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The Fleet


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One of two things need to happen with the fleet:


A. A complete redesign


B. Or take it out completely


As of right now I'm leaning more heavily towards a nice redesign because as of right now I think the only place fitting for the vendors and dailies would be Coruscant/Dromund Kaas. Which would bring up another question would everyone be all right with the new hub being Coruscant/Dromund Kaas? The only problem I see with this is chat ( LF Ops, Trades mixed in with LFG Lvl 11 Heroics).


I don't know just throwing out suggestions as the fleet just seems terrible for me nothing but lag spikes and depressing thoughts about the game happen there. So tell me what you think on the matter. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself I don't know just have always thought this.

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Right now the fleet is just dull and boring and isn't an ideal central hub for me.


Well trust me, two months on the new hub and it will feel just as dull, you should try to spend your time somewhere else, walk around the galaxy while waiting for things like the group finder, optimally you only need to visit the fleet once per day for a few minutes


I also felt after a while that the fleet was getting dull, but after taking a month off it feels much better


And trust me, every hub will always feel boring if you spend all your time waiting there


Zero lag even with 200 people on fleet? If so, I'm jelly.


Hey, some of us like to play games such as the Witcher 2, Crysis 2 or Skyrim with max graphics (sometimes with higher custom graphics) with no lag

Edited by SNCommand
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With legacy unlocks I have found I spend more time on my ship.


I can trade the GTN, send/receive mail, test new builds/rotations on the training dummies.


I only go to the fleet to update dailies and collect any rewards, otherwise I spend the rest of my time on my ship if Im not doing PvPing or raiding.


So Im not sure what a fleet redesign would gain.

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Just give us a "fleet chat" readable on all planets, maybe colored in dark green, put GTN, PVE and PVP terminals on all planets along with a shuttle to white Nova and the other ship, let us go to which planet we want.
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The fleet is just so clinically designed. It's a perfect circle designed only for usefulness. But ultimately it has no atmosphere, has no style. Carrack Station should be a hub of activity, full of NPCd having conversations, side quests to pick up, people milling about, business deals going on. It should have an unground arena and a massive cantina, it should be full of LIFE.
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