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10 Good
  1. I had read many notes and what not on how stats were being affected in 2.0. So after the patch I logged in to see that my defense was the only real noticeable change to my guardian and logging in to my commando was surprisingly nice again with critical being the only real notciable stat change. In fact the commando so far had the most change trouble with me due to changing icons with new pictures that kinda throw me off. Then I leveled to 51. Wholly crap all my stats decreased another 5% at least, shield went from 49% down to 44, absorb dropped from 50 to 42 I think. Kinda took my breath away. And what do I hear from healers now? Wow you have gotten squishy. Was this really needed? My understanding is every level after 50 all your stats go down unless you find gear to somehow maintain them? Which they way they keep swapping stats on pieces, such as chest buffing say shield on one teir and then the next tier the chest piece buffs say absorb, you now have lop sided stats until a complete set and with coms being capped and only being able to run ops 2 - 3 times in a given week to attempt to get more pieces, apparently getting full sets of replacement gear is not soemthing easily done for a lot of people. I have to say being on a diminishing return for gear is one thing but then adding teh level base into just seems to make it bothersome. Maybe there are defenders of this method out there but I for one am not liking it. Especially since it is likely that I will be at or near the level cap with my play style and time allowed to play before I ever get a full set of dread guard let alone anything above that. As near as I can tell I guess the game is about racing to 55, through story or dailies or both, trying to survive if you were not already in black hole or campaign gear, and hope you get something better during Makeb story (which so far I hear isn't happening) and then start doing level 55 HM FP of athiss and such to gear out with gear that might give you at or close to the stats you had at 50? Can I legitimately ask why bother raising a level cap to 55 if in between you are just going to reduce stats to the point that hitting 55 means you have to gear up with the "new game gear" to get teh same stats you had before? Why not just keep the stats the same and just focus on increasing either primary and endurance stats? I just don't see any real point. In fact I thought when I was going to get 5 extra skills that I would actually be putting 5 extra points into other tress. Well that didn't happen because the revamped skills placed a new set of skills just under the top skill tree skill that sucked up my 5 points i'm going to get. The new skills in my opinion should be placed above the last skill you got at the top of your tree. This complaint is less bothersome than the stat issue but again it just seems weird how this plays out. Really all this seems like it would be more appealing t o someone NOT exposed to the old system, thrusting people in the old system to this one just seems to alienate existing customers in hopes of attracting new ones? What kind of business model is that? I thought the point is to increase total players not lose old ones and hope that you replace them and then some, why not just try to keep old loyal players and find better creative ways to get new players interested???? I'm guessing that this will get responded to with some sort of flaming reply at some point but really I want to know whats the point of adding 5 levels with the way they have implemented new levels, skills, and how stats are calculated? I'm not a big fan of PVP i play for solo or co-op experiences mostly, so I agree with many that PVP should NOT be about gear or level just a player of one style vs. another players style of play and see who comes out on top. There is always luck involved, who gets crits more and when and who tops out their damage range more but all in all, expertise as a stat or gear set being a factor in pvp should be removed perhaps scarp pvp play from an RPG game altogether and just make a pvp star wars game? I dunno like jedi academy made into a massive pvp arena? RPG just don't seem to mix well with the pvp idea. Might be more money made if two separate games are made one that is pure pvp (which I bet will get old cause how much can you really do to make that interesting?) and one pure RPG (again probably will get old after awhile). Either way at soem point new games would need to be made to get interest and money back. Which is what software is all about, constantly making "new" software to get people to buy, right? I guess the modern way to do this is just be lazy or greedy and make one piece of software and patch the hell out of it and demand money for years expecting it to keep peoples interest that long, to hell with actually making something new, sequel or what have you. I know much of what I said isn't really worth going on about. So I redirect, seriously why the stat change from 51 - 55???? Why not just change what stats mods bump? Such as higher level mods give higher bouses thus making only one or two mods necessary to achieve the stat result allowing (god forbid) a player to actually bump another stat. For instance there is an insane min/max mentality in this game. so if you aren't 25 def 50 shield 50 abosrb some people don't want to group with you and such. but as a tank accuracy is something of a useful stat so you don't miss thus lowering your potential threat by losing out on soem damage from a miss. Even alacrity, espeically with the new system for it, could end up being a stat focus with everyone. But if you have to pump all your gear into improving pretty much just the same three stats you can't expand into anything else. So my suggestion is make mods have higher bonuses that allow you to expand into bumping up other stats. As is, it seems everyone in the star wars world is only going to put mods that bump power which creates the mentality that power is the only stat worth pursuing out of the numerous stats available. This creates a single minded community focused on one thing that is "encouraged" by this games developers and when everyone who makes this game clues into that fact decides to fix it will again end up making all these people mad because they spent all their time focusing on one thing that ends up changing and now they have to spend time adapting to the change.
  2. There are some people making good arguments, planning is important, maybe everything shouldn't just be handed out. But I think the point is many people have paid for this game 60 at time it came out + 15 or so per month. Limited events are fine give people a reward for playing daily or whatever. Here is my problem: This is a game to consumers, consumers are NOT business planning, we are not here to spend our free time thinking on this "GAME" like its a job, business or what have you. This game is for fun. I think many people who are completionist like myself are bothered by the fact that the goal of Legend cannot be reached in the time allowed and those of who do NOT spend our entire day playing 1 - 12 level 50 characters to "min/max" reputation for items that really are not that awesome, sure i'd personally like to have that white gree armor but I frankly have a better suit of armor on my character (yes I only have 1 level 50 character) and would get it just to have it or to feel all tronish with my cyan saber. I come from a long line of RPG pen and paper gaming and min/maxing is boring, its tedious and for the anal retentive, which means it will never go away. Games are meant to be fun but are invaribly turned into jobs of sorts. Some people spend more time gaming than living. While games are fun, working with or playing against people is fun it is not life, it is not living and game companies trying to cater to peoples obsession with gambling, collectibles and various other things to make money or get people to spend time I think is marginally criminal since its encouraging people to treat a game, be it against AI or real people, as though its life. I have met many great people playing SWTOR, some of my PUG groups have been amazing, others not so much but real life friends are still more important than those who are only around for one FP or OP an then may or may not see again. Even people I do see regularly may not be around next week due to the next MMO that caters to obsessive compulsive behavior comes out. Don't kid yourselves that is all these games are, collecting things that have no benefit what so ever, spending hours (sometimes more than full-time work hours) playing a game to collect something of no game value or real world value. Now that it is F2P you have people spending more on the game now buying Cartel Coins gambling for prizes than if they had just bought the game to begin with and paid a subscription. Back on topic, it would be nice to know for sure if this event will indeed be continued to finish earning reputation to get items desired or if the casual person who is not spending hours a day playing multiple characters to achieve things that have no real benefit. Oh and I might add, seriously with all the money the game has made at least make the items from an event unique. That light saber people talk about (or at least the one I want for my guardian) is the exact same hilt as many other lightsabers I can just buy with comes in the game. The only difference is it has a crackling effect on the lightsaber blade that I find personally unappealing. Are the developers really that lazy or just plain unimaginative? Should Gree items have a unique look and feel now found in the everyday aspects of the game? Why is everything in this game look exactly the same just with different color schemes. The only thing I have seen with effort is I saw a guy on a mount that looked like the fast travel speeders with smoke coming out of the end of it, apparently some unique item offered back in the day. I have seen another speed that everyone can buy that is truly different but again for me personally ugly as sin, I didn't like the speeders in the phantom menace and I don't like them now as a mount but at least its different than just a change of color from whats already out there. If the Gree event will indeed be continued and reputation is not reset to start from 0 but can be built up from where it left off so that items can be gotten later then much of my personal complaint is moot. That would be fair those who spend the time to get it early my hats off to them for having that kind of time to spend "earning" their reward, America might be a better place if more Americans would "earn" their pay and spend that energy they have on a game to apply to their work life, arguments against bad employers set aside. But again at least the early winners of the spoils have what is desirable and the and those who did not make it that far can just get it later. I'm sure there will be comments refuting, defending, or flaming my own but I will make my own disclaimer these are my opinions and i'm sure there are some that share them and some that don't.
  3. Just FYI certain headpieces remove the hood and since you can hide your head piece voila no hood for those who like no hoods. The saber initiate head piece from Athiss is one such hood removing item.
  4. I'm sure some of these are probably listed somewhere in the 1000+ pages of this forum but since these are my suggestions and I'm curious if they actually do get read I'll list my own personal ones here. Hopefully I remember what all my thoughts and suggestions are for one single post. 1). Skins, this is close to if not my no.1 complaint and suggestion. Stop recycling skins. I like the idea of different color schemes but that should be player choice, the actual physical skin should be what is different. Vehicles and lightsabers especially that are "custom crafted/made" should make a different (possibly random) skin each time its made, its custom for heaven sakes. Ideally anything custom should have the ability to change the actual outward appearance in my opinion but I'd settle for custom gear being tailored at least by color scheme. It is very aggravating to know there is a "creative" team that is doing nothing but releasing the same skin/models for items and just adjusting the color. MMO players like uniqueness so cater to that and offer a wider range "aesthetics" to gear and items. Again leave the color choosing to players or make it a CC cost or in game credit fee associated with dye color changes. Seems like that should be fairly easy to implement and there should be a creative team and as such make some nice looking items for players to wear. 2). In relation to number 1, seriously what is the deal with some of the skins you have made, I have seen forums about the consular gear looking rather "mother theresa" and I have to agree, some light armor does look like nurse gear not so much jedi gear. In fact some of the art work for gear seems inspired by japanese anime as I remember seeing some gear that looks like giant pointy bull horns for head pieces and sharp pointed triangle (large mind you) features on chest pieces. Some of which looks silly but I concede that may be just a matter of individual opinion but I think the majority of star wars players would agree that that point bull horn gear is kinda silly. 3). Gear bonus stats for sets. I personally have enjoyed set bonuses, in some past games you didn't even know you got the set bonus for using full pieces of a set. Since there are so many sets of gear catering to different stat sets and some gear being rather difficult to find all the specific pieces for before leveling to the next tier (even when using GTN) let there be item set bonuses for gear similar to what tionese/columi offer or maybe being more like dragon age where items might give a hidden set bonus to either specific stats already primarily offered or by bumping up an additional stat, for example gear that pumps up shield and absorb might add a hidden defense stat bonus if using gear of all the same pieces. Sadly this may also mean that gear removed from the game may need to be promptly put back in as from what I have read there have been a lot of incomplete gear sets due to gear rewards being removed and not being put back into the game in other ways. 4). Vehicle speeds. This needs to be retooled, especially since some areas are HUGE and take forever (or seemingly so) to get from one section to another. I think the speeder increase should be higher or have a larger difference, such as starting at 100 then 120 and either 140 or big increase of 150. Or perhaps start at 90 then bump to 110 then 130 might be more game balancing but that 10% isn't too much of a difference and almost not worth paying higher prices for. Again please add MORE variation to speeder skins, see issue no. 1. On the speeder skin not, remove those big monstrosities, they are annoying and hard to see around especially if more than one person is bouncing around (literally bouncing) in them. Not to mention distracting. I like the new chair ones (only seen them don't really spend on cartel packs to get them myself) although the animations above them is ridiculous, seriously are those needed? Give an option to turn those off please. 5). The GTN is a good example of why common people should stay out of the stock market. Instead of the GTN or maybe change the GTN to work this way, but fix the sale price of items of being within a range or just fix the sale price of items based on level and have it a percentage higher than what it would be sold to through an NPC vendor and then have people register as merchants (perhaps even adding merchant as a crew skill that as it trains up through sales allows MORE flexibility in how much something can sell for). Some of the pricing is just crazy. There are lots of casual people that are never going to see anything, even some F2P due to limits on how much credit they can store or from never achieving that much. I know there are rare items and should be sold for a lot, but its starting to look like the GTN is going to be overly inflated items that caters only to people who have been playing so long that their accounts are in the millions and spending 3 million credits on a mod (I cant imagine it costs that much to get the mats but I could be wrong since I haven't crafted that level yet). Either that or limit everyones credit limit to a certain amount depending on subscription status. Such as 250k for F2P, 500k for monthly subscribers, 750k for 3 month subscribers and 1 million for those who pay for the 6 month at a time subscriptions or some other similar effect. Perhaps even using the cartel market to buy credit cap increase (again it should be capped at some amount otherwise eventually everything is going to go crazy in inflation because people farm creds in some way or just do nothing but play missions 10 hours a day building up obscene credits making it nearly impossible for casual players to ever have a chance to buy something). Again I concede maybe that is the way it should be, people play for 12 hours get to hoard the money those who don't play often are consigned to the poverty level. 6). Legacy items. This needs work. I like the idea but its implementation seems a bit screwbally. First off I think legacy items should either level with the character (joining in other similar suggestions I have seen in this regards) or perhaps all legacy gear should be modifiable and not just the upper tier. Going back to the aesthetics points earlier mentioned, high level legacy gear should look nicer or more impressive/imposing than the lower level but give the option for it all to be modded. I find it laughable someone thought it was a good idea to make an item that is worthless after a couple or few hours of play that is difficult to get or expensive. Legacy gear should be a legacy, something handed down from one character to another not something mailed to another alt character that is handily thrown away because they advanced from 14 to 15 and found a better item. Legacies are extensions of family and should not be treated as something discarded or sold. So if legacy items are difficult to get or expensive to grind out for in daily rewards then MAKE them ALL modifiable pieces. 7). Fast travel. Seriously it costs me 75 credits to fly across the galaxy but from one point on a planet to another point inside the planet it can cost me 1000+ credits???? Who came up with this idea? Again this touches on the inflation/economy system in place that is rather skewed to say the least. I personally think you should pick a price and stick with it, early characters may not fast travel as much due to not being able to afford the price but mid to high level characters are not going to be impacted as much. My preferred suggestion and one you might like is to just at some point after planet one offer a taxi pass for a set high fee or CC cost and just skip the constant fee charge. Cant tell you how many times I have gone to the wrong location after paying 1500 credits and then spending a similar amount right afterwards to get to the right location. Its like dying, god forbid you messed up and went to the wrong area now you pay a hefty price. 8). Post 50. I realize there is an expansion coming up that may garner more suggestions and probably right now giving out lots of fear posting, but seriously is there a way to develop this game so that a single level cap is in place and not some ever increasing one? Another personal peeve of mine, constant escalation. The story 1-50 seems to revolve around a lot of this is the biggest most dangerous weapon ever now go stop it and then all of a sudden and even bigger more dangerous than the last world or universe ending scenario has popped up. I am certain there is a way to make this game fun without escalating everything to such huge proportions. This goes for bosses as well, not all bosses need to be giant screen feeling things. I laughed the first time I did Eternity Vault and saw a giant Rakata as the final boss, seriously not just a Rakata (which I love that race and think their story has potential) but really do we need to have giant Voss and giant Rakata as bosses? I also have none even numbers so increasing the level cap from 50 - 55 just is annoying, at least do it in 10's if you are going to do that or start the cap earlier such as at level 30 and increase it by 5 every 3 months as new content comes out. 9). New content. Seriously keep with the stories, if voicing every character is expensive or burdensome then go back to texts for all but the most primary of NPC characters and tell more story or explanations in cut scenes. Another peeve on voices is I don't like the Alien language stuff, voice them all in English or on very RARE occasions do them in another language but seems like every other conversation is in some alien tongue that sounds repetitive, anyone else constantly hear omi topi? Everyone knows that just about every being with an actual mouth speaks basic. Or allow the game to reflect some sort of translator but the Alien language for me got old after the first encounter. 10). Flash point conversation. I want to agree with many of people on the point of skipping scenes on this. Storymodes should always have this as new people will be coming and not see this stuff. However by the time you get to doing Hard Modes, yeah I have to agree with many people, please disable all conversation or give the option to for Hard Modes. I know the social points are desireable but frankly the Esseles run seems to be the only real source for social points so stop the Hard Mode flash point from repeating the same conversations over and over. Either that or actually change the hard modes story's a bit or dialogue. In fact Hard Modes probably should change how the mission is done and who you fight as well just to be a little different than the original. 11). Class differences. I have not played all classes yet, but from looking at them they all seem to be the same to some degree. Can there be more variation? Such as Sith Warrior/Juggernaut be different than the Jedi Counterpart? It seems they have basically the same attacks and it would be nice to have totally different styles of play between the two. Same for the rest of the classes. I do like the skill tree but it seems ability advancements are pathetic, the increases seem to be so small that there is seemingly no real benefit from choosing some abilities on a skill tree other than to advance to something that might show a real increase in some way. I will make a concession here that I don't fully understand how the game mechanics work in this regard, is a 1% gain actually +1% to a skill? Such as shield spec is +2% to shield, now is that meaning if my shield chance is 32.5% that it jumps up to 34.5% as that appears to be a good gain or is it saying that 32.5% goes up 2% for .65% increase totally 33.15? which seems rather small basically giving a .5% increase in effectiveness. Also the enemy abilities seem to activate faster and more often making soloing rather painful at times but that is a whole other issue. My main point is variation in classes with a side of advancing in levels seems badly disproportionate to the increase of enemy mobs ability increase. 12). Space Missions. This is almost the same issue as number one. Can you please stop using the same screens as previous missions. Is it really that hard to make different space scenarios. And if plotting different tracks is too burdensome then allow us the players to pilot how we see fit within the confines of a mapped area of space and find different ways to complete our missions then. If you can put forth the effort to update the cartel market you can make new space missions that are ALL different and not just harder versions of the same thing. 13). Just a reiteration of variation. Again I can't stress how nice it would be to make variances. Hardmode missions should not just be repeats of the same old missions make them their own more difficult missions with new stories to advance through, seriously right some stories how a TEAM needs to be put together to do something not focus on one character as if they are handling it by themselves but in reality 3+ other people are there doing the job. Did no one learn from Dragon Age? The first game was great with lackluster expansions but the game was fantastic in terms of story (great potential for actual co-op mind you) and challenging game play. You did not want to head on into a situation without looking and assessing first. Dragon Age 2 was horrific, yeah it was an OK story but all the maps were just blocked off areas of the the same map used in the whole game. And worse things did not hide behind obstacles as you walked into a potential ambush, no they just literally "spawned" on top of you, that isn't nearly as good as realizing that boulder over there had two sneaky hidden enemies that I didn't see that came out and stabbed me in the back. The expansion to Dragon Age 2 did a better job with maps and spawning enemies (at least it did it off camera this time). Learn from this these are lazy development tactics and should be avoided if possible and frankly delays might be better than releasing content with recycled material. STOP THE RECYCLING!!!! 14). Is it possible to allow for a name change feature? In the rush to just make a character and start playing you are apt to just pick whatever name is available but later might like to take the time to come up with something else. So please grant some name change feature, use the Cartel Market (small fee only NOT hundreds of coins) to change a name. Not that hard and again something that could make you money as I am sure tons of people would pay 10 - 60 coins to change a character name. 15). Grinding out Dailies. I know things should not be on platter and work towards something. Certainly those that earn something appreciate it more. But come on do you really NEED to make it so I have to fly the SAME BORING space missions for weeks and months to get some items in the game? Or grind out that same time period for other items such as the daily commendation items? I like playing multiple characters and would probably spend a lot of time working each up but the fact that it takes me longer to earn commendations to get some stuff around 50 than it does to actually reach 50 seems a bit extreme. Either make getting to 50 harder or make getting stuff after it a little less monotonous. Doing the same stuff over and over and over isn't that much fun, now repeating some missions to do better is OK but at some point you will tire of that mission. So maybe like the Cartel Market items you should make Flash Points and Daily missions that give specific item rewards for a limited period of time and then that mission is gone or that mission starts dropping different items. That at least keeps them freshish instead of the same stuff over and over and over. 15a). As a side not to 15 does anyone have a way to make it so that its easier to find groups that actually do whole missions and NOT skip every single fight except the ones you CAN'T avoid? I get the whole speed run thing, but there are so few people that haven't been doing these missions for so long that i'd really just like to fight my way threw if nothing else so I know what to expect. I personally only learned how to do some earlier flash points by soloing them after being so over leveled I could do them with just a companion. I found out that I missed out on A LOT of loot chances with most groups skipping through. Probably no real solution to that, but could the developers at least offer solo leveled versions of ALL flashpoints (perhaps lowering loot drops chances in that cases or maybe limiting it to just one major item at the end as opposed to one or two per boss?) At least this way new players get a chance to actually explore the maps and know what to expect while also maybe learning how to fight the bosses and see what items can be gotten from these missions. I know some of these are just preference and opinion but I think I have some good thoughts in here. Not sure if anyone agrees but there has to be some workable material here somewhere. Also i'm new to MMO period as this is my first so some things just maybe the nature of the beast but Star Wars should in my thoughts be different and focus on group and story play not random super boss smashing on an ever escalating larger group scale with ever increasingly larger piles of health.
  5. I have to disagree, there are times in playing the "game" that took me either so long or got side tracked with various side missions that I forgot what "story" was going on. I remember a dialogue option coming up a couple of times with "do I know you?" and then I realize oh yeah like 30 hours ago you were a villain or 2 weeks ago I did a side mission that saved you type thing. Its not ALL story in fact I would argue that its pretty minimal in story, frankly if voice acting is such a burden then go back to text and cut scenes cause seriously I get thrown into stuff and no real idea why at times. Perhaps I missed what ever setup led to getting the mission but often I run into a mission giver that gives me a mission and there is no real "story" leading to it. I did however get the holovid on fleet telling me a nice lead into the Black Hole missions that was nice, more of that please. Then let me spend hours brutalizing MOBS and hearing HK exclaim "You are dead already just lay down!"
  6. I have to agree on the scavenger hunt pieces. Perhaps they should have made more parts co-op and group pieces to get, or if intended to allow solos to get them make them a separate expansion like story that takes 20 hours of Play (not scanning a field endlessly) to do. They made Star Wars with story in mind so keep going with it, make things that are hard to get story involved or like the Flashpoints and having to run through the stories multiple times to get the parts needed with groups, or perhaps a different FP for each part that is NOT 100% drop so you may need to do it multiple times or perhaps make it so that the parts drop from random main/mini bosses each time so people dont' skip straight to a particular one, anything would be better than boring scan/scavenge hunts. Its not bad for those who were with people in large groups scanning but now that its settled down and people are unlocking with creds or CC no one is really participating in scanning so yeah I agree either get rid of it or once you do it lower that price to unlock or make that million creds account wide instead of for ONE class. I still have not broke 1 million creds yet although i'm close now finally. Mainly from selling loot I find. As a side note, BIOWARE!!! STOP USING THE SAME SKINS OVER AND OVER WITH COLORS PLEASE GET THE "CREATIVE TEAM" TO MAKE UNIQUE SKIN DESIGNS ON ITEMS AND ALLOW "US" TO CHOOSE OUR PREFERRED COLOR SCHEME!! Aside from that the fights to get to him were fun, the ship you kick off the mission is great the derelict space craft was eerie and fun more of the parts SHOULD have been more like that.
  7. I think I have seen a couple of forums comment on something similar here but not sure I saw any dedicated threads about this. Hopefully the Bioware people read these but since some of the complaints I have seen in posts that are more than a year old and still around in the game i'm guessing I won't hold my breath. First off, why is all the gear the same just different colors? MMO's are about individual taste. Why is this game not allowing custom color changing by players as part of the game?? It should be, all gear drops should be different. Every class or level grouping should have a different look to it NOT just a different color. The only purpose of some gear is that the modded ones might have higher level mods and therefore cheap players who don't want to pay t o remove and re-add an updated mod don't have to and still keep the same look albeit in slightly different color schemes. I know i'm not alone in this and the company should know by now that MMO players want to "LOOK" unique. So add more skins variations and leave the color changing to the player. If I want Green Battlelord gear then let me choose, if I want Gold Battlelord gear then I should be able to pick that. Maelstrom, Mindful Guardian, Force Champion, Fortified Peacekeeper and whatever other similar gear should NOT be all the SAME except different color schemes. Come on BIOWARE get your creative team in gear and add some new looks and something that is decent not some nurse better looking garbage. My next complaint is probably silly but this is my first MMO and frankly find it rather boring and annoying that you do the same missions over and over and over and over to get so called "good gear". I understand that missions probably need to be repeatable to earn different rewards, heroics have a better system of this as you can go through it 2 or 3 times to get each different reward (2 if you count the fact that the gear is predominately the same again just different color). I can say that i'm not even opposed to farming out the same mission over and over for commendations, but my problem is EVERYTHING is taking weeks or "daily" missions to get the hundreds of commendations needed for stuff. Ridiculous stuff like the legacy gear that might be nice to give to Alt classes is so expensive in terms of time and commendations that i'd rather just farm credits and visit the GTN than spend weeks trying to get a handful of daily commendations to buy a single piece of different modable gear. I realize that the planetary equipment rewards from coms is not so bad, but the startship one has a lot of handy stuff in it and most of costs upwards of 80 - 1000 commendations or more. Utterly ludicrous. Fine make that gear a tad more harder to get than the planetary commendation gear but seriously making something cost 1000 coms is just plain stupid. No body is going to stay interested in this game for years doing the same old daily farm commendations reoutine are they? I mean I would like to play through several of the stories and now that I know what i'm doing do better with my crafting this time around but i'm inclined to think that unless they have some good story related extensions and not just ongoing repeatable missions that is nothing more than a collectable (gotta have them all) game. It seems like it would be nice for them to focus on just expanding stories that affect the universe as they unfold, change the systems and such, not just have another new mission of hardmode/nightmare run-through with an ever escalating difficult boss battles that have ever more hit points and set ways to defeat through patterned behavior requiring ever larger groups of people. Again i'm new so maybe all MMO's are like this and just a game type that doesn't appeal to me, but it seems single player games (which I enjoy immensely and LOVED KotoR and KotoR 2) are going by the wayside and to enjoy the games I used to I am forced to do this online stuff. I like co-op but frankly a game that rewards those playing in groups far more than single players is rather annoying. I have found some good people to play with but there have been many times i'm soloing through the story line come across some elite or group of elites guarding a chest, start a fight with said elites only to watch some guy or group come up and steal the chest contents while i'm fighting, seriously annoying. This is the reason why I want to play solo, games where people on disability, no lives, no jobs, and apparently money and time to burn can dominate aspects of this game with macro characters stealing chest loot or play the game and do nothing but sit on rare drop locations for things people want to get but can't cause its always being taken be some other player who then monopolizes a market. Which brings me to my final thought on economics. This seems to have been addressed to some degree since I first started playing. There are a number of things in the game that are just insanely expensive and between paying credits to buy abilities as I level, pay for travel (really space travel is cheaper than speeder travel within a planet?) and naturally sending missions for resources or buying gear otherwise not found eats up a lot of money. This seems to have been fixed but the GTN economy is skewed heavily. Low level items at times cost MORE than higher level versions, really if you think about technically a low level character can't spend thousands of credit on something as credit drops are 10 - 30 on average they don't have that kind of money. But it seems everyone is relying on higher level ALT characters to finance new lower level ones (I know I do to some extent) but that still shouldn't justify the bizarre price schemes that seem to be common place on the game.
  8. I don't particularly want to defend anyone or the game developers, but i'm going to make this statement. No one is losing money on fictitious intangible product, you make something up that you can't touch but only use in a "virtual" world and sell it, it doesn't matter what it sells for it's ALL profit. People already pay for this in one way or another the only money they are losing is on hosting servers and that is THEIR fault for not making this what it should have been which was a CO-OP multi player/single player game. This is NOT an MMO this is a set story that has a bunch of repeatable missions for rare rewards at the end. I am new to this so called MMO stuff but if this is an actual reflection of MMO what is the deal? Do people really enjoy repeating the same fights over and over just to get all the random loot drops and then wait for the next content expansion for the next set of repeatable missions? Frankly I expected this to release with a story and then build a game that continues with more stories. In fact with the legacy system in place it seems you can make content based on that. I know some of the flash point missions seem to have some story driven elements related to the main story, so then make up long convoluted story based missions with more option co-op areas with (better rewards for the co-op) and keep going. The only thing that makes these missions long after the story (and even during the story) is the lower gear quality takes you forever to beat a boss and even high gear quality takes for ever. I can't say how bored I get waiting for timers to count down and click something again, it reminds me of a facebook game like castle age or mafia wars. After 3 minutes of the same stuff I seriously want to just die and move on, the fights last way to long because every new boss has to have a gimmick to learn how to exploit and dole out ever more hit points, seriously millions for hit points for bosses with PCs dolling out just a little bit at a time in comparison? Even the RAGE system is yet another ridiculous timer system in place, "beat this guy before the time runs out" or you pretty much just die. Like I said I don't mean to enrage anyone i'm new to the MMO stuff, but I have to say if this game is losing money its because they chose to run this game from a server instead of from my computer. Its annoying that if internet is down I can't play a game I pay for, its bothersome that if a server is down I can't play a game I pay for (albeit there is alt servers but they don't house the same characters I might have been playing). Even if Cartel Packs were free how does that LOSE anyone money? Its game content and at that most of it is as many have said cosmetic content. Really the model should be limit free players to basic stuff and subscribers get to do unlimited things and that's it. Want to make money sell your game at a price MOST people can pay don't assume EVERYONE is going to spend 60 dollars on a game. And if you are doing an MMO subscription game, then drop the upfront game fee, the burden is on YOU the developer/publisher to put out quality product, so either do a reasonable price up front OR monthly fee, but not both. I would have subscribed sooner had this game not released at 60 dollars AND had a monthly fee with it. At that model if you want 60 bucks a person you better make damn sure you are keeping your subscribers interested for at least 6 months. I think people are doing what they are supposed to and showing game companies what the values of games are, they are just unwilling to follow the proper rules and adjust to it, they just want to force everyone to pay 60+ per title being nearly oblivious or deluded into thinking it MUST be worth that instead of going by what the public has demonstrated which I think the broader customer base is set around 40 - 50 per title, I know I personally bought more games around 30 - 40 often waiting for price to fall but now misguided corporate people don't even want the price to fall. If you want to squeeze more money out of people who don't care how much money they spend (IE have more money than they know what to do with) then sure sell them collector deluxe edition with special in game content us poor people won't get access to, cosmetic features or cool weapons that are NEEDED to play the game but make it cooler to look at or easier to progress through. But i'm sure there are opinions out there drastically different than mine. And I miss mechanics of the RPG KotOR I & II, if you managed your attacks or consumables poorly you lost your fight, but fights did not go on for 30 minutes although I have seen some long battles in the RPG realm.
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