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Another patch that breaks more than it fixes.


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Two lines of bug fixes for the buggiest MMO ever produced. Two.


Meanwhile, someone has broken something else again. I'm in a 25 minute queue at 3:20 in the morning for a server that has a "light" population.


Bioware, this game has been the biggest debacle in gaming history, and your recovery efforts are even worse. What makes you think you have any time left for this kind of incompetence? Please get it together.

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Two lines of bug fixes for the buggiest MMO ever produced. Two.


Meanwhile, someone has broken something else again. I'm in a 25 minute queue at 3:20 in the morning for a server that has a "light" population.


Bioware, this game has been the biggest debacle in gaming history, and your recovery efforts are even worse. What makes you think you have any time left for this kind of incompetence? Please get it together.


Since this patch wasn`t even announced, but was part of a regular maintenance, i consider the fact that it HAS bugfixes in it already a good thing. Seriously, no one would have complained if this was a regular maintenance, but since they did something now you whine cause they didn`t do more?

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The Improved Speeder Piloting I item included with the LD-1 Celebrator speeder now correctly reflects that the unlock is player-only and not account-wide.

Some item names and descriptions have been updated for consistency and standardization.


Wait wait wait, hang on a minute. Am I reading this right or is it because it's 6AM here? What I'm seeing under bugfixes is 2 text errors? Do I have that right? Text errors are bugs? Surely someone can straighten me out.

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I am going to stop watching patches for bug fixes. I have officially giving up all hope that any long-standing bugs will ever get fixed now that the cartel market is out. Oh well! Thems the breaks....


As much as I love this game, it deserves all the low ratings it gets. *shrug*

Edited by Radzkie
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. . .

Meanwhile, someone has broken something else again. I'm in a 25 minute queue at 3:20 in the morning for a server that has a "light" population.

. . .


I am mad about the companion bugs too. The whole reason I didn't end up quitting after the free to play announcement was because I was working on making my companions all have matching gear, until I fell into a guild which is keeping me going now.


That aside, your 25 minute queue at 3:20 am sounds right. Too many players aren't the only thing that can't cause long queues. You forget you need a certain amount a players. You are on really early in he morning on a weekday, on an already admitted light population server. It might just be you and two other DPS in the queue system with no tanks and no healers. Not a long line just no tanks or healers are both on and looking to do FPs. It's not really an issue.

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I am mad about the companion bugs too. The whole reason I didn't end up quitting after the free to play announcement was because I was working on making my companions all have matching gear, until I fell into a guild which is keeping me going now.


That aside, your 25 minute queue at 3:20 am sounds right. Too many players aren't the only thing that can't cause long queues. You forget you need a certain amount a players. You are on really early in he morning on a weekday, on an already admitted light population server. It might just be you and two other DPS in the queue system with no tanks and no healers. Not a long line just no tanks or healers are both on and looking to do FPs. It's not really an issue.


He's not in the GF queue, he is in the Server Login queue!

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Still no friends list fix.

Still no fix for sabers on companions.

Still no fix for companion unify.


Wasn't expecting much this week. Didn't disappoint myself.


Its truely assame that bio is more interested in getting cartel crap up than fixing the bugs, i cant stand the compaion not unifing bug

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These posts are funny. The buggiest MMO ever? Have you played WoW, especially the first year? It had 4-6 hour login times just to get into servers! Queuing? YEah...let's not start joking this early in the morning. This is by far the smoothest MMO launch and successive fixes we've seen. Do you even have a concept of how hard it is to bug test for a game of this size, where if you change one thing, it could have a tremendous impact on the whole game? Oh, I thought not. Stop whining and just play it. I've seen no bugs so far that make me not like this game so far.
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Wow, defend an inept company who breaks more things that it fixes ... and the only reason why its fixing things is because it broke them previously w/ cra ppy programming. Whee, they pulled the wool over on you!


More like understanding that MMOs take years to get perfect, and truly never are, and dont feel like getting on the forums every day and CRYING, because they have bugs, which EVERY MMO has...


seriously....you people get on these forums and complain to be part of some club. Will never understand what drives you people, but then again, i never understood trolls either...kinda the same thing

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These post are indeed funny.


"Bioware, this game has been the biggest debacle in gaming history"


You certainly don't know about SWG and the CU realease or even worse the NGE release.




nothin but a bunch of crybabies on these forums for the most part, and with no idea what they are talking about to boot.


"buggiest MMO in history"


must have never played another MMO except WoW like 6 years in, would explain the ignorance....

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He's not in the GF queue, he is in the Server Login queue!


Right, at 3:20am which would be 5:20am central time. Meaning the game was just coming back online early from the patch. Just because it says a 25 min wait does not mean that you actually wait 25 min. Most times you are in w/ in 5 min or so if you try to get on just as everything comes up.

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At this point, if it has nothing to do with the cartel market, don't expect quick fixes. They've basically told their subs that they're the lowest priority on this point. Once they change to the 6 character Freemium model, I think I'll unsub for a while. I'm tired of paying money to fund them making cartel items. They just don't seem to care or listen at all now. Edited by Galbatorrix
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And you'll keep right on playing.


I won't. I went and cancelled my sub. I don't expect anyone to care. I've been playing for six months or so and I'm not one of the poor people who've been here since the start. I'm just not happy with how they're treating subs vs f2p people. You just don't get any perks and there's no point to it. Other MMOs I've played there are real advantages to being a sub. The main advantage being that all the content in the game (including expansions) is free to you. It's not that way here. BW wants to charge you for a sub, then charge you for stuff on top of being a sub. If you're f2p you get the same treatment. Why be a sub? Again, I don't expect anyone here or on BW to care, but when my sub is up in 15 days or so, I'm gone as far as paying.


I may stick around as an F2P as the game is still enjoyable and for the price of one months subscription I can permanently unlock all the features I want/need. Then I can have the same experience as the subs but without an actual sub. Why would I not do that?

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More like understanding that MMOs take years to get perfect, and truly never are, and dont feel like getting on the forums every day and CRYING, because they have bugs, which EVERY MMO has...


seriously....you people get on these forums and complain to be part of some club. Will never understand what drives you people, but then again, i never understood trolls either...kinda the same thing


Yes. Every MMO has bugs. However there is no excuse for bugs to survive for a YEAR without getting fixed. This is how SWG operated as well. When I left that game after 1.5 years, there were bugs that had existed the entire time. Yet SOE kept cranking out the new content trying to keep subs up.


Positive experiences effect player happiness about half as much as negative experiences. When are game companies going to learn that? Bioware, fix these long term bugs.

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