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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?
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Because people are anti-social on a whole and the internet gives them the ability to be such more easily.


BTW, what are you asking for a group for? This could make the difference if you are asking for a group for something that they cannot benefit from (ie. class mission, non-heroic planet mission they have already done, etc.).



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Just a friendly group to team up for questing. Or a friendly team of 2 or more to have some fun on the planet. Or a team up to defeat mobs and stuff. Little stuff like that :) Nothing directly like the lfg spam you see for heroics. :)
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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


Perhaps because they have not chosen to synchronize their lives and play times to yours? What time of day are you asking? When it is late I tend to be antisocial because I am tired and don't have the energy to chat and might just choose to log off in 15 minutes.


Other than that, however, how do you present yourself to potential group mates? Are you just banging a group invite off them without chatting them up first? I always decline that sort of crap.


I can regularly find groups on the fly for heroics and fp's during prime time play time hours so if you have had 45 people reject you for groups then I think you need to look at the one common element: you. Does your character have a really stupid or offensive name? I recall back in Planetside 1 there was a guy named McPeepants who could not understand why none of us wanted to squad with him.

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Take your pick of the following options:

  1. Because nothing in the game outside of heroics calls for a partner? (Grouping up typically takes somewhat interesting content and makes it a yawn-fest.)
  2. Because I want to work at my own pace?
  3. Because your character will kill everything before my stealthy melee guy can even attack? (Seriously, my low-level scoundrel was once reduced to just tossing grenades whenever she could.)
  4. Because your lack of stealth means we have to fight though content I could just skip otherwise?
  5. Because something about you just rubs me the wrong way?

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Quite frankly, I don't think it is really antisocial behaviour... not in all cases anyway. I know a few of my friends that just don't like to type while moving through a quest or area. There is no reason to chit chat for them. And from other newbies who are just now starting their foray into MMOs, they really don't know what the interaction is all about.


I'll give an example of something that happened to me today. Running through Voss and the Gormak open area. Me and another player are competing for the same spawns so I invite him or her into a group. We quest for a bit and I don't hear a peep. I ask where we should go next and nothing. So I proceed with what I saw were our objectives on the minimap and the players follows. Finally we complete just about everything and I tell the player I'm going to QT and turn in quests. The player follows. Once we are back at the Outpost, the player friends me and explains that he or she wasn't saying anything because they were just trying to keep up. This is the first MMO for this person and the player wanted to make sure he or she was pulling his weight through the content. Lol! I told the player not to worry about it, and that I would quest with them anytime. I also told the player not to worry about asking me to slow down for whatever reason.


So... you see... some peeps aren't chatty but others are just focused. I'm glad I had this experience and I know now that just because I can quest and type like a crazy person, others won't.

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Personally, I don't like to waste time. If I'm PvPing for ranked comms, I'm not going to join your pve group. If I don't need something from the flashpoint you're running, I'm not going to go with you (unless you're in my guild and can't find anyone else...)


Suggestion: join a guild that likes doing the same things as you.


Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?
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Just a friendly group to team up for questing. Or a friendly team of 2 or more to have some fun on the planet. Or a team up to defeat mobs and stuff. Little stuff like that :) Nothing directly like the lfg spam you see for heroics. :)


Yeah, see? You can play like that in games like City of Heroes, where the missions are set up to scale with your group and everybody can get credit for end of mission XP even if they don't have them. But in games like this, where people might be at different points in the story arch of the planet, it just doesn't work.


Players don't want to go back and do stuff they already did because you haven't done it yet. They want to go a different direction than you are going or they want to collect crafting nodes along the way or they want to stealth past stuff while you might want to fight every single mob that you pass.


In games like this you have to start out such a duo or group with friends and plan your path to some extent. You have to make sure to only play when they play so that you are always on the same missions at the same time and you have to work with each others side goals to have an enjoyable play experience. PUGs don't work for that kind of stuff.



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Just a friendly group to team up for questing. Or a friendly team of 2 or more to have some fun on the planet. Or a team up to defeat mobs and stuff. Little stuff like that :) Nothing directly like the lfg spam you see for heroics. :)


For me, I like to solo or play alone because I like being able to do quests, stop, run to the market, or stand in a single spot for however long I choose without someone asking me to hurry up or why I've chosen to do what I did. I play to do w/e I want to do, not what someone else wants me to do. THAT is why people play games. They can be told what they are supposed to do anywhere outside the game, if they want...so they play to escape that. To escape everything and just do what they want, when they want.

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I like to have a tiny bit of challenge, which grouping on solo content completely removes.


Also, I usually have a rhythm going where I run one mission or part of it, and then go do some household chores, or exercise. Needless to say, it would be awkward in a group.


And the third thing - I usually take a lot of screenshots or little movies whenever I like the scenery. I call different companions, go in and out of stealth, fight just so - for a good photo. I bet anyone grouping with me would just love to wait 3-5 minutes between pulls while I find that perfect angle!


There, my reasons.

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I like to have a tiny bit of challenge, which grouping on solo content completely removes.


Also, I usually have a rhythm going where I run one mission or part of it, and then go do some household chores, or exercise. Needless to say, it would be awkward in a group.


And the third thing - I usually take a lot of screenshots or little movies whenever I like the scenery. I call different companions, go in and out of stealth, fight just so - for a good photo. I bet anyone grouping with me would just love to wait 3-5 minutes between pulls while I find that perfect angle!


There, my reasons.


nah you are welcome in my group anytime...as long as I get in a few of those perfect photo ops :)

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


if you've gone through 45 tries, and none yielded a group, I'd say: Either it was you, or the content you wanted a group for didn't need one.


Personally, when I play and am not actively seeking a group, I dislike grouping:

- Firstly, it takes any challenge out of the content I want to do

- Secondly, I simply dislike having to shape my play around someone else. Be it because their pacing is different (e.g. spacing through conversations), or they simply don't do things like I am used to.

- Thirdly, I like immersing myself in the world. Having a loling, rofling Sith Lord named Darth Tim Barelake at my side... yeah, thanks, but no thanks.


And that is still excluding my pet peeve: People inviting me to their group without having whispered to me. They have not said Hello, they have not ascertained that I do the thing they want to group up for. They have not ascertained that I want to group up for anything. And yet, they bother me with an invitation. Seriously, while there may be circumstances when this is okay (such as sharing a named boss mob so both get credit), in 90% of cases, this annoys me beyond reason.

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


I decline any group request that comes out of the blue. If someone wants to group with me, he can whisper and tell me what he needs help with. Or tell me that he'd like to do a few quess together and if I happen to be on the same ones, I won't say no.


But just a group invite without a word? Sorry. That's antisocial and rude. I may accept it inside a H2 zone, because there it is clear what both sides are here for.

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


The reasons I don't often group with others is


1) It is a very solo friendly game. Many Heroics I can solo.


2) Often random people you group with tend to be trouble in some way. Like the guy who charges into mobs never letting you rest, the need it all guy, the person that wants you to wait 20 minutes while he goes to the store.


3) I often play only a hour or so at a time and feel bad if I have to bail on someone.


I do group at times since it is a great way to meet cool people but mostly just on weekends or when I know I can play for awhile.

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


Well, i prefer to solo where possible and group where its required (ie. Flashpoints, Heroics) anything else, it just ruins the experience, for me anyway.


I have tried grouping for everything and it honestly gets boring, since you one of the group has to take the lead for the pace and i like to take my time, while 9/10 everyone else just want to rush through it, not to mention, i never, EVER skip conversations, the only ones i do skip are alien speech and shuttle travels, everything else is not skipped, i find it more fun to listen to the conversations and it adds immersion for me.


I am a roleplayer, maybe not a hardcore one, where you play on a RP server, but i like playing the role of my character.

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For me, I like to solo or play alone because I like being able to do quests, stop, run to the market, or stand in a single spot for however long I choose without someone asking me to hurry up or why I've chosen to do what I did. I play to do w/e I want to do, not what someone else wants me to do. THAT is why people play games. They can be told what they are supposed to do anywhere outside the game, if they want...so they play to escape that. To escape everything and just do what they want, when they want.


This is why I rarely group for planet stuff. I could login for 4 hours and do 2 quests because I'm just busy doing other stuff while I keep myself from logging out for being AFK(worst afk timer ever btw lol please make this longer bioware)


or i could be on a roll and get 10 missions done in 30 minutes


either way having to sync up with someone else is a hassle when i dont even know how long i get to play

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I don't class myself as antisocial but I do avoid being active in guilds and making friendships

Simply because my life is to busy I don't like or want the drama associated with guilds

Or the expectations placed on me by freindships formed if I'm questing and someone asked me to group Ill join somtimes But mostly decline because I'm doing my thing and don't like to impose myself on others and how I play or vice versa

Irl I avoid making friendships also for the reasons above I'm just to busy and self/family absorbed for anyone else

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I don't class myself as antisocial but I do avoid being active in guilds and making friendships


Well, luckily then there's always the dictionary which defines you as antisocial :p.


antisocial (ˌæntɪˈsəʊʃəl )





avoiding the company of other people; unsociable

contrary or injurious to the interests of society in general



MMO's turned this way over the years as developers started trying to reach for a broader range of people, by introducing people who have no interest in playing MMO's in the sense of what an MMO used to be.


And what did an MMO use to be? Simply put, pretty crappy of a game. Amongst games the MMO's were like giving a kid an old shoe for Christmas and telling them it's a boat. It was left up to the players and their social interaction to actually make the game enjoyable. These days all of that is no longer necesarry, others are hardly needed anymore. And as such, you get very little response out of many people.


When they actually do feel like grouping, they'll simply queue up.

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It's not about being antisocial. To reiterate bits and pieces that have appeared in this thread, let me explain my take on it.


When questing, I have a habit. I pick shortest distances, plan the way I approach each pull (I don't mean I stop and think for minutes and plot what I'll do; just a couple seconds to assess how I want to approach the pull), typically kill only what I need to, and other little quirks that are me. In this game, I don't pick up all of the quests. If I see people asking for a group, for a group quest, I'll pick up and try to join them. Otherwise I pick only the solo quests that keep me travelling in the same area as my class quest: do both, advance the planet's story and my own, and move on.


Now the OP wants me to group with him, just for friendly questing. If he's exactly like I am, we're good. Otherwise no. I don't think it's funny to pull more than I need to (unless I'm drunk, then it becomes "LOL WE JUST SURVIVED 4 PULLS AT ONCE"). I like that when I fight a gold portrait, I can go through a full rotation. It helps me get a feel for my class.


Group quests, flashpoints, Ops... then I'm social. Sometimes this comes at the price of suffering at the hands of others. I accept that. But why should I suffer when questing just to be social? :p

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My problem isn’t that I’m antisocial as much as it is I’m anti fidiot. I hate the ‘Leroy Jenkins’ mentality of most random players. I also don’t like to type chat while playing, I use WLM to talk to my gf while we play, and Skype or Mumble if my guild is on a run, otherwise I’m not going to sit and type out stuff.


If you don’t know to kill the healers then the normals then the silvers etc. etc., and you’re on your 2nd or 3rd alt then I don’t want you getting me killed because you’re pounding on that champion level mob while the 2 healing mobs keep it alive.


As an example, there is a heroic group quest on Taris for the republic where you enter a room and have to fight a bunch of rakghouls to rescue the doctor trapped there. As you enter the first large area there are mobs on both sides that a lvl 18 or lower character will agro if they enter the doorway. I always check the level of people I group with so I know what to look out for since I’m generally the tank. I see that we have a lvl 17, a lvl 18, a lvl 20(me) and a lvl 21 in this group. I type before we even go into the instance that the lvl 17 and 18 need to stay back in the hallway until I bring the group back so we can kill it, or we’ll agro both sides and die since they do an armor debuff that will hit 5 stacks on the whole group in about 1.5 seconds.


To make a long story less long, we go in and the 21 sage(my gf) shields me for the pull, she knows to do this since she's an awesome healer and we’ve played MMO’s together for 4 years now, and knows my play style as well as I do, so I go in to grab the left hand mobs, to my surprise(not really) both the 17 and 18 follow me in and agro both groups, we kill one mob and wipe(they were both fighting different mobs than me, or eachother). After rezzing I retype the whole don’t follow me agro line and we start again, both of them follow the second time and we die again. This time, since I had like 1.5 mins to wait on the local rez I asked if they spoke English since they totally ignored both sets of instructions on what NOT to do, this starts up a string of nerd rage from the 17 about how he has 3 50’s and knows how to play his class and he won’t let anybody tell him how to play his character and how I sux as a tank cause chicks cant tank for **** an thats why we got killed and blah blahblah blah blah, that’s when I kick both from the group and myself and Tiff finish the quest together.


That’s generally what happens when we try to be nice and invite a random to our group to get them through a quest, so we mostly don’t any more. Sad, but that’s how it is. *shrug* and I'm ok with that.

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As an example, there is a heroic group quest on Taris for the republic where you enter a room and have to fight a bunch of rakghouls to rescue the doctor trapped there. As you enter the first large area there are mobs on both sides that a lvl 18 or lower character will agro if they enter the doorway. I always check the level of people I group with so I know what to look out for since I’m generally the tank. I see that we have a lvl 17, a lvl 18, a lvl 20(me) and a lvl 21 in this group. I type before we even go into the instance that the lvl 17 and 18 need to stay back in the hallway until I bring the group back so we can kill it, or we’ll agro both sides and die since they do an armor debuff that will hit 5 stacks on the whole group in about 1.5 seconds.


I HATE that heroic on taris, that is the rakghoul release heroic, I think. on every team I'm in (I play as healer) is a nightmare to survive the first pull after the hallway. That's a good strategy you know, one learns new things every day. Funny thing is, that heroic is marked as +2, when I had problems with groups of 4 people there.


As for the subject, I try to group and do heroics and FPs everyday, but I don't group normally for solo stuff, unless someone have problems and wishper me for help.

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This game is trying it`s very best to DISCOURAGE social play. You literally have to set up a "leveling buddy" and play ONLY together ALL THE TIME. Because if you are on different hubs, there is no longer social play. It`s being in a group and that`s about it.


So, you have to be at the precise same time, for the same amount of time. If your buddy doesn`t come or it`s late, or you`re early, you have to not play that particular character, because you`ll be on different stages or go ahead and defeat the purpose.


Not many like to do this for complete strangers. For a guildie.. yes. Depends on the guildie and your plans for your character too... a bit too many variables for something that`s supposed to be fun and enjoyable.


But, ultimately, this game is REALLY discouraging social play.

Edited by Styxx
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