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Is 1.6 possibly the worst patch to date?


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It seems that this patch was merely a way to extract more $$$ from people's wallets even the subs-seems blatantly obvious:


1) P2W Space Parts (and yes, while you can grind, why would you????) for BH commendations.


2) Life Day? Seriously? With no background story behind it, you're selling us items that are "only there for a short amount of time"? What's next? Cloud Day? Spaceship Day? All with "get them while supplies last." And the vehicle? Just a reskin but red with stupid Christmas Lights.


3) This patch broke a lot of things/introduced bugs. The coloring on some of my uniforms on my jedi are all jacked up.


Bioware-Sorry, but your management and marketing/creative teams nees to be fired because it's obvious that this your design team is full of amateurs who have no real world MMO experience designing games.

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Possibly. It's sole good feature is a new WZ, it's not really that good a WZ but I'm really bored of the other 4 so having a 5th is refreshing (for a time anyway).


I didn't think it was possible to put worse stuff into the shop, but a Christmas Speeder?


Here's my favourite part (favourite as in "what were they thinking?" not "good job"):


Snuggies make you look like a crazy cult member. Not very holiday friendly. What was the artist thinking?

Edited by AshlaBoga
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If you go here and click on 1.3, you'll see that a lot of the content that has been released since 1.3 to 1.6 was originally meant to be one major update:



Terror From Beyond, Section X, and Hk were tentatively planned to be in one patch. Nothing mentioned of the Warzone anywhere on the site. So they split off TFB and Section X into two patches and there's still a mysterious flashpoint that never got released....*shrug* Whatever. Stuff gets moved around and pushed back in MMOs, it even happens in *gasp* WoW. LIke they originally had a whole raid and a Heroic dungeon planned out for Cataclysm that they had previewed and everything and just decided to scrap "because we don't know it would fit into the story".

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A) This is propably the most expensive video game ever made.

B) No other MMO has lost as large %%%% of her subs over 6 month period as TOR managed.


This is a terrifying combination for any publisher. I'm quite sure only EA and Activision are able to survive from a blow of this scale. Literally every other publisher/studio who is publishing would have been killed off by this. EA survived but ofc they had to do damage control; most of the devs, customer support, GMs,admin staff got fired last spring.


Skelton crew that remains suddenly needs to learn how to run a game with vastly inferior numbers of recourses and people they had initially designed. Most, if not all people in leading positions when features currenttly in game were decided upon and designed have been fired.It all makes a difficult environment to work.



Result of all this? Pseudo content patches that rely heavily on charging you RL cash for a holo pine tree. ..One that says its being sold at 25% discount from moment it lands to store.



I doubt it will change all that much in future, Yhere are loads of terrible people out there who vote with their wallets here; loads of people who see nothing at all wrong with giving RL cash for recolored old armor models,holo pine trees, recolored vehicles. It costs EA virtually nothing to spoon feed this ****. Many people buy it->EA will most assuredly keep adding more. Oh man I can't wait for The Grand Spring Celebration Day Festivity(In practise it means Holo easter egg and holo condoms sold @ cartel market. Holo Easter Egg is actually recolored model of a datachron. )



On a ever so sligghtly more positive note,actual content of this patch seems pretty solid? One WZ and space missions. It ain't too shabby yo. Though it truly puzzles me why anyone would ever want to play an arcade railshooter with a mouse. Since they keep providing content for such grp I have to assume such grp exists. Crazy world we live in.

Edited by Stradlin
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Life Day is from the Holiday Special. New Space Missions are an alternate game advancement and those new missions are damningly tough. Warzone is pretty good and creative. I have seen nor heard no complaints about any form of bugs until right now from you. 1.3 did not even have content. This thread is bogus.
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*Checks watch* Well that didn't take too long for the complaining to start, now did it:


1) Like you said, you can grind for the parts if you want to. No one is forcing you to use the BH comms. Deal with it.


2) All the stuff is fluff, if you dont want to partake in it then, again, no one is forcing you to do so.


3) Bugs are bugs. They've happened with just about every major patch and have gotten resolved quickly afterwords. Think the companion bug from 1.5 was fixed in a day or two.


Bottom line, relax. The sky isn't falling and, trust me, your money is completely safe in your own wallet. Stuff will get fixed and everything will be fine.

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1) P2W Space Parts (and yes, while you can grind, why would you????) for BH commendations.

So they are supposed to spend all of their time developing content that people will only run once???


2) Life Day? Seriously? With no background story behind it, you're selling us items that are "only there for a short amount of time"? What's next? Cloud Day? Spaceship Day? All with "get them while supplies last." And the vehicle? Just a reskin but red with stupid Christmas Lights.

Google "Life Day". You just outed yourself as someone isn't very informed on Star Wars lore. Life Day has been part of the Star Wars expanded universe for over 30 years.

Edited by JimG
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Ugh, the Lifeday robes *shudders*


How come none of the complaints are about how hideous the coolade cult robes / snuggies are?


I don't get it, we have tons of gear appearance threads but no one is going "ew, those robes make me lose my appetite."


They are a simple red robe, it seems in keeping with previous canon on Life Day. They aren't awesome, but they aren't that bad either.

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So they are supposed to spend all of their time developing content that people will only run once???


Google "Life Day". You just outed yourself as someone isn't very informed on Star Wars lore. Life Day has been part of the Star Wars expanded universe for over 30 years.


Do you even understand why what they were doing was so questionable? Because it's basically P2W. When you make it so inconvenient to buy the best tier of equipment (300K + days grinding), and push people to buy it off the cash shop, that my friend is everything wrong with this patch.


You're totally misreading my comment. I'm not against Life Day or any other day that's in Star Wars Lore. There could be 50 different holidays in Star Wars Lore for all I care. That doesn't matter??? It's the idea that they just plopped some items into the cash shop without any introduction as to what/why Life Day matters. They clearly didn't put any thought into the implementation because they were so fixated on how they could milk their customers for more $$$.

Edited by ShiningKnights
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