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What did 1.5 do to performance ):


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I've come to the conclusion that the most recent patch simply brought to light issues that existed on my computer prior to its release, however before 1.5's release there were much less people around so .. yeh!


Anywho, I've wiped my HDD, installed a fresh copy of windows 7, and am in the process of redownloading SW:TOR now. Hopefully it doesn't screw up, but I saved another copy of the game folder just in case.


It'd be interesting to see the difference between the current install package released by bioware, and the one I have on my comp from 12 months ago. Both appear to work, in fact I've been using the same client since the final beta weekend back in december 2011 xD. (Till now that is)

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I'm not sure if its that notorious 'memory leak' issue, or if its something else. Before anyone goes saying 'its your computer', up until 1.5 I played on Max settings with no issue. NOW, i'll be running around and the game (and my computer), will just stop for about 10-20-30 seconds, whilst the CPU fan whir's away loudly, before it finally settles down again and normal gameplay ensues (till the next time it happens).


Since 1.5 I've actually only playing on 'High' settings instead of 'very high' and the issue STILL happens. I'm not keen to go out and spend more money on a rig I only just recently upgraded, and it has nothing to do with the parts themselves, as games that are more graphically demanding the SWTOR (PS2 for example), have little to no issue whatsoever, and thats on a US server (from Australia). Now my ping is always 30ms or so and never really increases, so its not that, whaaaaaaat is it >.>.


And I typically spend my time in lower population areas anyway, so I doubt its the volume of people brought on from F2P... unless they're somehow affecting the entire server.


Are you running anything else in the background? Have you fully updated Windows? Did you try a fresh install of SWTOR? Have you fully updated your Video Card drivers?


What are your full System Specs?


Personally. 1.5 improved performance for me. Especially with high detail shadows.

Edited by monkgryphon
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I'm not sure if its that notorious 'memory leak' issue, or if its something else. Before anyone goes saying 'its your computer', up until 1.5 I played on Max settings with no issue. NOW, i'll be running around and the game (and my computer), will just stop for about 10-20-30 seconds, whilst the CPU fan whir's away loudly, before it finally settles down again and normal gameplay ensues (till the next time it happens).


Since 1.5 I've actually only playing on 'High' settings instead of 'very high' and the issue STILL happens. I'm not keen to go out and spend more money on a rig I only just recently upgraded, and it has nothing to do with the parts themselves, as games that are more graphically demanding the SWTOR (PS2 for example), have little to no issue whatsoever, and thats on a US server (from Australia). Now my ping is always 30ms or so and never really increases, so its not that, whaaaaaaat is it >.>.


And I typically spend my time in lower population areas anyway, so I doubt its the volume of people brought on from F2P... unless they're somehow affecting the entire server.


Welcome to SWTOR. The client optmization team says "we didn't want your money anways".

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Check my sig - before one update I'd never had any issues with my computer, then suddenly I did. Now without having changed a thing my end - no issues again, so another update they did fixed the problem.


The problem lies in a combination of whatever they did in some update, and whatever components make up your computer.

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The game has been a lot more hitchy with weird ability delay... more then usual at least... since the patch Tuesday for me. But this is kind of the norm for this game... have 60+fps with 4 bars yet game always has issues with some abilities or hitching. Nothing as bad as what you are saying though.
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I'm not keen to go out and spend more money on a rig I only just recently upgraded


Freezing solid for 10+ seconds, regardless of where you are in the game, is not an ordinary performance issue. Something is very wrong. Upgrading hardware would only help if it accidentally fixes whatever installation or driver issue is causing your hang-ups.


Probably the FIRST thing you should do is a clean reinstall of the game client. Make sure after uninstall that the My Documents and AppData directories for the game are gone before reinstalling. Something may have been corrupted in there. If that doesn't help, move on to checking and updating drivers. Perform clean installs of those as well if you can.

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The issue is at both ends. Bioware is in the best spot to fix it though. the problem is both their design and the complexity of variations in user equipment. adapting your code to every possible combination out there isn't rocket science, but it isn't picking daisies either. it takes many hours of Dev time and resources to get it all...and when companies are strapped, they tend to prioritize. so they will get the biggest part in first, and add more later. thus why most systems work, but a number don't. then a patch later, it smooths out for many, while others get broke on that patch.


and Bio is working on the graphics engine every patch so far that I've seen...and they have a history of breaking things mechanically every time they do it, so I'm not surprised that some peeps are experiencing issues.


Of course, Bio can't expect people to go out and replace hardware every time they tweak their stuff, so the burdens on them to make sure it works for the general populace. But....the individual player also needs to understand that games never come out perfect for everyone, and video drivers and game engines are in a constant state of change. so if you want your system to work most the time, you need to keep up with updates on your system, especially driver updates. But, if your doing all that and trying various tweaks and it doesn't work, Bio needs to know that and resolve it.

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Honestly this is a game weak point. I love the game itself but I tried out PS 2 and apart the fact that I will never play it again, I must admit that it's really smooth with no lag at all. Today during OPS and FPs we had some hard times because of server latency and lag spikes. I think the staff is working on it seriously and will come out with a solution in the near future (I hope so :D).
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Check my sig - before one update I'd never had any issues with my computer, then suddenly I did. Now without having changed a thing my end - no issues again, so another update they did fixed the problem.


The problem lies in a combination of whatever they did in some update, and whatever components make up your computer.


Your sig is ridiculous. I have no aftermarket cooling. Its a regular old case with an ATI 6770. I have never once come close to overheating. I'm not saying my situation is the same across the board but telling everyone they need aftermarket cooling for this game is simply not true.

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Your sig is ridiculous. I have no aftermarket cooling. Its a regular old case with an ATI 6770. I have never once come close to overheating. I'm not saying my situation is the same across the board but telling everyone they need aftermarket cooling for this game is simply not true.


1) That is what people told me (that we need aftermarket cooling to play SWTOR), which is why I quoted it and put it on my sig. Yes I found that funny as well.


and 2) What part of one update wrecked it and another fixed same issue that didn't exist before do you not understand. Wait, probably used too many words and confused you again :'(


simple version just for you: I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS EITHER


aaand added to my ignore list for having nothing worth saying, and what you do say is inflammatory.

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Honestly this is a game weak point. I love the game itself but I tried out PS 2 and apart the fact that I will never play it again, I must admit that it's really smooth with no lag at all. Today during OPS and FPs we had some hard times because of server latency and lag spikes. I think the staff is working on it seriously and will come out with a solution in the near future (I hope so :D).


Ops and FP's are the one place this isn't happening (thank god) Dunno how long i'd hold on to my raid spot if this was happening during TFB HM etc. But I concur, I suppose its just a case of being so used to excellent performance, that when ToR finally does give me grief, it's the most annoying thing in the world.


Since launch i've not really had performance issues, and when I did, it was fixed with a driver upgrade on my graphics card. *shrug* i'll try tidying up my computer/fresh install of windows/fresh install of swtor, and see how that goes.

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Funny how on the forums nobody ever drops below 2000000000 fps on a calculator, but in game nobody goes above 20, no matter what pc or settings


I stream while playing at full graphics settings and I maintain between 60 and 30 fps so....

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Honestly this is a game weak point. I love the game itself but I tried out PS 2 and apart the fact that I will never play it again, I must admit that it's really smooth with no lag at all. Today during OPS and FPs we had some hard times because of server latency and lag spikes. I think the staff is working on it seriously and will come out with a solution in the near future (I hope so :D).


PS2 = Planetside 2 ?


If so, this is the worst example ever, as Planetside 2 is terribly optimized and totally unplayable in large scale battles. There are tons of SOE posts acknowleding the issue.

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This. Are you running Vista? It's known that SWTOR has issues with Vista, but it's also been known that Vista is a piece of crap for quite a few years.


No I'm not running Vista. Sufficed to say i'm as big a tech nerd as the next person, all identifiable reasons for the issue have been explored to no avail. As i said before I'm just gonna reinstall my OS (Windows 7), and reinstall SWTOR.


Though i think i might save my swtor folder on another HDD... have seen that some people have been getting issues downloading the game, next thing I know i'll be one of those people xD.


PS2 = Planetside 2 ?


If so, this is the worst example ever, as Planetside 2 is terribly optimized and totally unplayable in large scale battles. There are tons of SOE posts acknowleding the issue.


*shrug* i've been in a few large scale battles, no lag for me.

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if you have nvidea, install the new beta drivers. make sure you have your fan setting at like 90% on your GPU. once temps reach around 60 C, performance takes a real hit.


name plates should be off, there are programs which will turn off services and processes not needed by games.

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For those with Nvidia, they released a major driver update yesterday, so you might want to check that. Also I set my video card to always run out highest performance rather than have it guess, and that seemed to improve performance. Some people were suggesting Memory Cleaner as well, never a bad idea to have extra tools on hand.
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Funny how on the forums nobody ever drops below 2000000000 fps on a calculator, but in game nobody goes above 20, no matter what pc or settings


Yah, even at launch fanbois claimed they "get 100+ FPS no matter where they go and what they do" on max settings and 4 years old low-end graphic card".

And of course, everyone believed that :D


Perhaps your stoneage system doesn't, but mine runs SWTOR fine with 60 fps in ops and warzones, up to 100 on the fleet and 130~140+ on questing planets.


:D :D :D


from just the other day :D

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