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Would anyone else rather not have companions?


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Yea I know. Me and my rl friend mostly run around in a 2 man group though, and even then it's stupid not to use companions. It feels like going to a little gathering with your close friends and then having a couple people who you don't really know show up and it sort of ruins the atmosphere. It's like playing the whole time with a third wheel.

Why is it stupid not to use them?


The majority of content in this game is tuned to be soloable with a companion, so for, say, 1.75 characters. (Because we all know that NPCs aren't as flexible or adaptable as actual players)


This means that, if you put your companions away, you'll still be slightly over the target power level when playing with a friend.


The only time you should need to take them out is for Heroic missions or under-manning Flashpoints.

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The content is perfectly managable alone (exept from heroic quest). So you don't need your companion to play and beeing succesful.


I really love the companion for all reasons mentioned above, but also and mainly for the story. It's really like having a friend with you all the time.


As I'm someone who play at a very slow path, I've choosen to play alone most of the time (also, fit better the Secret Agent), I'm happy to have my Kalyio making comments in my back and getting killed for me.

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I do see your point of not using companions as a side-kick. But the option not to summon them is there. Send them on craftings/missions while you and your friend can enjoy the gaming experience.


I for one love the fact that there´s a companion there to back you up. I can now choose to focus on a healing class with some support abilities, while my "side.kick" kicks ***.


If we were to compare this game to another MMO not using the option to have a companion by your side. You wouldn´t be able to mainly focus on a healing class (as easily). You would be forced to build a DPS/levelling spec and then after hitting cap spend money to respecc.


WoW for example has another option. They´ve made it so that you can have two speccs quite early in the game. Making it possible for you that wishes, to play a class that´s able to heal/tank and DPS.


I find that the way BW has approached this, is quite unique

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I know someone will say something about not using them, but we all know that's pretty silly to do.


Problem is it's sillier to expect something you don't have to use to not exist simply because you don't want it. And if you'll be playing with a friend as you mentioned, you really wouldn't need (or as far as I know even be able to use while teaming) companions. Its like a "I don't want it so nobody else can have it" mentality, and one I've run into when suggesting stuff that currently doesn't exist in the game (such as more extensive appearance customization options), would be completly optional if it did, yet someone that wouldn't use it feels the need to deny it to everyone else.


At least companions are in no danger of not existing at this point... I hope.

Edited by VisionStorm
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In my opinion Bioware did a perfectly fine job with companions, I just don't want them. I like playing the character that I made without having to drag around some npc that I also have to gear. If I am soloing, I like for it to be solo. But most of all, I like playing with my pal who got the game as well, and I would rather leave npc's to the quest giving, and he and I to the real stuff. I know someone will say something about not using them, but we all know that's pretty silly to do. If I'm playing with a group, I want to play with real people.


I can't quite put it to words very well, but all I know is that I don't like having an npc sidekick. Somehow it takes away from my character that I made how I wanted and sort of brings me out of the experience. It's not enough to make me stop playing, I love basically everything about the game besides this.


Some people love companions; I'm just wondering if there are others out there like me who wish they never existed.


I'm not super thrilled with them, but at the same time they do allow you to play the game rather than mine/gather resources. It takes that part of the game away which is somewhat nice. I think the notion of every class having one it silly. Did Boba Fett have a companion? Did Vader? One or two classes having one fine, but all of them seems redundant.


It's an easy button in some ways I think. I have noticed that they do turn off in instances when there are 3 or more people. I was talking with a friend and he mentioned that there would be 4 players each with the companion totaling 8 inside an instance. I did BT the other day and thankfully that was not the case. I was happy about that.


Since they are in the game, the thing I think they should change is crafting. I don't like the fact that I can only craft one item at a time. Is my companion a complete moron incapable of handling more than one task at a time? Why not allow my companion when sent away to craft to craft mulitiple items of the same kind at a time, gaining the appropriate skill points when compeleted? It's tedious having to do one at a time.

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Perhaps raise the DPS/healing/offense/defense of the companion-free class to compensate for the lack of a companion? I don't know really.


No.. the point is that if other classes are balanced around companions, and this one is not, then once you get into instances and warzones that don't allow companions, you'll have one class who is substantially stronger than any other.

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Since they are in the game, the thing I think they should change is crafting. I don't like the fact that I can only craft one item at a time. Is my companion a complete moron incapable of handling more than one task at a time? Why not allow my companion when sent away to craft to craft mulitiple items of the same kind at a time, gaining the appropriate skill points when compeleted? It's tedious having to do one at a time.


You can definitely craft up to five items at once.

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Then dont use it instead of wishing it away for everyone else. GEEZ are you really that selfish?


My sentiments exactly. I love the companions.


Problem is it's sillier to expect something you don't have to use to not exist simply because you don't want it.


No need to be defensive. I'm not going to come to your ship and kidnap your companion. I was just curious to hear other people's sentiments on the subject.

Edited by Ronisman
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I love Companions, and the Variations of them, What I don't like, is that You pretty much need them for Soloing or else you will have a very difficult frustrating time, and others get to take the highground and say "You have the choice to use them or not.." Thats not really a fair statement, since the game is built around companions in the first place. I find on my Guardian if my Companion dies Early in a Multi Mob pull, I have a good chance of dieing depending on who im fighting. Still I enjoy leveling anyway, I just dont like that we are forced to do it with Companions or Its gonna be near close to impossible to do class quests.
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My companion helps me solo the heroic +2 encounters. So I like them just fine, they are a great way to compensate for the LACK OF PEOPLE to group with.


There's plenty of people. They just don't want to drop what they're doing and run to your aid as soon as you ask for a group. Join a guild. Problem solved.

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Yea I know. Me and my rl friend mostly run around in a 2 man group though, and even then it's stupid not to use companions. It feels like going to a little gathering with your close friends and then having a couple people who you don't really know show up and it sort of ruins the atmosphere. It's like playing the whole time with a third wheel.


Consider them other players from a random daily queue... I run into strangers all the time in other games. IMHO, the companion is better because I can control what she does.

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Consider them other players from a random daily queue... I run into strangers all the time in other games. IMHO, the companion is better because I can control what she does.


Bonus: they always do their job, and they never ninja any loot! :p

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Did Boba Fett have a companion? Did Vader?


You know actually I think that is sort of how I feel. I liked the feeling of my character being powerful enough to do stuff on his own without needing help (or being overleveled, etc.). Grouping is super fun, but there is also something ****** and fun about your character alone being a ******.

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In my opinion Bioware did a perfectly fine job with companions, I just don't want them. I like playing the character that I made without having to drag around some npc that I also have to gear. If I am soloing, I like for it to be solo. But most of all, I like playing with my pal who got the game as well, and I would rather leave npc's to the quest giving, and he and I to the real stuff. I know someone will say something about not using them, but we all know that's pretty silly to do. If I'm playing with a group, I want to play with real people.


I can't quite put it to words very well, but all I know is that I don't like having an npc sidekick. Somehow it takes away from my character that I made how I wanted and sort of brings me out of the experience. It's not enough to make me stop playing, I love basically everything about the game besides this.


Some people love companions; I'm just wondering if there are others out there like me who wish they never existed.


You can leave them behind, but you will most likely take a blaster bolt to the kn- NO! Don't use that meme! Bad archi, BAD! *whacks own cheek, startling his coworkers*


Ahem. Sorry.


I don't think that having companions diminishes the multiplayer experience in any way. You can still team up with your friend(s) irrespective of having companions with you or not...


I understand what you mean about wanting to be more "solo" when soloing... But I find the companions to be pretty non-intrusive in that way. You can easily put them on autopilot for the solo content.


You can still not use them, but you'll be somewhat weaker for it - especially on a PvP server. I think though that you'll probably get used to them, especially if you simply use them as pets.

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While I understand your sentiment, there is an option for you. Have your companions not with you and just send them on constant missions, this is a good way for you to keep credits around and the game really is terribly easy. Companions are a great assist but definitely not necessary.
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I don't like needing them to craft (and the painfully slow craft times).



So I just don't bother crafting. Simple.



My only real gripe with companions (Khem Val) is that he gets in the way when I try to activate things, or loot bodies. I guess the "I can't seem to use a lift without going haywire" bug is a gripe aswell, but I'm sure it will be fixed in time.

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I can agree with the companion idea being cool (for crafting, stories, jokes, etc.), but I am with you on this one. The feeling of him nearly always having to be around me like a crutch is disturbing, and I really don't like anything that turns MMO --> solo.

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In my opinion Bioware did a perfectly fine job with companions, I just don't want them. I like playing the character that I made without having to drag around some npc that I also have to gear. If I am soloing, I like for it to be solo. But most of all, I like playing with my pal who got the game as well, and I would rather leave npc's to the quest giving, and he and I to the real stuff. I know someone will say something about not using them, but we all know that's pretty silly to do. If I'm playing with a group, I want to play with real people.


I can't quite put it to words very well, but all I know is that I don't like having an npc sidekick. Somehow it takes away from my character that I made how I wanted and sort of brings me out of the experience. It's not enough to make me stop playing, I love basically everything about the game besides this.


Some people love companions; I'm just wondering if there are others out there like me who wish they never existed.

It takes away from your character??????????????? ROFL.


If anything, it ADDS. Its nice to have subordinates and people working for you. If not dismissing them isn't a solution. Quit. This game isn't for you then.

Edited by RycheMykola
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