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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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Will this ever die? Seriously, some people actually make friends and like PvPing with them


Yet, they seem to be strangely averse to PvPing against other people who made friends and likewise like to PvP with them. Strange indeed ...


Myself I wouldn't know - I don't have friends because i am apparently BAAAAD ... :D. The premade losers said so, so it must be true, right ?

Edited by Bobbafatter
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This has been going on for ages and BIoware doesn't care. I mean look at all the replies this thread has. If this was a non-issue this thread would have been forgotten long ago.


Its twice as bad on servers with populations that are heavy on one side. The side with the lower pvp population has a much easier time getting 8 man super queues going.


Ultimately you have a select group of people that enjoy the advantage of putting their 8 man voice com using premade up against 8 man pugs and then feeling like they have accomplished something.


Bring back 8v8 ranked.

Match premades against premades.

Get some cross server tech going for Ops and Warzone queues.


Stop being lazy and give us the features that countless other games already have.

Edited by Jnaathra
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3. Add some sort of voice chat system, be it embedded or a third party integration such as curse voice which works well in the game Smite by putting folks in a specific match into a private voice chat room of sorts. An effective fix, though arguable and perhaps tedious to add in.


It's tedious reading some of the rages that go on in WZs, I sure as hell don't want to listen to one.


Quickest way to turn someone off of PvP is for them to be new and get put into a voice chat with 8 people cussing at them and telling them to L2P.

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I hate premade trolls as much as the next guy, but the solution is, run a premade with a stacked class, it will cause so many tears to flow from the enemy team it is ridiculous. Run 4 operatives, or 4 gunslingers, etc, focus one target at a time, and no amount of healing / tanking will prevent that target from getting melted.
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alot of them either don't do it because their team isn't good enough, another reason they don't, the toxic nature of ranked pvp is a turn off, some people just want 8's back and refuse to play 4's. because not all classes are viable in 4's. but there is nothing wrong with 4 friends queing regs together..the people that whine about it..are the people that solo que, in pve gear.


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Also very wrong.



Not all classes are faceroll in 4s, just like not all classes/specs were faceroll in 8s. It's silly to call any class less than "viable" (LOL @ reading that *********** word 39 times every thread)


Wouldn't want anyone to have to work for anything, now would we? No.. if it isn't 1 2 3 BOOM ROTATION COMPLETE DPS OVER 9000 it's "not viable".


Edited by maverickmatt
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I was in a pug that was beating a premade last night, actually a couple matches were like that. They were even good enough to be beating them by coming back from being 2 capped, and yet... both were losses because:




Seriously, you take a node back from a premade, your options are:

1. Defend Grass (which is being attacked by the other team right now)

2. Defend Mid (well someone needs to guard it and they got 2 stealth so we need 2 guards)


And what do they pick? Hey guys! Let's 4 of us go over to snow and smash our face against that really good sin and sorc guarding it.


Really, this is why pugs lose to premades, because they choose stupid over good.

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Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Also very wrong.



Not all classes are faceroll in 4s, just like not all classes/specs were faceroll in 8s. It's silly to call any class less than "viable" (LOL @ reading that *********** word 39 times every thread)


Wouldn't want anyone to have to work for anything, now would we? No.. if it isn't 1 2 3 BOOM ROTATION COMPLETE DPS OVER 9000 it's "not viable".



What about if I do everything perfectly and my dps is still low? That's what not viable means. (Watchman now can only produce high dps if enemies stack very close together to spread dots, single target dps is laughable)

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What about if I do everything perfectly and my dps is still low? That's what not viable means. (Watchman now can only produce high dps if enemies stack very close together to spread dots, single target dps is laughable)


You miss the point.


On-the-board DPS is not what matters in the slightest. A mechanically sound player is far superior to a damage monger, and class choice isn't even a concern.


Low(er) DPS may matter in PvE where there are checks and gates and timers and such, but not here. Good luck convincing anyone else of that because obviously high DPS classes get pretty numbers and ISN'T THAT WHAT REALLY *********** MATTERS ??!?!?!?!?!?!

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Will this ever die? Seriously, some people actually make friends and like PvPing with them


you don't need friends to grp with if you play on the stronger faction. on JC, pug life is good. you win and you lose. you play a lot of relatively balanced same faction matches


but O-M-G! -- it's horrid to go it solo on pub side. tons of guilds and character names I've never heard of. GSs with 50k hp. guardian tanks with 44k hp. an over abundance of healers but very few tanks and almost never more than one competent dps in a 16m match. it's brutal. you need all the guaranteed teammates you can get. I do empathize with the weaker faction players. PoT5 was like that when paid transfers first occurred too.

Edited by foxmob
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Less and less people are pvp'ing now, sometimes it takes 45-60 mins for a pop to happen.... I've noticed a trend on certain servers you get a few PvP guilds that do nothing but make up 4 man premades and ruin all the fun for people who just want jump into a quick warzone... What happens is you can go against a fully geared out premade who's on vent/mumble/team speak and they pretty much just own everyone...


Bioware you need to add a PUG only warzone option, this will level the playing field more and allow people to just have fun.... If not, less and less people are going to pvp due to frustration with the situation..


Agreed, to many zerg guilds are killing wz's. with full premades queue syncing. The fact that you can just switch sides based on who is winning is another issue why wz's are crap. Waffles and sheep. Pretty sure we won't see it changed, since Bioware is ran by EA which in turn wants money and nothing more. So, they will follow what the kids want.

Edited by rzzq
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You miss the point.


On-the-board DPS is not what matters in the slightest. A mechanically sound player is far superior to a damage monger, and class choice isn't even a concern.


Low(er) DPS may matter in PvE where there are checks and gates and timers and such, but not here. Good luck convincing anyone else of that because obviously high DPS classes get pretty numbers and ISN'T THAT WHAT REALLY *********** MATTERS ??!?!?!?!?!?!


Eh, yes and no. A big part of the "healing is OP" stems from teams not putting out dps anywhere near their potential.

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Not that I agree that premades ruin pvp... Most premades can only play while in a premade... Get those people alone in regs and they are mediocre at best... They'll never be that good because they like to 4v1 everyone


On another note... Is they brought back 8 man objective ranked and made 3 queues for it, Yolo singles, 2x 4 man premades per side and a full team 8 man group... Then premades could run the 2x premade queues if they couldn't form an 8 man team... This would allow people to still group with friends to run a 4 man premade in an objective pvp..

Bio have admitted recently that yolo ranked has more participation than teamed... So the obviouse solution to 8 man ranked is yolo queues... One of the reasons 8 man teamed failed was because it was hard to form an 8 man team that needed to be the perfect mix of classes... Yolo pvp doesn't need to worry about that

Also if you still saw 4 mans premades in regs after that... Well you would have to assume they weren't very good players... I'm sure the community pointing that out to them all the time, would be enough to stop a lot of them doing so because their egos wouldn't be able to handle the negative feed back

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Eh, yes and no. A big part of the "healing is OP" stems from teams not putting out dps anywhere near their potential.


If you've been PvPing anytime in the last 2 years, especially in ranked, you'd realize DPS isn't the most important stat. This game's PvP is all about burst. You can auto attack for most of an arena and as long as you spike when the rest of your team is bursting the same person, you're doing your job. A lot of PvP is more about strategy and timing than APM like PvE. Being able to keep up constant pressure by having high DPS is obviously ideal, but not at the cost of missing a burst window. Just doing enough to get some CDs out is enough.

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I think that is why they premake so much. On Progenitor I keep meeting 100% unkillable, almost damage/stun/cc/push immune reps over and over. Best geared players possible, best skill users, or skill spammers, then they just enter normal PvP because - and this is what I think - they are AFRAID of the RISK of losing. Either way, it pretty much prevents any opponents, pug or premade, from winning if it is not arranged properly in advance.


But I kinda understand it somewhat. Getting full ranked gear takes time, and if they did a lot of ranked and died almost all the time, they kinda want to push their pain onto all normal PvPers, literally... how do I say this without coming off as super-racistic or fatally offensive? ... literally nuking the fridge will do for now.


But it does not really premaking ranked teams for regular PvP just for the mindless and stupid-grown lols or fatness or [FILL IN YOUR OWN PUNCLINE HERE] lols of it.


Like many say in this thread, it completely ruins and outright destroys PvP for normal pvpers, or PvPers not skilled enough to have a chance to even lose properly. Like when a premade literally chases your whole normal team across whatever WZ you're in and they don't even defend their objectives, they just nuke you in seconds then completely murder the next one. Sure, THEY probably laugh so hard over their brain-deprived half-human skills so much that they end up HOSPITALIZED, but that is just plain mean, stupid and outright ugly.


If premaking for regular PvP wasn't possible, know a lot of people would quit because they could no longer guarantee a yawnable win while deleting the entire opposing team - the Reps on Progenitor pretty much RELY on their premades to win. Without it, it is mostly 50/50 win for either team no matter the side, but Repside honestly ABUSES it. Had there been a limit to how much premade a player or a faction could do, Reps would be locked out by now, permanently. THAT is how pathetically bad it's become.


I know this will NEVER be fixed by BioWare, and frankly, I kinda don't want it to be fixed, but at the same time I want it too. I've sadly ended up LAUGHING MY A HOLE OFF more and more, since there is almost nothing I can do except run in to the premades and die within... oh, say 1-3 seconds, unless they permanently stun me watching my resolve bar being full but having no relevant effect. Its so pathetic the way they do it I laugh at it, and at myself dying thinking "Why do I even consider trying against this terrible joke of a team?" Sure, I am quite sure good teamwork is being done by them too, but still, does not excuse LIVING on premades just for the sake of erasing fun out of a game aspect. Bet they'd rage and try to get me banned if I could import mini nukes from Fallout and drop them endlessly on their spawn so they could never leave. That would be just as bad as them, if not worse, but if I did that just once, I'd regret it after most likely.


I guess I have a 'redundant, loser, pathetic, idiotic, SHOULD BE KILLED IN REAL LIFE FOR IT'- sense of fair play. At least a good chance of winning should be given... like 4-8 person premades should have a -% debuff to even it out. Like health and main stats recuded by 10% alone would make a big difference. They'd be forced to play carefully and would render then unable to steamroll anything in sight. I am surprised even the in-game warzones themselves have not been damaged by glitched walls and broken textures yet! Joking there guys, but if it was possible, it would've rendered every WZ unwalkable by now!


Thats what I have to say of the horrible joke that is premade abuse for PvP deletion of any opposition. Repside feels a lot worse than Impside right now! And Impside is supposed to be bad? REPS ARE THE BAD ONES in this case! At least on Prog. But any premade abusers should have the proper penalty attached to them! Or, pug groups should get a 10-20% boost to all their stats, I dunno. Vote on how you guys want to see it evened out.


DanRagr47 signing off.


EDIT: I guess all this is 100% irrelevant when it comes to PvP servers, there I think it is supposed to be filled with steamroll teams nuking everything in sight. and should remain that way as well as far as I know, I don't play PvP that much, otherwise I'd not be on an RP server now, would I?

Edited by Balnazaar
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I think that is why they premake so much. On Progenitor I keep meeting 100% unkillable, almost damage/stun/cc/push immune reps over and over. Best geared players possible, best skill users, or skill spammers, then they just enter normal PvP because - and this is what I think - they are AFRAID of the RISK of losing. Either way, it pretty much prevents any opponents, pug or premade, from winning if it is not arranged properly in advance.


But I kinda understand it somewhat. Getting full ranked gear takes time, and if they did a lot of ranked and died almost all the time, they kinda want to push their pain onto all normal PvPers, literally... how do I say this without coming off as super-racistic or fatally offensive? ... literally nuking the fridge will do for now.


But it does not really premaking ranked teams for regular PvP just for the mindless and stupid-grown lols or fatness or [FILL IN YOUR OWN PUNCLINE HERE] lols of it.


Like many say in this thread, it completely ruins and outright destroys PvP for normal pvpers, or PvPers not skilled enough to have a chance to even lose properly. Like when a premade literally chases your whole normal team across whatever WZ you're in and they don't even defend their objectives, they just nuke you in seconds then completely murder the next one. Sure, THEY probably laugh so hard over their brain-deprived half-human skills so much that they end up HOSPITALIZED, but that is just plain mean, stupid and outright ugly.


If premaking for regular PvP wasn't possible, know a lot of people would quit because they could no longer guarantee a yawnable win while deleting the entire opposing team - the Reps on Progenitor pretty much RELY on their premades to win. Without it, it is mostly 50/50 win for either team no matter the side, but Repside honestly ABUSES it. Had there been a limit to how much premade a player or a faction could do, Reps would be locked out by now, permanently. THAT is how pathetically bad it's become.


I know this will NEVER be fixed by BioWare, and frankly, I kinda don't want it to be fixed, but at the same time I want it too. I've sadly ended up LAUGHING MY A HOLE OFF more and more, since there is almost nothing I can do except run in to the premades and die within... oh, say 1-3 seconds, unless they permanently stun me watching my resolve bar being full but having no relevant effect. Its so pathetic the way they do it I laugh at it, and at myself dying thinking "Why do I even consider trying against this terrible joke of a team?" Sure, I am quite sure good teamwork is being done by them too, but still, does not excuse LIVING on premades just for the sake of erasing fun out of a game aspect. Bet they'd rage and try to get me banned if I could import mini nukes from Fallout and drop them endlessly on their spawn so they could never leave. That would be just as bad as them, if not worse, but if I did that just once, I'd regret it after most likely.


I guess I have a 'redundant, loser, pathetic, idiotic, SHOULD BE KILLED IN REAL LIFE FOR IT'- sense of fair play. At least a good chance of winning should be given... like 4-8 person premades should have a -% debuff to even it out. Like health and main stats recuded by 10% alone would make a big difference. They'd be forced to play carefully and would render then unable to steamroll anything in sight. I am surprised even the in-game warzones themselves have not been damaged by glitched walls and broken textures yet! Joking there guys, but if it was possible, it would've rendered every WZ unwalkable by now!


Thats what I have to say of the horrible joke that is premade abuse for PvP deletion of any opposition. Repside feels a lot worse than Impside right now! And Impside is supposed to be bad? REPS ARE THE BAD ONES in this case! At least on Prog. But any premade abusers should have the proper penalty attached to them! Or, pug groups should get a 10-20% boost to all their stats, I dunno. Vote on how you guys want to see it evened out.


DanRagr47 signing off.


EDIT: I guess all this is 100% irrelevant when it comes to PvP servers, there I think it is supposed to be filled with steamroll teams nuking everything in sight. and should remain that way as well as far as I know, I don't play PvP that much, otherwise I'd not be on an RP server now, would I?


There are far more imp premades on Prog, than rep. And always have been.


Imps have always dominated on prog.

And whenever a hardcore pvp guild popped up on rep side, they all just queue dodged each other and continued farming pugs.


Even a "ranked PUG initiative" a year or two ago (which goal was to queue rep PUGs against each other so rep players could gear to stand a chance against the huge gear cap between reps and imps), was only destroyed by imps logging on rep alts, completely destroying the purpose of the whole thing.

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Here's the real question. I'm assuming enough folks are on at a time that both factions have premades and randoms queuing at the same time right? If premades were forced to fight other premades, and randoms against other randoms, wouldn't this problem be significantly reduced?
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This whole debate amazes me. What's obvious is that a team that plays together a lot, and probably has VoIP working for them as well will most likely always beat a group of random strangers, who cannot communicate as effectively.


Don't fault the teams for being, well... teams.


I understand you want to grouse about the queuing system that always the two ("premades" and "random's") to meet, but this is what Bioware gave us. You just have to accept it. Fight and die, and repeat. Or go dance in the corner. Or quit the war zone. This is the way it's been from the beginning.


I seriously doubt it will ever change.

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Wait wait, people are still mad that a group of friends are playing together and winning?


Sorry that they are better than you, but you should join them or make your own group of friends.




Actually, I'm tried of these premades beating up on poor NPC's in many operations found in the game. Its unacceptable. You not only kill them, but then you steal all their stuff. Then you get mad when they find a way to beat you.


Groups of friends should NOT be allowed to play together, its unfair to everyone on the receiving end!:mon_trap:

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Having started PvP'ing again lately, I have to say, I am amazed at how unevenly roles are distributed in same faction warzones. Most matches I play are Imp vs Imp, and I just can't fathom why the matchmaking algorithm would put all the tanks and healers on the same side. (Rep vs Rep matches, on the other hand, are always full of healers on both sides.)


Just today in 2 VS Imp vs Imp matches, the opposing team had 3 healers and 2 tanks, whlist our team had 8 DPS. It didn't look like as if the enemy team was made up of premades, so why on earth would they put all the tanks and heals on the same side? And it's not some isolated incident, I have observed this many, many times during the past 3 or so weeks.


Unless your team is made up of amazing DPS - which it usually isn't - the result of the match is already a forgone conclusion. Maybe part of the problem stems from the fact that sometimes your team gets no healers due to bad matchmaking, when most premade teams include at least one healer?

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I understand you want to grouse about the queuing system that always the two ("premades" and "random's") to meet, but this is what Bioware gave us. You just have to accept it. Fight and die, and repeat. Or go dance in the corner. Or quit the war zone. This is the way it's been from the beginning.


I seriously doubt it will ever change.


Simple. Have a separate Solo Queue for Unranked like they do Ranked. Problem Solved.

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