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List of obvious bugs so far (Hotfix'n needed)


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I've been waiting for a thread like this


Confirm: Starmap bug - happens while trying to travel in a group

mouse lockup bug - reload ui works


Bug: Linking crafted items with prefixes on any chat channel shows the item name incomplete, and without the added stats from prefixes


ex. Hawkeye Blaster ( Superior ) shows up as Blaster ( Superior ) - and the stats added by Hawkeye prefix do not show


Bug: sometimes your character starts floating ( don't know the trigger i assume it's too much jumping / movement ) - you cant cast channeled abilities


Bug: enemies in doorways or up on elevated ground sometimes cant be shot at ( ie: target not in sight ) at range - workaround: get to melee


Bug: sometimes when taking cover near objects ( as gunslinger ) - aimed shot can't be cast , sometimes aimed shot and all other abilities with cast time - instant cast abilities work fine ( and the enemies are of course in plain sight)

-workaround - use portable cover only


Bug: entering ( done ) quest phased zone in the same moment as a group member

exist it ( and at the moment it turns red and finished ) gets you paralyzed in the red phased zone ( /stuck command doesn't work)[ happened once on Ord Mantell ]

- workaround use teleport / fleet pass


Ping/server side bugs,lag/annoyances:

ping 70-80 > pvp seems a little laggy / sluggish

> game performance improves at off hours ( fewer ppl on the servers)

> some abilities skip cast animations

> abilities activation lag at peak hours

The above at 70-80 ping on my side.


Annoyances: > obsolete quests game world icon should be gray/non existent ( especially for dailies )

> sorting crafting parameter resets every time you switch zones

> companion auto cast / no auto cast preset - resets every time you summon him/switch zones

> some zones got huge load times ( Nar Shaddaa ) but it may just be me


And many more i cant remember now :)


Also .. leveling is too fast i out level my planets way to easy ... nerf xp gain ! ;)

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Sith Corruption social option turns back on on every area transition.


Sniper: using non-instant Snipe after entering cover, causes it to fail if you queue another ability while casting.


Sniper: Entering Cover after being stunned by speeder explosion locks you in prone "face down" animation until you exit a cover.


Sniper: Ambush occasionally fails if used when -1 sec on cast talent procs.


Sniper: In rare cases you are unable to enter portable cover with "Unknown location" message popping up.


Sniper: There is a 2 seconds delay before you enter natural cover in Warzones.


Chould'v been me writing this, these are ALL the ingame buggs that buggs me. (most of all nr 1 (sith corruption) and the ambush one.


Nice smuggler here and experienced all of the above



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Have played from day 1 of head start, and here's a list of bugs I've found, most are persistent or very frequent:



High Priority:


  • Taris has major issues which are causing many people to crash, and keep crashing every time they try to use that character, effectively trapping that character forever. Many people including myself have decided to skip that planet entirely outside of class quests.

This just happened to a friend of mine, he'd just crash everytime when he logs in, so he couldn't do anything. How did this get past bioware? And if it's a known issue how did this get into launch?


I can't imagine what would happen when the general population gets there.

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there is a post on the German forum that proposed a workaround. it seems the problem is caused by the quest tracking system. so try to disable the tracking of all but your current Taris-quest (in quest window).


i was hit by the Taris game lockup on beta weekend and experienced the same in game now.

after it hit me again i was able to travel to a binding point in the few seconds after relog before the game was freezing again. i abandoned all left quests there and went on to nar shaadda as i had finished my class quest already.

i returned to Taris now to check again and had only minor lag issues (even in dynamet area where the game froze before). it might really be the quest tracking.

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My biggest issue is textures. Some display properly, but others maintain a hazy appearance unless I stand on top of them.


Odd thing is I never had this issue in beta.



Also, occasionally I get bright green lines flashing across the world.


I also have these problems. Kind of annoying.

Edited by Ticodendron
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Freaking Taris :(


My character is currently screwed over bigtime, after I entered some imperial base.


Now whenever I log into him my screen freezes for about 10s, and the client closes, and cause my guild insists on playing on a highpop server, I have to wait another 15-20 min (and I realize that my server has rather short queues compared to the norm) for another try to salvage him. I did manage to cast quicktravel a few attempts ago, and even choose a destination, but then when I got back in 15min later he was in the same god-forsaken bunker and my quicktravel was on cooldown >_<


Aaaanyway, hoping it's due to a gfx thing (unlikely) so turned all my settings to the lowest on a new alt and am currently in the queue once again hoping for the best... :(


My advice to anyone is to only do their classquests on taris and hope for the best, cause it seems to me at this point that I might be forced to start my char over from scratch if I want to play that class anytime soon.


here is a small tip what works for me...try to get to youre ship. Then logg off and relog. It fixed my toons problems. I hope that u can get to youre ship at least. And one more tip for everybody DO NOT LOG OFF ON TARIS ....until bioware has fixed it at least

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Fortunately, I’ve not had any major issues and hope that they’re resolved as quickly as feasible for those trapped by them. Specifically, the Taris bug seems utterly awful. I had some issues with my character getting physically stuck (whilst doing the Mandalorian missiles quest) but nothing so crippling to game-play.


Personally, the most irritating bug is the inability of Operation Frames/Party Frames to detect loss of health. It’s a known bug but I sincerely hope it rises on their priority list prior to end-game content beginning as it'll make healing 'interesting.'

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Here's a bug:


I was on the Esseles flashpoint, at the part where you're over on the enemy ship, in the generator room. We decided to go around behind the generator, and do the bonus extra command robot.


There was a group on the bridge, so I used Force Leap(as I usually do). I immediatley appeared at the bottom of the fall(I didn't actually fall, just appeared down there). I couldn't walk anywhere down there, and all my abilities I tried to use kept telling me I was falling(even though I wasn't).


I had to force a relog so I could re-appear outside the instance.

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But..... but..... this is the


















Well despite the bugs listed here ( and there are many more ) the game is quite complete,

i remember popular other popular mmo's had more bugs 6 months after launch then this one has in early access + this mmo has a ton more content than any other mmo at launch


And by the way ( beside taris bug ) the bugs are not that game breaking anyway.

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* Sometimes mobs evade for no reason, causing combat to end and fully healed mobs.


* It's probably just my graphics card but holograms are seriously 'effed up. They get cut off at the subtitles and random blocks cut out a chunk of the character in the hologram. Sometimes when camera shifts to show characters standing in front of the hologram the hologram appears in front of the characters, like it emits from their backs. :p


* If you have one companion doing a crew skill mission, you can't summon any companion at all. Surprised nobody mentioned this. So say I have companion 1 on a mission but I want companion 2 with me, I need to wait until companion 1 is finished until I can summon companion 2.

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I've noticed some minor bugs. In a couple of cutscenes, the NPC's mouth wasn't moving during the dialog. In one cutscene, the female NPC's bottom row of teeth were clipping through her lips/chin. Almost looked like she didn't have a bottom lip. It was kinda creepy.


I finished a quest and received an email from the NPC saying thank you, and that she gave me a reward. However, there was no reward attached. (It was the quest for the Twi'lek ****** dancer girl on Republic side in Coruscant)


Some NPCs remain stuck in an upright position after killing them. Like they are hanging on a hook, lol.


**lol... H O O K E R was censored. I guess I should of used "lady of the night" instead.

Edited by CainanJ
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Thanks for making a nicely organized post. I have the problem with the stuck green textures also. Reloadui doesn't fix it (probably cause it's not UI), but zoning between planets seems to. I've had the mouse-clicks-stop-working bug many times now and reloadui fixes that, but it's still really frustrating.


I've had the map tooltip bug too but I didn't realize that was what caused it.


Other issues I've had:

  • When scavenging a dead droid, usually Mako will channel the scavenge cast at range, then fail, then run to range and cast again.
  • In cutscenes, occasionally it'll render a player between me and the NPC, which really kills the mood.
  • The ship droid companion's voiceovers after doing a mission don't seem to correlate at all to success or failure.
  • Bounty Hunter's Unload occasionally channels without doing anything.
  • Variety of hostile NPCs stuck in walls. The one I remember most recently was on Tanaris just outside the zone with Gault's ship on the southeast side of the rock.


Is there really no bug report forum? Seems weird.

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only 2 bug that i hate so far..


1) can't loot 1/2 nod that i found


2) Stupid reverse Engineering button that vanish time to time ( just need to talk to a vendor to get it back.. but that sux)


3) Not a bug but.... We should have a confirmation popup when buying stuff from commandation vendor... 2 time now, that i'm buying something by mistake while browsing

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Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but here's one:



  • The "preview" pane will occassionally display an item using extremely poor texture rendering, or the item will display with atrocious clipping, but the item appears fine when actually worn by your character.


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- The bounty hunter's guard ability will drop off your companion everytime you go into a new zone. Also companions toggled abilities will drop everytime you zone or resummon them.


- Auxiliary NPC conversations (hear them talking as you run by, etc) will persist long after you leave their area, and they will be at full volume. Even if you start a conversation with a quest giving NPC the previous overheard conversation will keep going. I don't know if this is a bug or a design flaw.


- I haven't had a chance to reproduce it yet, but I was in a 2 man group with another bounty hunter, and I had him guarded. We both died, and after we got a medic it would not allow me to guard him again as it said he was already guarded. However, my toggle for guard was not lit up, and he had no buff icon to indicate he was actually guarded. I switched guard to my companion, then tried to go back to him and it still gave the message.


- I've also experienced mobs dying and still standing up.


- I've also experienced Mako's green healing spell effect persisting on your character until you log off and back on.


- Dromund Kaas quest "Saving Face", if multiple people are doing the quest it will spawn the mobs all at once. So you end up with 2+ versions of the end boss running around killing everyone in sight. It really needs to be changed so only 1 stage of quest mobs can be active at one time.

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i made a post somewhere earlier. i go to launch my game my screen goes all black and i see "input not supported" message. i don't know if this is a bug or something wrong on my end. any help will be appreciated.


since i cant even play the game cause of this problem. i sent in ticket but that will take a day or 2 for answer. hope Bioware see this message. i payed for the game i wont install my new product key and pay a monthly fee. when i can't even acess the game to play.


That is an issue with the resolution you are trying to run. You monitor cannot support it. Set the game at a different resolution and you should be fine.

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2) Stupid reverse Engineering button that vanish time to time ( just need to talk to a vendor to get it back.. but that sux)


I can explain this bug in detail, since I reported it several times over the course of multiple beta builds. I even made a bet with a friend, telling him it'll be present come release. I won unfortunately...


Opening the inventory via click will not show the reverse engineer button. Opening it via shortcut (i or b) or talking to a vendor will fix it until you zone again.

Edited by Nezrathor
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Personally, the most irritating bug is the inability of Operation Frames/Party Frames to detect loss of health. It’s a known bug but I sincerely hope it rises on their priority list prior to end-game content beginning as it'll make healing 'interesting.'


Yes this bug is definatly the most annoying for me personally. Only other big issue I really got is not really a bug but an UI issue. The camera control that has weird smoothing and automatically positions yourself behind the character all the time which is not what I'm used to - still this probably annoys me more than non updating health frames and I do play a healer as highest level character ;)

Edited by Melisandre
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