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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cartel Shop - Here's what it looks like!


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- What looks like an XP boost

- Colour crystal? (Orange crystal icon)?

- Looks like we'll be able to get that annoying creature Jaba the Hutt had as a pet

- Crime lords cartel pack seems to be one of the first packs that will be available ( seems to come with that throne + a mask, aforementioned jaba pet, dunno what else)


-The carbonite emote seem's to be a form of out of combat regeneration (so an alternative to introspect/rejuvinate/etc).


Looks like they also heard the community about not having access to the Cartel Shop in game, so thats a plus, as it appears they'll be launching with that feature in game, despite earlier claims that they wouldn't.


Looking alright so far (:.

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- What looks like an XP boost

- Colour crystal? (Orange crystal icon)?

- Looks like we'll be able to get that annoying creature Jaba the Hutt had as a pet

- Crime lords cartel pack seems to be one of the first packs that will be available ( seems to come with that throne + a mask, aforementioned jaba pet, dunno what else)


-The carbonite emote seem's to be a form of out of combat regeneration (so an alternative to introspect/rejuvinate/etc).


Looks like they also heard the community about not having access to the Cartel Shop in game, so thats a plus, as it appears they'll be launching with that feature in game, despite earlier claims that they wouldn't.


Looking alright so far (:.


I agree, looks pretty sweet so far. Oh, by the way, Jabba the Hutt's pet is called a Kowakian Monkey Lizard. :)

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- What looks like an XP boost

- Colour crystal? (Orange crystal icon)?

- Looks like we'll be able to get that annoying creature Jaba the Hutt had as a pet

- Crime lords cartel pack seems to be one of the first packs that will be available ( seems to come with that throne + a mask, aforementioned jaba pet, dunno what else)


-The carbonite emote seem's to be a form of out of combat regeneration (so an alternative to introspect/rejuvinate/etc).


Looks like they also heard the community about not having access to the Cartel Shop in game, so thats a plus, as it appears they'll be launching with that feature in game, despite earlier claims that they wouldn't.


Looking alright so far (:.

I wonder if you can actually sit on that throne? Is this ushering in the beginning of a whole new era of being able to sit down outside of your ship? :eek: Edited by Baptes
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- What looks like an XP boost

- Colour crystal? (Orange crystal icon)?

- Looks like we'll be able to get that annoying creature Jaba the Hutt had as a pet

- Crime lords cartel pack seems to be one of the first packs that will be available ( seems to come with that throne + a mask, aforementioned jaba pet, dunno what else)


-The carbonite emote seem's to be a form of out of combat regeneration (so an alternative to introspect/rejuvinate/etc).


Looks like they also heard the community about not having access to the Cartel Shop in game, so thats a plus, as it appears they'll be launching with that feature in game, despite earlier claims that they wouldn't.


Looking alright so far (:.


Well, well. Someone, just got banned.

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Better be able to move and fade that hideous cartel shop icon!


I wish!! Although I bet this game is like LOTRO where that emblem is all over the place even for subscribers. My nightmare is seeing cartel shop ads in Nar Shaddaa but I know it will happen.

Edited by Draekos
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Should that Carbonite Chamber heal you faster than the normal out of combat healing ability that means...


Pay to win has begun!


Probably doesn't.


And if it did, it would probably only give an advantage if it is usable in warzones, and they're awfully picky about what they allow to be used in warzones.

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I wish!! Although I bet this game is like LOTRO where that emblem is all over the place even for subscribers. My nightmare is seeing cartel shop ads in Nar Shaddaa but I know it will happen.


Every one wants a more robust and live environment. I guess those people will get their wish in the form of changing billboards and posters in game LOL.


Oddly I didnt see any paid transfers on that snap shot of the cartel shop. I did see they have a cosmetic tab. I wonder if that tab will include extra character options like different hairs cuts, race changes, or other character appearances.

Edited by Knockerz
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Like the look but I wonder how many more tabs will be added before release and if there will be a lot of stuff to buy or if most people subbing wil have more coins than they know what to do with.


It depends what is behind those tabs, and I expect they will expand the store every 6 weeks or even more often. That is content EA can get behind. As to stuff that BH icon looks to be 2500 or so coins even blurred out. That is more that a CE person who has been subbed since launch has now and is just one item.

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I agree, looks pretty sweet so far. Oh, by the way, Jabba the Hutt's pet is called a Kowakian Monkey Lizard. :)


SWG players will have nightmares about the lizard lol. We had them there and although cute and fun to start with, everytime you entered a house/shop with them in (some had dozens) they would all do the laugh at you.

Seriously though nice to have it back as a pet as the DNA was added to beast master in SWG and was a rare drop but i was lucky enough to get given one and as Mayor, the Monkey always follwed me around the city :D

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16426 coins? I have a feeling that those 2500 coins that BioWare will grant me will only buy my half a pet...


You didnt honestly expect your monthly alotment to purchase much did ya? They want to make EXTRA money off you, not give you **** for free. Its a pyscological scam to not only keep you subscribed but to get you to spend more on top of it. There are alot of dumb people that will too.

Edited by Soluss
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Read the description, putting yourself into carbonite increases your out-of-combat health-regeneration :)


I can do that by eating a pickled space-worm I bought from the bartender... not very impressive and actually kind of gross

Edited by Liquidacid
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