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Legacy Wide datacrons


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best comment yet, all other seem to be trolls.


there acting like i said you could just buy it without unlocking it first for free


What you fail to realize is that having it unlocked one shouldn't matter. Just because you played it once as one char does not mean you just get everything again. Ok, lets play along, pretend for a moment that this implemented, legacy EVERYTHING you can think of.


The moment it goes live, you just instantly kicked every other alt leveled over the last 2 years square in the gems (and those that didn't have any, grew a pair just to be kicked...TWICE. The first time so they know what it actually feels like, second time for implementing legacy everything). Since there are people with 15-20 alts on multiple servers that have done all the content multiple times and never once said "boohoo i want legacy _____ so i don't have to do it more than once".


If you MAYBE unlocked every class on both factions at least once, then maybe you could have an argument for legacy everything since well you've already done it on everything. But until that time, (i know this is cliche` but) if you don't like it, don't play it. IF you don't want a datacron, don't get it. If you don't want to explore the map for the 8th time, don't.

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Legacy fast travel, legacy HP/crit/stat bonuses, legacy HK, legacy presence, legacy class buffs...


Oh wait, we already have those and hyperbole hasn't destroyed the game!


Upthread someone said there are good reasons not to want this. If so, could someone please list them? I've only seen hyperbole about max level characters and entitled whining about laziness.


The sheer fact of the matter is, if this is implemented, it will have a cost. If someone spends four hours gathering datacrons on an alt while another player spends four hours doing dailies, then uses the credits to buy a datacron unlock for their alt, then what is the real difference. Remember, as a legacy unlock this would only benefit characters who have already earned the datacrons at least once. The only thing the legacy unlock is saving them is time, and maybe not even that if it's expensive enough. HK costs a million to share to an alt, so I could easily see this unlock being reasonable at 5 million or so.


The opponents to this idea(there may actually be 5 people against it now) also don't seem to realize that their counterarguments can be applied to every convenience feature in the game. Try playing a character without using speeders or quick travel. Every moment you delay getting to 55 is a moment you could have playing at 55 getting high end gear and comms...therefore fast travel and speeders help you gain end game stats and gear faster. OMG the sky is falling! It's all over now!


The sheer fact of the matter is that this would be a minor convenience for players with many alts, and would be appreciated and enjoyed by the vast majority of players. The only valid counterargument I've seen is that a player with no use for this feature would rather the devs spend their time working on something they find useful, which is fair enough.


Great write up. Glad some people with common sense still come to this thread.

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Lately I've been playing with Collections and changed my mind about the datacron issue. I realized that Collections is *exactly* the same thing as this datacron issue. You collect a full set of rare armor, it goes into your collection and for a small CC fee, you can unlocked the armor for *all* of your toon. You collect up a rare gem, it goes into your collection and a small CC fee and all your toons can have it.


For maybe 150k GC's, I purchased a kick-*** armor set from the GTN, then paid 450 CC's and now all my toons can have the armor. I purchased a rare gem from the GTN for 100k, paid I think 250 CC's to unlock it for my account and now my level 10 toon has a +41 crit gem.


The game already has this system in place. Might as well add the Datacron's as a collection.

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Lately I've been playing with Collections and changed my mind about the datacron issue. I realized that Collections is *exactly* the same thing as this datacron issue. You collect a full set of rare armor, it goes into your collection and for a small CC fee, you can unlocked the armor for *all* of your toon. You collect up a rare gem, it goes into your collection and a small CC fee and all your toons can have it.


For maybe 150k GC's, I purchased a kick-*** armor set from the GTN, then paid 450 CC's and now all my toons can have the armor. I purchased a rare gem from the GTN for 100k, paid I think 250 CC's to unlock it for my account and now my level 10 toon has a +41 crit gem.


The game already has this system in place. Might as well add the Datacron's as a collection.


everyone seems to think this is going to be a free and imbalanced thing when similar things are already available

hk-51 and treek for example, the gear with purple mods, 56 rated color crystals for level 10+ etc etc but they all come with a cost not everyone has time to level 8 chars to 55, maintain all their gear, farm 69 datacrons each time (some which need multiple people or are very difficult) farm dailies with them, run ops etc etc

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This game is already easy, and the devs give us things to make this game easier about every six months. So I'm sure this will go into effect at some point because the entitlement of the player population is staggering. That's what this is, "I spent time doing this on one toon, and I don't want to spend that time again on another toon."


So don't worry proponents, you'll get your legacy unlock at some point, but if I see any of you on this forum after you get it saying, "Waaah, there's nothing to do, I'm bored," just know that there are those of us who will be there smiling gleefully at your boredom.

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This game is already easy, and the devs give us things to make this game easier about every six months. So I'm sure this will go into effect at some point because the entitlement of the player population is staggering. That's what this is, "I spent time doing this on one toon, and I don't want to spend that time again on another toon."



Yea well, when you have to waste one *********** hour riding around a balloon to get one god damned datacron, not to mention the other datacrons that require you to sit around with your thumb up your *** waiting for platforms or a kiosk, of course we're going to want a legacy wide unlock.


Glitchy textures and easily getting stuck only to use /stuck to have to start at the beginning of the platform fun doesn't help either.


Speed up the platforms, fix easily getting stuck or at least not have /stuck putting a person as far away from the spot they got stuck in and I really wouldn't care about a legacy unlock.

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Yea well, when you have to waste one *********** hour riding around a balloon to get one gosh darned datacron, not to mention the other datacrons that require you to sit around with your thumb up your *** waiting for platforms or a kiosk, of course we're going to want a legacy wide unlock.


Glitchy textures and easily getting stuck only to use /stuck to have to start at the beginning of the platform fun doesn't help either.


Speed up the platforms, fix easily getting stuck or at least not have /stuck putting a person as far away from the spot they got stuck in and I really wouldn't care about a legacy unlock.


An hour on the balloon? Even at release it was only 30 minutes and they have drastically cut THAT time. I doubt that you could have picked a worse attempt to justify laziness.


I can sympathize with some of the FEW datacrons that require real "platforming". A better course of action (and one that would likely see a lot more support) would be to ask BW to change the current set up of datacrons to make them require more "exploration" and less "platforming" as opposed to asking to be able to do something "once on ONE character and reap the stat bonus rewards on ALL characters".

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An hour on the balloon? Even at release it was only 30 minutes and they have drastically cut THAT time. I doubt that you could have picked a worse attempt to justify laziness.


I can sympathize with some of the FEW datacrons that require real "platforming". A better course of action (and one that would likely see a lot more support) would be to ask BW to change the current set up of datacrons to make them require more "exploration" and less "platforming" as opposed to asking to be able to do something "once on ONE character and reap the stat bonus rewards on ALL characters".


Don't forgot that you also have to wait for the balloon, which could be another 30 minutes. Then if you miss one of the two jumps, you have to start all over. You could very easily spend a couple hours on that balloon if you are not good at jumping.


Also, though it's never happened to me, I hear all the time about people falling through the floor of the balloon...

Edited by Glowrod
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Don't forgot that you also have to wait for the balloon, which could be another 30 minutes. Then if you miss one of the two jumps, you have to start all over. You could very easily spend a couple hours on that balloon if you are not good at jumping.


Also, though it's never happened to me, I hear all the time about people falling through the floor of the balloon...


Again, asking BW to change the locations of he datacrons, or the making them easier to reach might be a better route to take than asking to do something once on ONE character and receive the stat bonus rewards on ALL characters. Asking BW to change the location of the datacrons or the making them easier to reach would likely see much more support.

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Again, asking BW to change the locations of he datacrons, or the making them easier to reach might be a better route to take than asking to do something once on ONE character and receive the stat bonus rewards on ALL characters. Asking BW to change the location of the datacrons or the making them easier to reach would likely see much more support.


I'd go with making them easier to reach.


Some aren't really an issue but others need improved platforms to jump to. This game really doesn't have the control required to jump to datacrons the way they expect us to.


As for datacrons that require waiting for platforms, well, they should really speed up the moving platforms and where applicable, add an extra platform/balloon to jump to.

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I'd go with making them easier to reach.


Some aren't really an issue but others need improved platforms to jump to. This game really doesn't have the control required to jump to datacrons the way they expect us to.


As for datacrons that require waiting for platforms, well, they should really speed up the moving platforms and where applicable, add an extra platform/balloon to jump to.


I'd be much more inclined to support making them easier to reach than in handing out free stat bonuses. Try creating a thread asking for that and I'd bet that would garner a lot more support, even from those against legacy datacrons.

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This game really doesn't have the control required to jump to datacrons the way they expect us to.

If it didn't, no one would have these things. And, yet, people do have them. The game engine isn't designed for platformers, no, but it's functional enough to do the few tricky jumps needed to get the datacrons in the game.

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This game really doesn't have the control required to jump to datacrons the way they expect us to..


And yet countless people manage to get them without issue.. Seems to me the game isn't the problem here.. Just saying.. :rolleyes:


As for datacrons that require waiting for platforms, well, they should really speed up the moving platforms and where applicable, add an extra platform/balloon to jump to.


Dude.. Have you ever looked up the datacrons on the internet?? I am guessing no because you seem to think the balloon on Tatooine is a vailid argument.. I have the two datacrons that are on that crawler on all my characters, I have never used the balloon or waited for it.. I'll leave you do the research and find the alternate way instead of complaining about it here..


Getting the datacrons is one of the easiest things we do in this game.. Time consuming in some ways yes, but isn't that what we are doing playing an MMO?? Wasting time?? :)


If you don't want to waste time in that manner.. Then don't.. You don't have to get them.. The datacrons are there for the people that wish to make the effort to get them.. Getting them for free or moving them to make it easier is not an option.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Yes, yes, yes and yes. I love this idea and hate having to get them all again with another toon. But I still think if you want a matrix cube you should still be required to get them manually as it is an equip item.





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Interesting.. You agreed with a quote that is in conflict with itself.. You should be forced to get the datacrons that give you the matix cubes because they give you an item with stats.. But not the datacrons that just give you stats?? I doubt that post was considered fully when it was written..


You not entitled to free stats.. There is no reason to make the datacrons legacy.. You can support legacy datacrons all you want.. Your support doesn't justify giving someone stats for free without them earning them.. Sorry..


It seems to me you both should reconsider your views on this issue.. Free stats is not an option.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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If it didn't, no one would have these things. And, yet, people do have them. The game engine isn't designed for platformers, no, but it's functional enough to do the few tricky jumps needed to get the datacrons in the game.


Never said it was impossible...Mainly just a pain in the *** when it doesn't have to be.



And yet countless people manage to get them without issue.. Seems to me the game isn't the problem here.. Just saying.. :rolleyes:


I don't recall saying I wasn't able to get them...






Dude.. Have you ever looked up the datacrons on the internet?? I am guessing no because you seem to think the balloon on Tatooine is a vailid argument.. I have the two datacrons that are on that crawler on all my characters, I have never used the balloon or waited for it.. I'll leave you do the research and find the alternate way instead of complaining about it here..


Getting the datacrons is one of the easiest things we do in this game.. Time consuming in some ways yes, but isn't that what we are doing playing an MMO?? Wasting time?? :)


If you don't want to waste time in that manner.. Then don't.. You don't have to get them.. The datacrons are there for the people that wish to make the effort to get them.. Getting them for free or moving them to make it easier is not an option.. :)



Actually, I have looked up the datacrons online and am aware of alternative methods to avoid the balloon on Tat. I'm also pretty sure those methods are unintended. The intended method is a huge time sink where people are left with little to do but stare at their screen. Can't sit in GF waiting for FPs or OPs nor can one do WZs while waiting. They are pretty much in no position to play the content in the game they enjoy. And the thing is, those datacrons have their advantages in both end game PvE and PvP.


Now imagine waiting around to get datacrons on a PvP server where people can pull and knock you around.


And actually, moving them or throwing in a legacy unlock are actually options. It's really up to the devs if that's what they want to do. And even if it was a legacy unlock, no one will have gotten them for free. They still had to go through the effort of finding and getting to them in the first place. They will have also probably had to put in the effort to grind up enough credits to pay for the unlock.

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Actually, I have looked up the datacrons online and am aware of alternative methods to avoid the balloon on Tat. I'm also pretty sure those methods are unintended. The intended method is a huge time sink where people are left with little to do but stare at their screen. Can't sit in GF waiting for FPs or OPs nor can one do WZs while waiting. They are pretty much in no position to play the content in the game they enjoy. And the thing is, those datacrons have their advantages in both end game PvE and PvP.


Now imagine waiting around to get datacrons on a PvP server where people can pull and knock you around.


And actually, moving them or throwing in a legacy unlock are actually options. It's really up to the devs if that's what they want to do. And even if it was a legacy unlock, no one will have gotten them for free. They still had to go through the effort of finding and getting to them in the first place. They will have also probably had to put in the effort to grind up enough credits to pay for the unlock.


Well.. First of all, I am sure working as a team is an intended method.. Which means you didn't look it up on the internet.. The alternate method to the datacrons in the Dune Seas on the sand crawler on Tatooine is to have someone bump you up to the ledge on the back portion of the sand crawler.. A method that was intended.. Now please.. Take the time to do the research..


As for you being on a PVP server?? Well.. Who's fault is that?? Sorry but not a reason to change the game and make datacrons legacy.. You chose to be on a PVP server, then you need to live with the consequences of that choice.. I am on a PVE server and I don't have such issues.. Go figure..


Ultimately yes, making changes to the datacrons is up to the devs.. But let me tell you what I think will happen.. They won't change existing datacrons, they simply won't add anymore... Makeb should have showed people that Bioware likes the idea of datacrons and getting to them... A lot of effort went into designing the path to getting the +10 to endurance on Makeb.. But with all the people complaining here.. It would a better solution to just not add new ones instead of changing old ones?? Why?? Because making the existing ones legacy demolishes the work that went to them in the first place.. Besides, leaving them for others to make a choice is better than taking away that choice to appease a few..


I am sorry you are having such issues.. But you really should use the internet as a tool.. You can also look up the ones you actually need for your character and just get those.. But there is still no reason to make them legacy.., You being on a PVP server is not a reason.. Sorry.. :)

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Free stats is not an option.


Actually, Free stats *IS* an option. Play around with collections a bit. On one of my higher level toons, I purchased a rare gem on the GTN, then paid a few CC's to unlock it on my account. Now I have a level 10 Sorc running around with a FREE +41 crit gem, and on another toon I have 3 of them, one in the lightsaber, one in the shield generator, and one on the companion's blaster. I can get as many as I want on all of my toons for Free.


It's the same thing here with the datacrons. Free stats for an initial CC fee to unlock it after I acquire it once.

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IMO, if they want to add a legacy wide unlock for datacrons, the only means of unlocking it should be with credits and not cartel coins. It would start feeling like a pay to win method if they allowed people to use CCs to unlock it.



Well.. First of all, I am sure working as a team is an intended method.. Which means you didn't look it up on the internet.. The alternate method to the datacrons in the Dune Seas on the sand crawler on Tatooine is to have someone bump you up to the ledge on the back portion of the sand crawler.. A method that was intended.. Now please.. Take the time to do the research..


As for you being on a PVP server?? Well.. Who's fault is that?? Sorry but not a reason to change the game and make datacrons legacy.. You chose to be on a PVP server, then you need to live with the consequences of that choice.. I am on a PVE server and I don't have such issues.. Go figure..


Ultimately yes, making changes to the datacrons is up to the devs.. But let me tell you what I think will happen.. They won't change existing datacrons, they simply won't add anymore... Makeb should have showed people that Bioware likes the idea of datacrons and getting to them... A lot of effort went into designing the path to getting the +10 to endurance on Makeb.. But with all the people complaining here.. It would a better solution to just not add new ones instead of changing old ones?? Why?? Because making the existing ones legacy demolishes the work that went to them in the first place.. Besides, leaving them for others to make a choice is better than taking away that choice to appease a few..


I am sorry you are having such issues.. But you really should use the internet as a tool.. You can also look up the ones you actually need for your character and just get those.. But there is still no reason to make them legacy.., You being on a PVP server is not a reason.. Sorry.. :)


I've seen players talking about it in general chat and I'm sure BW never intended for people to get on top of the sand crawler via use of force push. It was most likely an over sight on their end that they have felt no need to prioritize a fix for since there are far bigger bugs to tackle.


Fact is, you chose to take an easy way to get to the datacron but for some reason, choose to scold people for wanting a different easy method.


Now as for a legacy unlock; I'm pretty bloody sure people are asking for that as legacy perk. That still means they have to put the work into finding and acquiring the datacrons on at least one of their characters. At the same time, no one is forcing people to get the perk. People who don't believe in using the perk are free to not take it and continue to put the effort in to acquiring the datacrons with each of their alts.


I also happen to use the internet as a means to do research. But whatever, you sir are clearly so much better than the rest of us. It would seems as if the whole of the game revolves around you and what you think.

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IMO, if they want to add a legacy wide unlock for datacrons, the only means of unlocking it should be with credits and not cartel coins. It would start feeling like a pay to win method if they allowed people to use CCs to unlock it.

Whether it's with creds or CC, it's still "P2W." (assuming for the sake of this argument that it's possible to "win" PvE).


Now as for a legacy unlock; I'm pretty bloody sure people are asking for that as legacy perk. That still means they have to put the work into finding and acquiring the datacrons on at least one of their characters. At the same time, no one is forcing people to get the perk. People who don't believe in using the perk are free to not take it and continue to put the effort in to acquiring the datacrons with each of their alts.

As I noted in another thread, the companion-based legacy perks exist to encourage people to play each character class to the end of the basic story. Datacron legacy unlock would eliminate the need for some (albeit small) amount of game play.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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  • 1 month later...
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....PLEASE give us this. Make us pay cc/credits per datacron if you must, but please give us this. Restrict it to level 55's that can get the unlock so that toons cant get datacrons that they wouldn't be able too at lower levels and make it where you would have to grind them out on at least one toon on each side first. There is almost nothing I hate about this game more than grinding for datacrons....at least after my first few toons. I have 16 characters and I do not want to grind all those datacrons for all of them....TAKE MY MONEY INSTEAD...PLEASE. :D Edited by Adhabah
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FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....PLEASE give us this. Make us pay cc/credits per datacron if you must, but please give us this. Restrict it to level 55's that can get the unlock so that toons cant get datacrons that they wouldn't be able too at lower levels and make it where you would have to grind them out on at least one toon on each side first. There is almost nothing I hate about this game more than grinding for datacrons....at least after my first few toons. I have 16 characters and I do not want to grind all those datacrons for all of them....TAKE MY MONEY INSTEAD...PLEASE. :D


the best thing ever said


to all the people saying p2w it isnt, is hk and treek p2w coz they are the best dps and heal companions. the answer is no, you must first earn them on a single char before you are able to purchase them on the rest.


i think all the people complaining only have 1 char so thats why they dont want other people to have some help getting some perks because they dedicate full time to one char while others have to split time and there take longer to max each char gear,visual etc

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i think all the people complaining only have 1 char so thats why they dont want other people to have some help getting some perks because they dedicate full time to one char while others have to split time and there take longer to max each char gear,visual etc





I kind of get that feeling , in game or when I ask for some thing , I have 9 55 and run in all 9 might be hair pulling . I have a hard enough time keeping up with them all for weekis this would be a god send, imo .

Edited by swbackup
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FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....PLEASE give us this. Make us pay cc/credits per datacron if you must, but please give us this. Restrict it to level 55's that can get the unlock so that toons cant get datacrons that they wouldn't be able too at lower levels and make it where you would have to grind them out on at least one toon on each side first. There is almost nothing I hate about this game more than grinding for datacrons....at least after my first few toons. I have 16 characters and I do not want to grind all those datacrons for all of them....TAKE MY MONEY INSTEAD...PLEASE. :D



the best thing ever said


to all the people saying p2w it isnt, is hk and treek p2w coz they are the best dps and heal companions. the answer is no, you must first earn them on a single char before you are able to purchase them on the rest.


i think all the people complaining only have 1 char so thats why they dont want other people to have some help getting some perks because they dedicate full time to one char while others have to split time and there take longer to max each char gear,visual etc


The datacrons are OPTIONAL. No player is forced to find the datacrons on any characters.


If a player wants the PERMANENT stat bonuses provided by datacrons on a specific character, then find the datacrons with that character. Effort done with ONE character does NOT always provide rewards on EVERY character. Some things should have to be earned on a per character basis. Datacrons are one of those things.


If you don't want to find the datacrons with every character, then don't. Don't expect to have those PERMANENT stat increases unless you actually EARN them by finding the datacrons with that character, though.

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The datacrons are OPTIONAL. No player is forced to find the datacrons on any characters.


If a player wants the PERMANENT stat bonuses provided by datacrons on a specific character, then find the datacrons with that character. Effort done with ONE character does NOT always provide rewards on EVERY character. Some things should have to be earned on a per character basis. Datacrons are one of those things.


If you don't want to find the datacrons with every character, then don't. Don't expect to have those PERMANENT stat increases unless you actually EARN them by finding the datacrons with that character, though.


I don't see why not ? .. sorry :) ... what does it hurt ? ..

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