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Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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Take a look at your current end-game stuff (not the ranked stuff, the other stuff though) and STOP doing that kind of sick. Seriously.


Then take a look at the forums at what people want... you may be suprised.


Also +1 for selling the items as schematics for both synthweavers or armortech. - ORANGE, not prototype.

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Don't know if anybody mention that, have no time to run through all 20 pages.


Satele Shan outfit, now. Please. How in the hell isn't that in game yet btw? All variations for any class I can recall can be done. Non for consular.


Satele Shan outfit is MUST HAVE.

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I've spent at least $80 across all my characters on the cartel market and if they release awesome stuff I'll spend more.


I would love to see an armor that looks similar obviously for lore reasons not the same as the Hero Armor from Force Unleashed 2 or the Combat arena armor which actually made me roll a sentinel as my main.

Hero Armor




Combat Arena Armor



Jedi Adventure Robes



and since we already put Revans gear in please lets add Zayne Carricks gear hes already got a space station named after him and ties perfectly in with lore




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Satele Shan outfit, now. Please. Really, ASAP.


I would also like to see an adaptive version of the War Hero Trooper gear, I actually like this set and feel it looks well done.


I would also would not mind the consular War Hero Chest, I like it and could see myself using it on lower level female toons.


Hood down versions of robes with more interesting designs, nothing to fancy (or huge protruding objects).

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Black hood up robe for marauders. Like the one the Juggernauts get. I just want to look like a classic sith warrior. Nothing fancy.


You got close with the Defender set in the cartel market already but unfortunately its hood down.:(


I agree mauraders need more hood up and black

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My list for the Market, I have been in the past before the market begged and urged unique models for weapons and revan armor/nhilius mask. I hope again, Bioware you will listen to mine, and as many of the serious replies I got from asking the people on the server Jung Ma.



I have labled in Yellow the most popular suggestions on both Empire and Republic side chat on Jung Ma


1. MANDALORES HELM NOT the ugly gold one in Artworks, I mean one that demands true respect, a Mandalorian doesn't need such luxuries. KoTOR 2's Mandalore craved respect.


2. DARTH TRAYUS ROBE. Pure Black respectable non flashy items robe.


3. ATRIS ROBE pure white moddable robes.


4. DARTH BARAS'S HELMET Why this wasn't a reward for Sith Warriors I dont know




6. Mandalorian Armor, Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Steel, just like in KoToR


7. KOTOR'S Sith Soldier armor.

8. MALAK'S Resperator.




10. SATEELE SHAN's Attire.


11. JACE MALCOM'S Trooper Armor(with helmet)


12.EXILES' Jedi Robes(hopefully a unique new model and stuff)


13. Standard Issue Republic Trooper Armor, Thats right, white and blue baby.


14. Harley Davidson black leather biker jacket style chestpeice for smuggs


15. NOMEN KARS ROBES. (But with hood up please <3 <3 <3)


16. More Hooded Black Robes. >_> Only like 5 total A Sith Warrior can actually use that isnt fugly.


17. Alderan Crown.


18. Miraluka head covers.


19. Blindfolds


20. Corellia Green Jedi Knights Robes.


21. KOTOR 2 style esq Jedi Master/Dark Jedi Master Robes.




21. Not moddable armor, but can we have a self heal item that is a play with able datacron? Use the Life Day Orb animation, For a jedi datacron use the glow of the consulars, and for the sith datacron inquisitors with the respected eye glows from previous packs. Not a lot of effort in making that you have all the components to do so.


22. Stealthy Camo sniper gear, like a Guilie suit for Snipers wear in modern times?


23. More unique and hood coverable masks.


24. Trooper lvl 40 PVP helmet with a glowing blue visor. You know what I'm gettin at.


25. Reverse colored Empire Trooper armor. Think the C.E. but flip all the red and black with each other.


26. Mistress Dancer oufit, Think Republic Dancer, but with a long transparant cape and other....frills.


27. NICO's ATTIRE. AKA the Smuggler on the trailer.


28. GREY JEDI Robes.


29. Kotor 1 esq padawan robes.


30. Exar Kun's Battle Armor.


31. Matuaki Armor/Zeison Sha Armor(Kotor 2 Force usable armor)


32. Gladiator Armor. Think the smuggler wookie companions armor, but as a moddable set for players.


33. Shadow's Hand Robes.


34. Darth Malgus's Chestpeice. (WITH THE CAPE)


35. More Unique Belts


36. Look alike version of Commander Sheperd's Armor from Mass Effect, Personally, I thought this idea was unique, same company n all. sounds not hard to try and replicate the outfit to a degree in terms of design.


37. Completely Unique Robes/Armor that are fit only for the Dark Council that inspires awe and fear.


38. Kotor 2 Ubeses Assassin Armor.


39. Modern Day design soldier armor.



And that's all she wrote folks.

Edited by Magnusheart
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My list for the Market, I have been in the past before the market begged and urged unique models for weapons and revan armor/nhilius mask. I hope again, Bioware you will listen to mine, and as many of the serious replies I got from asking the people on the server Jung Ma.





And that's all she wrote folks.


I'm okay with most of those, but 100% against Jacen's helmet. He didn't exist. If they taint the game like that you'll soon be running around like Vaders.

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I would absolutely adore hats, headgear, cowls, veils, etc, that don't feel the need to completely erase our hair lines and/or cover the sides of our head. Why can't smugglers wear cowboy hats that go on top of our hair models instead of adding strange head covers which completely negate our hair?


Also on that note, I'd like to be able to wear a visor or set of goggles that aren't included with some silly helmet like Outlaw's Visor. Agent has a few pieces of gear that are standalone goggles without the head gear. Add that model to the cartel market so anyone could wear that look, pls.

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