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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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I bought the expansion first thing in the morning the day it was annouced :) I will continue to support this game, as I believe it has amazing potential. If we continue supporting SWTOR they will have reasons to improve it, and not shut it down.
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Pre-pay to a company that just had to merge hundreds of servers down to what, 10?


lol, no, they may close before the release.


You do realise these new servers have many times the capacity of the old ones and are always packed right?

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QFT< I have hope now another who understands.


Pessimism again. If it comes to that they will effectively destroy the game.


What is happening now is that youre beeing pessimist and assuming that theres gonna be a trend set in that will be progressively worse. Yes, if this sells well, they will probably make more of these mini-expansions in the future. But, that doesnt mean that they will start charging for every content patch every 6 weeks. If that was the case everyone would stop subscribing.

Hold onto your horses.

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Pre-pay to a company that just had to merge hundreds of servers down to what, 10?


lol, no, they may close before the release.


Oooh, ive put it up for soon post "expansion", so, legaly, they "released" content people paid for :D


Pessimism again. If it comes to that they will effectively destroy the game.


What is happening now is that youre beeing pessimist and assuming that theres gonna be a trend set in that will be progressively worse. Yes, if this sells well, they will probably make more of these mini-expansions in the future. But, that doesnt mean that they will start charging for every content patch every 6 weeks. If that was the case everyone would stop subscribing.

Hold onto your horses.


You forget its EA involved, theyve broken the deal on Makeb, so it means absolutely nothing to them.


Easily they can break every other deal they had and start charging for every tiny piece of content they release. Since by contract you made with them they are not obliged to anything but running servers <service> (and they can close them at any time without even a refund for long term payment option).

Edited by GrandMike
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Bought it, never had a doubt. Been playing since day 1 and have gone through everything that everyone else has. Only difference with me, is I do not sound off on topics 50 times a day. But, to me, this question is worthy. I have two accounts and both are sups from the beginning, and always will be, regardless. I prepaid for both accounts. I run two systems at a time.


I still love this game, even after everything that has happened in the last year. It was quite a ride for those that were emotionally involved. So, long story short. I will be here and I will purchase any and all content that is offered.


I have played store driven games for a lot years. So, after you weigh and balance everything in this game, I believe SWTOR is still the best deal to be had. I never had a question about buying content.


I also believe, that in the long haul, this game will grow and be around for many years. Anyone who has played games as long as I have should agree with me.


Have a nice day and a prosperous gaming experience. :)


I have 7-50 lvs, with 3 more very close. :cool:

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Oooo ... don't go there. Common sense only infuriates them more.


And sarcasm helps the debate? Yes, this was meant as sarcasm, its called Irony.;)


Sad, I live in a world now where expressing concern is wrong. Thank you for telling me to just shut up and pay my $9.99, Any other suggestion on what we should do...Mein Fuhrer?

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And sarcasm helps the debate? Yes, this was meant as sarcasm, its called Irony.;)


Sad, I live in a world now where expressing concern is wrong. Thank you for telling me to just shut up and pay my $9.99, Any other suggestion on what we should do...Mein Fuhrer?

It appears one of them has indeed responded. A couple of my favorites Billy Crystal and George Carlin carried more sarcasm than deine Fuhrer ever did. Not sure why you even brought him up. Everyone needs a role model I guess. :confused: Edited by GalacticKegger
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A cpuple of my favorites Billy Crystal and George Carlin carried more sarcasm than deine Fuhrer ever did. Not sure why you even brought him up. Everyone needs a role model I guess. :confused:


I agree Billy Crystal and George did. My role models are more along the lines of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Wilson Reagan.:D

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I bought GW2 and TSW instead, thats 85$ EA will never get.


Yah, i dont miss 10$.


But what you miss is - the point.


EA got some money off you then. Anyways I understand people are frustrated that one person described makeb as a dlc and would be free back in June was it ? but i believe things have changed in swtor and ideas change from day to day. So it seems like the way they are going to handle expanding swtor will be with these cheap small expansions. So yeah I bought it , I'm glad the cap is going up or things would stagnate.


So if the game gets a 5 level cap increase every 10 months or so then that's great. Let's hope people can forgive BW for the change in wanting to charge a small amount for a new planet and 5 levels cap increase. Sowe can keep this game going.





Edited by BadOrb
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First I wanted to wait, to see if it would be available in the CC shop after release.

But they shot that down officially, so I preordered it. As a subscriber I got the discount, so that was good enough.

I'm still sitting on a huge pile of CC though, so I'd wish they'd release some nice items that aren't in frickin' grab bags already (barf).


it wont happen ,if yousee the faqs on the expention post .

Edited by Flamehunter
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Why should I buy the "expansion" when I can't even be sure I'd still be playing this game by spring next year? It can mean between 3 and 5 months from now. And chances are, there will be no new content from now till then, which means I'll be bored and quit.


When I pay for something, I need to know what I'm getting. With the scanty information available about the "expansion", it's riskier than donating money to a Kickstarter project.

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See you again in three months when you get bored of those games.


You really think so? You really cant see where SWTOR is going (pro tip: check Hickmans history)


Why should I buy the "expansion" when I can't even be sure I'd still be playing this game by spring next year? It can mean between 3 and 5 months from now. And chances are, there will be no new content from now till then, which means I'll be bored and quit.


When I pay for something, I need to know what I'm getting. With the scanty information available about the "expansion", it's riskier than donating money to a Kickstarter project.


In 3-5 months you might get another wave of "merge servers" QQ...again :D

Edited by GrandMike
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Not going to buy it. I'm here for individual story.


Might stick around if a complete change to space pops up before my fiancee and I finish the story (and we play v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y so that might possibly happen) but that's it.


I doubt anyone play THAT slowly :p

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