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Am i the only one who has no problem paying for the expansion?


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Great post, Katsuragisama.


Thank you. :)


Edit to add: I would also like to say that, we can all be positive on the game as well. But if you're gonna sit here and say everything is fine, and people need to stop complaining... Well, to me you're actually doing more harm than good. If we are all so happy with the game, they wont notice all the little **** that bugs the **** out of us. Like...bugs! And the massive amount this game has.


To me, BioDrones actually do more harm than good. The rest of us (for the most part), just want to see the game do better, and look at the game in the long run.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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You really believe that? They've already made it pretty obvious that the cartel market is the main focus. Paying for something without having all the details is, in my opinion, foolish. It sets a precedent for EA to charge for EVERYTHING. Price is irrelevant, its principle.


You ever wonder what would have happened if everyone boycotted this "expansion" and NO one paid for it? It would be free. People are idiots though and allow themselves to be walked on.


Im sorry, are you serious?


You really think that the vocal minority that whines about everything on these forums could boycott an expansion, that is 1/4 the price of normal expansions, and get it dropped to free, when dealing with a high end publisher like EA?


The fact that you instantly call people idiots for not having a problem with paying for an expansion is proof positive that you are just another "QQ i wanna play the game 100% of the time for free no matter what" type of people


Some people live in a dream world, and clearly think their money is worth alot more than what it really is


btw, what is your dollar worth nowadays? pretty sure last time i checked, mine was still hovering around 100 pennies

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Im sorry, are you serious?


You really think that the vocal minority that whines about everything on these forums could boycott an expansion, that is 1/4 the price of normal expansions, and get it dropped to free, when dealing with a high end publisher like EA?


The fact that you instantly call people idiots for not having a problem with paying for an expansion is proof positive that you are just another "QQ i wanna play the game 100% of the time for free no matter what" type of people


Some people live in a dream world, and clearly think their money is worth alot more than what it really is


btw, what is your dollar worth nowadays? pretty sure last time i checked, mine was still hovering around 100 pennies


While I agree, that calling someone an idiot for buying a content patch isnt the best way to go about it... You shouldn't judge others by your preconceptions. If he wanted everything for free, he probably wouldnt have a sub, and wouldnt be able to post on these forums, and would be complaining on some random forum that they should remove all restrictions for F2P.


But that's not in question here. It's paying for something that we have known about since 6 months ago, and then they decided that they werent happy with only $15/mo, while setting a preorder date and giving very little specifics. It's no surprise that people are a little upset and cautious with EAWare.


I dont expect to get everything for free myself. They are a business after all. But myself, and I'm sure many others, feel that this is pretty shady. I wont buy the content patch, not just because of the points I listed above, but the reasons in my first post of this thread.


Nothing but cartel market releases, gambling boxes, rehashed armor, rehashed everything instead of a proper event, the constant bugs, lousy costumer support, etc, etc.


Perhaps if they fix all of those other things, and do a good job of fixing Ilum, and actually come out with a decent bit of content for Makeb, I might come back. Until they can show me that they can actually manage a game, my sub runs out in 2 weeks. Between now and then, there are other less buggy games to play. :)


I paid for it but i might end my sub if the PvP speed hack issue and the lag switch is not fixed.


Speed hacking has existed since the launch of this game. While I havent seen people do it infront of me, I have seen videos, and I know how easy it is. If it's gone on for a year, it's pretty much assured that EAWare doesnt care about the speed hackers, as long as they are paying their sub.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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I just preordered and I'm excited to play RotHC! If some of you think it's too much, just look at how much the expansion packs for WoW cost. Their newest Mists of Pandaria costs.....well it was $40, but they changed it to $30 recently. They probably changed it when the RotHC was advertised. Anyway, if you're not a subscriber to SWTOR and you want to buy RotHC, it only costs $20! That's still much cheaper than anything WoW releases!
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However, I do think that at least it should be payable by Cartel Coins. This gives subs an incentive to remain subbed, since they are not doing much with their Cartel Coins anyway.


I'm going to pre-order within the next week, but seriously Bioware, if you are going to have the shop at least put some things in there worth getting. Only thing useful I've found in there was experience boosts which I don't want because I want to experience the game not race to level cap. I don't mean mechanically useful things either. Bioware take a page from Everquest II's shop. They have things that are actually fun to get.

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It's the same craziness as a LOT of posters on these forums assuming that HK51's gear would scale with character level, meaning that unlocking it on a lvl 1 would give a companion with lvl 1 gear, and once they hit lvl 2, HK would automatically have all its gear upgraded to lvl 2 as well.


There are really a lot of very naive assumptions going round on these forums, and it's been like that since they were opened. A Bioware developer can't say *anything*, or it will be taken for fact, no matter the amount of "mights", "maybes", "we're discussing" and whatever they include in a statement, those parts are ignored, interpretation goes haywire, and you can already predict the next flamestorm of "upset customers". Usually it's the same people complaining over and over though, despite them stating loud and clear that they were going to cancel their sub on their previous 50 rants already.


At the same time, they're ignoring a lot of very obvious hints about upcoming features, simply because they don't WANT to hear that something within the game is going in one direction or another. Just take the species unlocks through legacy. Hints for that system were floating around before these forums were opened already, but they refused to hear them. Then, when the system was finally officially announced, they complained (ofcourse) and demanded that they should at least be able to get legacy class/species combinations through some microtransaction system. So now they got their microtransaction sytem, and they start their next complaint: there shouldn't be a microtransaction system, so I guess everything should be given to them on a silver platter now.


I really wouldn't blame Bioware if they included some long and extremely tedious quest chain to the Makeb expansion named "Silver platters, cheese and whine", just for them.


So your complaining about people complaining?Stay with me on this.You might not be able to grasp this concept but I will try to float it by you.Some people have different opinions.I know that may seem outlandish but it is true.What is really bad is they are allowed to.:(:(

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I just preordered and I'm excited to play RotHC! If some of you think it's too much, just look at how much the expansion packs for WoW cost. Their newest Mists of Pandaria costs.....well it was $40, but they changed it to $30 recently. They probably changed it when the RotHC was advertised. Anyway, if you're not a subscriber to SWTOR and you want to buy RotHC, it only costs $20! That's still much cheaper than anything WoW releases!

You can square it with WoW all you want, but keep in mind the difference in type and amount of content. You are comparing apples and oranges.

Edited by Stenrik
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I think a lot of complaints would go away if they allowed people to purchase the expansion with cartel coins. I have no issue really on buying the "expansion" but really we should be able to use the cash shop currency to buy it.


And you're right, a lot of the complaints would go away if you could save up and buy it with cartel coins. But even EAWare doesnt want their made up currency. It's never going to be enough (real) money for EA. Why allow people to buy RotHC after saving up 2 complimentary CC stipends, when you can charge them a sub and more (real) money to buy a content patch. :)

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I already pre-ordered.


That being said, I will have to see how this "Expansion" works before I decide what to do next.


I mean its the price of a full blown x-pack if you're not a sub, and if you're a sub, its still a nice chunk of change for 1 planet and 5 levels.


But its not out yet, so I dont know. This one planet may be fully open world like a SWG planet, huge, with tons of content and 2-3 new flashpoints and a raid. I dont know, its not out, only the highlights. IT could be worth the money and more.


Now if it comes out and its 5 levels doable in a day and a planet the size of, say, Corellia? I will unsub, uninstall, and never look back. I've already been toggling between GW2, TSW, and STO out of boredom, if Bioware lets me down again, I'm gone, as I am sure many will be.

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I already pre-ordered.


That being said, I will have to see how this "Expansion" works before I decide what to do next.


I mean its the price of a full blown x-pack if you're not a sub, and if you're a sub, its still a nice chunk of change for 1 planet and 5 levels.


But its not out yet, so I dont know. This one planet may be fully open world like a SWG planet, huge, with tons of content and 2-3 new flashpoints and a raid. I dont know, its not out, only the highlights. IT could be worth the money and more.


Now if it comes out and its 5 levels doable in a day and a planet the size of, say, Corellia? I will unsub, uninstall, and never look back. I've already been toggling between GW2, TSW, and STO out of boredom, if Bioware lets me down again, I'm gone, as I am sure many will be.


It is apparently the size of Belsavis. :(

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Buy it if you like it and wish to support the game. If you don't like it, or the way BW/EA do business, then the smartest and best thing you can do is not buy it and leave the game. It's really as simple as that. I have never been able to understand how people can complain heavily about something and continue to sink their money into it. It's utter idiocy. Nothing more, nothing less. All of this debate, comparison, and trolling is less than unnecessary. There were only two answers to the topic of this thread. Instead it turned into a tsunami of hate and despair. If you complain about it and still buy it, your opinion means less than zero.
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I bought it instantly, because I know ROTHC will be a true manifestation of what BioWare envisions for this game, without any excuses like layoffs, restructuring, and ''we never said that, you guys just read too much into it''.


If I like ROTHC, I stay, if not I'm out.

In a way this is a test.

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I dont understand why there is so much complaining about this. The money you spend is going to help the game develop further in the future. Its only 10 dollars... you spend more then that when you go out to chilis or the movies...


I honestly dont mind paying it at all.


9 dollah

i don't think u can buy a piece of meat for that price

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I dont understand why there is so much complaining about this. The money you spend is going to help the game develop further in the future.

Except it won't, as proven by the fact that the money spent over the last year has led to NOTHING in the way of "development" other than F2P and the Dawn of the Cash Shop. They can't manage to fix PvP, add new story content, or make this horrendous game engine run worth a crap, and they haven't even tried to do a serious optimization or cleanup pass on the garbage codebase to address the wretched lag, ability delay, and hundreds of blatant bugs that have been reported over and over and over since launch. It took them SIX MONTHS just to get group finder in the game, and that was when EVERYONE was paying. And we still have NONE of the features people have asked for over and over, like guild functionality, cross server queues and WZs, space combat that doesn't suck bats, server transfers, crafting that isn't a sad, broken joke, etc., etc.


This money is going to help them "develop" new ways to take more money from you, without ever getting serious about fixing the steaming crap heap they've created and making something out of this game that comes close to what it should have been.

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