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10 Good
  1. That's weird. I didn't do any Heroics or Flashpoints on my way to 50 and I pretty much leveled on par with the planets I was sent. Maybe you missed some Bonus series along the line?
  2. So are you guys saying my problems with dispatching Lord Loyat is because I'm not Defense spec'ed?
  3. I feel pretty squishy as a lvl 50 guardian on Illum. I'm doing the Crystal Ball Missions on Illum and having to make my way to Lord Loyat is kind of tough for me. I can't even get to Lord Loyat because the mobs and the Elite couple that block my way to her. I can't even come close to dispatching the the two closest mobs to Lord Loyat. I'm to the point where I'm going back and getting all the datacrons in hopes it will up my HP a little bit. I'm not sure what else to do.
  4. I also wanted to add my 2 cents, I don't think Bioware should change the final fight. I think it's as difficult as it should be. I like the fact that I had to wipe a bunch of times and use trial and error to figure out what was working and what pattern the Emperor was going to take with his attacks. It adds a strategic component to the fight. I'm fairly new to the MMO game, but I'm a avid gamer. If they nerf this fight it just would cheapen the whole experience. Don't do it Bioware!
  5. I finally beat this, lvl 50 Jedi Guardian vig. I just focused on the emperor, ignored the adds. Force kick or any interrupt is your friend. Buy some medpacs.
  6. edit: Nevermind I beat it. I just focused on the emperor and ignored the adds.
  7. Hello fellow Guardians! Last night I was on Voss just trying to knock out a couple of quests and was testing out the new 1.1 patch. I noticed during my first fight that Strike (the most low level melee a Guardian has and that I sprinkle into my rotation to generate Focus) had a 15+ minute cool down! I thought WTH, so I logged out and then logged back in and tried it again, and Strike still had a 15+ minute cool down. Is this normal? I submitted a ticket but I just wanted to know if anybody else experienced the same thing?
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