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  1. If you think the speeder is a waste of money then don't buy its been put in this game to take money off those idiots out there who have no concept of it and got us in this international banking crisis. Also i have yet to see anyone actually using that speeder properly, i think i saw one guy but hes back to his praxon bloodline now. Also the pay to win space parts aren't pay to win i went and bought them all off the gtn the other day for 1.2 million. Every thing you can get with money is on the gtn now so can be got with time effort and well earned credits with out having to spend a penny on anything other than your sub. EDIT: I even thinK i could by the **** ugly lefe day speeder off the gtn for 5million if i wanted to, haven't checked since I'm not interested in it
  2. I know i should have made this thread ages ago but ive been to lazy to do it Ever since the Rakghoul event ended and the vendor disapeared ive had 210 dna sitting in my inventory, this wasnt dna i had failed to spend or sell. This dna was stuff i had obtained AFTER the vendor disappeared, but you could still obtain it because the virus was still spreading round the fleet. Something i'd like to be able to spend this dna on is containment officer gear. I purpose fully didnt choose to get it because at the time it was useless to my Mercenary, I hadnt heard they were going to make adaptive gear but if i had then i would defenatly have got it. Perhaps you already have something planed for rakghoul dna, but if so id still like to get another chance to get the containment officer fear which i didnt get due to social gear being usless at the start of the game. Edit: meant to make this in suggestion box would be handy if someone could also tell me how to move it there, thanks.
  3. If were best at single target healing then why does are biggest heal crit for less than the other AC's biggest heal? Also armour counts for pretty much nothing in pvp since every class has an armour penetrating debuff. Also if i wanted to play a class with high survivability i would play a tank not a healer, if i play a healer i expect to heal not tank damage which is what you seem to be implying. Plus mercs/mandos have a lower survivability due to the fact we cant escape and our heals heal for less and cost more of our resource bar. As well we have no way of healing ourselves with out paying heat/ammo due to the fact we can't perform rapid shot on ourselves.
  4. WHAT! Were did you come up with this hypothesis, for us mandos/mercs when were full BM we can find it hard to pull off a 5K heal in some wz's, and probably at the end we would be looking at 3-400k maybe 500 on a good day. Where as take an operative/scoundrel in recruit gear they can get 5K heals nice and easy on people with both trauma debuffs and by the end of the wz pull a nice 700k consistantly, IN RECRUIT BY THE SAME PERSON. Now tell me were is the balance in that. If anything operatives and scoundrel healers need to be hit with a nerf batton.
  5. I currently have an Assault Specialist Commando and have played Gunnery for a short while; I also have a Bodyguard Mercenary (Combat Medic) and a Pyrotech Powertech (Assault Specialist Vanguard). My main aspect is PVP however I have done quite a bit of PVE and have cleared EC HM several times. 1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? (Combat Medic ) Personally I feel people around me wished they had a one of the other healing ACs. I often find people may look past me when looking for a healer for a ranked warzone team because they either want the other healing ACs because my sustained is not as good as the other ACs or they want the utility of the other ACs, I have no pull or stealth. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I've always loved my spec up to 1.2, something I did pre 1.2 is help a tank get 500k protection in 1 life because my sustained was good enough to keep him up however this has never been possible since the 1.2 nerf. I’m found healing much harder after 1.2 because I’ve had to completely revamp my rotation due to sustained being harder, with a hammer shot or 2 appearing in between each of my heals just to do sustained. The main thing I still like about this spec is that my burst is still very good however this will consume all my ammo most of the time meaning I have to use recharge cells. This is the spec I play the most so the one I feel am most knowledgeable of. 1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? (Gunnery) One of the things I think is that other people think of me as a very easy free kill in PVP because the whole class relies on my Grav Round so they only have to interrupt that to make killing me easy. However in PVE I feel people think of my spec as a lot better, a Mercenary in my imperial guild is often pulling top damage in some raids and many people want him in their raid. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I personally am not very fond of this spec in PVP unless you can get into a position where people ignore you because all someone attacking me has to do is interrupt Grav Round because this builds stacks of de-buffs and buffs needed to deal high amounts of damage. PVE is a different matter for this spec due to that fact that bosses are very unlikely to interrupt you allowing me to get off my Grav Rounds and do nice easy rotations doing a pretty sustained amount of damage whilst keeping my heat down. However this is not a spec taht I use a lot so I’m not too knowledge able of and mainly played it pre 1.2 but will often switch to it on my healer if a DPS is needed for a raid or flashpoint. 1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? (Assault Specialist ) I get the impression that this is people favourite PVP spec for commandos because it’s not as broken as the other 2 and can hold its own against quite a few other DPS classes; however I do get the impression that they would rather have a Vanguard with this spec than a Commando on their team. PVE wise people are not too fond of this spec because its sustained and overall damage output is not as high as Gunnery’s. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I very much like this spec in PVP being able to survive in a one on one situation because my class does not really on one ability, however when most if my abilities are on cool down the only thing I can do is Charged Bolts to reset the cool down on high impact bolt and if this gets interrupted I have to quickly change what I’m doing (pop call downs and run away). Though this is not like gunnery because my spec is not going to be in huge amounts of danger because one of my abilities has been interrupted. PVE wise I’m not to fond of this spec because it has a lot of abilities that would have little or no affect in a raid. However this spec is highly inferior to Vanguard Assault Specialist because none of the abilities that reset the cool down of rail shot are instant cast meaning they can be interrupted which can reduce this specs overall damage. A question I feel is lacking from the OP and should be there. 3. How I feel about commandos in general? A lack of utility from this class in general is something I’m not too fond of. The fact that my class has not interrupt is something that bothers me greatly, mainly because a Commando can’t solo the final boss of read reaper. Our class used to be a bit over powered in the right situations in 1.1 and so I feel we deserved a nerf but the nerf we got was too strong and ruined our class.
  6. Knock backs are not interupts because they cannot be used on mobs with stun imunity plus they dont stop the ability being used for 4 seconds. This is the main point im trying to get across because i cannot solo the flashpoint red reaper which other classes can.
  7. The fact that mercs/commandos lack an interupt has annoyed me greatly seeing as i play a merc, however it never really bothered me till i attempted to solo the flash point redreaper just for fun and that when i got to the last boss, darth ikoral, i realised i was unable to do it becuse my calss, which has been constantly nerfed due to its believed op-ness, has NO interupt with which i could use to interupt the casts of the trash mobs needed to continue the boss fight. This meant i had to hire some of my guildies just so i could use there interupt just to finish the flashpoint meaning i no longer solod it. Also in pvp since i play a healer and all are heals but 1 have a cooldown when fighting a sorc healer all they have to do is interupt rapid scan and go trollolol because i cant heal myself for 4 second if everyone of my other heals is on cooldown I also feel my class lacks anyway of escapeing a bad fight as a healer, if a sorc get in trouble all they have to do is sprint away and operatives just stealth and there gone from the fight no longer in danger. I dont really have any suggestions of how we would escape but maybe you could give mers a way of using the thing on ther back called a jetpack which is used by almost none of are abilities to perform a move like the jugernaut intercede to get away from our attackers.
  8. thanks for the news was confused when no tool tip was showing up anymore when i went to re my black hole armouring when it used to
  9. iv recently been trying to reverse engineer advanced reflex armouring 26 in order to learn the shcematic however since around patch 1.2.6 i am no longer recive the tolltip saying my percentage chance yet before this time i was recieving a tolltip, yet looking on the gtn i saw other people have crafted advanced armourings 26 looking to see if anyone knows a fix or if ive just broken the game or if i need to meet certain requirment eg complete my class storyline. Or am i just a fail at cybertech and this games mechanics?
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