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Getting HK-51 is way too difficult


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I have to agree on the scavenger hunt pieces. Perhaps they should have made more parts co-op and group pieces to get, or if intended to allow solos to get them make them a separate expansion like story that takes 20 hours of Play (not scanning a field endlessly) to do. They made Star Wars with story in mind so keep going with it, make things that are hard to get story involved or like the Flashpoints and having to run through the stories multiple times to get the parts needed with groups, or perhaps a different FP for each part that is NOT 100% drop so you may need to do it multiple times or perhaps make it so that the parts drop from random main/mini bosses each time so people dont' skip straight to a particular one, anything would be better than boring scan/scavenge hunts. Its not bad for those who were with people in large groups scanning but now that its settled down and people are unlocking with creds or CC no one is really participating in scanning so yeah I agree either get rid of it or once you do it lower that price to unlock or make that million creds account wide instead of for ONE class. I still have not broke 1 million creds yet although i'm close now finally. Mainly from selling loot I find.




Aside from that the fights to get to him were fun, the ship you kick off the mission is great the derelict space craft was eerie and fun more of the parts SHOULD have been more like that.

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- WoW Paladin charger mount BEFORE you could buy it

-Onyxia attunment

-Full tier II Judgement set (5 months straight, running Black Wing Lair every week...)

and lets not forget...

-Scarab lord title


All the aforementioned things took weeks/months to complete.


-Silly easy/quick:

-HK-51 questline (3-4 hours if your unfocused).


See? It's all about perspective. :D:D:D


Did it in about 5 hours on one sit through. 3.5 of the hours was digging up parts. So yes, that made that part tedious.


Definition of tedious:


boring: boring because of being long, monotonous, or repetitive



And the digging part fits. It was boring because it was long AND monotonous AND repetitive. Not even an OR. It was all three.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Did it in about 5 hours on one sit through. 3.5 of the hours was digging up parts. So yes, that made that part tedious.


Definition of tedious:


boring: boring because of being long, monotonous, or repetitive



And the digging part fits. It was boring because it was long AND monotonous AND repetitive. Not even an OR. It was all three.


Heh, you want all of the above x100? Archeology in WoW. :eek:

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I really liked the quest, I did it with my BH Healer and my son using his Sith Assassin. Took a while getting the jedi temple part with our low level alts as we worked in a spiral from the outside and the part was right bang in the middle. We found the others fairly quickly though. It was good to work as a team and we even got lucky with the PUG for the hard mode FP. We where a little under equiped so it was a real challenge, especially the very last instance, we wiped a couple of times due lack of proper tactics. The reward was great though, getting HK fully geared while I was walking around in greens and blues.


Wish they'd do more stories.

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dont agree. But i think too many of the pieces were scanner pieces. IMO only the 2 pieces on the temple grounds should be scanned, rest should be someting else. A piece on the bonus boss in hc esseles and Black Talon e.x.(shared drop) And a piece on one of the droid bosses in dir7.(bonus or last) I know many soloplayers will object to even more parts in hard mode FP, but imo that´s better that some random scanned item on hoth.
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I still haven't gotten HK. I can't get through the HM cause i don't have a guild and group finder attempts have all failed. So i'm pretty annoyed at that. BUT for the rest of it, i liked it. I disagree with the Outlaw Den part, only cause i don't like PvP and i'm not on a PvP server. But oh well. The scanning, to me, is actually super fun lol. It's a little luck and a little skill and feels good when you get the piece. :)


I just wish i could actually complete it lol.

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Subscribers pay their hard earned money to do this quest line and I, for one, would like a cool, action packed story than a tedious, boring scavenger hunt that feels more like work than play. Even f2p players spend hard earned credits or dollars on cartel coins only to find that this quest line takes an absurd number of hours and boring perseverance. HK-51 was among the greatest ideas bioware had for Swtor and would be an unbelievable addition to a great game. To put in perspective how terrible they've made this mission series, HK-51 simply isn't the trouble, and that should speak incredibly powerfully to any fan of KoToR, swtor, and star wars in general.


Who agrees?


I soloed this entire thing on my Assassin tank in less than one night (aside from the obvious group runs - 2 of them). I'm missing how this is so hard..


Edit: If it is the group that you can't get, then it should be simple enough to get one in group finder, just queuing for the ones you need. They are not hard at all, even with new people that have never been there before. If you are on Jedi Covenant, those things are running all the time.

Edited by Amodin
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I still haven't gotten HK. I can't get through the HM cause i don't have a guild and group finder attempts have all failed. So i'm pretty annoyed at that. BUT for the rest of it, i liked it. I disagree with the Outlaw Den part, only cause i don't like PvP and i'm not on a PvP server. But oh well. The scanning, to me, is actually super fun lol. It's a little luck and a little skill and feels good when you get the piece. :)


I just wish i could actually complete it lol.


What server? If on the same server I can try to help you get through the HM.

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Prime example of the "Give it to me now generation"


Took nine months to finish my epic quest line in Everquest back in the day. You think a small quest line takes to long? Honestly it should have been a lot harder, some raid drops, locate an NPC and do some sub quests etc etc. IMHO anyways.


To short of a quest for a great companion

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Difficult? Tedious? As a sub you deserve... better?


With all due respect, I think, you are just doing it wrong. I've done the HK-51 series of quests 4 times now; two for my toons and two more to help out guildies. Each and every time it was enjoyable.


The reason? I grouped with several others to do it. After all, this is an MMO. I know... some of you are want the best solo experience. And as a paying customer you are entitled to it, or so the argument goes. You shouldn't have to PvP or group or rely on help from others right? But... this is an MMO. It rewards grouping. And HK-51 is no different.


So... my guidlies and I group up to do it, even if some of us have HK already. And it is a blast. Watching newbies run around Theoritika is hilarious. Letting them figure out how NOT to suffocate, or how to get the the final area is quite honestly perverse fun. Not to mention the sometimes harrowing PvP adventure in Outlaw's Den or the eye opener False Emperor is for those running it for the first time.


Tedious? It might be if you are running it alone. But we dig up parts as an Ops group, usually 8 or more and... it is easy peasy. We laugh, joke, and make a general nuisance of ourselves as we do it. And on Hoth... when it is called for... we have a little factional warfare. lol!


No. It is not difficult. It is not drudgery. But... it depends on how you go about it. If you run it as an MMO, it is all aces. If you don't... well, it is still attainable, but you are not maximizing the design of the game to your advantage.

Edited by Rafaman
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Prime example of the "Give it to me now generation"


Took nine months to finish my epic quest line in Everquest back in the day. You think a small quest line takes to long? Honestly it should have been a lot harder, some raid drops, locate an NPC and do some sub quests etc etc. IMHO anyways.


To short of a quest for a great companion


My staff of four for my wizard was close to that as well.


Stupid plane of fear part was what took the longest due to the golem NEVER being up lol.

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Well i thought it would be hard to but it really wasn't. Also like someone else said it took them to places they haven't been to in awhile. Well it took me places i haven't even seen yet and i've did months worth of beta testing right up to release. I also enjoyed the new section X and the battle with the Dread Masters was fun to, and i soloed just with Quin to heal me and i got thru that. It worst it is just time consuming some parts took a few minutes the 1 part that eluded me the most was on Dramund Kaas but once i found it the rest came easy i had a level 29 Jedi Knight ready to go on the Republic side and it took all but 8 minutes to find the jedi temple part and i shipped it off back to my main Sith and in another 30 minutes i had done false empire flash point i admit some luck on the foundry qued up 1 minute after set it in GF. So for me about 4 hrs all together not bad i thought...
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The Theoretika was a highlight of the game so far, for me. I'll admit it was somewhat frustrating at times, but in a good-challenging way. I didn't mind the scavenger hunt at all. And I love my HK.


The quest didn't cost me all so much as a sub -- just a few in-game credits which I more than made up for the day after it was completed. I won't be buying the cartel unlocks. My alts will earn their HK when the time comes.

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Subscribers pay their hard earned money to do this quest line and I, for one, would like a cool, action packed story than a tedious, boring scavenger hunt that feels more like work than play. Even f2p players spend hard earned credits or dollars on cartel coins only to find that this quest line takes an absurd number of hours and boring perseverance. HK-51 was among the greatest ideas bioware had for Swtor and would be an unbelievable addition to a great game. To put in perspective how terrible they've made this mission series, HK-51 simply isn't the trouble, and that should speak incredibly powerfully to any fan of KoToR, swtor, and star wars in general.


Who agrees?



nope...DO NOT AGREE at all


Its supposed to be difficult..


You have to work hard and earn it.

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Subscribers pay their hard earned money to do this quest line and I, for one, would like a cool, action packed story than a tedious, boring scavenger hunt that feels more like work than play.

Who agrees?


I am a Founder and played for 90 days at release, as well as about 6 months of Beta. I came back to the game when it went F2P and immediately dropped Cash for HK, then subbed, then spent more money in the store than I care to admit.


It took me roughly 90 minutes to get all the pieces from the world (this includes getting the Taris one twice since I was on an alt and that is one an alt cant loot), about an hour or so for the dungeons, then about 10 minutes to do the final quest with a friend. I also did the entire scavenger hunt a SECOND time the SAME DAY for the friend who I eventually completed the quest with, and I think that time it only took about an hour. The longest one was Dromuund Kaas or however you spell it and that was simply because someone looting it right before we started and I believe (no proof though) there is a respawn timer on it.


Having played other MMOs with rep grinds and other gateways, a 3 hour investment for a companion I have waited for since release is reallllllly not that bad.


Edit: Also of note, I like this better than the Legendary Staff I got in Firelands (like 4 months, 2 of which were AFTER another guildie got it) and the Legendary Daggers I got in Dragon Soul (another 4 months). Figure each of those runs were about 5-6 hours a week x 20 weeks where I had to be on a raiding schedule, yeah the 3 hours it took to get HK who is a lot cooler is hardly worthy of complaining

Edited by NecrologyX
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dont agree. But i think too many of the pieces were scanner pieces. IMO only the 2 pieces on the temple grounds should be scanned, rest should be someting else. A piece on the bonus boss in hc esseles and Black Talon e.x.(shared drop) And a piece on one of the droid bosses in dir7.(bonus or last) I know many soloplayers will object to even more parts in hard mode FP, but imo that´s better that some random scanned item on hoth.


This would have been better. I wouldn't have minded running more HMs for the pieces instead of the TEDIOUS aka BORING random scanner. But as you pointed out the uproar would have been big. So may be an option on getting pieces by scanner or HM.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Don't complain on how easier you want games than what they already are. Things should be challenging, not handed to you on a silver platter. Not trying to be mean, but I'm tired of seeing complainers rant about how hard games are. Compared to how it was back with EQ, this is nothing in comparison.
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What is it with the MMO community and equating tedium with challenge?


Scavenger hunts that revolve around luck are TEDIOUS.

Scavenger hunts that revolve around say riddles to find locations are challenging.

Enemies that are damage sponges are TEDIOUS.

Enemies that use a rotation of abilities that must be countered in order to win are challenging.


Maybe if so much of the community wasn't readily lapping up tedium at every opportunity maybe it would actually force the devs to provide us with some challenge.

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