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The Republic: SWTOR is "Out of Control"


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Ever notice that Santa and Satan use the same letters..... weird....


But yeah I prefer they keep to the lore, when I played Aion it was kind of lame seeing people running around dressed up as Santa Clause as it had absolutely nothing to do with the game lore.

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this is the funniest line...


tell that to the guys who can't buy cartel coins, or the guys that don't get the right amount of "free" coins, or the guys that get charged on their credit cards for undelivered coins..


or the guys who are subscribers but the game puts in ftp status...


etc ad nausem.


"quick to fix" indeed..... ROTFLMAO... you are a tad out of touch.

it took Blizzard 5 years to fix Arcane missle and blink


/end discussion.

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Indeed, but P2W exists by the process of paying cash to avoid gamplay (in this case a grind) not because it is or is not a sole path. :csw_yoda:




Look we've been through this with A rip off and it didn't end well for you, it IS P2W. :(


I agree it's is not the worst possible type of P2W, but it still is P2W. :csw_yoda:


? it didn't end well for me? You failed to realize that you have to pay money to get ripped off. No one is getting ripped off. The value of the speeder is $18 if you don't want to pay it then don't. It's not like someone bought it because they needed it to play the game. No one bought it and then it droped to $1 in cost.


You only proved you don't know what the word ripped off means.


By all means though please tell me the definition of pay 2 win.

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Hmmm I dunno, but isn't Christmas just lore breaking in Star Wars? Isn't Life Day some cheap horrible holiday special made in an attempt to make money using Star Wars, which George Lucas absolutely had no part of? Didn't Bioware say that they weren't going to do holiday events? So why are people surprise by all of this when they come out with the crappy Life Day stuff?
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Hmmm I dunno, but isn't Christmas just lore breaking in Star Wars? Isn't Life Day some cheap horrible holiday special made in an attempt to make money using Star Wars, which George Lucas absolutely had no part of? Didn't Bioware say that they weren't going to do holiday events? So why are people surprise by all of this when they come out with the crappy Life Day stuff?


IMO if they are not going to do holiday events at all then the Life Day items on the cartel market have no place there either.

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Hmmm I dunno, but isn't Christmas just lore breaking in Star Wars? Isn't Life Day some cheap horrible holiday special made in an attempt to make money using Star Wars, which George Lucas absolutely had no part of? Didn't Bioware say that they weren't going to do holiday events? So why are people surprise by all of this when they come out with the crappy Life Day stuff?

Isn't everything an attempt to make more money?

I mean, even George Lucas chose to not kill Han Solo because of his toy line

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As for the whole christmas thing, no one celebrates christmas as a religious thing anymore lets be serious.
Why don't you try speaking for just yourself, and not everyone... M'kay?


I celebrate it with much enthusiasm... In fact, we're practicing tonight at church for out big Sunday Christmas program (I play the piano).



Sorry, wasn't trying to derail the thread.


I usually don't care for game companies - version - of celebrating Christmas. Any kind of holiday spirit celebration they implement is just that - holiday celebration. Rarely ever has anything to do with Christmas (LOTRO - yule festival for example).


Life day - is just another "mask" for some meaningless celebration attempting to replace Christmas.


Doesn't matter to me, nor does it bother me.

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Hmmm I dunno, but isn't Christmas just lore breaking in Star Wars? Isn't Life Day some cheap horrible holiday special made in an attempt to make money using Star Wars, which George Lucas absolutely had no part of? Didn't Bioware say that they weren't going to do holiday events? So why are people surprise by all of this when they come out with the crappy Life Day stuff?


pretty much. As for george his involvment in the Holiday special is unknown. Some sources say it was all him others say he had nothing to do with it. Truth is probalby some where in between.


But yeah Life day has never been a big deal in Star Wars lore. It's only really famous for having being the first holiday and having that horrible holiday special.

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IMO if they are not going to do holiday events at all then the Life Day items on the cartel market have no place there either.


Agreed! If they could place the Life Day pack stuff inside, I want to at least have some Santa hat/helmet. Like why not? They already put in stuff totally unrelated or non-canon inside right? Would everyone have been fine with candy cane lightsabers, speeder sleigh, Ewoks or Ugnaughts dressed in little elves? Come on guys...


I would rather if they could do another Rakghoul Plague or Grand Acquisition Race again.

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Did you ever stop to think that perhaps BW is doing everyone a favor and NOT bringing Christmas into a game simply because not all of us are Christians?! What a novel thought......


Or any event really.


But seriously, charging people $18 for "life day" crap? First MMO to CHARGE for holiday events. Congrats on a new MMO low BW. GG

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Holiday events should have a place in mmos. Not because Life Day or Wintersday or whatever should be special. It's because there's something special in the really real world. Something happens to the player beyond the pixels and good companies know to "exploit" that, except "exploit" isn't really the word for it, because the benefit is usually shared between the player and the company. The company gets some money, the player feels better in game, feels that it's a dynamic world and whatever. So a smart company will emphasize on the holidays. It's good for them, for the game and for the community.


Also, EA needs to remember something. I swore allegiance with my credit card on a monthly basis to SWTOR, NOT to Cartel Market. I support the game and the company with my money because i hope for more content, in all its forms, more PvE, more PvP (god forbid, maybe even world PvP), more class stories, more unique gear, more gear that the community is asking for ages now and so on and so forth.


Look, if you've been around these forums for a while, you've seen it all. Jedi Knights asking for hood-down armor or masks. Marauders asking for hood-up armor. Inquisitors asking for non-tunic robes with hoods. Special lightsabers. Special blasters. It's like they dig up old threads, see what community wanted 4 to 6 months ago, then make it in game and put a price on it and stick it in the Cartel Market.


Again, EA/BW... and maybe for the last time: i'm paying my subscription for SWTOR, not Cartel Market.

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Did you ever stop to think that perhaps BW is doing everyone a favor and NOT bringing Christmas into a game simply because not all of us are Christians?! What a novel thought......


Life day isn't a Christian non-Christian event dude it's A star wars Holiday.... stop grasping at Straws

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I'm not affected by most of the subjects these guys has discussed. like I always say if there comes a day the game feels cheapened and it no longer holds my interest I'm walking away. right now i don't have very many issues other then some bugs that can be annoying and maybe the armors on the CM needs the mods removed and tool tips changed so they can be worn at level one and be nothing but cosmetic in origin.


I want them to take all that cash and make a more immersive social game. I want my ship to finally get the player housing love it has always had potential for. I want crafting to be viable and NOT have to compete with CC market. THAT is the one thing I agree with these guys on. just shells BW, just shells man.


Also we need bugs to get fixed. for some this is priority one issue before they start piling up to become something of a beast that requires an entire re-write of entire portions of the games systems and mechanics to work properly.


other then that, lets keep the train rolling and see where we stop next.

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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Isn't everything an attempt to make more money?

I mean, even George Lucas chose to not kill Han Solo because of his toy line


Same reason for the ewoks in Return. For the kids which buy the toys. It was supposed to be the Wookie planet (can't spell it) but big ugly walking dog carpets aren't as cute as little fluffy ewoks.

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Same reason for the ewoks in Return. For the kids which buy the toys. It was supposed to be the Wookie planet (can't spell it) but big ugly walking dog carpets aren't as cute as little fluffy ewoks.


If you saw the meme they have about ewoks, you wouldn't think they are so cute LOL

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You can take a good look at this repainted monstrosity here:


Czerka Life Day Speeder


So what do you think? Are those Christmas lights or Life Day lights?


And would you really pay US$18 (or the equivalent in your country's currency) to have that for just one of your characters? If so then why?


Maybe you should ride it around in Paragon City. Oh yea... right. Too soon? Just because your game is literally dead doesn't mean you should create an account on TOR just to bash it.

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Same reason for the ewoks in Return. For the kids which buy the toys. It was supposed to be the Wookie planet (can't spell it) but big ugly walking dog carpets aren't as cute as little fluffy ewoks.


My kids don't like the ewoks. My 6 year old asked me how the ewoks got all the traps in place without the Empire noticing. When I said it was supposed to be because the Empire didn't take them seriously, he asked me how the Empire got so powerful in the first place. I told him everyone in the galaxy was an idiot. It didn't satisfy him much but we got to the part where Vader throws Palpatine down a space well and the conversation ended. We haven't watched ROTJ again since I don't want to revisit that conversation about ewoks. I'm not worried about the Sex Talk anymore so much as the Ewok Talk.


Sorry, everyone carry on.

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If you think the speeder is a waste of money then don't buy its been put in this game to take money off those idiots out there who have no concept of it and got us in this international banking crisis. Also i have yet to see anyone actually using that speeder properly, i think i saw one guy but hes back to his praxon bloodline now.


Also the pay to win space parts aren't pay to win i went and bought them all off the gtn the other day for 1.2 million. Every thing you can get with money is on the gtn now so can be got with time effort and well earned credits with out having to spend a penny on anything other than your sub.


EDIT: I even thinK i could by the **** ugly lefe day speeder off the gtn for 5million if i wanted to, haven't checked since I'm not interested in it

Edited by Apothis_
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