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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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In swtor the experience and practice and teamplay trumps just about anything. basic gear helps, but in reality it is the experience of that player.


The underlying problem: This emphasized the matchmaking lottery, as there is absolutely no ranking/matchmaking taking place that even tries to factor in the experience of the players.


My suggestion:

- No more premades in solo queue



stopped right there

Edited by Anyakaschala
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if you want to kick it solo in regs, Jung Ma seems like a good place. there are premades, and some of them will carry a match, and the matchmaking isn't any better, but there seem to be proportionately more competent and even some really impressive solo players. (note: my basis of comparison is only JC and PoT5)


on the downside...there's also a bot that I guess not enough people vote to kick or something, cuz it just ninja afk's in stealth most of the match (ergo, should be easy to vote out).


Im not sure how long its been since you played on JC bro, but if anything its even worse than it was a few months ago.... http://i.imgur.com/EmWqn1m.jpg


OT: 99% of the time im in a premade and im ts we are most likely not calling targets or really talking about anything constructive. Its mostly just ************ about w/e or talking about if there were any new j-law pics leaked. My suggestion would to stop being an anti-social **** and talk to people that you consistantly see in pvp and group with them.. whats the worst that will happen? they might say no...

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Here is a ridiculously easy fix, you can only group for ranked pvp. Pug stomping would go away and the try hards would have a fight

I don't know why Bioware hasn't done this yet, it seems like such a simple fix.

They could even just only allow group pvp for regular pvp on pvp servers, and only grp for ranked on the others.

This is from a person on the Harbringer server that a year ago watched a lot of the try hard guilds go to a pvp server. And when the fights got to tough for the ittle whitle pvpers they transferred back for pug stomping. This happened in mass when BW announced season pvp rewards. But I guess those tryhard pug stompers will do anything to feel better about small genitalia.

So I vote for no grouped pvp on pve and rp servers unless its ranked pvp.

I would also for the love of god take away the 55 bolster.

I guess lowbie grouped pvp could stay, not really sure.

This is all said in vain because BW can't think for themselves and only listen to there little theory crafting try hard favorites!

Edited by Kalispa
forgot something
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The reason is probably, because there actually are teams like man and wife, two or three real life friends... etc... who just want to play together.


Not being able to casually play a bit of pvp might be offputting for the small teams and small guilds.


So... yes, premades are bad for the ones not in premades. But in reality the solution is not to prohibit premades, but to create amatchmaking system that matches them with appropriate oponents. THAT is the underlying problem.


The fair fights.


A ragtag pug of PvE players who want conquest points, amateurs and uncoordinated egomaniacs who press more buttons while flaming the chat than to fight... vs a premade with 2-3 heals and tanks and dd who actually help one another (with a degree of selflessness)... yeah... stomping time.


With a good matchmaking system that uses statistical data and character attributes this would just massively change.


Palpatine: "And then... we .... shall have ... peace."

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here an idea, have regs solo que? why is it in ranked were there is zero pops, yet regs which pops almost insta, dont have it? its like bio is hideing from it...or showing it to all, but hiden it.. seriously, lil matchmaking, and just more que options, its very unfair having to do regs with ranked premade grps, yet i cant que solo in regs as a sub. they got the idea with conquest and pvp, which actully gets people to pvp. but cant install solo regs que button? whos the fool here... or gear check...tell said it best, people left due to this stuff, and uneven games, not due to not having ranked pvp. if you have a ranked toon, and hope on alt with so so gear, why does he have to get face stomped? so works all ways...
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a well mad eup premade , 2 heals tank, 2 sins 3 dps, verse random players with no healing, a tank who cant guard anyone but a dps who is focused, and no stealth...fair games... but the 5 to 10 percent of the pvp population says no, your bads, you get nothing...funny. i thought all the elite pvpers left, if they are the lifeblood of game, why they leave? so small minority wants face stomp, verse larger player base , and it gets what it wants...fair stuff, when all they have to do is add regs que solo button
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Per usual this anti-premade thread is full of garbage. Why is it that only around 0.5% of you *********** can write a lucid, realistic post?


I'm inclined to think it's the usual causes:


Ignorant people hating that which they don't understand, and lazy losers wanting to drag everyone else down rather than improve themselves. Which is even more cheesy than pushing those mentalities IRL since we're just talking about a silly video game.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Im not sure how long its been since you played on JC bro, but if anything its even worse than it was a few months ago.... http://i.imgur.com/EmWqn1m.jpg.


yeah. it was a few months ago. the population was pretty small. I left for WS. came back to Jung Ma when WS guild folded. it was mostly PM and LD50 and I forget who else and then the one or two pub guilds. but you were pretty much guaranteed to have a PM or LD50 4m in one of the two teams. they're enough to carry against JC pugs. they're also stronger than any of the premades I've come across on Jung Ma, but part of that might also be that JM solo players are better than JC (in general)?

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Stop playing solo? Its an MMO make some damn friends.


I agree with this..


Find some people whose build complement yours, and then go at it....


If you're a tank, get a healer or an uber-deeps. Or Both


If you're an uber deeps, get another deeps and a healer.


If you're a healer, find a tank.


Easy sh*t

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If premades couldn't farm pugs, 90% of them would just quit the game altogether. Premades are the haven of the traditionally bad player who needs 3 other people + voice chat to survive.


This is true, I run in premades because I myself am a bad player.

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The most blatant problem with these threads is the delusion that premade is a descriptive enough word to have this discussion. Premade only refers to players who are grouped together. How does sending all grouped players to ranked even remotely make sense? Your only real complaint is premades with ideal comps, better gear, better skill, and more coordination. So don't blame groups for a problem that is specific to one scenario that "happens in every game", which we all know is extremely overexaggerated.


Are there premades with good gear and comps that should be in ranked? Sure, but that doesn't mean they should be forced to play that way. People in top level PvE gear aren't forced to do operations, they can run a flashpoint with a friend or two in GF if they want. So if a ranked type PvPers wants to have a few beers and grind out some gear to mail to an alt with a few friends, that's what they'll do. The same as primarily PvE players who want to kill some time before a raid starts with a few guildies. The good and the bad alike need to quit complaining and take regular warzones for what they are: mild entertainment for 5-15 minutes.


Then we get the argument of how premades are ruining solo players' experience. First of all, you are incorrect in thinking all premades are good or even decent. Secondly, you chose to go into a warzone knowing full well that it will be random. You could get 7 total shi**ers against a full 8 man PUG and have the same bad time. People keep queuing for regular, random warzones and expecting to find elo heaven. If you want an even fight, gear up for ranked or convince about 5 million more people to start playing the game so you can have matchmaking that works.


But please, stop suggesting a solo queue for regs. It does not resolve the real problem that you aren't good and blame premades to compensate for your losses. Solo queue will not give you even opponents, just ungrouped ones.

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The most blatant problem with these threads is the delusion that premade is a descriptive enough word to have this discussion. Premade only refers to players who are grouped together. How does sending all grouped players to ranked even remotely make sense? Your only real complaint is premades with ideal comps, better gear, better skill, and more coordination. So don't blame groups for a problem that is specific to one scenario that "happens in every game", which we all know is extremely overexaggerated.


Are there premades with good gear and comps that should be in ranked? Sure, but that doesn't mean they should be forced to play that way. People in top level PvE gear aren't forced to do operations, they can run a flashpoint with a friend or two in GF if they want. So if a ranked type PvPers wants to have a few beers and grind out some gear to mail to an alt with a few friends, that's what they'll do. The same as primarily PvE players who want to kill some time before a raid starts with a few guildies. The good and the bad alike need to quit complaining and take regular warzones for what they are: mild entertainment for 5-15 minutes.


Then we get the argument of how premades are ruining solo players' experience. First of all, you are incorrect in thinking all premades are good or even decent. Secondly, you chose to go into a warzone knowing full well that it will be random. You could get 7 total shi**ers against a full 8 man PUG and have the same bad time. People keep queuing for regular, random warzones and expecting to find elo heaven. If you want an even fight, gear up for ranked or convince about 5 million more people to start playing the game so you can have matchmaking that works.


But please, stop suggesting a solo queue for regs. It does not resolve the real problem that you aren't good and blame premades to compensate for your losses. Solo queue will not give you even opponents, just ungrouped ones.



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Well okay here is another crazy idea to fix the stupidity of pug stomping, if click my little wz icon and I press solo que, it means I am grouped and shall fight only other people that pressed that little solo que button.

And then all the grouped pvpers could have fun with each other

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Well okay here is another crazy idea to fix the stupidity of pug stomping, if click my little wz icon and I press solo que, it means I am grouped and shall fight only other people that pressed that little solo que button.

And then all the grouped pvpers could have fun with each other


The real fix is obvious and takes some measure of skill/work: Get better. Then you won't get stomped by anyone.


Also, there is a solo only queue. It's ranked, where things being equal is more important that quick pops. You have chosen to go where the pops are more frequent, and therefore the games are less even. The price you pay to get quick games.

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Well okay here is another crazy idea to fix the stupidity of pug stomping, if click my little wz icon and I press solo que, it means I am grouped and shall fight only other people that pressed that little solo que button.

And then all the grouped pvpers could have fun with each other


The button actually says "Queue Solo" not "Solo Queue". The arrangement of words does make a difference.

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I'll say it again, if I solo que, then I only go against other solo que and I only group with other solo que.

Its the most fair fix I can think of.

To bad I hadn't thought of it earlier for my original post.

And if anyone else has suggested it before hand, I am certainly not trying to steal you path to fame and glory.

Now the question is why doesn't bioware fix it!

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Solo Queue needs to be for SOLO players. PUG vs PUG. Not sure why they can't find a way to prevent people from exploiting the system. If you want to Q in a group then great. Play against other premade groups. Matchmaking in this game is terrible.
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Solo Queue needs to be for SOLO players. PUG vs PUG. Not sure why they can't find a way to prevent people from exploiting the system. If you want to Q in a group then great. Play against other premade groups. Matchmaking in this game is terrible.


It cant be terrible since it doesnt exist for regs. I dont know why people seem to think it does exist. Also....its just regs, who cares. Friends should be allowed to group up. BTW 4 people on an 8 man team is not a premade, no matter how much you want to think it is, it just isnt.

Edited by Raansu
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