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Lack of Healers


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A good portion of the players in general are stupid, so I don't see how the majority vote on any topic automatically makes it a good idea. If the developers catered to the majority of people on this forum the game would be run into the ground in a couple of weeks.


I will not support anything that makes a game easier than the way it should be. You can't argue that the game is too easy and then also argue for add-ons that dumb it down even farther (not saying you're arguing the game is too easy, just in general).


You seem to confuse a frustrating user experience with difficulty. A UI should be transparent to the user. The same thing holds true for game mechanics. The less onerous and cumbersome game mechanics are the more a player can enjoy the actual game.


Addons that allow for UI customization let a player interface with the game in a way that is to their liking. The only thing that makes it easier is the player is more comfortable playing. It's the same thing for options like Mouseover. It's a QoL thing that let's healers (and other players as well) enjoy the game more because it makes one particular task more fluid. Especially in this game where healers are constantly switching between DPS and healing Mouseover would be a boon.


How about you remember that everyone is different and something you find fun and challenging may actually create a negative gaming environment for another player. If you dislike Mouseover or addons don't use them. Neither will cause this game to crash and burn no matter what kind of hyperbolic statements you make.

Edited by zootzoot
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You seem to confuse a frustrating user experience with difficulty. A UI should be transparent to the user. The same thing holds true for game mechanics. The less onerous and cumbersome game mechanics are the more a player can enjoy the actual game.


Addons that allow for UI customization let a player interface with the game in a way that is to their liking. The only thing that makes it easier is the player is more comfortable playing. It's the same thing for options like Mouseover. It's a QoL thing that let's healers (and other players as well) enjoy the game more because it makes one particular task more fluid. Especially in this game where healers are constantly switching between DPS and healing Mouseover would be a boon.


How about you remember that everyone is different and something you find fun and challenging may actually create a negative gaming environment for another player. If you dislike Mouseover or addons don't use them. Neither will cause this game to crash and burn no matter what kind of hyperbolic statements you make.


/hug zootzoot

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Agreed. And when you play a class that at level 20 still only has two single-target healing abilities. Mashing the same button over and over is a really fun way to heal!


Yea, I gotta co-sign this right here.


I rolled a healer. I'm level 22 and I have 3 buttons to spam. And a 4th button I press in order to spam those 3 REALLY fast.


That and going "OOM" after a 5 second burst of healing just makes it a little boring.


I tend to say "screw it" and DPS.

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No dual speccs = alot fewer healing specced chars while leveling. I'd love to be able to reliably heal group quests and flashpoints but there is no way I will give up my solo speed for that.


Design flaw, not much to do about it now


"Man up and be a real healer. Back in my day we used to heal with exactly two spells and one of them took 200 seconds to cast and we needed a 30 minute rest after every pull because we were OOM! Forget leveling solo too because that's not how it's done! This isn't WoW!"






(This post may or may not contain sarcasm)

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This is my take on the argument:


Healing isn't that hard, but I agree with those that say getting into a pug group as a healer can be tough. I get people that focus on different targets (sometimes in another room) making it hard for me to keep them all up and I go oom fast. I learned how to be flexible and manage my energy better as an IA. I don't have that ability on my Sorcerer...yet.


Tanks go in and ignore any kind of CC, so I end up being targeted and killed if I don't do everything in my power to save myself. That is annoying. If you are going to gogogogogogo please at least pull agro off me.


And three, most of these people saying healing UI sucks bring to mind this: "Uhm, Bioware, we want a completely unique and different MMO then any we've played so far, but could you PLEASE make it exactly like every game we've played so far? Thanks!"

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+2 for ****** UI causing your problems...


More specifically, PVE healing is ok, you don't really have to worry much about switching targets if you're doing it right.


PVP healing on the other hand is retardedly difficult caused by a few factors


1. Most heals require the healer to stand perfectly still for several seconds, while the dps is VERY mobile compared to other games. This is required for the fluidity of the warfronts with shifting objectives and especially huttball. Keeping up with the ball handler while being beat on by intelligent enemies who go for the healers is nearly impossible. (mechanics issue) Note that at higher levels you do start to get some mobility but by the time players get there they don't feel like healing any more, too frustrating.


2. Warfront raid health bars are too much information in a tiny *** icon. Simplicity and bright colors is the way to go, take a look at squareD in other games. Add in that the health bars do not actually work, means the healer has to look up and watch the individual health bars, stay in range of retarded DPS who like running around things like 3 year olds(LOS blocks heals, not just DPS dimwits), and try to not get ganked since nobody protects the healers. I've got my mouse settings on max sensitivity plus a boost from the mouse itself and find it exceedingly difficult to target friendlies outside of my individual group, I usually have to click 3 or 4 times to get a lock, by then you are dead... Comes from too much mobility and too small of a click box(UI issue).


3. Range on heals sucks period, ties in to the mobility issues. Probably the easiest way to fix most of the issues would be to increase range.... kind of retarded that I can hit an enemy beating on a friendly with a medium range attack but am out of healing range... Add in that friendly runs like a ***** around objects screaming like his hairs on fire so the few heals I do get off get interupted by the LOS changes... (mechanics issue)


My experience comes from my operative who is still at a fairly low level and from listening to my wife complain :) while attempting pvp. She is probably one of the most experienced PVP healers around from other games to the point of being infamous in warhammer but cannot stand pvp healing in its current status. From playing my own, I see her point very rapidly...



Fix the warfront raid UI, use squared as a model

Increase click box size on players to make it easier to target fast moving players

Increase healing range

Fix LOS changes affecting heals, if I start healing while in sight, don't interupt if LOSed


Those 4 will get you more heals guaranteed.

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When you have a UI that is this difficult for healers to work with and things like hp bars not even updating half the time you're going to get a lack of healers.


**** cry more...


We raid healed just fine with this UI in beta..


spoiled little brats from WoW gotta have thier healing overlays to trivialize the entire game..


use the focus system that is already in place and heal the OLD way..


People are also dumb as hell because they think healers are gimped in PVP/PVE like they have been in other games.

where in this game the healers are just as powerful as their damage counterparts and level just as fast.

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Oh yeah thanks for reminding me about the single target healing. Well that is easily fixed people need to start learning to focus on the tanks target and stop attacking random targets which is what I see most of the time as me playing a powertech and having everyone attacking seperate targets but the one I'm attacking. The UI isn't much of an issue if everyone focused on the tanks target so that only the tank is taking damage so that he doesn't need to waste healing on others.




I keep grouping with randoms for the quick heroic and everyone is always attacking dif targets, Im a powertech as well and i facepalm. Tried doing one before work this morning that should have taken 15 mins top, this is without a healer or with my comp. doing minimum healing. I kept dying as i watched everyone attacking everything but the target I was hitting. Dont get me started on pulling either lol, stupid sith just want to jump in all the time...sigh

Edited by alexlongwell
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i would heal group quests and flashpoints but there is no dual spec or decent cost for respec , and leveling as a healer is too painfull :|


then you are terrible.. as healers in the game are unbeatable while leveling..


I played them all to L40+ and can kill just as fast as any other class.


learn to play.

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Yea, I gotta co-sign this right here.


I rolled a healer. I'm level 22 and I have 3 buttons to spam. And a 4th button I press in order to spam those 3 REALLY fast.


That and going "OOM" after a 5 second burst of healing just makes it a little boring.


I tend to say "screw it" and DPS.


and how is that any different than any other class in this game?


you have 3 heals.. but you also have every other DPS skill from your base class..

you can do both you know..

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**** cry more...


We raid healed just fine with this UI in beta..


spoiled little brats from WoW gotta have thier healing overlays to trivialize the entire game..


use the focus system that is already in place and heal the OLD way..


People are also dumb as hell because they think healers are gimped in PVP/PVE like they have been in other games.

where in this game the healers are just as powerful as their damage counterparts and level just as fast.




The point is not that you can't heal it's that many of us find the UI and other features lacking. It doesn't make you leet to heal some old skool way like it's EQ again. This is a 2012 game. Things evolve. If you love old school click healing then do it. If it makes you feel better about yourself rock on pro.


We noobs would like options and those options wouldn't change your enjoyment of the game one bit. :rolleyes:

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I've noticed a minimum, let's call it lack of healers, on my server as well. Of course tanks are wanted as well but when monitoring the LFG messages it is clearly healers that are wanted a lot.


I love to heal, I won't do anything else for the time being and nothing regarding the game design and the terrible UI can keep me from doing so. The only thing that started putting me off yesterday after doing Hammer Station with one group and then Athiss with another is simply people.


Everyone jumps on everything. Elites, bosses, doesn't matter. Everyone is tanking, people keep on taking lots of damage at the same time. Really, really annoying and draining on my force pool. Noone uses CC at all. If I use it, whether I announce it or not and just place it on some mob standing furthest away you can bet on the fact that three seconds after the CC is set some idiots jumps on that mob and breaks it. Oh, an let's not even get started about not giving me any time to loot and not even to mention to recover force after a heavier fight. When I stop to recover I often have to interrupt because I see the tank or someone else already half dead and far out of range.


Oh well, let's hope we get those things ironed out quickly.

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It'll be the same everywhere. The ratio of dps to healers and or tanks is pretty high for the dps side. You will see more healers over time as each game comes to some sort of balance, but for now yeah, either hang on for a couple of weeks so people can re-roll healers or skip the group stuff :/


It seems even more so than the "other" MMOs, especially once you hit mid-high levels. I've actually seen a fair number of tanks, often to the point of having to refuse them for flashpoints/heroics (seriously, I get tells "need tank?" like 5000000000000 times)

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The Lack of healers is going to hurt this game because they are so very few of them that you have to basically skip the heroic quests at level 20+ because they are not doable with a non-spec healer. Is anyone noticing a lack of healers on there servers? If so post here and what server you are on. Me I'm on The Shadowlands server and not many people are playing healing spec.


SOLUTION? easy: dual spec :)

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Operative healing is so stupidly easy I don't know why I don't see more fellow medics.


My thoughts as well, I figure it's because 75% of the players want lightsabers and/or have no clue how Agents work - but playing a stealthy melee healer is awesome.

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I haven't seen this at all. I've seen plenty of healers, not as many tanks. I did a flashpoint the other day with three healers and a dps.


Like anything, I think it will balance out. If there isn't enough of <insert role> people will roll one or respec to be more desirable to groups.

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I am gonna have to agree here. My main is a BH power tech tank and my alts a Jedi Sage. I Already felt it, i was looking for healer to do Hammer Station for well around 45 mins. When i try my jedi sage i didn't even had to ask for people i was swarm by whispers as soon i took the elevator to the instance quest area.


Thank god my RL friend is a sith sorc healer or else i will strongly consider changing to a heal toon on empire.

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