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Star Wars: The Old Republic – State of the Game #2


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Good stuff, but honestly, I'd be more interested in getting all the bugs fixed than you guys at BW just continuelsy adding new content, ultimately adding more bugs. There are so many bugs and generally just flaws of all kinds, that this game still feels like a beta version. And some of the bugs currently in the game, have been running wild since beta!!!

So come on BW, fix the game, before adding more content.

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Kinda sad when SGR gets a bigger commitment than PvP does from the Executive Producer...lets us know where we stand in their eyes.


True. My last post, where I mentioned how stupid SGR is, was deleted and I got a warning because I said "You can play Sims and be gay all the way you want". On the other hand, cheats, hacks all over the place. Nobody it getting banned for abusing or doing it.

Oh, well, nice update anyway.:cool:



Maybe I will get warning because of this one, too. Who knows.

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I'll keep this short and sweet.


Thank you for addressing SGRs and end game content Mr Hickman.


Bugs need to be brought up and acknowledged. Some of them are very severe and love to crash the game.


Now, could you please talk about the APAC servers? Most of my friends are from overseas and they need this in top shape sooner than later.


The billing issues need to be fixed big time! While it isn't game breaking for me, this is really hindering a lot of people's ability to play. :(


I did have "fun" trying to get Makeb pre-ordered, but at least it got through.


Oh and how about easing up on some of the F2P restrictions? That would be great.

Edited by natashina
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Many thanks for the latest State of the Game, it is appreciated.


The only thing that i would ask, is to either have them more frequently or else longer. From reading the this thread, there are a lot of issues which people feel very strongly about and are clearly upset that there is no mention of their particular topic in your update. While i am sure this does not mean those issues are being ignored or forgotten about, the lack of information can lead to people coming to such conclusions.


While i appreciate it would be impossible to answer everyone's issue in your State of the Game address, not without it being pages long at least, you could cover more topics through either more frequent updates of the same length or else longer ones on the current cycle. For short updates, you could, as you have in this update, address several specific topics on a rolling basis, i.e. PvP and SGR this update, game mechanics and bugs in another, etc. If the schedule was outlined in advance, people would then know when to expect a State of the Game which would be on the general subject they were interested in, even if the exact issue isn't addressed.


For longer updates, you could stay on the current cycle but cover more issues per update. Again, due to the number of issues that people have, a schedule for these would also probably be helpful as it would be difficult to include all topics in any kind of detail while keeping the update at a manageable length, so a schedule would let people know when to expect their topic to be in the State of the Game address.


So thanks again for the latest State of the Game address and i look forward to reading your next update in the future.



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The movies are also about love, romance, passion and hate.


Leia and Han are a simple and all time classic romance. Love and relationships are certainly two of the themes of both the original and prologue trilogies. That as well as the battle of good vs evil.


One of my favorite lines is between Leia and Han, at the end of Empire:


Leia: "I love you."

Han: "I know."


It's just one more flavor to add to the game. ;)


Anyhow, talk to those poor APAC players Jeff and update all of us more often!

Edited by natashina
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On the other hand, cheats, hacks all over the place. Nobody it getting banned for abusing or doing it.

Oh, well, nice update anyway.:cool:


Maybe I will get warning because of this one, too. Who knows.


You should, because you flat out lied about cheats and hacks being all over the place, it's pure nonsense.


Anyway, good read and i'm looking forward to new content and improvements on other aspects of the game.

Although i have to say that i hope they will fix some of the bugs which are annoying me (companion lightsaber and companion unify colors for example), in the next patch.Also i'm a bit disappointed because he didn't say when will we get Cathar..

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Lolwut ?


I'm straight and I pvp almost daily BUT :


- When game shipped everyone was able to pvp at lvl 10 on 3 different wzs, SG people got nothing for their romance storylines.

- We had Ilum for a while, SG people got nothing.

- We've had new pvp gear tiers, SG people got nothing.

- We've had a new wz (novare coast), SG people got nothing.

- We got ranked wzs, SG people got nothing.

- We've had more new tier of pvp gear, SG people got nothing.

- We've had yet another new wz (hypergates), SG people got nothing.


Dude ? Don't you think it's time they get a little something for their storyline that OG got plenty of already ?


L2share !


As long as they add a toggle for regular romance as well... Since I want neither of them in the game.


I don't think there is a need for a toggle for either straight or SG romance since the game *already* enables you to filter it out by adding the (flirt) tag on conversation options.

Why would they add a toggle for something that isn't against the law in the first place ?

I'd like a toggle for torture options, cold blood murder options instead...


Edited by Shoogli
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While I appreciate the planned additions to SWTOR for the future. I like many others would rather see a "Bug Bash" type of update. SOE did one of these after the NGE was rammed down the throats of SWG players, and it was not only very needed, but very well received.


I would also like to see Chat Bubbles addressed. PvPers and PvEers alike have received update after update since this games launch, while RPers and Social Gamers have received nothing. Just a little bit of love thrown our way would help our experience in game a lot more enjoyable. Oh and give it a ON/OFF toggle for those who don't want to see them.

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Lolwut ?


I'm straight and I pvp almost daily BUT :


- When game shipped we were able to pvp at lvl 10 on 3 different wzs, SG people got nothing.

- We had Ilum for a while, SG people got nothing.

- We've had new pvp gear tiers, SG people got nothing.

- We've had a new wz (novare coast), SG people got nothing.

- We got ranked wzs, SG people got nothing.

- We've had more new tier of pvp gear, SG people got nothing.

- We've had yet another new wz (hypergates), SG people got nothing.


Dude ? Don't you think it's time they get a little something ?


L2share !




I don't think there is a need for a toggle for either straight or SG romance since the game *already* enables you to filter it out by adding the (flirt) tag on conversation options.

Why would they add a toggle for something that isn't against the law in the first place ?

I'd like a toggle for torture options, cold blood murder options instead...




It was said more for the ... well, I don't want to say it. Everyone has their opinion on it. And I can understand that. But it bothers me when someone says they want a toggle for sgr. But NOT for reg romance. I don't want either in the game, as I see no need for it. ( my opinion of course).


There is no way ..... EVER.... that this game should have shipped with reg romance, and NOT sgr. If they put reg romance in, should have put sgr in.


Me saying what I did, is more for how absurd it is to have a toggle for me, for all romance, as it is for someone to want it for just SGR. ( trying to say this the nicest way I can, and it is NOT coming out the way I want lol)

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I want to see lightsabers be lightsabers. So tired of the lame glowing beat sticks. Lightsabers should be slicing off limbs and such and they aren't. You see slash marks and the occasional hole, but it fades and you knock them to the ground. ???? Thought this was star wars and not futurama? It's amazing that its the minor things getting looked past instead of being addressed.
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I'd like to see swtor actually play like star wars movies. Lightsabers, blasters and explosions actually doing dmg, not just see a body lying there with no dmg. If the dead bodies looked like they were sliced in half, blown up, or full of holes would be nice. Violence is everywhere in games anymore, so why is this game dumbed down? Make weapons actually look awesome. Mace windu sliced off jango fetts head and lightsabers in this game would only knock them senseless. This may be a minor thing, but I like to feel like I'm playing a star wars game.
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Me saying what I did, is more for how absurd it is to have a toggle for me, for all romance, as it is for someone to want it for just SGR. ( trying to say this the nicest way I can, and it is NOT coming out the way I want lol)


Ha ha no worries gotcha :jawa_wink: !


Guess I was the one to not try to say it the nicest way, hence pointing out that some people have expressed here that they find SG flirt options gross while at the same time they don't seem to mind the torture or cold blood murder ones...


Though that wasn't directed at you personnaly in the first place in the previous post.

Edited by Shoogli
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I'm starting to think that the cathar player code was corrupted, they "showed" us how far they were, but they have said nothing about the state of them. I'm a little annoyed on how much press sgr is getting since it was the easiest thing that bioware could add to the games expansion. Please tell us if you guys are working on cather. one sentense about cathar would mean more to me than a paragrath about sgr or pvp.
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Ha ha no worries gotcha :jawa_wink: !


Guess I was the one to not try to say it the nicest way, hence pointing out that people find SG flirt options gross and don't even mind the torture or cold blood murder ones... Though that wasn't directed at you personnaly in the first place in the previous post.


It's so funny how, in this game, you can possibly make choices, that could murder thousands, but a romance with a fade to black, is ewwwww icky LOL.

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It's so funny how, in this game, you can possibly make choices, that could murder thousands, but a romance with a fade to black, is ewwwww icky LOL.


Indeed :jawa_smile: ! Besides it can happen in RL that you may encounter a situation where you get hit on (most of the time gently) by a SG person and well it doesn't have any bad consequences, now imagine if in RL we'd have to deal with torture or murder or possible other horrible things...

I think people would re-evaluate for good what is more "ewwwww" if they'd experience it for real...


As a matter of fact, even though I'm straight, I'll prolly try those npcs on Makeb, once with one of my male toons, and once with a female toon, just because... This way I'll have experienced most of SWTOR content !



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I don't know about you guys, but every NPC and companion romance I have seen has clearly been marked with [Flirt], so I don't know how you could "accidentally" click that. :p Play other Bioware games. You don't have SGR characters forcing themselves on you, you have to work for it.


And LOL at people saying they're putting SGR before PVP when after more than a year of PVP updates, and more announced PVP updates coming, they just are adding some SGR conversations into Makeb, FOR THE FIRST TIME even though they said it would be in game pre-launch. Good grief! They're different departments working on different aspects of the game, and many people find the story aspect very important.

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You guys seem to forget, that there are many players who DON'T want natural occuring world PVP... When im leveling my toon, I don't want to fight Republic gankers as well... That's what I like about this game... I can level in peace.



Don't even start with this. If you don't want to be ganked, either


1. Don't roll a PvP server

2. Toggle off your PvP flag



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I don't know about you guys, but every NPC and companion romance I have seen has clearly been marked with [Flirt], so I don't know how you could "accidentally" click that. :p Play other Bioware games. You don't have SGR characters forcing themselves on you, you have to work for it.


I've read that Dragon Age 2 is INDEED like this, gay characters forcing themselves on you.

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