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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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what are you gonna do?


did you buy the expansion?




are you gonna buy it?


or perhaps you want more info about it?


or you will never buy it?



i want to see what the people are going to do.


give me your coments :)


and if you want to know. i've already pre-ordered


Is it your intention to insult anyone that indicates they do not intend to buy the expansion? You did, after all, ask people to indicate whether or not they are going to and asked for comments.


One would expect that some folks will not be buying the expansion and would comment why since you asked them to.

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Is it your intention to insult anyone that indicates they do not intend to buy the expansion? You did, after all, ask people to indicate whether or not they are going to and asked for comments.


One would expect that some folks will not be buying the expansion and would comment why since you asked them to.


i have never insulted anyone.

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what do you want in this game? and more impportant question. why are you still here?


what I want is to see the game improve and for the developer to stop taking advantage of their customers. I've seen the "why are you still here?" attitude from other forum fanbois before, most of them don't have a game to play anymore because the rest of the playerbase took their advice.

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i have never insulted anyone.


Now you are attempting to insult my intelligence. The intent of the comments....


sorry but those are poor excuses, only 2 or 3 are right.


what do you want in this game? and more impportant question. why are you still here?


..is pretty clear. They are obviously derisive. The point was made that you asked for the very comments you chose to deride.


If you don't believe you will enjoy reading the answers you should probably not ask the questions.

Edited by LordArtemis
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No and i never will, I love the game and it was never about the money, I hate the way EA are turning this into a cash cow, when its dry they will dump it like it means nothing to them, they lied and thus i have no trust in EA, Ill play till my time runs out then Ill never look back.
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No and i never will, I love the game and it was never about the money, I hate the way EA are turning this into a cash cow, when its dry they will dump it like it means nothing to them, they lied and thus i have no trust in EA, Ill play till my time runs out then Ill never look back.


i understand your point. I do not share, but i understand it


of course you have to know they promised makeb for free. but as we know many things happened. layoffs, f2p and more things. That is why makeb cost 10 bucks

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what I want is to see the game improve and for the developer to stop taking advantage of their customers. I've seen the "why are you still here?" attitude from other forum fanbois before, most of them don't have a game to play anymore because the rest of the playerbase took their advice.


what i can see is. when someone unsub from the game they are still here until they have days left. and they are still here because they want to, (i won't say trolling but) they are making disturbs in the forums

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what i can see is. when someone unsub from the game they are still here until they have days left. and they are still here because they want to, (i won't say trolling but) they are making disturbs in the forums


If their posts disturb you don't read them.

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what i can see is. when someone unsub from the game they are still here until they have days left. and they are still here because they want to, (i won't say trolling but) they are making disturbs in the forums


you don't get to decide whos making disturbs in the forums. If they shared your opinion my forum access would have been cut off when I cancelled, but its not and I can say what i want within the rules of the forum.

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If their posts disturb you don't read them.


yes but just think this:


you have been playing this game for 1 year and you want to see this game succeed and don't see the game shot down. when people start post about make people unsub. you think i like that and i can ignore those post? NO i cannot because i care about this game

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yes but just think this:


you have been playing this game for 1 year and you want to see this game succeed and don't see the game shot down. when people start post about make people unsub. you think i like that and i can ignore those post? NO i cannot because i care about this game


If you cared then you wouldn't buy the expo, if you care about the game you would vote with your wallet and not give EA a reason to bleed people dry you would force them to look for a better way

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I am on the fence, My wife wants me to and my son informed me he will not longer be playing,once his sub runs out.


As for why I am on the fence. EA/BioWare lack of principles.


The "largest content patch every"...is now expansion


My "new ability's" are ability's current In-game NPC's have.


don't really see F2P players making the purchase, when they would then have to pay extra for end game content.


So I will wait and see. But it doesn't look good.

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yes but just think this:


you have been playing this game for 1 year and you want to see this game succeed and don't see the game shot down. when people start post about make people unsub. you think i like that and i can ignore those post? NO i cannot because i care about this game


The forum is the vocal minority on both sides. The game speaks for itself nothing you can post on the forum will change that for anyone else. You cannot tell someone what their opinion is and throwing insults when they don't agree with you only destroys your position it doesn't strengthen it.

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yes but just think this:


you have been playing this game for 1 year and you want to see this game succeed and don't see the game shot down. when people start post about make people unsub. you think i like that and i can ignore those post? NO i cannot because i care about this game


But sometimes what you say is just as bad.


Again as I have said to you before, I know English is not your primary lang. But, sometimes you come off as if you are trying to insult them. ( not saying you are trying to, it just seems that way).


I know alot of times it is your opinion. And I know you fight for this game because you like it.


It just seems as though if someone dislikes the game, you take personal offense to it.

( not implying you are doing it on purpose)

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I pre-ordered just as soon as I was emailed. I have a sub. I have absolutely no problem paying $9 for an expansion. Hell, I've dropped more than that on appearance items in the market in other games. $10 per character slot in other games.


This game has put out more free content patches than almost any other MMO in history, save for RIFT.

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yes but just think this:


you have been playing this game for 1 year and you want to see this game succeed and don't see the game shot down. when people start post about make people unsub. you think i like that and i can ignore those post? NO i cannot because i care about this game


So people should just post everything is rainbows and sunshine?

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I'm still enjoying leveling up some characters, however I think the writing on the wall is crystal clear. Look at the modeling "skills" used in the latest warzone…it's simply a ton of cubes assembled into patterns. Regardless of how fun you might think the warzone is, it's a hint at what's to come and the priorites at EA. What kind of advanced, alien race piles up rounded rectangles?
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I pre-ordered just as soon as I was emailed. I have a sub. I have absolutely no problem paying $9 for an expansion. Hell, I've dropped more than that on appearance items in the market in other games. $10 per character slot in other games.


This game has put out more free content patches than almost any other MMO in history, save for RIFT.


Can I have some of what you have been smoking?

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