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New Space Missions a little HATEFUL!


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So, ive been trying the new space missions and there seems to be "issues"


I broke down and spend 1.5 mil on the new Grade 7 upgrades and they are still very difficult but not in a good way.


I find this strange because the space missions used to be fun but now they are just frustrating to the point of aggravation.


If there a reason for this change in direction? Why the decision to punish players for "enjoying" an element of the game?


It almost feels like the devs said "NO! you arent having fun correctly! Here! Let us ruin it for you!"


Not impressed...

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I've given up on them.


Since these are scripted on-rails shooters it's just a matter of trial and error and time (lots of time) to figure them out.


The degree of accuracy needed is probably too high for me (The rep datacron on Coruscant in the Justicar Sector took me over an hour on one toon because I missed one of the several consecutive jumps you need to get it).


I can get the rewards elsewhere while having a lot more fun (Doesn't really matter if I can make 100 or 140 FCs a day and those extra 12 BH comms a week aren't that big a deal either).


Too bad that the gap between the new space missions and the old ones is so huge. Some sort of middle ground would have been nice (Why make all 6 missions Nintendo-Hard? Make 2 challenging, 2 hard and 2 Nintendo-Hard...)

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So, ive been trying the new space missions and there seems to be "issues"


I broke down and spend 1.5 mil on the new Grade 7 upgrades and they are still very difficult but not in a good way.


I find this strange because the space missions used to be fun but now they are just frustrating to the point of aggravation.


If there a reason for this change in direction? Why the decision to punish players for "enjoying" an element of the game?


It almost feels like the devs said "NO! you arent having fun correctly! Here! Let us ruin it for you!"


Not impressed...


I actually have all the level 7 upgrates and i have finished the 6 missions, a friend did the same with Grade 6 upgrates and the 2 part that u get with dailys coms.The secret is to know how to use ur shields and actually dodge the attacks, is not easy, but it can be done.

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Their "new direction" has made them a lot more fun. They are much faster-paced and actually feel like real battles. The old ones are slow and just about everything lines up for a shot in front of you for you to hit it.


How I feel about them too, the older ones were pretty slow and there wasn't much thought behind your gameplay in winning. I actually have to pay attention to things like shields, missle levels, armor, etc.

Edited by Larce_Apollo
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I actually have all the level 7 upgrates and i have finished the 6 missions, a friend did the same with Grade 6 upgrates and the 2 part that u get with dailys coms.The secret is to know how to use ur shields and actually dodge the attacks, is not easy, but it can be done.


Yes, DODGING is the key for the new missions. So much dodging - it's like they decided that what space combat was missing was an infusion from TERA/GW2.

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So, ive been trying the new space missions and there seems to be "issues"


I broke down and spend 1.5 mil on the new Grade 7 upgrades and they are still very difficult but not in a good way.


I find this strange because the space missions used to be fun but now they are just frustrating to the point of aggravation.


If there a reason for this change in direction? Why the decision to punish players for "enjoying" an element of the game?


It almost feels like the devs said "NO! you arent having fun correctly! Here! Let us ruin it for you!"


Not impressed...


I don't get these self-entitled posts. You don't like it / find it too challenging, so that makes them hateful and you are snobbishly "not impressed". Yet, other people find they are able to complete them, enjoy them, and find them challenging. Should Bioware just tailor the game to your specific needs? Or should you just get over yourself and realize most of us don't care if you are impressed or not?


Personally, I don't care too much for the space missions at all. But, I don't QQ about it. I realize other people like them, and I feel free to enjoy the aspects of the game I enjoy, and run a space mission once in a while for something different (but I'm certainly not then going to complain that it's too hard, when I barely practice running them).

Edited by Sledgeweb
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I've found that all of the new space missions are doable with just the new power converter and emp, though certainly not easy still.


But there is a bug with the Blast Condenser part, on some ships it is not giving the listed damage bonus. So if you're having trouble killing the objectives with all grade 7 parts it may be that it's not working for you either.

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They're definitely overtuned.


Compared to the old space missions, though? You can do the level 5 ones with no items equipped. Definitely welcome to get shot to bits again, now if only they hadn't ballooned the costs of the level 7 gear...


You know, when they say HARD MODE, they dont mean EASY MODE.


That pretty much sums it up. They are Hard Mode missions. They are not meant to be easy.

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There's a reason for overtuning them, though. In MMOs it's generally preferable to the altnernative, where you undertune something, everyone beats it the first day and gets bored and then it's a big waste of development. And if you think there are complaints about them being too hard now, imagine if they had started easy, let everyone fall into their particular strategies, and then beefed up the difficulty? Yeah, unholy *****torm.


That's why MMO bosses pretty much always start out harder and then get nerfed later, rather than starting out easy and getting buffed. The people who are golden gods of rail shooters get bragging rights now, and then in a month or two when half the missions take a 10% nerf to enemies' everything (fine-tuning the balance), they can talk about how BW is catering to casuals or something and everyone can zip around blowing things up.


Now, did they make it harder in order to sell more space gear on the cartel market? Well, maybe. If so that would be pretty unpleasant of them. But the difficulty of the space missions is not by itself a bad thing.

Edited by Guancyto
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That pretty much sums it up. They are Hard Mode missions. They are not meant to be easy.


They aren't really hard, they just need to be learnt and have less tolarance for not learning them properly (unfortunately they'll still be easy to BOT for those doing it :().


Hard was

on the C64 or Spectrum, these are a cakewalk compared to that. :)
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I find this strange because the space missions used to be fun but now they are just frustrating to the point of aggravation.


If there a reason for this change in direction? Why the decision to punish players for "enjoying" an element of the game?

Did the new space missions somehow make the old ones unavailable to you? Did the old missions magically become less fun? Or are you just frustrated that the new ones are actually difficult and require some practice to master?

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I played them after getting new missiles and shields last night, and they made a big difference. I think I only have one or two left that might be tough - the escort one will probably be a pain.


The missiles are a bit too strong, and seem out of whack with the previous missile pod upgrades. They basicalyl let you fire off the equivalent of double the missiles with the damage boost, which makes them almost vital.

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I suspect these missions are so tightly tuned, that connection latency may very well be a significant factor of success.


It would be interesting to see a parsed list of win/fail vs latency in ms.


I have had no success doing them with T6 gear fwiw.


Latency should have almost no impact, the space missions seem to be mostly (completely?) client-side.


As far as doing them with grade 6 parts, I've found that 2 of the new missions were very doable (not easy, but once you learned the map not hard), 2 of the others were somewhat doable (if very difficult), and 2 that were either impossible or required such a degree of perfection that they were practically impossible. With just 2 grade 7 parts, the improved power converter and improved emp, all of them are doable.

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So, ive been trying the new space missions and there seems to be "issues"


I broke down and spend 1.5 mil on the new Grade 7 upgrades and they are still very difficult but not in a good way.


I find this strange because the space missions used to be fun but now they are just frustrating to the point of aggravation.


If there a reason for this change in direction? Why the decision to punish players for "enjoying" an element of the game?


It almost feels like the devs said "NO! you arent having fun correctly! Here! Let us ruin it for you!"


Not impressed...


They've gone from space missions to twitch reflex kid games where stuff comes at you from all directions and there is no rhyme or reason, just blast away at random dots on the screen. Not really into that.

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I don't get these self-entitled posts. You don't like it / find it too challenging, so that makes them hateful and you are snobbishly "not impressed". Yet, other people find they are able to complete them, enjoy them, and find them challenging. Should Bioware just tailor the game to your specific needs? Or should you just get over yourself and realize most of us don't care if you are impressed or not?


Personally, I don't care too much for the space missions at all. But, I don't QQ about it. I realize other people like them, and I feel free to enjoy the aspects of the game I enjoy, and run a space mission once in a while for something different (but I'm certainly not then going to complain that it's too hard, when I barely practice running them).


The first round of anything gaming is not an indication of its success, but its appeal to the hardest of the hardcore gamers that will be first in most things. The "likes" you see here are those "firsts". Give it a few weeks and they will consider toning them down as the bulk of the demographic always lags behind and they most assuredly will not find this excessive arcade level of twitch and difficulty entertaining.

Edited by Blackardin
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