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Question, has your class character story influenced your behaviour?


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Throwing this out there for all those who've played and enjoyed their class story, has it influenced your behavior in real life? even in a very subtle way like even change the way you think about people or situations. what about your actions? have you done things differently as a direct influence from your toon's character and the in-game decisions you make?
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Throwing this out there for all those who've played and enjoyed their class story, has it influenced your behavior in real life? even in a very subtle way like even change the way you think about people or situations. what about your actions? have you done things differently as a direct influence from your toon's character and the in-game decisions you make?


The answer is no and if you need a Game to teach you social skills, then something really went wrong in your childhood and you also might spend too much time with gaming.

Edited by papragu
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Throwing this out there for all those who've played and enjoyed their class story, has it influenced your behavior in real life? even in a very subtle way like even change the way you think about people or situations. what about your actions? have you done things differently as a direct influence from your toon's character and the in-game decisions you make?


I'm sorry, but that's a rather silly question. How could a cartoony MMO, set in Star Wars universe influence a behavior of an adult ?

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I tried a Jedi mind trick on a cop that pulled me over " I was not speeding, no need to write a ticket" still got the ticket :(


I know how you feel, I tried to force push the sluggish pensioners out of my way at the shop. It didn't work untill I really used the force to shove them aside... With my elbows.

Edited by Beansoup
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Don't know why people are being so negative in this thread - I guess they are insecure. This game brings up very mature situations and how you're character reacts can mirror real life situations. I guess it hasn't changed my behaviour, but many things in politics and life can be related to some of the missions in this game.
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Don't know why people are being so negative in this thread - I guess they are insecure. This game brings up very mature situations and how you're character reacts can mirror real life situations. I guess it hasn't changed my behaviour, but many things in politics and life can be related to some of the missions in this game.



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Bioware's writing isn't good enough to make me reflect on it much in any situation.


I like how you turned this one around to blame the writers, meanwhile, all the frantic MMO players playing their teen rated game want to show everyone how mentally superior humans are to any kind of temptation or suggestion.


You know just to put this out there... since I know a lot of SW fans are agnostic, or atheist... and an argument against indoctrination of religion is that believing in something that has bad things in the religion does affect peoples train of thinking, to make it more likely that they are violent towards non-threatening victims.


So maybe Blarpped, has a point, and the writing is not involving enough to causes anyone to consider the good or bad from any perspective. In a way, the bad guys, have no thesis, or anti-thesis to the Jedi code, and the Jedi code which resembles religion in many ways. If they had a compelling anti-thesis, then it could deserve a higher rating for an MMO.

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Throwing this out there for all those who've played and enjoyed their class story, has it influenced your behavior in real life? even in a very subtle way like even change the way you think about people or situations. what about your actions? have you done things differently as a direct influence from your toon's character and the in-game decisions you make?


Actually no, it doesn't influence my behavior in real life. But some parts of it are so good, that it has provoked emotions in me.

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Don't know why people are being so negative in this thread - I guess they are insecure. This game brings up very mature situations and how you're character reacts can mirror real life situations. I guess it hasn't changed my behaviour, but many things in politics and life can be related to some of the missions in this game.


i agree many harsh comments, it was supposed to be a sort of fun question i would assume, obviously its not going to make you become a different person... but the things that go on may influence you in some way or another

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Don't know why people are being so negative in this thread - I guess they are insecure. This game brings up very mature situations and how you're character reacts can mirror real life situations. I guess it hasn't changed my behaviour, but many things in politics and life can be related to some of the missions in this game.

The stories are certainly not more "mature" then the majority of the better films or novels including quite a lot directed at children. Same goes for quite a lot other videogames like ME or DA.

Furthermore MMOs tend to be even less immersive than sigle player games.


Overall, i would be really surprised, if people were confronted with any new moral dilemmas for the first time in here.


The most important question might be "How can a society build founded on the Sith-code actually work ? And why is it much more restrictive, when the code centers on individuals following their emotions, not rules ?" That is nothing you could use in real life.

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I'm sorry, but that's a rather silly question. How could a cartoony MMO, set in Star Wars universe influence a behavior of an adult ?


Adult? That is an assumptions, i started playing when I was 9 years old, been with wow for 8 years, and switched to ToR when it came out.


i still remember never really buying into the hype, had not looked at SWTOR and had even mind tricked my friend into buying it, i didn't care, iw as busy playing wow. Then i thought, hmm, i'll get me a christams present last year, and deceided to buy the game, as soon as i started playing, seeing the conversations, the scenes and the character detail, i was blown away --- it was so much better in so many ways than wow. Ironically i don't have much time for games these days so only stick to one, but i interact alot with people, and did lead a realm leading guild for a few months, and knowing a lot of young players out there and how the game kept coming to the front of my mind and the scripted character of the class, well it would be interested to know who has been influenced.


I think i may have been for a short while and in more subtle ways than one. Judging by page 1 of responses, it looks like I'm the only one, or the only one admitting it.

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I like how you turned this one around to blame the writers, meanwhile, all the frantic MMO players playing their teen rated game want to show everyone how mentally superior humans are to any kind of temptation or suggestion.


You know just to put this out there... since I know a lot of SW fans are agnostic, or atheist... and an argument against indoctrination of religion is that believing in something that has bad things in the religion does affect peoples train of thinking, to make it more likely that they are violent towards non-threatening victims.


So maybe Blarpped, has a point, and the writing is not involving enough to causes anyone to consider the good or bad from any perspective. In a way, the bad guys, have no thesis, or anti-thesis to the Jedi code, and the Jedi code which resembles religion in many ways. If they had a compelling anti-thesis, then it could deserve a higher rating for an MMO.

Very astute observation.


I find that everything you watch, interact with, has an influence on you. The degree depends on what it is saying. it can't help but. And yeah, the Jedi thing does fit all the requirements of a religion one Lucas made up combining elements from other religions but likely not intentional - a reflection of his world view at the time. A pseudo spiritualism - or a strand of occultism? When humanism craves the spirituality that aethism and agnosticism fail to provide, the tendency is to drift to the occult rather than embrace Christianity, here in the west amongst secular society anyway.. That's just an observation btw, and a peculiar one too.


Now guys, this could be really interesting. How are you all influenced? has your attitude to the things people say or do to you changed since you started playing and more as a direct result of your characters interactions and the decisions you took?


Especially if you're younger, the game would certainly introduce scenarios and situations you may have never encountered in life or even considered, I wonder if the mere presentation of a situation has altered your perspective? Even more intriguing would be if you feel yourself identifying with your responses and would mirror them if ever confronted like that in life=.

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I am always considering a Light/Neutral/Dark choice whenever im talking to someone !!!




No not really, as an avid RPG/Adventure gamer, I don't really become affected by games I play, I just enjoy them for what they are and leave it at that.

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