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So it become the worst release in modern MMO time.


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This is one of the best releses in modern times.


Totally agree. I pre-ordered by December 5 and was in game playing early access by 12/15 - five full days when I expected at most 2.


There has been no lag. No looting issues. Newbie areas not overcrowded. Mobs not camped so much that I can't quest.


Played last night right after the servers came up at exactly the time promised.


The people complaining here are clueless. Absolutely clueless.

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The self-entitlement generation rear their ugly heads.


Did anyone honestly think that the game would launch with no problems? Did everyone forget that this is the largest MMO launch in history? Did people see what it was like to be part of a REAL launch day accompanied by server crashes, 4-5 hour queues, huge lag spikes, game freezes and constant crashes to desktop?


You kids are not entitled to anything in this world other than the certainty of knowing that bad things happen. When these things happen, crying about them does nothing to alleviate the situation. Getting all emotional and going on your witch-hunt shouting "OCCUPY BIOWARE" does nothing.


When I read posts like the ones I'm seeing in this thread, I picture this:


... and it makes me afraid of our future.


Okay, while the whiners in here are just being asterisking silly, I have to make at least one point: This is not the "self-entitlement" generation any more than any other generation has ever been. Your parents thought you were self-entitled, their parents thought they were self entitled, and so on back to the origin of written history (and presumably beyond, though there's no direct proof there any more). Deal with the annoyance of some self entitled PEOPLE and stop trying to pin this on a group.



Back on topic: Awwww, some people think this was a bad launch? How adorable.. I bet if we give them some bananas we can teach them how to sign.

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This in no way is the worst release in modern times. A person can list a ton of games with actual serious game breaking issues that went far worse than this. This has been one of the smoothest MMO launches in a long time outside of RIFT which was also smooth, but that game also had multi hour long queues during the first couple days of launch.
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One game comes to mind that was the worst of them all... Shadowbane.... It was suppose to bring new concepts to the MMO world and well we see what happened there... Launch day was a joke and the servers kept crashing all day long. Look at Dark age of Camelot when it launched... or even World of Warcraft, they had long Qs and still kept crashing people in game because it was buggy and the database couldnt handle the load. So log in and go do something else besides whine.
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Umm this release has been one of the sharpest I've experienced in a MMO. Should things be smoother? Yes, but they always should be smoother, people are always miserable at MMO releases yet everyone is still always focused on getting in day 1. If you really aren't ok with the problems pretty much every game has on release IMO wait 3 months after a game releases to start. Servers will be stable and less congested, starting areas will be functional and there might even be an update to address any issues noticed after the game went live.
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The self-entitlement generation rear their ugly heads.


Did anyone honestly think that the game would launch with no problems? Did everyone forget that this is the largest MMO launch in history? Did people see what it was like to be part of a REAL launch day accompanied by server crashes, 4-5 hour queues, huge lag spikes, game freezes and constant crashes to desktop?


You kids are not entitled to anything in this world other than the certainty of knowing that bad things happen. When these things happen, crying about them does nothing to alleviate the situation. Getting all emotional and going on your witch-hunt shouting "OCCUPY BIOWARE" does nothing.


When I read posts like the ones I'm seeing in this thread, I picture this:


... and it makes me afraid of our future.


Exactly. "Me, me, me, me. Give me, pamper me, do for me"


MMO's do not ship complete. They ship with enough content to get them going. There will be problems. There will be queues. They will work on them and fix them. Everyone and anyone that has either played them for any length of time, or has taken the time to educate themselves about the genre will understand that. Those that do neither will clog up the current game boards with, "worst release evah".

Edited by Blackardin
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I've seen worse launches than this. Star Wars Galaxies, for example, had an awful launch, I don't think I could even create a character the first day.


Yes, this is annoying to have to wait so long to get in, but remember that this game is new and lots of people want to try it. MMOs are an iterative process, and this game will have updates and improvements over time (and there are plenty of those to make here). The game is not perfect and it never will be, so to expect it to be so is not realistic. Certainly we can hope for perfection and strive for it, but the game will never be everything to everyone.


I encountered plenty of annoyances and things I would like to see changed, but so far I haven't seen anything that flat out stopped me from playing the game (queues chew up time, but you can eventually play). For a first release, I'd say that's pretty good.

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So you're actually saying that swtor release is worse than 8-10 hrs queues, loot lag up to 15 mins, not being able to turn in nor accept most quests at all, and getting disconnected after 20mins playing so you can enjoy another 8 hrs queue?? I doubt it, seeing as swtor is nothing like what I just wrote, and for you're information, that's the launch of World of Warcraft...
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The release has been super awesome. I don't mind the queues at all, and my server has had one almost every time I sign in. It tell me I'm on a highly populated server, which is excellent. I love having lots of people in the world.


I'm also glad they do not allow server transfers. Transfers break community. If I make a friend these first few days, I love running into them a month, a year later! Same with my enemies in warzones.

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Yeah, you clearly didn't experience WoW's launch OP. Probably by far the worst I've ever seen. Servers died and it took days to bring them back online. The lag was unbearable.


I'll take queues over not playing at all for days at a time.

Edited by ReRuined
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I've been pretty vocal in my dislike for the queue's many of us have faced. I do think that more could be done to help us out, but on the other side of the fence I DO appreciate the amount of work that goes into launching an mmo, especially one as popular as this one. This game is very well constructed, it has aspects of gameplay for many different styles, the story and voice acting is second to none. Honestly bioware, you've done yourself proud with the actual game. I have complained several times about queues, been one of the ones threatening cancellations etc etc, I obviously wouldn't like to do this because as I've just stated, it's a great game. I'm sure the anger directed in this and many other threads is just from people who much like me, want to play this epic game that we've bought.

To those complaining about the complainers, remember that we're all only human and wish to have something running that we've paid for, certainly in the heat of the moment some people say things that are a bit 'over the top', but once the problems are wormed out I'm hoping that this actually becomes the community that it has to potential to be and was always planned out to be, because as it stands at the moment there are many people that feel that even just some acknowledgement from bioware about their problems would be better than standard replies or nothing at all.

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What where BioWare and AE thinking about? Did they have no precausjon to make the release as good as possible? Have they not learned anything from other MMO’s and what they did wrong?


Lets see….


No grace timer on DC’s.

If you end up DC’ing you end up at the wery end of the queue. Sucks to be you then :s


It is what it is. Never once been disconnected.


No character transfer system in the game from release. They KNEW that there would be queues, so why have they not made this an option? Every freaking MMO game in the world has some form for queue problem. BioWare should have known this from the beginning.


This is never the case. Pick another server or wait for the option.


Queue problem.

In early access we got a look in how they handled the queue. They could not handle it.

I was complaining about it but ½ of the people were saying, stop whining, at lunch they will open all the servers for max population. The queue will be acceptable then.

Right, we see how well that went.

If BioWare even had an idea about what queues other MMO’s have been through, they did a terrible job of trying to prevent it on their MMO.


This happens with every MMO launch. You develop your own MMO and try to guess what is needed to accommodate 2million preorders and get it right at the onset.


Then there is the player support.

Still no e-mail support when it comes to account problems. You just get an automatically mail saying that you have to call the support or not get any help at all.

Still no toll free phone to others then UK, France and Germany so the cost of that call my be quite a surprise do to extreme phone queue time.


It is what it is and 99% of game companies have high volume of calls daily.


Then you have the in game stuff like UI etc etc.

They have tried to go their own way, but by doing so they have made things bad. A fresh person coming into the world of MMO would probably accept it as it is, but most of the players are experienced MMO players. They WILL bring with them experience and ideas from other games and compare SWToR against that game. BioWare trying to invent the wheel again, but not by improving it, but by making it square. It works, but by god it is a bad ride.

BioWare do have a team working on the UI now, but what have they done up to now? Extended summerholyday?


One thing an MMO company should never do is listen to a bunch of whiny players on their forums.



The forum is working on ½ machine. Should have been up and running from day 1 in release.


Forum works fine. It typically goes down for maintenance at the same time the game servers do.


A few days ago I said all this will happen but people keept saying. Wait to release and everything will straighten out.

You are playing early access, whitch is the same as an Beta, abig patch will be done on release so many of the bugs and problems in the game will be gone.

Where is that dame patch? I can’t see any…..


There's practically been patches daily through EGA.


So in basic. Early access game is the same game as release game.

BioWare, /boot to the head.


Best launch in the history of MMOs dating back to Ultima Online.

Edited by Asuka
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One game comes to mind that was the worst of them all... Shadowbane.... It was suppose to bring new concepts to the MMO world and well we see what happened there... Launch day was a joke and the servers kept crashing all day long. Look at Dark age of Camelot when it launched... or even World of Warcraft, they had long Qs and still kept crashing people in game because it was buggy and the database couldnt handle the load. So log in and go do something else besides whine.


Don't forget Anarchy Online!


One of the worst launch experiences I ever had.. Terrible..


This has been extremely smooth other then the queues..

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The average queue time per person will be the same. Of course people without DCs only have disadvantages, but not everybody can have stable network connection, so it's more fair for those guys.


Have to agree over grace period for DCs. Not having a problem myself but a friend is having real issues as even when his Internet blips for a fraction of a second he gets kicked out of game. Uptil now not been so bad as he has been able to log back in fairly quickly (15 min wait at most) but given the server queue on The Progenitor at this time of day (been in it 45 mins now), suspect he will be very annoyed this evening - there is now a third English -EU RP server so hoping new people will head for that. His network connection is not very stable and this game seems to react very badly to even momentary blips- unlike other MMOs that we have both played.

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Launches I have been a part of in recent years...


Age of Conan - WAY worse


Champions Online - Regular worse


Star Trek Online - WAY worse (disastrous in fact)


Warhammer - Reglar worse (but not as bad as above)


DC Online - Regular worse (for me, for others it was a disaster)


RIFT - Decent launch for the few days I played it before deciding I disliked it and quit



I can go back a bit further and name a few more, but I don't need to to underline that this launch (and pre-launch) is, hands down, the smoothest and most polished launch I have been a part of that I can remember*.




Good job Bioware.



Reality_Check_Canuck :)

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Early Access opened two days early for me. It has been stable the entire time. It runs smoothly. No crashes or disconnects. Haven't found any bugs other than a graphical glitch or two. Communication about server maintenance has been good. Patches are fast. My longest time in a queue took 10 minutes. Servers were up a few minutes early last night and I've yet to have a single issue with anyone or anything in-game.


Best MMO launch ever!

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World of Warcraft had servers that actually went down for days on release. I haven't heard that for SWTOR yet. I think they've done a pretty good job so far.


My major gripe though, is that they need to put a grace period for disconnects. This is definitely ridiculous.

Edited by Dyalad
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