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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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You'd think that a thread with 21 THOUSAND views would elicit a response from the developers as to why we don't have a matchmaking system. Aren't they supposed to have a whole team that does nothing but read forum posts all day?


Actually they put every effort into making sure no developer even sets foot near these forums.

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Actually they put every effort into making sure no developer even sets foot near these forums.

Yeah all Bioware employees that are posting on the forums are subjected to internal moderation before the posts show up on the forum. A hint to detect unapproved replies is when you see the Bioware icon on threads but there are no yellow posts in there.

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Hi time to fix the unbalance!


It goes days and days now without any good PvP due to the Premades. PUGs cant stand a chance against a premade team with healers and all. And if the premade team is full you cant get room in there,and since theres so little players doing Pvp u run into that same premade team over and over.


right now ppl are quitting in midcombat when they see the premade, since they know theres no chance.


Fix a queue for us Solo players so we dont have to run aginst the premade teams. Or remove group queue.

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Hi time to fix the unbalance!


It goes days and days now without any good PvP due to the Premades. PUGs cant stand a chance against a premade team with healers and all. And if the premade team is full you cant get room in there,and since theres so little players doing Pvp u run into that same premade team over and over.


right now ppl are quitting in midcombat when they see the premade, since they know theres no chance.


Fix a queue for us Solo players so we dont have to run aginst the premade teams. Or remove group queue.


I'm all for making a solo bracket for people that want a quick pvp fix. I still think there should be a 2-4 vs 2-4 bracket though along with ranked bracket. Although the ranked bracket should let two seperate teams of 4 form together to make up one ranked team. Might speed things up in the ranked pvp queue's.

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Hi time to fix the unbalance!


It goes days and days now without any good PvP due to the Premades. PUGs cant stand a chance against a premade team with healers and all. And if the premade team is full you cant get room in there,and since theres so little players doing Pvp u run into that same premade team over and over.


right now ppl are quitting in midcombat when they see the premade, since they know theres no chance.


Fix a queue for us Solo players so we dont have to run aginst the premade teams. Or remove group queue.

With F2P Bioware will have to implement a deserter penalty if anyone is going to bother wasting their time with F2P baddies. I don't see how they can improve themselves with 3 warzones a week.

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Once again, we agree on pretty much all points. =P I mean there are still a few skilled PvP'ers, but yes, from my time post 1.2 and coming back months later, I do not see as many of the high-end PvP'ers I use to run with..

You know there have been 2 separate server merges since then, right? so the chance that a person had to change his name at least once is pretty good. heh.


(I'm still sour about losing my first toon's name :( )

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You know there have been 2 separate server merges since then, right? so the chance that a person had to change his name at least once is pretty good. heh.


(I'm still sour about losing my first toon's name :( )


Ya, my sniper lost her name (Kerrigan at launch) so I had to rename her Sierrah. Luckily my Merc Judice kept her name, but my sin Lexis had to be renamed Alexisia.


I've tracked down a few of my old friends, and got confirmation from them about who's name got changed, who left, etc... I'm sure there are still a few of my old pals out there I haven't found, but just from running Wz's I can see the average level of play has dropped.

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That Bioware hasn't responded is depressing beyond belief. The PvP on my server is ruined. I can only play on weekends, and its premades quite literally every.single.game. Its awful. The PvP is utterly ruined. And bioware does nothing.


Oh well.

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Well its not only names it is just kind of obvious. Most people don't enjoy playing against groups far worse than their group.


Like if you play basketball in a large gym with several courts like I used to there is a reason why the pick up games will be different skill levels on the different courts and maybe only a couple people that don't belong on each.


Also when a team that belonged on the over 6ft court played on the scrubs court people would laugh at them (behind their backs of course haha). I mean in my experience the average person without major issues wants to win but doesn't enjoy crushing weaker teams that never had a chance.


Now in mmos there are several factors which make this a major problem.


One of them is we are nerds and our hobby isn't largely accepted by our society so we're a little different already lol. Also, many people see mmos as escapes from their lives and so this means they need escapes. These people may be more likely to enjoy crushing weaker teams. However, imo at least, the majority of mmo players still just want to have fun and aren't that weird or anything. Thats why I think it is important to focus on these people and their money over the people that like to pugstomp.


Also with matching the people that are good and like even matches will be happy (I love good premade vs good premade and is the most fun I have in pvp)

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As long there is premade teams vs PUG i want the liberty to quit a WZ I dont like.


I don't know on our server PuGs always seem to go against premades every time you queue. Sometimes even the same premade group over and over and over again. You might as well stop PvP'ing entirely because for some reason each match seems to have at least (99% of time Imperial) premade.


The funniest part was when I actually talked to one of the best PvP'er guy on the server and it turns out he's quite unhappy because he cant get the rating-restricted mount from the PvP vendor.


Ah, the irony. Being able to play God in warzones, getting Immortal in every match, ripping apart anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in his way, having better gear than God himself and can't get the rating for a tiny, little speeder...because no one is willing to play against them in rateds!


And he said it was ruining his PvP experience...sweet justice for PuGs.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I don't know on our server PuGs always seem to go against premades every time you queue. Sometimes even the same premade group over and over and over again. You might as well stop PvP'ing entirely because for some reason each match seems to have at least (99% of time Imperial) premade.


The funniest part was when I actually talked to one of the best PvP'er guy on the server and it turns out he's quite unhappy because he cant get the rating-restricted mount from the PvP vendor.


Ah, the irony. Being able to play God in warzones, getting Immortal in every match, ripping apart anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in his way, having better gear than God himself and can't get the rating for a tiny, little speeder...because no one is willing to play against them in rateds!


And he said it was ruining his PvP experience...sweet justice for PuGs.


It won't change, these people supporting premades actively stated many times that they rather see the game die rather than throw a bone to solo queuers. It's a "too bad, got mine" type attitude and that won't change.


Funny thing is though they want more competition, but if you drive away new players you won't get more people willing to form teams to provide competition....oh lord it hurts my head trying to understand them.

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It won't change, these people supporting premades actively stated many times that they rather see the game die rather than throw a bone to solo queuers. It's a "too bad, got mine" type attitude and that won't change.


Funny thing is though they want more competition, but if you drive away new players you won't get more people willing to form teams to provide competition....oh lord it hurts my head trying to understand them.


OOh yes I agree. I saw the same thing in SWG, the devs just didnt listen, and see where SWG is now? The devs all of them lost thier jobs and SWG is gone.


I feel this is going same way...seems the SW saga games are cursed with idiot devs.

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Tidus. Most of the people posting here against a matching system don't want even matches. Doom seems like she might but the others don't. SWTOR is a haven for hardcore mediocre players.


The lower skill softcap, allowing a premade to be 50%!!!! of a wz team, several war archetypes with dmg mit cds and even stealth, and the guard mechanic make this a game to where if you gear up and make a proper composition premade you can be a decently below average player and still do very very well.


Hardcore mediocre players are a small base though and I can't believe that the devs haven't figured this out. Those many many players that have left the game (the ones that liked to pvp sometimes) didn't belong to the hardcore mediocre pvp crowd. The hardcore mediocre pvp crowd is relatively small.


Also, making a good matching system won't even piss many of them off once they try it. With max optimized gear, and a good composition they'll still stomp many average groups that don't require certain compositions and gear levels. They won't have as many of these but they will still have some and in the off hours they'll still fight pugs sometimes.

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Tidus. Most of the people posting here against a matching system don't want even matches. Doom seems like she might but the others don't. SWTOR is a haven for hardcore mediocre players.


The lower skill softcap, allowing a premade to be 50%!!!! of a wz team, several war archetypes with dmg mit cds and even stealth, and the guard mechanic make this a game to where if you gear up and make a proper composition premade you can be a decently below average player and still do very very well.


Hardcore mediocre players are a small base though and I can't believe that the devs haven't figured this out. Those many many players that have left the game (the ones that liked to pvp sometimes) didn't belong to the hardcore mediocre pvp crowd. The hardcore mediocre pvp crowd is relatively small.


Also, making a good matching system won't even piss many of them off once they try it. With max optimized gear, and a good composition they'll still stomp many average groups that don't require certain compositions and gear levels. They won't have as many of these but they will still have some and in the off hours they'll still fight pugs sometimes.




let me try to get this...you are saying that, for some reason, people that premade are mediocre because.....im sorry i cant follow your logic, somewhere in there something is missing.


why cant poeple premade because: they have friends, they want to win, theywant to farm gear,RWZ queue is not up, THEY DONT WANT TO JOIN RANDOM BADS(happens alot) ?


they all seem really good reasons to me(happens to me) and none is related to skill...so i cant really see how you conected skill with all of this.


the only skill matter is the lack of social skills(or even ingame skills) from the "i want solo queues" crowd...lacking them irl is bad..online?1 dude thats an issue

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Tidus. Most of the people posting here against a matching system don't want even matches. Doom seems like she might but the others don't. SWTOR is a haven for hardcore mediocre players.


The lower skill softcap, allowing a premade to be 50%!!!! of a wz team, several war archetypes with dmg mit cds and even stealth, and the guard mechanic make this a game to where if you gear up and make a proper composition premade you can be a decently below average player and still do very very well.


Hardcore mediocre players are a small base though and I can't believe that the devs haven't figured this out. Those many many players that have left the game (the ones that liked to pvp sometimes) didn't belong to the hardcore mediocre pvp crowd. The hardcore mediocre pvp crowd is relatively small.


Also, making a good matching system won't even piss many of them off once they try it. With max optimized gear, and a good composition they'll still stomp many average groups that don't require certain compositions and gear levels. They won't have as many of these but they will still have some and in the off hours they'll still fight pugs sometimes.


On our server the really top pvp guilds (from what I've heard) actually want a proper match making system because they are simply not interested in normal warzones. They want the exclusive stuff from rateds, which of course, don't exist.


So both ends of the spectrum seem to want better balanced pvp and some form of solo/group separation. PuGs because they're tired of being stomped. And competitive players because they don't get what they want by stomping PuGs.


It would indeed seem that only a small portion of players are against match making and queue separarion. Those guys who want to be successful and feel elite but cannot or will not have the guts to step up against the best.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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It would indeed seem that only a small portion of players are against match making and queue separarion. Those guys who want to be successful and feel elite but cannot or will not have the guts to step up against the best.


<.< don't need queue seperation if you have proper matchmaking. Those two do not go hand in hand. MAtchmaking would help, queue seperation is a welfare system.

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why people premade?

sat. huttball, nice geared people, we scored 2 goals (both by my deception assassin solo run lol), we lost 2-4, but my team had nice dps numbers... who needs death match map? we have one already.

on other hand, it was full day of solo que for me (with exception of 4 matches with my operative friend), and all those pugs, I lost 2 games (total 3 lost of that day including one with my friend) out of I don't know how many but more then 15 games (yes, I had nothingbetter to do :p)

you can win with pugs with not bad numbers, but you know what? you need to stop whining and get to work (or get some friends)

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It would indeed seem that only a small portion of players are against match making and queue separarion. Those guys who want to be successful and feel elite but cannot or will not have the guts to step up against the best.


No, that is usually not it. They are afraid of longer queue times. Almost all players want even matches, but no-one wants to sit in a queue and wait.


It is a puzzle in a sense. Would queue times go down or up if you did a queue seperation?

If you do make a solo-queue, will the playerbase increase or decrease? Will more solo-players stay or will more premades leave? Will more solo-players make for more players want to do premades?


If you do not make a solo-queue. Will solo-players quit or just not really get in to PVP at 50? Will they stay? Will premades leave or stay due to boring matchups?

Edited by Veniras
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No, that is usually not it. They are afraid of longer queue times. Almost all players want even matches, but no-one wants to sit in a queue and wait.


Maybe, but as long as pugs versus premades are an option how will we find out if the queues will suffer or not?


There's only one way to find out but BW is never going to take the step and try it for a couple of weeks.

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I have seen many premades being dragged down by absolutely horrendous pugs. You know, those 4 guys who try to hold a node against 7 people while their 4 pugs stand at mid clueless to take a look at the side ...

Those 4 guys who die to 6 people escorting the ballcarier while 4 of their pugs are killing 1 imp on the imp side of the plaing field or those pugs that let the jugg leap at them and score 6 times in a row and so on and so on.

If there are so many premades then at least 50% of the time you ARE ON THE SAME TEAM. If you loose all the time it's because YOU are BAD and drag down the premade you are with. End. Most of the forum QQers about cheats, hacks and premades are the people who do 60k damage in full length voidstars.

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