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Everything posted by Tyrilean

  1. Seriously, with the new changes to Sentinels? You nerf half of our abilities, take away the only point of zen to give us alacrity? What the hell? I mean, I always knew you hated Sentinels (what with our horrible leveling experience up to getting our first healer, and the fact that you half the time don't have our mods/enhancements at badge vendors, and slapping guardian stats on our badge gear), but I didn't think you'd take it this far.
  2. It's not our faults that our idiotic teachers spread their mispronunciations onto us. I even remember them spelling it "Aluminum" in school.
  3. What gets me is the animation for a few of the major abilities, where you put a burning hole through the guy's chest. And, then, they keep fighting as if nothing's wrong.
  4. There was a Jedi mission where you had a choice given to you by the bad guy. He had captured one of your scientists, and was torturing him for all of your military secrets(all of the Republic's superweapons, which could wipe out entire planets and such). He promised to release the doctor back into your custody once he was done with him, unharmed, and in exchange he would give you the location of a Sith that's about to murder a bunch of colonists. The light side choice is to take his deal, and then you go kill a Sith who was about to kill all of four guys. The not light side choice(it doesn't award DS points, just isn't Light side) is to immediately go and save the doctor, and keep him from giving up all of the Republic's military secrets, which could save the lives of billions. Another example: On Ord Mantell, there's a quest to find the long lost son of a couple. They believe him dead, but have heard rumors he's still alive. You find him with the separatists. He had been abducted as a young teen, and coked up on stims and forced to fight for them. He wants you to give him some credits to get off the planet. You're tasked with taking him back to his parents. The light side choice is to give a coked up teenager credits so he can run off and probably start his life of delinquency. The dark side is to force him to go back to his parents(which actually doesn't result in him going back.. he refuses, and in the end, you just didn't help him get off the planet). Either way, I'd think the light side choice would be forcing him to go back to his parents, not giving a drugged up kid money so he can run off and probably buy more drugs.
  5. I don't know where you get your information, but the average human runs around 8 mph over distance. An Olympic Athlete might make 15 mph in a dead sprint.
  6. Space isn't absolute zero. It can be cold, but heat radiates everywhere. Not to mention, you lose more heat when in contact with atmosphere than in contact with a vacuum.
  7. Well, regardless of your views on loot, if you don't agree on loot rules before starting the run, then you deserve to get ninjaed. Think of it this way: If you agree on loot rules ahead of time, and someone breaks them, you have grounds to report them(in other games I've played, if someone broke established loot rules, you could report them under the "scamming" flag, and you'd get your loot and they'd get an infraction)
  8. Make sure you're doing ALL of the missions you run across(you can skip heroics and flashpoints if you don't have anyone to run with). This game isn't like WoW, where you can pick and choose quests... it has a serious linear progression(whether people like it or not is for another discussion). Also, while Taris has a bonus mission that takes place right after your main missions, and so does Tatooine, many of the planets you must go back to in order to do their bonus series. Nar Shaddaa has a level 30-ish bonus series, although you're generally about level 26 when you leave, so you'd need to come back a little later. I've actually found that so long as I exhaust all of my missions available to me, I am a level or two ahead of most missions I run into.
  9. There's no ability that activates dual lightsabres. In fact, you're expected to be wielding two lightsabres at all times while a Sentinel, as most of the Sentinel specific abilities have a pre-requisite of using two lightsabres.
  10. Having a /roll function with master looter, and a master looter who is fair minded, ensures that some d-bag heavy armor wearer doesn't roll need on medium armor for their companions. I understand why WoW disabled master looter on their random dungeon finder, as you don't get to choose a leader, but in a game like this with no cross-server dungeons, and manual grouping, this isn't an issue.
  11. I would support a version that does not post to chat, because I do realize it is an important tool for raid leaders to know who's pulling their own weight, and also for individuals to know how to adjust their rotations/points/gear to make for the best DPS, but I hate idiots who waste their high damage abilities on random yellow critters to boost their DPS so they can rub it in your face in chat every 2 minutes of a run.
  12. I especially hate rebuying the abilities that don't change at all as you rank them up, aside from increasing the damage, which is a secondary concern to that ability anyway(I don't do force leap for the damage, I do it for the ability to close in on my enemy, and build focus, which doesn't change at all as I level it up).
  13. While I don' tthink they need to bring down the servers to do it, I would like it if they did buff Sentinel survivability a bit while leveling up. I haven't PvPed, and I really dislike PvP balancing affecting my PvE, so I really could give two shytes if Sentinels tear you a new one in PvP. I would just like to be able to fight the same regular groups as every other class and not have to eat medpacs and make it by the skin of my teeth half the time.
  14. If he's already tried logging them in, and found out that they wont work at the same time, I'm pretty sure he's probably already popped them open and registered the keys. No way to sell them now(at least, not unless he wants to break the EULA).
  15. It's a great idea. It means that if you find a set of robes at level 15 that you really like, you can stick with it forever, just upgrading the mods. It also means you can buy a mod for a few badges and upgrade your current gear way cheaper than buying a whole new set.
  16. Actually, in WoW, if you timed it right, you could start casting your next ability before the ability bar was finished(because of a delay. The server started casting the ability before the client did)
  17. Wait.. wait... Most games I've played, you lose EXP, Damage, or other things. Others make you have to run from half a continent away. This one makes you wait a few seconds, rezzes you right where you are, and then stealths you so you can walk away from the guy who killed you, and heal up. I never use the term "carebear", but this is about as carebear as you can get. Stop complaining.
  18. I don't know the reason, but I'm pretty sure there is a good reason outside of the Bioware execs saying "You know who has it too good? The Swiss. Screw them. Let's Charge them six dollars extra a month."
  19. I hate the training sabres. Training sabres are supposed to be just like regular lightsabres, but tuned down so they don't do as much damage. What we're given in the beginning looks like a giant stick with fluorescent light bulbs stuck on the edges. I can't believe somebody actually thought it was a good idea to send me out into a battlefield equipped with that. It's like being a Samurai, and being sent into battle with a bamboo training sword. It's stupid. Either way, vibroblades are supposed to be regular blades with an ultrasonic vibrator inthe hilt. The vibrations allow it to cut through armor like butter, and even a slight nick by a vibroblade can cause huge amounts of internal bleeding. Vibroblades ontheir own can't parry lightsabres, which is why many are made with cortosis weave. Either way, they shouldn't look anything like they currently do in game. They still look like swords with a fluorescent light bulb glued on(and that light bulb is on the edge we hit with). Edit: I also don't see how spending your entire life learning how to use a training sabre, which is obviously balanced at the cross guard(or at the very least, it has a tangible blade that actually has weight), and then suddenly switching to a weapon that has no weight to its blade.
  20. Where is this vendor located? And, I'll laugh my arse off if it turns out he's in the VIP lounge, which is inaccessable for anyone who didn't get CE or DD.
  21. My first characters are always males. But, sometimes I'll roll an alt as a female. Generally because some classes I feel would be better as females. Such as, in WoW, when I rolled my Draenei mage, I rolled it as a female, because I felt it would be more in tune with the feel of the character. There are also plenty of females who have male characters, and many admit to doing it so they can avoid the "OMG A GURL" mentality that they encounter a lot. It's not as if it's some kind of fetish or anything(unless of course you're ERPing or something).
  22. Wow had free trials at launch. Each one of us who bought the collector's edition got, if I remember, 5 keys we could give out. Of course, they didn't release that many CE's, and if I'd known that I wouldn't have opened mine, since they were selling for upwards of $2k less than a year later. Either way, it did have a free trial. You just had to be lucky enough to know someone who got the CE.
  23. <<<****Jedi Knight Spoilers Below*****>>>> So, I was doing my JK quests, and there was a part where the Imperials stole a doctor that knows tons of Republic military secrets. The Imperial offers you a deal: If you let him interrogate the doctor, he'll give him to you unharmed afterwards, and he'll also give you the location of a Sith who's going to murder a couple of innocent colonists. You can also choose to ignore the deal, and go rescue the doctor. Light Side Choice: Let the Imperials get all our secrets, and you end up saving three guys from a Sith with giant monsters at her beck and call. Three guys. Not an entire colony. THREE GUYS. When you finally get to save the doctor, the Imperial follows through with his deal(mostly... he's ordered otherwise at the end, against his desires), and you get the doctor back, having given them ALL the information. Possibly ending up with the deaths of millions, and the fall of the Republic. Grey Side Choice: I say grey side choice, because there's no actual choice that gives dark side points in this one. But, basically, you turn down the deal, save the doctor without any info getting leaked, and I guess those three dudes get killed. For the sake of MILLIONS of lives, and the security of the Republic. Yeah... I felt that choice was screwed up. The good of the many outweigh the good of the few, and all.
  24. Did you discuss loot rules before heading into the mission? If not, then he has a valid reason for needing it. If he agreed to loot rules, then broke them, you'd have a case to report him for scamming(I know this ended up being the case in WoW, not sure Bioware's stance on it).
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