but they still might.

We will see.

Edited by Devlonir
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  • 3 weeks later...
I can think of several reasons why people are hostel to Cathar as playable race:

1. They're not a well known race even in Star Wars literature. They were in KOTOR and SWTOR and not a whole lot else (I could be wrong).


You are wrong.


Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi 7: The Prisoner of Bogan, Part 2

Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 1: Masters and Students of the Force (First identified as Cathar)

Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 3: Descent to the Dark Side

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 1: Edge of the Whirlwind

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 2: The Battle of Coruscant

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 5: Brother Against Brother

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 6: Dark Lord (Cover only)

Tales of the Jedi: Redemption

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Flashpoint

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 15: Days of Fear, Part 3

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 42: Masks

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 48: Demon, Part 2

The Betrayal of Darth Revan

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (Mentioned only)

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones comic

Imperial Commando: 501st (Mentioned only)

Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows

The Gem of Alderaan on Wizards.com (original article link, backup links on Archive.org)

The Star Wars Holiday Special (First appearance) (Retcon)



Star Wars: Legacy 2: Broken, Part 2

Star Wars: Legacy: The Hidden Temple

Star Wars: Legacy: Storms

Star Wars: Legacy 37: Tatooine, Part 1 (Mentioned only)

Star Wars: Legacy 45: Monster, Part 3

Star Wars: Legacy 46: Monster, Part 4

Star Wars: Legacy 48: Extremes, Part 1

Star Wars: Legacy 49: Extremes, Part 2

Star Wars: Legacy—War 5

Star Wars: Legacy—War 6


Sure, the Holiday Special as first appearance isn't actually a plus in its favor; it wasn't until the Dark Horse comics that they started to get developed. They were also part of the Star Wars d20 rpg (and SAGA of course, but that was post KotOR)

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I can think of one nice reason I'm against Cathar being added. The last thing this or any other MMO needs are more *********** cat people.


That said, I'd much rather them add some races fans actually care about. Rodians, Ithorians, Duros, Devaronians, Togruta, Chagrians, Bothans, Mon Calamari, Quarren...the list goes on and on. Hell, most of those races already appear in-game as NPCs, speaking Basic no less.

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I don't really care anymore. At this point I'm not really interested in leveling another toon. :(


We are in the same boat, they are taking too long now. I have gone through all the stories and will be a little busy with Real Life. They better release it before the one year mark of the Cathar announcement.

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I wouldn't be suprised if they came out with ROTHC. The reason being people are already looking at this add on as not a true expansion. Most often we would get more than one planet a few new missions and a level cap in a paid expansion so they will tag as much to it, even though we will end up having to buy Cathar with Cartel coins. Also if Cathar are done as badly as most people assume they will be (no new quests, dialog or voices, with a basic tattoo human body) why is it taking so long to come out or are they simply being stalled to come out with ROTHC.


What annoys me is we were promised new species before the end of 2012 and we haven't even seen one yet. Then again as a lot of people have said this game crashed and burned and so they sacked and got rid of a lot of the development team to try and bring in new people to make a better game meaning alot of the things we got told may not happen.


Personaly I am against Cathar as a new species I really dont care for them but I am for new species. I will therefor have to buy Cathar to get to hopefully play the species I want.

Edited by Izorii
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For those of us who were big fans of the Tales of the Jedi and Sylvar, that is why we are drooling over the prospects of playing Cathar. And impatiently waiting. Cosmetic or not, for a role player- it means another race and head space type to play out. Each of the species have provided unique and interesting lore to the universe and player customization opportunities (especially now with race unlocks for cross faction styles).


I'm hoping they either come out with the expansion or quickly there after.

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At this point a guess is probably the best we can do. the hope is sure, they're adding Cathar, but remember the Devs we have now have had to spend a great amount of time and resources monetizing the game, so they can get up and have a job to return to.


Not bad mouthing EA but if they don't do that then they would shut it all down before they loose anymore money on it. so if they're making money I can only assume we will see them at some point.


Just not sure when that will be.

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I can think of one nice reason I'm against Cathar being added. The last thing this or any other MMO needs are more *********** cat people.


That said, I'd much rather them add some races fans actually care about. Rodians, Ithorians, Duros, Devaronians, Togruta, Chagrians, Bothans, Mon Calamari, Quarren...the list goes on and on. Hell, most of those races already appear in-game as NPCs, speaking Basic no less.


First sensible thing in this thread.. Cathar are a horrid species, only a cat-worshipper would roll one IMO.

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Let me ask you one question concerning claims like this: What promise made since the announcement of F2P and the 6 week patch delivery model has not been delivered on? This means since end August.

Yes, you can list a ton of stuff promised in the first 6 months that hasn't been delivered on, and yes that was a huge **** up from all of Bioware and EA's communication department. But if there is one improvement I've seen the last 6 months from this development team it is that they have been more clear and specific in their promises, and have kept each and every one of them so far. So nobody is "shoveling out" false promises anymore.


Sorry if I sound like a biodrone here. But it is provable false statements like this that I feel ruin the community, or any discussion on any subject, more than anything.


Well, just off the top of my head, they said that 1.7 would be 9 weeks after 1.6. Seeing as that's this coming Wednesday and it's not even on the PTS yet, it's safe to say that ain't happening. It'll probably more like 12 weeks.

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I can think of several reasons why people are hostel to Cathar as playable race:

1. They're not a well known race even in Star Wars literature. They were in KOTOR and SWTOR and not a whole lot else (I could be wrong).

2. If the devs are spending time making Cathar and they have limited time/staff then that means they aren't making other stuff/other races while that happens. People selfishly want stuff they want and when stuff is made that they didn't want it means time was (in their opinion) wasted where it could have been making cool things for them.

3. They are being used as the guine pig for other races. Meaning if Cathar flops because it's an unpopular race then it could kill the chance of other more popular races being made (and if you don't believe me about popularity there's a huge post that polls people on what they want, Cathar is not in the top 3).


I'm not a fan mainly for 1 & 3. There are plenty of races that I don't necessarily want to play as, but I would love to see in the game (Wookie for example).



The Cathar did start in KOTOR but were later put in comics and a few books based on SWTOR. Since this game is based on the KOTOR lore it only makes since to make them a head liner race. I am looking forward to making both a Jedi and a Trooper Cathar myself.

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You are wrong.


Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi 7: The Prisoner of Bogan, Part 2

Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 1: Masters and Students of the Force (First identified as Cathar)

Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 3: Descent to the Dark Side

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 1: Edge of the Whirlwind

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 2: The Battle of Coruscant

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 5: Brother Against Brother

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 6: Dark Lord (Cover only)

Tales of the Jedi: Redemption

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Flashpoint

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 15: Days of Fear, Part 3

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 42: Masks

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 48: Demon, Part 2

The Betrayal of Darth Revan

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (Mentioned only)

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones comic

Imperial Commando: 501st (Mentioned only)

Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows

The Gem of Alderaan on Wizards.com (original article link, backup links on Archive.org)

The Star Wars Holiday Special (First appearance) (Retcon)



Star Wars: Legacy 2: Broken, Part 2

Star Wars: Legacy: The Hidden Temple

Star Wars: Legacy: Storms

Star Wars: Legacy 37: Tatooine, Part 1 (Mentioned only)

Star Wars: Legacy 45: Monster, Part 3

Star Wars: Legacy 46: Monster, Part 4

Star Wars: Legacy 48: Extremes, Part 1

Star Wars: Legacy 49: Extremes, Part 2

Star Wars: Legacy—War 5

Star Wars: Legacy—War 6


Sure, the Holiday Special as first appearance isn't actually a plus in its favor; it wasn't until the Dark Horse comics that they started to get developed. They were also part of the Star Wars d20 rpg (and SAGA of course, but that was post KotOR)


WOW good to know thanks.

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