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Imp symbols/sith thrones on republic fleet


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I am simply disgusted that there isn't a different skin for this cartel item throne when used by pub toons. I never quite believed all the "devs only care for imps" talk until now.


Are you guys gearing up to just get rid of republic faction support altogether?

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I was thinking about this earleir today and was going to post a thread on it.


Basically i was going to ask what the equivelant republic throne would be? Just a blue variety of the overlords throne with a republic logo?

I cant think of anything similar that would be so iconic to the republic. Personally i think the throne looks silly

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I am simply disgusted that there isn't a different skin for this cartel item throne when used by pub toons. I never quite believed all the "devs only care for imps" talk until now.


Are you guys gearing up to just get rid of republic faction support altogether?


There are going to be more chairs comign soon with no faction specific skin....but yeah I don't know why this is allowed for Republic players to use.

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I have to say I'm surprised they handled it this way. It's very lazy and seems like they care very little about how disruptive it is to the consistency of the game's setting.


Weren't there very similar floating Senate chair things in the prequels? Why not create a similar "Republic Senator's Platform" for the Republic? I don't think it is unreasonable to faction-lock certain Cartel items in the case that they are so clearly specific to one faction or the other. It's a much better idea than seeing a Jedi Knight floating around the Republic Fleet in a Sith throne adorned with a neon Imperial logo wearing Nihilus' mask.

Edited by Wallach
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I sold mine for a nice profit


That said I think people are sounding a little jelly


And if you think it conflicts with lore just think of it as spoils of war I mean

Every Jedi knight kills the emperor in their story so its not hard to imagine a few souvenirs

Would find their way back to rep fleet

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BW still shows they dont give a **** about anyone, especially roleplayers community. Other thing is, i cant imagine how anybody could like this lame mount lol. Only eastern games have worse


People really will complain about anything.

Go play pokemon if you dont care what youre playing.

Edited by Satanski
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I am simply disgusted that there isn't a different skin for this cartel item throne when used by pub toons. I never quite believed all the "devs only care for imps" talk until now.


Are you guys gearing up to just get rid of republic faction support altogether?


I thought there was a republic equivilient that was like yodas hover chair or something.

And btw there are republic flags too...

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There are going to be more chairs comign soon with no faction specific skin....but yeah I don't know why this is allowed for Republic players to use.


Because if you could not use it as republic people would cry, cry, cry. cry and just when you think they stopped crying, they would cry some more.


Its the same reason why you see so many annoying people run around with red light sabers as jedi.

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This has been covered....datamining has located a Republic version....be patient.


while that is correct, explain to me why the imp throne was implemented first even though Bioware definitely knows we all have this 'empire is prefered' feeling?


we all know the answer to that one.



but it's cool, the underdog always gets screwed over (we're still waiting for sga, after all)

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This is obviously just greed from the part of EA/BW.

I usually defend them in such claims, but this is too plain to see...


They could have easily made the malgus/bastila statues as one object that changes looks depending on faction.

They could have easily done the same with the flags.

And the chair.


But they didnt... instead they split them all into separate enteties to fill out the packs with fluff, and now the community suffers for it (well, those of us who care anyway).


There will be no "senators hover chair" VERSION of the sith throne... there will be a separate item instead. Just wait and see.

They dont give a rats behind about immersion and those of us who care about it. Its all about the cash nowadays.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Maybe if the chair dident have that stupid red imp hologram on it , it wouldt have been so bad.

Anyways yeah developers love Empire thats why they always get the cool stuff, in swtor jedi cant even look like a jedi.....

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Bioware faction locks something: "Whaaaa, why are some items faction specific? That's not realistic, nobody would stop a jedi from wearing dark armor!"


Bioware doesn't faction lock something: "Whaaaa, why are the items not faction specific? That's not realistic, my immersion is ruined!"

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