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BioWare: Change the final fight please (major spoilers)


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I got to 50 first before i fought the Emperor and I was shocked to know that only T7 was available for me to use as a companion. I was so worried since my T7 is pretty much undergeared compared to my other companions. But I still pushed through and fought the emperor. T7 Died within like 7 seconds of the fight. But I still managed to kill the emperor though in my first try. I think the 6 champion bags I got for my centurion and champion gear really helped me kill the Emperor.

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My fight actually glitched. Immediately after the cut scene and the fight was started I used Force Push. Probably as the fight was loading because it caused the screen to go blank for a second and the fight was over. I had killed the Emperor, never getting to experience the fight. I submitted a bug and Bioware said they would look into it, but they couldn’t do anything for me. I suppose it was better than a frustrating experience but still, after 50 Lvls I would have liked to fight the last battle.


Now I just have to find groups for HM Flashpoints, which is proving to be very difficult.

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It's very pathetic ending to otherwise great storyline. You really got bitten by lazybug when designing this one.

Major anticlimax, 50 levels of grinding and then this... After Bounty Hunter ending that never happend because of bugs and this it really kills the wanting to try some other stories.

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I always take T7s droid parts when they are offered as quest rewards, especially the commendation oranges,even if I use another companion more heavily. Droid parts are much rarer drops, so its wise to snatch them up when offered. The other 4 can easily be kept up with the consular/trooper/guardian/smuggler loots you find along the way much more easily than the pretty rare droid drops.
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So...just finished the fight.


I had tried several times yesterday and gotten frustrated by it, so left to do other stuff, and researched ways to win, and really, when you know how, it is pretty simple.


Most of these comments here talk about the Sentinal, but I'm using a Guardian, so they only sorta apply. But for a Guardian, here's the strategy I used:


Force Kick


Yup, that's it. I moved Force Kick into my regular set of attacks and spammed the hell out of it. Won on the first try. I don't even consider this a "spoiler" because using an interrupt power to beat the emperor has been mentioned many times in this thread, and the devs were quoted as saying that's what you need to do.

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Killed Emperor in 2nd try, t7 died about 30 sec before i finished.


As i have not read the last 40 pages in this topic, so no idea on fixes or anything else and did not finish the puzzle. And i had no other help from any other forum, i can say this was not a hard fight at all to me (Sent. Watchman)



All i can say is how i did it.... Take a 85+ str. Have high lvl HP res ready and then Use interrupt interrupt interrupt. stay on boss and only use your Aoe ability when rest of skills on CD (to do dmg to add ons) did the trick for me. On other hand i was so concentrated on using Interrupt, i really have not got a good idea why T7 died or how the fight actually went on. Which is a shame so now i have to reroll a guardian to get to the fight again :)))


Edited by RayGaas
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You know, you'd think that by the time people reach this part of the story they'd know how to play their class. It seems that quite a lot can't though. To say that such an easy fight is impossible to do solo is just mind boggling lol.
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i was reading this post when i was around lvl 35 and got quite worried about the fight and how i will need 3 days and millions of credits for repairs before i kill it...


few days later, when i was lvl49, and was able to get the emperor i killed it in exactlly 3 min on 1 try, ofc T7 died after 10 sec and he had his basic gear :)


INTERRUPTS is the only way to kill it. interrupts on his "force blow" and stuns/force stasis/force push on his other skills - only thing i did and worked perfectlly


P.S. im on tank spec...

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You know, you'd think that by the time people reach this part of the story they'd know how to play their class. It seems that quite a lot can't though. To say that such an easy fight is impossible to do solo is just mind boggling lol.


I agree. I found the fight difficult at first, but only because I was using the wrong tactics. With the correct strategy, it's really easy. And the mobs on the way? Not any harder than any other level 50 mobs. Just have to alter strat again if you aren't used to fighting with T7.


If the mobs on the way are too difficult, perhaps you should be sure you are correctly geared for your play style.

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I beat this boss way back in january at lvl 48 with minimal attempts didn't use the pillar trick I just fought him straight up you hit his adds once (they disapear after one single target hit) and then interupt force blow (doesn't cast it till 50%) and pop CDs and interupt other spells before he is 50% and easy win.
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I failed a bunch. :o

Read the posts here.

Then, tonight, bought a better lightsaber with Corellia comendations.


When I went back, wiped out the first set of shadows while T7 was getting killed.

I read here somewhere to "hide after he splits" so I hid on the 2nd bunch of shadows.

Force Leaped out and killed them... then stuck to the Emporer, interupting his slow casts... and beat him! :)


I think the better lightsaber and interupting his slow casts was the trick.

(Hiding behind a pillar when his shadows show up may have been good too)


p.s. got that T7 chest to show, but, could not open it.

...sentinel/watchman spec



Edited by Joggious
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I failed a bunch. :o

Read the posts here.

Then, tonight, bought a better lightsaber with Corellia comendations.


When I went back, wiped out the first set of shadows while T7 was getting killed.

I read here somewhere to "hide after he splits" so I hid on the 2nd bunch of shadows.

Force Leaped out and killed them... then stuck to the Emporer, interupting his slow casts... and beat him! :)


I think the better lightsaber and interupting his slow casts was the trick.

(Hiding behind a pillar when his shadows show up may have been good too)


p.s. got that T7 chest to show, but, could not open it.

...sentinel/watchman spec



so basically you realised what everone is being saying all along ... get better gear and interrupt.

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This Fight seemed Easy Until the First Time he Got me With that Insta-kill move, IT just took me completely by surprise... Like he had less that 1/4 hp left and I had Around 3/4 hp left, and then... Dead.


I managed To sucessfully dodge it Once... And got him down to like 3% hp...but that was on my second try and I didn't have Call on the force, so I lost that extra saber ward and healing... and then that was the end of that...


Waited for CotF to CD, Was doing very well on try 3, Lost him in the crowd, and then.... dead.


I guess its all about figuring out how to avoid that one move. Doesn't seem so hard, but having something that hits for something like 9-11k dmg is a little rough.(maybe a little op)


Oh and T7 definitely doesn't matter much, because I have NO gear for him, and I'm getting really close.


Anyway I needed to take a break, I'm going to try again later. hopefully I'll have better luck.

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My issue with this quest is they make you use T7. Seriously? They don't give you choice of companion? Whose brilliant idea was that? I've been getting my *** handed to me, so I'm hoping they'll fix the not surprisingly bugged chest so I can give T7 some decent gear, which can only help.


IMO, BioWare really screwed up the design of this fight by forcing your companion choice. I have no problem with it being such a difficult fight- it should be. However, there's no good gameplay rationale for them not letting me use the companion I have been for the last 40 levels. Idiocy.

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I died quite a few times but then changed up how I was fighting and focused more on using some aoe attacks and interrupting certain skills as a guardian (specced in defense) and was able to beat the final enemy. pay close attention to what skills the final enemy uses during the fights and see which are the ones that cause the most damage or are insta kills and then you will do much better.
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My issue with this quest is they make you use T7. Seriously? They don't give you choice of companion? Whose brilliant idea was that? I've been getting my *** handed to me, so I'm hoping they'll fix the not surprisingly bugged chest so I can give T7 some decent gear, which can only help.


IMO, BioWare really screwed up the design of this fight by forcing your companion choice. I have no problem with it being such a difficult fight- it should be. However, there's no good gameplay rationale for them not letting me use the companion I have been for the last 40 levels. Idiocy.


I understand the Decision "lore wise"...it makes sense, YOU are the only Jedi/Person Who is strong willed enough not to be Corrupted By the emperor...


And Since T7 is a droid he is also not corrupted, having said that... You do have another droid on board so He at least should be the healer option for those of us who Don't want to bring a tank into the fight.


I don't mind The "game-play restriction" so much If Works within that one portion of the story... I DO however feel like If they are going to limit you in that way, they should provide some sort of other edge/bonus to make up for it. OR tone down the emperor just a little bit.


It's my understanding this fight has been toned down a lot... which I believe Since Other then the 1-shot move The emperor really does not do more damage than any other elite/boss and has the standard amount of HP I would expect from a lvl 50 elite.... But The forced companion choice plus the 1-shot kill make this seem a little harder then it should be For a "solo-able class quest".... Not impossible, Not game breaking, and I don't feel it "Ruins" the JK story...


But IT DOES need to be re-worked a little...Maybe make his 1-shot ability a 2-shot, that way if you keep up your cds and hp, it won't end a fight you were clearly winning but it will put you at a disadvantage if you don't manage the rest of the fight VERY well. OR Let his "clones" be effected by AoE attacks so you can keep better track of him and avoid the 1-shot...or something like that.

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I understand the Decision "lore wise"...it makes sense, YOU are the only Jedi/Person Who is strong willed enough not to be Corrupted By the emperor...


And Since T7 is a droid he is also not corrupted, having said that... You do have another droid on board so He at least should be the healer option for those of us who Don't want to bring a tank into the fight.


I don't mind The "game-play restriction" so much If Works within that one portion of the story... I DO however feel like If they are going to limit you in that way, they should provide some sort of other edge/bonus to make up for it. OR tone down the emperor just a little bit.


It's my understanding this fight has been toned down a lot... which I believe Since Other then the 1-shot move The emperor really does not do more damage than any other elite/boss and has the standard amount of HP I would expect from a lvl 50 elite.... But The forced companion choice plus the 1-shot kill make this seem a little harder then it should be For a "solo-able class quest".... Not impossible, Not game breaking, and I don't feel it "Ruins" the JK story...


But IT DOES need to be re-worked a little...Maybe make his 1-shot ability a 2-shot, that way if you keep up your cds and hp, it won't end a fight you were clearly winning but it will put you at a disadvantage if you don't manage the rest of the fight VERY well. OR Let his "clones" be effected by AoE attacks so you can keep better track of him and avoid the 1-shot...or something like that.


The length of the cast time make it so that you can interrupt the Force Blast (one shot) 100% of the time. Every Jedi Knight has Awe, Force Leap, Force Stasis and Force Kick at a bare minimum.

Edited by Jonlo
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The length of the cast time make it so that you can interrupt the Force Blast (one shot) 100% of the time. Every Jedi Knight has Awe, Force Leap, Force Stasis and Force Kick at a bare minimum.


I know, Its about making sure the clones aren't in the way so he does not have time to cast it... at least that what the biggest part of the strategy seems to be,... I'm just saying, For a "solo-able" boss it seems like they Throw you into a tough fight with a crappy companion choice and that one little extra move makes it "Feel" too hard.... its NOT, but it feels that way until you get the mechanics down... especially since it can be distinctly different from every other boss fight in the game depending on your play style.

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I'm right there with you guys, ive fought the emperor several times now and still can't beat him. I get him about halfway in life then he one shots me no matter what my health is. After 2 hours I told myself i would never try it again until i can get some help, and having only 1 friend on a server sucks because im on a extremely low population server so getting help is very hard. I have 2 other 50's and i must say that the jedi warrior is by far the most hard. The sith warrior wasnt even this bad, the sorc too.
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I've fought him with a champion geared guardian and I've fought him with a level 48 sentinel. I died three times in each fight. Not saying sentinels are that much better, it just took me a few deaths to remember the timing. It's not about gear or abilities, just know the fight.
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I geared up T7 with all moddable equipment. I used my Voss, Correlia, Belsavis, and commendations and the GTN to fill in anything I didn't have. (like earpiece, implants, and some mods).


He wasn't maxed out because I ran out of commendations, but he had much better gear.



I beat the emporer with T7 but it was tough. First time, I wasn't aware of the fight mechanics. I revived and got him the second time by focusing on the empror that and reappears (my target stayed on the true version of him) and let T7 deal with the clones.


T7 went down, but I got the emporer with 15-20% health left after. Of course I used everything but the kitchen sink to interrupt and stop his damage....hilt strike, force stasis, push, kick, medpac, and guardian leap on T7, leap back to emporer.



Not being able to access the chest with the T7-upgrades definitely makes this un-doable if you haven't already geared up T7 from other means.



edit: I was defense spec with mostly centurion pvp gear

Edited by Neurotic_newfie
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