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Can you accept the recast of Luke, Leia and Han?


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I could see;


Leo Di Cap as Luke

Joaquin Phoenix as Han

Maggie Gyllenhaal as Leia


Now feel free to crap all over my picks....this is all going to be toooo much fun :D


JQ as Han? I don't think Han was born with a harelip... lol

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As long as things are handled better than the prequel trilogy, I'd be fine with it. Really, the only choices are recasting or animation. Though Mark Hamill does have a pretty good career as a voice actor...


Good career? He's had a friggin GREAT career in voice acting, thats the next best thing hes done

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Funny how people hate the prequels, yet are completely ok with new people coming in to play the three most important heroes of the OT. You people confuse and sadden me, truly.


The prequals may have been crappy but at least they were still making films still n not stupid cartoons n besides alot of that was a bad cast and director and that doesnt have to happen this time. As much as i love OT most of its leads are too old n washed up n we dont need another garbage lead ruining a star wars movie, n buddy before is right Hamill only does voice work Fischer doesnt even act anymore, I'm all for them tryin to make Harrison work as Han, but i dont think any of the others are still skilled enough to make there characters fly like they used to. It's more than just showing there faces to a camera man, they gotta be able to perform it.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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I think the original three would hold Disney hostage demanding a butt load of loot and to do what? The Vong Invasion? That is the only thing that would remotely make sense at their age...to us that have read the books but no one else.


Meh I havent really known it by books, just that if its Star Wars Canon/Lore/History, I'll probably know it, if anyones wondering just Wookie it or something :p

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I don't see any way that they skip past Luke, Leia and Han. I realize diehard Star Wars fans obsess over the EU but this movie isn't going to make $1.5 billion on just the hardcore Star Wars fans. Many people who like the original trilogy don't even know there is an EU let alone who any of the characters are. Disney didn't spend $4 billion and throw down an immediate 2015 release date for Episode 7, post-ROTJ movie to then turn around and leave out the 3 most iconic characters from the original trilogy. Frankly, it makes no sense to do an "Episode 7" without them. They could just call it Star Wars something or another....but by saying it will be Episode 7 that means a continuation of the story.


So I think you'll absolutely see all 3 characters in Episode 7 and they'll be recast. I don't mind Luke being recast as Hamill wasn't really much of an actor. Even Leia is fine being recast since Fisher was very young at the time of those movies and really not a standout actress either....won't be hard to find a sassy, spunky actress to play that role. Han Solo is the difficult one though because Harrison Ford is a tough guy to replace and, if that role is played any other way than Ford did it, then the character just doesn't work.

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Luke i don't care about since i never really cared for the actor in the movies

leia as long as they chick is hot i'm fine

a new Han would be weird


i agree i can deal with someone else being luke, and get a really really hot chick for leia, but a new Han that would be kinda weird also.

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i agree i can deal with someone else being luke, and get a really really hot chick for leia, but a new Han that would be kinda weird also.


I think Josh Brolin would be a great choice for Han if they cant get Ford, from what iv seen the guy can play dam near anything, n he does look enuf like Ford to fit the part.

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umm there is no reason to recast any of them.


1. IF and thats a big IF they decided to the Thrawn trilogy they will use computers to make them look younger like in Benjermen Button.


2. Most likely they will just create a new story set 40 years after Episode 6


Yeah..they could do the same they did with professor X i The last stand, made him look 25 years younger and it looked very nice.




But of course since they are propably hell bound on detroying the whole franchise, they will mess it up and replace the actors with new young douchebag stars and have Justin Bieber play one of the solo children ;).

Edited by Cbaoth
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Why not consider the legacy series, after all its still loosely based on the same characters from OT Luke even makes an appearance, though I doubt it, my bet would be they create their own story, since characters from OT, PT and KOTOR series have been done to the death, if you consider all cannon (books, comics, games, movies).


In regards to comments about the "use CGI to make the OT cast look younger", I seriously doubt it, for one it would cost a fortune, highring the original cast and another fortune for the 100s of artists and the massive amounts of manpower required, much cheaper by far to recast, also knowing Disney there going to aim it at the younger audiences, if so the younger fans are not going to care if they are recast, hell some kids won’t even see a difference, if they cast them well. Another reason would be the difficulty in doing so, in films where it’s been done in the past, a good eye can easily spot the change, it’s also never been done for any long onscreen appearance, in regards to Tron Legacy, count how much screen time Clue has with his face visible, it’s quite short.

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Disney are in charge now, they're a very good studio. The last few Marvel films have been very well made. I honestly think that they'll either jump ahead of go back it would be so awkward recasting the three protagonists although to be honest would it be that big of a deal?
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I can accept a recast, I would honestly be blown away to see Harrison Ford playing Han I mean the guy is 70 years old and will be 73 by the time this movie releases. I really can't see him playing Han unfortunately same goes for Luke and Leia unless they set these films quite far in future after ROTJ, even then I duno.
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Yeah..they could do the same they did with professor X i The last stand, made him look 25 years younger and it looked very nice.




But of course since they are propably hell bound on detroying the whole franchise, they will mess it up and replace the actors with new young douchebag stars and have Justin Bieber play one of the solo children ;).


Idk why you think they're hell bent on ruining it... that makes no logical sense. Besides, Jacen/Caedus is annoying, and so is Bieber, wouldn't it be great to see him get cut down in a lightsaber duel? :p

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I think Josh Brolin would be a great choice for Han if they cant get Ford, from what iv seen the guy can play dam near anything, n he does look enuf like Ford to fit the part.


Brolin is a terrible actor.



I would expect them to keep the same cast as the OT and they'll skip the story forward say 40 years. That makes the most sense in my head. Luke would be the Obi-Wan type character who is focused on training new jedi and removing the remnants of the Empire, Leia would be a senator building the new republic and Han would be Han, just older (think Sully from Uncharted). Han and Leia would have the twins and they'd probably be in training with Luke.


Or maybe it would be at a point where Luke thought the Empire had been eradicated, only to be faced with a new threat that was hidden from him.


Doing it this way would appease the largest amount of people, and "rebooting" an older series this way has proven to be successful. Die Hard, Rocky, Rambo, etc. Indy IV being the obvious exception.


They could recast the roles and I'd honestly be fine with that, but I don't think I could ever accept anyone other than Ford as Han Solo. It'd be like recasting Indy. You just don't do that.

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I wouldn't want a recast of the originals but because Harrison Ford has already stated he won't do another Star Wars film.. my choice for a recast Han would have to be Nathan Fillion. :D


But, I am hoping for stories set many years in the future with a whole new cast of characters with cameo's of the originals.


I'm probably in for a let down, aren't I?

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Josh Hartnett ........................................Han Solo

Joseph Gordon-Levitt ...........................Luke Skywalker

Scarlett Johansson ...............................Princess Leia


Guy Pearce ...........................................Thrawn


Unless they do Ep.7 totally CG , I do not think they should use the original cast for anything but maybe for little parts that are not anything to do with the three characters . Ford is the only one of the three cast members who is still decently in shape

Edited by mefit
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Chances are that if and when Disney does decide to make Episode 7,8 and 9. They will do it in 3D considering all the success James Cameron had with Avatar in 3D movie studios want that kind of payout. The problem in it's self lies that fact not every cineplex in the country can show a 3D film. I will say we won't see a NEW Star Wars movie till at least 2020-21 in that time frame, by then most major cineplexes will have 3D projectors and everyone can than ***** about how ****** the movies will be. I'm a purist at heart and I'm sorry but the last three films were done only for Lucas to make a buck. The sucked nothing worth while. Even episode 1 in 3D still sucked. The first 3 were the best will always be the best and anything outside of that is meant for the fans imagination.


Now you're just complaning. There are plenty of good story in the new trilogy. Episode III is one of the best movies ever. I found the fall of Anakin to be really touching.

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If those last 3 movies where filmed by the time the episode 1-3 where filmed, at that time I may felt kind of insulted or back-stabbed. But reality is that in this year neither of the original actors are in a very nice physical condition to film the 3 movies in the timeline when Skywalker returned to Tython and restarted the Jedi Academy.


In the end, depends upon timeline of story, but I think will not be disappointed if original actors are not recast to do their original roles. But I will get very pissed-off if they don't cast them in the original roles, but give them cameos as other characters.

Edited by malangus
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If those last 3 movies where filmed by the time the episode 1-3 where filmed, at that time I may felt kind of insulted or back-stabbed. But reality is that in this year neither of the original actors are in a very nice physical condition to film the 3 movies in the timeline when Skywalker returned to Tython and restarted the Jedi Academy.


In the end, depends upon timeline of story, but I think will not be disappointed if original actors are not recast to do their original roles. But I will get very pissed-off if they don't cast them in the original roles, but give them cameos as other characters.


Luke founds the Jedi academy on Yavin 4, Tython is from SWTOR.

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It's not going to be the Thrawn trilogy, there's several articles on the web confirming that now. It will be "an original story".


And yes, I can accept the recasting of those characters. I did it reluctantly with Star Trek, and was very pleased.

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It's not going to be the Thrawn trilogy, there's several articles on the web confirming that now. It will be "an original story".


And yes, I can accept the recasting of those characters. I did it reluctantly with Star Trek, and was very pleased.


The Star Trek movie go around all the issues by establishing it as an alternate timeline. That effectively bypasses the issue of everything being retconned.


There is a possibility this trilogy could involve Ben Skywalker, I seriously think Disney will have done their homework so as not to tick everyone off.

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The remake of Star Trek did fairly well despite the re-casting. Still, it would be easier to just set it 40-50 years in the future. Though Luke's strength in the Force (as portrayed in the EU) ought to allow him extraordinary longevity, and might pose a mental roadblock if cast as someone other than Mark Hammil.
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