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BioWare: Change the final fight please (major spoilers)


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This fight honestly isn't that hard. I did this at level 50 on the first try with a decently geared T7. Since you know that you can only use T7, it makes sense to start gearing him around level 48-50 with items above rating 80+.


With that said, T7 still gets ravaged pretty early on in the fight. I didn't LoS using the pillars and fought the emperor in front of his throne area. AoE doesn't work on the clones so you need to actually strike them somehow (slash or strike will do). Also, make sure you interrupt the emperor at every chance you get. There's one key ability that needs to be interrupted when he's low on health (too lazy to figure out which one).


Play your AC/spec right and you should be fine.


I'm sorry, but unless you studied videos and descriptions of the fight in advance, you did not one-shot this fight. Or you bugged him as has been known to happen. He has like 3 or 4 separate cast abilities, you can't interrupt them all, and the one-shot ability is no more special sounding or looking than the others. EVERYBODY dies to it their first time, minimum. Put your ruler away and stop trying to measure your dick here, nobody believes you.

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I'm sorry, but unless you studied videos and descriptions of the fight in advance, you did not one-shot this fight. Or you bugged him as has been known to happen. He has like 3 or 4 separate cast abilities, you can't interrupt them all, and the one-shot ability is no more special sounding or looking than the others. EVERYBODY dies to it their first time, minimum. Put your ruler away and stop trying to measure your dick here, nobody believes you.


Excuse me? I'm sorry that I was able to do something on the first try that people had built up to be near impossible. If it's any consolation, I was barely alive (1-2%ish) when I dropped him. Geesh...

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I'm sorry, but unless you studied videos and descriptions of the fight in advance, you did not one-shot this fight. Or you bugged him as has been known to happen. He has like 3 or 4 separate cast abilities, you can't interrupt them all, and the one-shot ability is no more special sounding or looking than the others. EVERYBODY dies to it their first time, minimum. Put your ruler away and stop trying to measure your dick here, nobody believes you.


I too have 1 shot the emperor after hearing all the hype on how hard he was. He only brought me down to 1/2 hp.. Granted my t7 and I was fairly geared and his clones, easily killed em with cyclone slash. so I don't know why u all having problems with him. My strat for him was not to stay in one position.

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It took me a about 5-6 attempts, until I just ignored the adds completely, and just burned him down while spamming my interrupt kick. T7 didn't even die.

Watchman Sentinel spec.


+1, exactly the same experience. Guardian Vig spec. The emperor is shockingly squishy, and the mobs are not as dangerous as they look. Pop your cooldowns and it's over quick.

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After reading up on all the problems people had I expected a irritatingly long fight, but to my surprise it only took about 4 attempts at level 49, Guardian Defense specced. After I got the hang of which abilities to run from, which to interrupt and what to ignore it was a cake walk. Finished with about 60% HP, T7 went down swinging almost right away due to bad gear. And to top it all off that chest that's bugged that has the gear for T7 worked after the fight.....
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So does anyone know if they ninja-nerfed this? I rolled in with a lvl 50 Guardian and killed him on the second try, because I was busy killing the adds on the first attempt. If I had just stayed on him the whole time, using all my interrupts, I'm sure I would have killed him on the first attempt. I knew that I was going to have to bring T7, so I started gearing him up, but seriously. Everyone had been complaining about how bad the trash was, so I was really excited, but you can skip almost all of it. What the hell?


Also, if they did nerf it, why was there no mention of it in the patch notes? Please, Bioware, out EVERYTHING you add/change in the patch notes. We're used to reading walls of text, we just want to know what you're up to.

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I too have 1 shot the emperor after hearing all the hype on how hard he was. He only brought me down to 1/2 hp.. Granted my t7 and I was fairly geared and his clones, easily killed em with cyclone slash. so I don't know why u all having problems with him. My strat for him was not to stay in one position.


Before 1.1 Cyclone Slash and Force Sweep didn't hit the adds.

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He's not as hard as I've had read/ anticipated... succeed in my 1st attempt




not the best video quality;

I don't think cyclone slash works all the time; it's kinda bugged if u see the video, it doesn't works for the 1st round adds, but works for the 2nd round. I end up slashing 1-by-1 during the 1st round.

Edited by pangwl
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well at least u got to fight him. He bugged out on me after 3 hits, went back to his throne and they said i completed the quest and defeated the emperor.


I was looking forward to at least trying the fight. sucks

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I don't think it's too hard... Solo'd it as a DPS spec guardian on my second attempt, almost had him the first time but didn't know which of his casts to break and which didn't matter. At that point in time I had done ZERO pvp, and made it almost to the end of EV a couple times so I had some decent gear although nothing too crazy.
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He's not as hard as I've had read/ anticipated... succeed in my 1st attempt




not the best video quality;

I don't think cyclone slash works all the time; it's kinda bugged if u see the video, it doesn't works for the 1st round adds, but works for the 2nd round. I end up slashing 1-by-1 during the 1st round.


LOL iam sorry but that fight got nerfed there is no damage at all, and the fact your specced for high damage, I did it as guardian tank and took an immense amount of damage as soon as the adds spawned and it seems you had 2x amount of adds spawn and still survived, also you got hit by the lighting in the air which was basically half your hp gone before but that didn't happen. Also adds were immune to aoe, yet you say it worked?

Edited by Viriathus_PT
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LOL iam sorry but that fight got nerfed there is no damage at all, and the fact your specced for high damage, I did it as guardian tank and took an immense amount of damage as soon as the adds spawned and it seems you had 2x amount of adds spawn and still survived, also you got hit by the lighting in the air which was basically half your hp gone before but that didn't happen. Also adds were immune to aoe, yet you say it worked?


1) Observe carefully, T7 was the one that's tanking for me. (I was standing behind him)

2) Watch 22:45 till 22:50; that's when the 2nd- 3rd round of adds starts. When the 3rd round of adds starts, the 2nd round adds just disappear, not sure if that's intended or if my cyclone slash got them, but judging by my 1st round;-- I don't think cyclone slash works as I had to manually strike them 1-by-1.

3) After T7 died, I start receiving damage, healed once, and interrupted the Emperor's abilities.

Edited by pangwl
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I never had a problem, even as a Defense spec Guardian.


My T7 mostly had gear from tat/alderaan and I still didn't have any trouble with him acting as DPS.



Interrupt as much as you can and ignore the adds, wasn't an incredibly hard fight but was fun seeing all the splits/etc.




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Ok so first I didn't read through all 37 pages, but guys here is the easy solution, invite someone anyone to help you. In order to do this you need to invite them to your group and both of you go to carrick station. Then have him board your ship, after that fly to the planet, both of you exit the ship and gg emp is dead. I will warn about one thing, my buddy that helped me kill him, got stuck on the planet and had to use the republic fleet pass to get off. Hy had said he had gotten in his own ship but it wouldn't let him leave. I had left the planet before him so this may be why, but just be aware of this potential glitch.
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I got to 50 before I tried and did it first go, read up about it first of course. I completely ignored the adds and just kept attacking the emperor with constant interrupts on him I had him dead within about 2 mins approx.


You need to cycle force kick/stasis/throw AND hilt strike. Quickest CD is on kick of course, with 4 interrupts available I was able to just go all out on him and kill him rather 'quickly'.

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I also wanted to add my 2 cents, I don't think Bioware should change the final fight. I think it's as difficult as it should be. I like the fact that I had to wipe a bunch of times and use trial and error to figure out what was working and what pattern the Emperor was going to take with his attacks. It adds a strategic component to the fight. I'm fairly new to the MMO game, but I'm a avid gamer. If they nerf this fight it just would cheapen the whole experience. Don't do it Bioware!
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as a vigilance guardian im finding this fight completely impossible. i've read most of the strats, and not a single one is working.


he evades, and despawns if i try to make it for the stairs to push him off. he usually ignores LoS issues, both force sweep, AND cyclone slash do nothing to the clones, and when i manage to get him at all low i just get one shot by some ability i never saw coming.


IF sweep, and cyclone slash actually did anything to the clones, than this fight would be a piece of cake.



and yes, i did save my companion.

Edited by UjellyTrollicus
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thought it was impossible after my first 2 tries, but this is how i beat him solo on my 4th try



i had heard i needed t7 for the fight so i got him full greens on corellia, but i'm not sure i even needed him since he died pretty fast. the trick for me was just to completely ignore the ads, just stay on the emp. make sure you save your kick for that slow cast 1 shot he has, if you kick at the wrong time use stasus to interrupt it, and other than that just dps him as hard you can, he doesn't have much health, i killed him right after the 3rd ads spawned, after he was dead i had to kill all the clones but it was easy


also never even saw the chest :p


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