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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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Poor matchmaking makes premades much much worse. Yesterday I got told to "f**k off you premade c**t" by a guy on my faction that I had been on the same team as multiple times while pug. Had plenty of other tells about me being a coward.


It not good being on either side of this matchmaking fiasco. Only get into premades if I'm willing to bring my healer as thats all they ever want. Its a nice dream that everyone can group up but really the lack of healers and tanks and the fact that the premades take them all means everyone grouping will never happen.

Edited by Tellenn
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i love the guy who said make friends...thats great, usaed to have bout 20 25 guys i knew who id premade with. but sadly they are all gone, or switched servers. so thats a dumb thing to say bro sorry. and yes premades should not be in regs in any way shape or form. premades will qiut the game if they cant farm pugs? well how bout the ones who have qiut? or the pugs who qiut due to premades? you elitest players who think its your right to beat up on average players just dont ever get it. it has to be your way or the highway? why cant you have both options ? i mean why cant i que into que with premades or not with them? id do both to be honest. it has nothing to do with qiuting game and has everything to do with elitest players wanting to bash people in lesser gear or skill. thats it. and wait time? im already waiting for ques for hour in the morning, only time que is fast is at 5pm and after. another lame excuse. the lack of trying anything better , is better then watching the game die slow death which its doing right now...due to bad balanceing issues. i play for fun. and that stopped when alot left and now its just great group verse pugs who are average or just starting. get one good game out of ten, but by all means keep doing what were doing atm, working great...subs show it...
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Common statements:

*All premades are rolling pugs

*All premades are on VoiP


Both statements are wrong. A good premade will roll a pug regardless of VoiP and I'd say that out of the few who actually are using VoiP 99 % are doing it for the social/guild experience and not because they feel the need for it in PvP.


The real problem with premades is that they're establishing a certain "skill average" on the team. Here's the thing, premades rarely (never?) consist of players of mixed skills. They are either good players or of lower skill (read: average pug skill). Now, if I get a premade consisting of pug skilled - and sometimes even less skilled - players there's less chance that I will get a good pug player, which results in that the other team is given a statistical advantage. If I on the other hand get the good premade it's a certain win. So that's what the premades do, they're writing the outcome of the match the second they roll in and it makes things less interesting for the rest. This would have been less of an issue if solo players only had been matched with and against other solo players. The skill spectrum had been increased, on both teams, and as an outcome also the likelyhood of more balaned games.


Will split queues ever become a reality? Not with the current population/server structure.


Also, trying to remedy the situation by joining a premade of your own is not the solution:

1. A good group will most likely not accept a new player unless he/she is equally good. So if you're not that good you're forced to play with people your own skill and it's not increasing your chances of winning.

2. Assuming you end up on a good premade you've not solved the sitaution, you've simply traded losses for wins. The issue with most games being lopsided is still there. So if you do this you're only manifesting that you wanted easy wins, in contrast to good games.

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also, dont sit on here and say how much money they make. its never bout that. its simply bout fun for the players. if the game stops being fun, well guess what? you have slow ques and bad games now all the time. they should do everything in power to make matches more even and fun. thats it. not player houseing that honestly blows hard...
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sorry your wrong, how does a team with bad make up no heals or tank beat a team with 2 to 3 heals 2 tanks and good dps? it dont. since the population dropped its been farm city. regs have been a joke if you ever solo que. not sure how you say they are not...u sound like you just que with 4...
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and id rather wait 10 to 15 minutes for a good match, then ten to 15 minutes for bad match everytime. honestly, playe dgame from start. the game was so much fun b4 bolster. everything they have done to even the game out has made it 40 times worse. today i was in arena were they had healer, 20k sin bolstered to 26k, and scound dps, we had shadow tank, guardian tank and sent, we got killed cause that good ole scoundrel healer couldnt be killed, yet he turned bolstered 20k player into machine, fair? if we got matched by gear, valor, and class, be far better match. so ill wait bit for ques, besides i get one que from 4am to 7 am if im lucky now, so whats the difference?
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If premades couldn't farm pugs, 90% of them would just quit the game altogether. Premades are the haven of the traditionally bad player who needs 3 other people + voice chat to survive.


90 percent of my premade groups are 4 of us with 4 pugs vs a premade and 4 pugs.


You are welcome for the wins.

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sorry your wrong, how does a team with bad make up no heals or tank beat a team with 2 to 3 heals 2 tanks and good dps? it dont. since the population dropped its been farm city. regs have been a joke if you ever solo que. not sure how you say they are not...u sound like you just que with 4...


You're wrong if you think that all premades queue with a tank, healer, and 2 dps. Or that every team with a premade has several tanks and heals. If you complain that there's no heals then don't complain and become part of the solution. I play my sorc healer in pvp because then I know that my team will have a healer.

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i love the guy who said make friends...thats great, usaed to have bout 20 25 guys i knew who id premade with. but sadly they are all gone, or switched servers. so thats a dumb thing to say bro sorry. and yes premades should not be in regs in any way shape or form. premades will qiut the game if they cant farm pugs? well how bout the ones who have qiut? or the pugs who qiut due to premades? you elitest players who think its your right to beat up on average players just dont ever get it. it has to be your way or the highway? why cant you have both options ? i mean why cant i que into que with premades or not with them? id do both to be honest. it has nothing to do with qiuting game and has everything to do with elitest players wanting to bash people in lesser gear or skill. thats it. and wait time? im already waiting for ques for hour in the morning, only time que is fast is at 5pm and after. another lame excuse. the lack of trying anything better , is better then watching the game die slow death which its doing right now...due to bad balanceing issues. i play for fun. and that stopped when alot left and now its just great group verse pugs who are average or just starting. get one good game out of ten, but by all means keep doing what were doing atm, working great...subs show it...


I took a break from the game for 5 months. Came back, didn't recognize anyone. Did a few warzones solo, 3 matches later I was in a group, at the end of the day I was guilded. Its not hard to find people to play with. Of course maybe you just suck so no one gives you the time of day? Actually ya, I'm going to go with that one. Most people who cry about premades are generally terrible.


I had a match today solo queuing where I did 872k dmg. The next person on my team did 322k. We were facing a premade. If even half of the people on my team could bother to learn how to use CD's correctly, keybind their damn abilities and just simply learn how to play, that premade probably would of lost, but no, you people are just bad.


Complaining about FOUR people being a "premade" in an EIGHT man team is just laughable. Start looking at yourself and then worry about the premades.

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First wz of the night joining up with some guys Ive recently been premading from some pvp guild. Spawn camped them for most of the match. Rage ensued in chat as some seemed to know of each other. Pushed snow at the end as they were all farming medals. Wiped them at snow. Got a tell that I'd been reported for hacking and that the group I was with are all hackers.


Now I've just come back to this game after over a year and this is happening every night. This game really needs some matchmaking as it seem the pvp community is in real trouble. These are guys from our own faction who I will obviously pug with when I do. Its not a healthy state for the game.


The only reason I get invited into pres is when i'm healing. Theres no way everyone can get a place in a pre as theres only so many spots mostly for healers and maybe tanks.


A bit of animosity between factions can be a good thing in mmo pvp. Between players and premades of the same faction, that are meant to be playing together and grouping up is really damaging to the pvp community.

Edited by Tellenn
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Premades aren't unbeatable, if they do it's because they are better players.


lol hate to be the bearer of bad news but if your rocking a premade for this games pvp your dog**** at pvp

Edited by PROGOD
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if you want to kick it solo in regs, Jung Ma seems like a good place. there are premades, and some of them will carry a match, and the matchmaking isn't any better, but there seem to be proportionately more competent and even some really impressive solo players. (note: my basis of comparison is only JC and PoT5)


on the downside...there's also a bot that I guess not enough people vote to kick or something, cuz it just ninja afk's in stealth most of the match (ergo, should be easy to vote out).

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Have you tried pairing up with someone, if you don't like building up a full team? As an insta-focused character finding an ally might prove just the strategy you need to help you outlast the first onslaught and the rest of the group to put heat on. Even if it is a generic pact of the 'you heal-I guard' nature right before the match. Sorry if it sounds noobish!


It woul be nice if it were more obvious whom the opposing team is going for. Sort of if we could see their focii


I hate when people do that. Makes it more likely there will be a premade on the other side. I hate playing WITH premades like this more than I dislike playing against any premade.

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Another person Today, put up the same basic post....this is getting to be a problem that needs to be dealt with. So I will certainly add my vote to that of the op to Do something about it. So basically one can stop reading right here for the short version...or if you want my full blast on this, what follows is my reply from the other thread, same subject...


"I agree 200% and I've said as much in a few other posts here, and so I will reiterate here, to add my vote and voice with yours. Regarding the the pre-made groups I have no problem with that in and of itself, though you are right that's what most likely is the cause of many unbalance matches.


So yes, you are sooo right...As I've said before....I don't know how many times I've been in a match where once it was over, and you look at the results, all the winners were on top with 30-40 kills each or more, and all 8 of the losing team on the bottom with single digit kills, about 3-5. I've actually been on both sides of this....and frankly don't even like it that much on the winning side....it's not all that fun for me to have a practically no challenge, blow out win, not very rewarding. On the flip side of the coin, it's absolutely infuriating. So there is no doubt, that whatever the reason, it is a total Fail, time and again to provide a fair and balanced match. Period. Which makes it no fun for a lot of people.


So what do we do. It needs to be fixed. I too love the game. It's like being able to drive a Ferrari that has it's side bashed in. I'm not going to stop driving or get another car, it's a great one, it just needs to be fixed. I would say the fix is really, almost sadly, pretty easy. What needs to happen, is to establish a list of factors for each individual player in the queue, for the computer to look at, and from that assign basically a grade or number based on the value of each player. You then split accordingly based on the results to get an even match.


Now back to your point about premade groups....if that group is say 4 grade A players, then they will likely have a quite a bit of a longer wait, as the computer searches for 4 other grade A players to put against them....oh well, that's what it's going to have to be....far better that those 4 people have to wait longer than ending up in a match with 8 far less experienced players who are going to have an awful time because of a completely unbalanced match.


This would not be difficult to do, and it would have instant positive results for the community as a whole.


The trick as you mentioned, is to get the developers to actually Do something. Pounding away here in the forums is one way. Something else I was thinking about....Social media can be pretty powerful as well....at this point with the obvious frustration many people clearly feel, perhaps some public shaming might be in order, to simply point out the awful job in addressing this issue that has a consistent negative impact for so many people. Twitter, Facebook, other forums, blogs, etc. I obviously feel Very strongly about this as well, and so have been considering the social media option, because something really needs to be done about this.


So glad you posted, and you are definitely not alone, having experienced this several times each day on both sides of the coin, I guarantee there are a Lot of people who agree with this, and it is way past time for something to be done. "

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I took a break from the game for 5 months. Came back, didn't recognize anyone. Did a few warzones solo, 3 matches later I was in a group, at the end of the day I was guilded. Its not hard to find people to play with. Of course maybe you just suck so no one gives you the time of day? Actually ya, I'm going to go with that one. Most people who cry about premades are generally terrible.


I had a match today solo queuing where I did 872k dmg. The next person on my team did 322k. We were facing a premade. If even half of the people on my team could bother to learn how to use CD's correctly, keybind their damn abilities and just simply learn how to play, that premade probably would of lost, but no, you people are just bad.


Complaining about FOUR people being a "premade" in an EIGHT man team is just laughable. Start looking at yourself and then worry about the premades.


I'm mostly a solo queuer, but this is absolutely true. I start out everyday solo but before the end of the night someone invites me to a group. If you prove you can hold your own, other players will notice and throw you an invite.


Also premade doesn't equal auto-win. There's a guild on JC right now who superqueues every night and I've seen them take some MEAN L's.

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I almost never solo Q anymore... why? because i'm tired of getting people who don't know the basics in a warzone (conquests aren't helping). So instead of having up to 7 random derps on my team, i may only have 4 random derps, and 3 others i know i can count on.
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I'm done with this random group versus premade group crap in pvp. If you wanna group, have a battle plan, vent/mumble that's great but you need to play against another premade group not against a random group. I don't care if your wait time is long it's not a fair paring. BIO needs to queue groups against groups, individual against individuals. PvP is the only thing left in the game I find interesting and it's ruined when you get a score of 6 to 0 in huttball because the other group is a premade.



:sy_blaster: > > > > <pew pew> > > > > :csw_jabbapet:

Edited by Pistols
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Oh I see, you are butthurt and probably a bad player as well.


When I've been running in a pre the last few nights I've yet to lose. When I pug its about 50/50.


Why? I don't play any different. When I pug I dps (average about 1400dps in wz) usually we have either 1 or no healers. When I pre I'm in heal spec so we have at least 1 maybe 2.


That is the difference. The lack of matchmaking and partly better gear. Player skill has less to do with it.


When I pre were usually against pugs and I feel like I'm exploiting a problem with the matchmaking system by guaranteeing we have a good set up.

Edited by Tellenn
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lol hate to be the bearer of bad news but if your rocking a premade for this games pvp your dog**** at pvp


Tell us all about how you carry 7 bads all the time..


What server are you on and I will come take lessons.


Forzare - Shadowlands - who says you are full of crap.

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