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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So it become the worst release in modern MMO time.


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My friends and I have been playing since before 9am (UK time) with no server queues, no lag, just 100% fun. I must disagree entirely with the OP. I was on a heavily populated server during the early access, called Legions of Lettow. I tried to log in one day and there was a 2 and a half hour queue so I switched to a light pop server.


This ^^

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You even know what you talking about? If there where a grace period when DC’ing, queues would be longer? That got to be trolling.


How is it trolling?


You are the one that doesn't know what you are talking about.


Ok, picture this. There are 800 people in front of you with no grace period, so when they drop out of the game for one of the various reasons, the person at the front of the queue gets their place in the game.


With a grace period, if someone drops out of the game, that person can log back in instantly thus ensuring that the next person in the queue does not take his place in the game. Therefore it would take LONGER to get into the game initially.

Edited by Mandrax
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You know how I spent the first month in WoW? Being D/Ced, having the servers come down randomly, being stuck in loot lag on almost every other mob that required either sitting there for 2-3 minutes or logging out and back in.


Compared to that, this is an amazing launch, I can actually play the game.

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I'm a little concerned myself. Queue's to get into Trask Ulgo, (one of only two english EU RP-PvE servers) at 8am and now a 12pm. I don't want to switch, I've already established my character on the server, as well as leveled to 26. :(
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Age of Conan was worse by far. This is one of the best releases I've experienced. Queue times are the only serious issue, but once you're playing it's epic.


Edit: Because my response implied that I thought this release was bad.


Age of Conan was worse because the game itself wasnt finished. But, they handled the launch 100 times better than this.

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You know how I spent the first month in WoW? Being D/Ced, having the servers come down randomly, being stuck in loot lag on almost every other mob that required either sitting there for 2-3 minutes or logging out and back in.


Compared to that, this is an amazing launch, I can actually play the game.


Indeed. Your WoW payment history shows all of the free days that Blizzard gave us due to server issues. It's worth looking through, it's surprising how much they had to give back.

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I'll just reply to the OP instead of waiding through 11 pages of what will (most likely) be dribble and non-sensical tripe.


No grace timer on DC’s.

If you end up DC’ing you end up at the wery end of the queue. Sucks to be you then :s


Your point? Sure, it's bad if you DC, but you've disconnected, what exactly do you want them to do? As far as the server is concerned you could have just alt F4'd?


No character transfer system in the game from release. They KNEW that there would be queues, so why have they not made this an option? Every freaking MMO game in the world has some form for queue problem. BioWare should have known this from the beginning.


And how would having server transfers help? Aside from adding unnecessary strain to to the servers which as you already conveniently pointed out are mostly full to capacity - adding server transfers would not only make this worse in of itself but it would cause unnecessary server imbalances from the get go.


Queue problem.

In early access we got a look in how they handled the queue. They could not handle it.

I was complaining about it but ½ of the people were saying, stop whining, at lunch they will open all the servers for max population. The queue will be acceptable then.

Right, we see how well that went.

If BioWare even had an idea about what queues other MMO’s have been through, they did a terrible job of trying to prevent it on their MMO.


Ah the ramblings of an uneducated dolt.


For starters - queue's are unavoidable, all MMO's (yes, even WoW) at release suffer a sharp drop off, a lot of people buy them then stop playing either indefinitely or for a period of time.


Warhammer is the only game I know what didn't suffer from severe queue's, why? Because they released with far too many servers which then a month or so after release created the idea that the game did not have an active playerbase due to server populations thining - which in turn then made them merge several servers which further caused population issues as people spooked as they assumed the game was dying.


Queue's are part of MMO release, a decent MMO will release servers as and when needed to avoid unnecessarily long queues (1 hour+) but they won't try get rid of them entirely.


Then there is the player support.

Still no e-mail support when it comes to account problems. You just get an automatically mail saying that you have to call the support or not get any help at all.

Still no toll free phone to others then UK, France and Germany so the cost of that call my be quite a surprise do to extreme phone queue time.


Are you honestly this arrogant?

For starters, TOR's pre orders exceeded several hundred thousand.


How exactly do you expect a team (bearing in mind funds aren't infinite) of lets say, 100 people, to deal with tens of thousands of queries by email?


Then you have the in game stuff like UI etc etc.

They have tried to go their own way, but by doing so they have made things bad. A fresh person coming into the world of MMO would probably accept it as it is, but most of the players are experienced MMO players. They WILL bring with them experience and ideas from other games and compare SWToR against that game. BioWare trying to invent the wheel again, but not by improving it, but by making it square. It works, but by god it is a bad ride.

BioWare do have a team working on the UI now, but what have they done up to now? Extended summerholyday?


Maybe you should explain what you find bad with the UI, instead of y'know, just complaining.


There's this brilliant thing us humans have which is called constructive criticism.


Personally I've played everything from UO to TOR (obviously) and TOR by far has the best basic UI, in every game I've played prior I've either tolerated a badly designed UI or used mods such as MoveAnything in WoW to adjust it to my preference.


That's the other brilliant thing about Humans, we have opinions which are neither fact or fictious they differ on a person by person basis - stop stating yours as the be all and end all.



The forum is working on ½ machine. Should have been up and running from day 1 in release.


The forums have been up for 4 years, what are you getting at?



So in basic. Early access game is the same game as release game.

BioWare, /boot to the head.


Yes, like every other games EGA - ever.


To summarize, none of your points are coherent, you ramble on about 'problems' but offer no solutions in most cases you haven't actually explained any reasoning behind any of this incoherent babble.


Good day.

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The estimated wait time is a lie! When i joined it said less than 15 minutes...it has been over 20 with 62 more people ahead of me.


Otherwise i totally disagree with the OP and I'm getting fairly tired by these over-dramatizing threads...


Do you understand what estimates means? Do you also understand that when a server is full, the people ahead of you are all waiting for someone to log off? Now answer me this, how does an automated estimating system know exactly when someone will log off a server to let someone else on? The program tries to calculate, bases on statistics gathered, how often people are logging on and off to give you an "estimated" wait time.

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The game has been out for little more then a week, and less then 8 hours for the rest of you saps. If you want a free transfer off your server then reroll your ***.


Servers will straighten out. Give it a week to a month with The FREE MONTH YOU HAVE! Oh nose not the FREE MONTH! THE HORROR!


Worst launch in history? You need to brush up on your history brother.


There a launches where the servers kept crashing and NO ONE could play.

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I think its one of the best starts ever :) everyone is complaining about queues, well u kidna have to deal with that, no mmo ever had this many people right from the start. Dunno why you are complaining and as i seen in other posts makin treats to go back to wow. The game itself is awesome, i dunno how about others but i never got dced, got answers for all my questions from support and most of everything in game works flawlessly. Srlsy guys, its first day and u have already thousands of complaints, if u wanna go away, then go away, dont make a scene out of it, cut swtor and bioware deservs better :) if it means i have to wait about an hour in queue (cuz thats most iv been waiting there, not even that) i will and then i will frikin enjoy playing this game :)

Peace out complainers :)

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How is it trolling?


You are the one that doesn't know what you are talking about.


Ok, picture this. There are 800 people in front of you with no grace period, so when they drop out of the game for one of the various reasons, the person at the front of the queue gets their place in the game.


With a grace period, if someone drops out of the game, that person can log back in instantly thus ensuring that the next person in the queue does not take his place in the game. Therefore it would take LONGER to get into the game initially.



The average queue time per person will be the same. Of course people without DCs only have disadvantages, but not everybody can have stable network connection, so it's more fair for those guys.

Edited by GHeissi
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Sorry, can't understand what op is talking about.

I pre ordered the game 3 times, 2 of which i canceled, just because i was not sure it was going to be worth to leave WoW after nearly 7 years and start here again to find the same bad community. I decided, after the last beta weekend (the one i got in) that the game was worth the risk, i would rather play on my own with occasional grouping when needed. It seems i found already a nice and mature guild anyway.

I experienced twice a queue, about 15 minutes waiting; not that much to be a brand new mmorpg. In WoW i experienced much worst queues at the beginning...

Bugs? A few, nothing really bad, i really can't complain.

My opinion about the game?

I really didn't think this game could be this good. So far is the best mmorpg out there, and it has just released. My fear is Bioware would follow the crowd and EA giving server transfers, allowing addons and making all the bad choices that ruined WoW...

9.5/10 (where the only 0.5 missing is due to the bad choice about pvp, but that's a problem common to each and every mmorpg).

Once again Bioware made a wonderful job.

I already extended by 2 months my subscription, the game it's worth and Bioware deserves it and that's my way to show them my appreciation to their work.

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At least some find it funny :) I do this for free so people in the queue can have some entertainement :p

And no, not everyone is nativ english speaker or writer. And some is dyselectic and have it even harder.

People who rack down on spelling and gramatic errors of other people are just idiots who can't help it. They are born stupid. most of them cant even speak more then their own language, or their own language and english.

Guess Ill start flagging posts like that so they get a boot to the head :p



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I refuse to try and reason with someone who cannot spell "precaution", "holiday", "kept", or "damn".


Other MMOs have had far worse launches. And of course, the UI feature is definitely staying like that for all of time forever and ever and ever and ever, and future patches and content will not slowly redefine features to suit everybody.


Because, you know. Understanding the concept of gradual improvement is difficult. Can you spell E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N?



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Stop the nonsense please all the apologists and excuse makers and "I live in the cellar with no life and can spend my 24/7 waiting and playing" freaks!

7AM East Coast and my server is full!!!! ***.

So all my early access rime to develop my char is worthless even before work, never mind after. What will 6 PM East look like-2 friggin hours? 9 PM East *** Bioware

They should have know/left some slack on all the servers. Who is going to keep starting chars on a new server every time yours is full? When all your friends/guild is on that server? And who can sit for 1-2 hours waiting, if that is your play time window?


And just for th record. I love the game and think it's a tour-de-force but this lack of planning is utterly ridiculous.

The servers should have been shut off when the max number that could always ;log in was reached. Is that so friggin hard E-the POS-A?

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