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Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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Oh I know what you guys can do! How about an appearance tab and color graph so we can wear ANYTHING we want and color it ANY color we want.


-Just a thought

-Common sense really

-Every other game does it

-You guys like copying other games


P.S. Hood up/down toggle will be great too

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Probly already been said once or twice in this long thread, but I'd kill for:


- CEDF uniforms, as seen on Hoth (and a few NPCs in the Imperial Fleet lounge)

- The blue Mandalorian kit a lot of the Mando NPCs wear (Dromund Kaas, Tatooine..)

- Full facemasks for Sith, a la Darth Baras or Darth Jadus -- most of the ones I've seen are light or med. armor, and there aren't a whole lot of options to begin with

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I want to see hood down cloaks for jedi knights, different lightsaber hilt designs, and special awarded gear for players that have been a sub since the beginning (like elder jedi master clothing, sith lord robes, and stuff for the other classes)
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Well I would really like to see more of the Trooper and Bounty hunter gear available for other classes like the Imperial Agent. More glasses and other headgear for all classes and make sure it fits with the hairstyle of the character so you can see it with the headpiece and not just make it disapear.


Plus make all the NPC's characters outfits available in some form or another.


Would also be really nice to see more down to earth outfits and a more simple style with not to much sticking out from the outfits. More imperial and republic military outfits, so we can see that there is a war going on.

Edited by ThomasB
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Thanks for asking us!


(1) Tunics. For example, what you see on the padawans on Tython, and like the Jedi guardian renowned armor. It seems a little unrealistic to expect a jedi to be able to do acrobatics weighed down by a huge hooded robe. Yeah, ok, they wear them in the movies, but as I recall, Mace Windu, Episode 2, leaps into the arena *and then tosses off his robe* so he can kick (inappropriately large) backsides in clothes that are easy to move in.


(2) Tunics that are not belly shirts. I get that some people want belly shirts for their female toons, but for those of us that don’t like that look, it really gimps our options if a good portion of the fashions are skimpy. For example, of the two shirt/tunic (not robe or cape) craftable medium armor options for jedi knights, one is a belly shirt and the other is salmon-colored.


(3) Recolor for existing crafted patterns. Sure, I love the cut of the Laminoid Battle coat (empire), but it’s banana yellow. Maybe those extra colors are technically available in some obscure mid-level dungeons, but seriously, soloing low level dungeons for fashion is boring. I’ve done it.


(4) Opposite faction clothes. Yeah, ok, it doesn’t make sense for a light side jedi to be wearing a big red inquisitor death thingy. It also doesn’t make sense to be fighting in a bikini, but that doesn’t stop y’all from putting more bikinis in the game.


(5) Goggles. More goggles. Of headpieces out there, only a handful of people show theirs, and it’s usually goggles. You know how many people show helm when it’s a gas mask? Look around.


(6) Dusters. In black. Like Neo. No, I’m not kidding, people eat that stuff up. You know Tharan’s starter jacket? Like that. No more dusters with goggles around the neck! Do you know how silly it looks to have goggles around the neck and also be WEARING goggles?


(7) NPC wearable items. I can’t even list them all, there are so many. Anything that is a uniform worn by a class of NPC’s (House Organa combat uniforms, senator robes, for example) I WANT IT. Everyone has their own favorite NPC outfit.


(8) Think simple. The higher level outfits get, the dumber they tend to look. “Cool gear” does not necessarily mean “encrusted with excessively ornate doodads.” Most people don’t want to look ridiculous.

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- Jedi/Sith hoods up/down option


- Armor color kits, with a large color option


- All orange pieces will be adaptatives and bind on legacy


- Sell the armor pieces alone, without sets, i like to buy differents pieces from differents sets


- Adaptative armor pieces usefull since lvl 10


- More weapons and lightsaber hilts without light/dark side option


- All the gear of the game can be purchable in the Cartel Market as orange adaptative gear (included Black hole armors, pvp armors, Ops, etc)


- More lightsaber cristal colors, like dark green, dark yellow, etc

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Adaptive armor green Jedi robes.This is one that most people (myself included) would actually buy. Corellia was such a tease for it. It just looks so good!


And if not from the cartel market, it could be sold as a social outfit in the black hole on Corellia.


That's just my idea, though. :D.

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Balmorran Bronzium Breastplate - I personally want to see more of the black-purple color motif in the game, and this one is just very awesome - only think I'd change though is make the undershirt more black instead of grey - if you need to then change the color of the black arm guards and navel guard, I'd go with more of a purple variant (different shades) for that.



But would love to see it - its a purple black variant of the Tempered Terenthium Chestguard.

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Thank you for the chance to provide feedback on this. Moddable outfit are important to me. My recommendations:


--Simple black boots

--Simple black knee high boots

--Simple black robes (hood up and down options)

--Simple black belt (similar to Sorc War Hero belt)

--Utility-looking belt with pouches and pockets (in different colors)

--Huttball uniforms! Heavy and light, that look like sci-fi football uniforms/helmets!

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The existing hood up Jedi Robes in Hood Down variants. That's about ten robes. If this is too much, how about just hood down versions of the Jedi Expulsor and Jedi Battlelord set? Although all would be preferable while we wait for hood toggle.
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The Cad Bane style, wide brimmed hat the smugglers get - for my bounty hunter. And more of the duster/trench options for my BH (Without the life-preserver collars please)


Thana Vesh's (from Imperial Taris) outfit for my Marauder. SO disappointed I couldn't get her armor.


I would love for some of the intricately embroidered looking pieces the jedi have, to be available for the sith. If I get the same outfit, suddenly it changes mesh and doesn't look at all like what they're wearing. Color them black! Instantly sithy!


Some of the outfits the NPCs on Alderaan that the nobility wear - like the dresses and robes and great coats.


Elegant looking dresses that aren't in white.


Anything that makes my marauder look more like Asajj Ventress rather than a Droid. (Or Vader.)


Non-midriff bearing options for female med Sithy armor. I like the midriffs, don't get me wrong, I like that option, but I also like the look of some of the covered-up male versions (See above - preference for not looking like a droid)


Thoth, the vendor on Vaiken has a great looking hooded outfit that's impossible for anyone to get because it combined imp and pub assets, some of which aren't the same as what drops in game. Drop stuff using the meshes she's wearing!


The Imperial Ablative Lacqerous Vest (colors + style) *without* the backpack.

Edited by Aalya_Ardinn
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A set with a headband that overrides the hoodup part of sith inquisitor robes. I have found a headband that does this for my jedi sage (random purple drop) but for the sith there seem only to be helmets/masks that will override the hood, nothing that leaves the face fully visible.


More light armour capes like the Ulgo Noble one on Alderaan. Different colours, slight variations in styles. Coats too, such as the Operatives have access to in medium armour.


More normal clothing. Some of us play spies, and not only as Agents. So we do not want to have large impressive bulky clothing (and certainly do not want hefty shoulder pads) but more normal attire.

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Please add the hood on/off function for ALL robes or outfits that come with a hood. Not just the hood disappear you get when headgear is put on.


ALSO, dye/color change for ALL outfits, not just color coordinate to chest. If I like the color of gloves, I'd like to coordinate rest of outfit with that, or boots or whichever piece of gear. NOT JUST CHEST.


This is simple stuff that should be included in ANY RPG.

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