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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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My 2 cents is that it will be, but only some time after it's release, no matter what they say about it now.

That's my hope, though I'm not going to hold my breath. I've been waiting months for a level cap so I can finish my class stories and actually get the XP for doing so but I'm terribly disappointed that I'm going to have to pay cash over and above my sub while thousands of cartel coins sit in my account because there's nothing else on which I want to spend them. Other people pay cash for them when they don't have any so why wouldn't BioWare treat them as if they have a cash value?! (Yes, that's a rhetorical question.)

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Err, I think it was Allyson who posted that Makeb would never be on the Cartel Market. Go check the dev tracker, it was posted yesterday I think.




"To answer the question posed here about purchasing Rise of the Hutt Cartel:


We'd like to clarify that Rise of the Hutt Cartel will be available for purchase through SWTOR.com/buy only, and there won't be an option to purchase it using Cartel Coins."

Edited by scullzomben
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Honestly, that consideration is not something that players should reasonably care about. You have a choice. Do you think Makeb is worth $10. Yes or No? As a customer, that's all you really need to consider. I know that MMORPG players tend to feel very possessive of the games they play. But it isn't a democracy. EA is a merchant selling a service for a fee.


If you still like the service, then pay for it. Give feedback, but feedback about their 'attitude' is only going to have you spinning your wheels.


Well, I'm not sure I agree. I think we need to clarify what exactly would constitute as a "new system".

In SWTOR's case, more skills, more pets, more gear, more space missions, and even more species would not be considered new systems...


So what's left? The only things I can think of is: a) a new flashpoint or planetary zone with considerably inventive/complex dynamics OR b) mini-games.

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Just for clarity's sake, this is the post I intended to cite:


Nah, new system does not necessary mean mini-game. They also said new items won't be better than raid ones. This could be a 'new system'... Who knows? We need more info... :(


And i am also very annoyed makeb is not free for subscribers... I have an idea for EA: why do not make us pay for the each patch they do? Why, they do work on them, why not to demand money? Crap.... It is not about 10 bucks, but the attitude to players:mad:


Apologies for the confusion.

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Op's funny.

I like those kind of people with the single-player game mentality on an MMO. Thinking that they'll just have to pay once for ALL future content no matter how big a chunk of new content that is...


We PAY every month a sum of $15 you fool! How is that paying once mentality?

Seriously i think its Insulting and we wait a year for more content and as a sub i have to fork out more cash for it.

Why the hell should we be paying a sub then, what to get access to stuff that free players don't get like lousy bugged/hacked warzones and Flashpoints that are getting insanely boring after doing them thousands of times or Ops that a large percentage of players will never get to even do.. Yeah real awesome value for money XD


So many EAware fan bois on these forums im starting to wonder if half of them are Employees of EAfail.:rolleyes:

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We PAY every month a sum of $15 you fool! How is that paying once mentality?

Seriously i think its Insulting and we wait a year for more content and as a sub i have to fork out more cash for it.

Why the hell should we be paying a sub then, what to get access to stuff that free players don't get like lousy bugged/hacked warzones and Flashpoints that are getting insanely boring after doing them thousands of times or Ops that a large percentage of players will never get to even do.. Yeah real awesome value for money XD


So many EAware fan bois on these forums im starting to wonder if half of them are Employees of EAfail.:rolleyes:


No...They would have been in the lay-offs.:p

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Dear Bio,

One planet? 5 levels? Almost a year and a half by release time? I would like to know the number of employees you have working on the game. Especially since there is still so many bugs in the game that it ticks me off every hour or so? But you still want to pick pockets of Subs?

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Err, I think it was Allyson who posted that Makeb would never be on the Cartel Market. Go check the dev tracker, it was posted yesterday I think.




"To answer the question posed here about purchasing Rise of the Hutt Cartel:


We'd like to clarify that Rise of the Hutt Cartel will be available for purchase through SWTOR.com/buy only, and there won't be an option to purchase it using Cartel Coins."


She doesn't use the word never in there. What she said is true, until they change it. Of course, then people will accuse them of lying because they read stuff into their statements that aren't there.

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I'm sorry, what am i paying 15 bucks a month for again? This company is really, really starting to aggravate me. Why is it a company like Trion is able to do so much more with 15 a month than a mega-corp like EA? It's because EA wants to nickle and dime us, and they dont.


Makeb is not enough for an expansion. 15 bucks a month is suppose to include content updates, but all of our damn content updates are being turned into cartel crap and paid DLC! i am really, really reaching my limit with this game, RAPIDLY.


I agree. I kept positive and tried to be optimistic since release. But is is getting harder to ignore the writing on the wall. They are pushing out patches faster than they can handle. I understand that the creation team is separate (or should be), but this just meas they are adding more bugs than they can keep up with. Their "Known Issues" list is now over 70+ items long, many of which have been around since launch.


They have promised several features as "Top Priority" and yet we still don't have any info on them other than "it's important to us, so soon", over a year since release.


Their last few updates have been nothing but Cartel Shop crap, in which they still managed to screw up. They had the chance to add some of the better looking armor sets as adaptive/moddable. Instead, they picked the crappiest sets in the game. They added some really cool sets, but made us gamble for them.


True, none of the current bugs are technically game breaking, but they are so rampantly abundant in every facet of the game that it is becoming clearer by the day that they are only interested in doing the bare minimum to keep the game playable.


They can say all they want, and have been ad nauseum. But their actions are a complete contradiction. Their actions say that they are only interested in milking nickles and dimes from those who are easily amused by anything new and flashy.


SWTOR has become nothing but a sell out...

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To be honest I think the secret worlds model seems like a much better system than swtor. You buy the game, no sub unless you choose to sub, which gives you a monthly allowance much like swtor to spend in their cash shop. If you decide not to sub you still get the full game with NO restrictions, but you have to purchase what I assume would be medium to large content updates.. something like say Rise of the Hutts.


When Bioware first started talking about F2P they described a situation where people liked the game but they didn't like the idea of a subscription, and F2P would provide them a different way to play. Paying for the aspects of the game they wanted to focus their time on. If someone has no interest in doing flashpoints, or operations, but enjoys warzones Bioware would give them a means to pay for what they wanted to do, this is great for people in that situation.


Where Bioware went really really wrong was things like


Hiding your helm

Showing titles

Showing legacy name

Hotbar restictions

Access to daily areas

Ability to wear purples

Access to cargo storage


etc etc...


I highly doubt anyone said to Bioware:


"Oh gee I never hide my helm, paying a subscription and never hiding it seems like I'm getting raw deal paying a sub"


"Oh gee I never show my titles why should I pay a sub when I don't use that feature"



Makeb should absolutely be free to subscribers, if you're subscribed you're paying for all the content in the game not individual portions like a F2P player. In the end I will get Rise of the Hutts becuase I enjoy swtor, but I'm not impressed with Biowares decision to charge subscribers.

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Ive heard a few things in the expansion. Yes, new planet. Yes, new level cap. Yes, new gear (that supposedly doesn't look too goofy looking...eyes on YOU, Black Hole gear). Yes, new Flashpoints and Operations. Potential new race: Cathar.


As for one planet not being enough, stop thinking about the dozen-ish missions you did on Tython or Hutta or Ord Mantell or Korriban to get your first five levels. Makeb isn't going to give you those 5 levels in 20 minutes, kids. You're going to have to work for them.


As for the price, all i can say is "Seriously?". $9.95 for an expansion is pretty damn impressive. What did the latest expansion for That Fantasy MMO go for when it released? $50 for the basic and $90 for the collectors edition, or there about? "Its not a big expansion you pinhead!" i can hear some of you yelling. To that I say, "Its not a big price". If you want to get the expansion, go for it. Ive already pre-ordered mine. Just one thing though...Don't start whining when people get the expansion and you get left behind because you would rather hold on to a principle rather than part with $10. Its just tacky.

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Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. Is all we ever hear from you bioware. 5 lvl cap increase and 1 planet is your definition of paid expansion bioware? Really?



No one is forcing you to buy it its only 10$ if you dont want it dont get it.


Honestnly anyone would think they have asked for 100$ its the price of a bag of fish n chips.


They do have over heads you know and companies can change there minds ever heard of train fare, energy, food, taxation increases.

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Ive heard a few things in the expansion. Yes, new planet. Yes, new level cap. Yes, new gear (that supposedly doesn't look too goofy looking...eyes on YOU, Black Hole gear). Yes, new Flashpoints and Operations. Potential new race: Cathar.


As for one planet not being enough, stop thinking about the dozen-ish missions you did on Tython or Hutta or Ord Mantell or Korriban to get your first five levels. Makeb isn't going to give you those 5 levels in 20 minutes, kids. You're going to have to work for them.


As for the price, all i can say is "Seriously?". $9.95 for an expansion is pretty damn impressive. What did the latest expansion for That Fantasy MMO go for when it released? $50 for the basic and $90 for the collectors edition, or there about? "Its not a big expansion you pinhead!" i can hear some of you yelling. To that I say, "Its not a big price". If you want to get the expansion, go for it. Ive already pre-ordered mine. Just one thing though...Don't start whining when people get the expansion and you get left behind because you would rather hold on to a principle rather than part with $10. Its just tacky.


I'm sorry but you're horribly misinformed. The RotHC Patch comes with a planet and five levels. It does NOT come with an operation.. much less 3. It does NOT come with new flashpoints... much less 6. It does NOT come with 2 new warzones, it does NOT come with arena's, player housing, it does NOT come with class quests a new race or a new class and it costs either $10 OR $20. You can by Mists of Panda Land for $20 right now on Amazon. So, get yer facts straight lol.

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As for one planet not being enough, stop thinking about the dozen-ish missions you did on Tython or Hutta or Ord Mantell or Korriban to get your first five levels. Makeb isn't going to give you those 5 levels in 20 minutes, kids. You're going to have to work for them.


I can guarantee people will be lv55 the first day of early access.

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I'm sorry but you're horribly misinformed. The RotHC Patch comes with a planet and five levels. It does NOT come with an operation.. much less 3. It does NOT come with new flashpoints... much less 6. It does NOT come with 2 new warzones, it does NOT come with arena's, player housing, it does NOT come with class quests a new race or a new class and it costs either $10 OR $20. You can by Mists of Panda Land for $20 right now on Amazon. So, get yer facts straight lol.


No but it does come with a new planet which is apparenly the bigges planet in game. It does come with a 5 level increase. It does come with new Imp/Reb world arcs.


Plus BW have stated there are more features / content to be announced moving forward.


Would I have liked a bigger expansion, yes. Is this expansion worth a measily £6, absolutely.


Does it represent value for money at only £6, absolutely.


It may not have the amount of content you want but thats ok because it has a low price to match.



Edited by ImperialSun
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To defend - what? That they run a business, release stuff and expect people who want to have it to pay? This discussion about not wanting to pay for this, feeling entitled to that for free, etc. etc. etc. is revoltant.


Running a business isn't an excuse for any behaviour, never has been and hopefully never will be either. :csw_yoda:

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I don't recall watching the E3 video and thinking "Yay, free stuff! There's no way I'll be paying for a new planet and new race!" Though I did think I wouldn't be paying that much, and I'll be damned if I wasn't correct. $10.00 was pretty much the price point I expected, if not $20. Then again I expected everything in that video to come out together and be lumped together, instead we've gotten HK, the new warzone, and whatever that new raid was I think? Not big on repeating flashpoints/operations so... yeah. That's boring to me and I didn't pay attention.


If you sit around being this pissed at the game, why are you still playing? Because you love it that much? I've enjoyed a lot of games but I've always reached a point where it was time to play something new and leave it behind or at least take a break. When you sit around being angry about stuff in the game that's a good sign you need a break. It's not healthy folks.

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I'm sorry but you're horribly misinformed. The RotHC Patch comes with a planet and five levels. It does NOT come with an operation.. much less 3. It does NOT come with new flashpoints... much less 6. It does NOT come with 2 new warzones, it does NOT come with arena's, player housing, it does NOT come with class quests a new race or a new class and it costs either $10 OR $20. You can by Mists of Panda Land for $20 right now on Amazon. So, get yer facts straight lol.


Slow down there, cowboy. I never said exact numbers on operations, flashpoints, and warzones. I know they're going to be in there. Never said how many. Nor did I say anything about arenas and player housing....what have you been reading? I also said that Pandaria had those costs when IT WAS RELEASED. How about this...Ill work in getting better facts and you work on reading.

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