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Everything posted by DiscipleXIII

  1. Hey, maybe I can be naked and hit for 10k mauls again! :-D
  2. Please tell me this is a troll.
  3. Honestly, I feel as though all tanks are better in different ways. It really just depends on which class you prefer. I personally like Powertech/Vanguard tank.
  4. Yeah, I've started not even trusting people to do what they should and when some person that obviously has no idea what he/ she is doing tries to "help" the cap, I stop capping and cc for them. Obviously that makes no sense when you've got 1/10th of the cap left, but when someone tries to do it right when I do I just jump off the cap.
  5. Lol, if force wave/ overload was buffed to the level of pre-nerf smash with 3 stacks of whatever that buff was, that would be hilarious. Wayyyy overpowered, but hilarious.
  6. Man, the main thing about ranked is making sure you're fully augmented and with a stim. Don't worry about having full Brutalizer before queuing ranked; quite a few good ranked players don't have full Brutalizer.
  7. Did I say people should congratulate any of those actions listed above? No. Obviously something should be said about that, but things can be said in a much more civil manner than the one most of the PVP community seems familiar with. I'm talking about the people who, in one of those said situations, just completely goes off on someone in a WZ. Yeah, it's annoying, and I'll say something about things like that when they happen. But I don't lay into people, because it's a game. Yes, I want to win, and yes it is obnoxious when things like that prevent doing so. But again, that doesn't give anyone the justification to be a jerk to other people.
  8. In theory, that should work. Unfortunately, when in practice it's another matter entirely
  9. Yep and yep! Always accept constructive criticism!
  10. Lol oh yes, I'm terrible. And your insults are ever so eloquent, as always.
  11. Wait, what do we think about them? I think it's hilarious when I see them in the outlaws den. Because they die XD
  12. Again, yet another QQing thread from someone that can't stand getting killed by a spec that has been completely unviable for the longest time.
  13. I'm sure other people have pointed out how wrong you are here, but I'd like to mention something else. Hopefully it has not been said yet. "ANY attack" cannot interrupt you in planting the bomb. Creeping terror, madness discharge, pretty much every non-physical DOT applier doesn't interrupt plants/caps.
  14. Your composition makes sense. I would think the madness sorc could be replaced with a pyro powertech as well when one considers all the utility PT's bring to the table.
  15. My favorite PVP match is the one that has one guy who constantly whines in chat about how his team is so bad instead of playing. I love those guys.
  16. Wait, what? So if someone has friends that he/she wants to play with, that person is automatically a "loser exploiter"? Lol. GUYZ HITTING "INVITE TO GROUP" IS AN EXPLOIT NEEDZ TO BE PATCHED Get real.
  17. Okay, so obviously an operative healer and maybe a madness assassin, but aside from those two what is the general consensus from everyone about ranked team compositions going into Season 3?
  18. Um. You're at lvl 22; you don't really have a rotation yet.
  19. This is ridiculous. When people start getting killed by Madness sins, everyone cries OP. I think they are finally viable, which is nice because I hated deception's lack of sustained dps.
  20. No. In 10-29 it may honestly not matter because of the amount of sheer lack-of PVP knowledge that is prevalent in that god forsaken place, but in 30-54 it would be a pain the the butt. Void star teams would be speccing all DPS when attacking then all heals and tank when defending. It happened before and would happen again.
  21. Best place to go for what you are looking for is the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine.
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